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释义 | 这是一部关于好莱坞传奇制片人罗伯特·伊万斯(Robert Evans)的传记片。1956年,英俊潇洒的罗伯特在比弗利山庄的泳池派对上大出风头,从而吸引了著名女星瑙玛·希拉的目光,后者随即提供机会让其在一部电影中出镜。经历过短暂的演员生涯后,罗伯特迅速转向制片领域。 基本信息导演: Nanette Burstein 布瑞特·摩根 Brett Morgen 编剧: Robert Evans 布瑞特·摩根 Brett Morgen 影片类型: 纪录片/传记 片长: 93 min 国家/地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 色彩: 彩色 幅面: 35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统 混音: 杜比数码环绕声 评级: Rated R for language and some brief violent and sexual images. 级别: Australia:M Sweden:11 Spain:13 USA:R Brazil:12 New Zealand:M 版权所有: Woodland Pictures, LLC, 2002 (on print) 摄影机: Panavision Cameras and Lenses 摄制格式: 35 mm (Kodak) 洗印格式: 35 mm 演职员表导演 Director: Nanette Burstein 布瑞特·摩根 Brett Morgen 编剧 Writer: Robert Evans ....(book) 布瑞特·摩根 Brett Morgen ....(adaptation) 演员 Actor: Robert Evans ....Himself - Narrator (also archive footage) 埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert ....Himself (archive footage) William Castle ....Himself (archive footage) (as Bill Castle) 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola ....Himself (archive footage) 凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve ....Herself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage) Josh Evans ....Himself - Robert's son (archive footage) (as Joshua Evans) 埃尔罗·弗林 Errol Flynn ....Himself (archive footage) 艾娃·加德纳 Ava Gardner ....Herself (archive footage) 厄纳斯特·海明威 Ernest Hemingway ....Himself (archive footage) Henry Kissinger ....Himself (archive footage) 杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson ....Himself (archive footage) 泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power ....Himself (archive footage) Roy Radin ....Himself - Murdered acquaintance of Evans (archive footage) Irving Thalberg ....Himself (archive footage) Darryl F. Zanuck ....Himself (archive footage) Steve Allen ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) Carol Burnett ....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited) 卡罗尔·钱宁 Carol Channing ....Herself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage) (uncredited) 詹姆斯·柯本 James Coburn ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 安吉·迪金森 Angie Dickinson ....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited) Peter Falk ....Himself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage) (uncredited) 理查·基尔 Richard Gere ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 鲍勃·霍普 Bob Hope ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 保罗·纽曼 Paul Newman ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 理查德·尼克松 Richard Nixon ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 弗兰克·辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 凯瑟琳·特纳 Kathleen Turner ....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited) 拉蔻儿·薇芝 Raquel Welch ....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited) 理查德·威德马克 Richard Widmark ....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited) 制作人 Produced by: Nanette Burstein ....producer Graydon Carter ....producer Kate Driver ....co-producer Chris Garrett ....co-producer Christopher J. Keene ....associate producer Sara Marks ....co-producer 布瑞特·摩根 Brett Morgen ....producer Jordan Roberts ....line producer: Los Angeles Sally Roy ....line producer 上映日期美国 USA 2002年1月18日......(Sundance Film Festival) 法国 France 2002年5月18日......(Cannes Film Festival) 美国 USA 2002年7月26日......(limited) 挪威 Norway 2002年8月22日......(Norwegian International Film Festival) 挪威 Norway 2002年11月15日......(Oslo International Film Festival) 瑞典 Sweden 2003年2月1日......(Gothenburg Film Festival) 英国 UK 2003年2月7日 瑞典 Sweden 2003年2月7日 澳大利亚 Australia 2003年2月27日 荷兰 Netherlands 2003年3月20日 丹麦 Denmark 2003年4月11日 比利时 Belgium 2003年5月21日 日本 Japan 2003年9月20日 以色列 Israel 2003年11月13日 西班牙 Spain 2004年1月23日 希腊 Greece 2004年9月3日 剧情34岁时,毫无制片经验的罗伯特,当上了派拉蒙制作部的主管。他在任期内,负责了许多重要影片的制作,包括《教父》、《罗斯玛丽的婴儿》、《唐人街》等等。直到80年代初期,罗伯特开始走下坡路,婚姻失败与毒品丑闻让他此后一度在好莱坞销声匿迹。但九十年代初罗伯特又重回电影圈,并随后出版自传震撼了整个好莱坞。 本片就是改编自他的自传,通过那些旧日的影像,以及对相关影星的采访,重新整理了罗伯特耐人寻味又引人入胜的一生。 幕后/花絮一句话评论: The Story Of A Man Who Seduced Hollywood. Success. Scandal. Sex. Tragedy. Infamy. And that's just the first reel... 制作发行制作公司: 1.Highway Films 2.Ministry of Propaganda Films[美国] 3.Woodland Pictures LLC[美国] 发行公司: 1.Amuse Pictures Inc.[日本] 2.Europa Filmes[巴西](2004) (Brazil) (DVD) 3.焦点电影公司[美国](2004) (Brazil) (VHS) 4.MCA/Universal Pictures[美国](2002) (USA) (TV) 5.Madman Entertainment Pty. Ltd.[澳大利亚](2004) (Australia) (DVD) 6.Mars Distribution[法国](2006) (France) (theatrical) 7.Playtime S.A.[希腊](2004) (Greece) (theatrical) 8.Svensk Filmindustri (SF) AB[瑞典](2004) (Greece) (theatrical) 9.USA Films[美国](2004) (Greece) (theatrical) 10.United King Films[以色列](Israel) 11.Vértigo Films S.L.[西班牙](Spain) 特技制作公司: 1.Definition[美国](visual and digital finishing) 2.Edgeworx[美国](visual effects) 3.Riot Manhattan[美国](visual effects compositing) 4.The Attik(additional design and effects) (as Attik) 其他公司: 1.ABC News Video Source[美国]archival footage and photographs (as ABCNews Videosource) 2.ABC News[美国]archival footage and photographs 3.AON/Albert G. Ruben Insurance Services Inc.[美国]insurance provided by (as AON/Albert G. Ruben Insurance) 4.Alex Berliner Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 5.American Film Institute (AFI)[美国]archival footage and photographs 6.Archive Films by Getty Images[美国]archival footage and photographs 7.Audio Plus Video International[美国]telecine transfers 8.Avon Rent-a-Car and Truck[美国]truck rental 9.Bicycle Music Company[美国]music clearances (as Bicycle Music) 10.博伟国际[美国]footage: "Popeye" also courtesy of 11.CBS Enterprises[美国]archive footage: The Mike Douglas Show 12.CBS News Archives[美国]archival footage and photographs 13.Camtec Motion Picture Camera Rentals[美国]camera accessories 14.Canal+ Droits Audiovisuels[法国]footage: "Serpico" also courtesy of 15.Chadwick McQueen & The Terry McQueen Testamentary Trust[美国]archival footage and photographs: Steve McQueen® (www.SteveMcQueen.com) licensed by 16.Chapman/Leonard Studio Equipment[美国]dollies and tracks 17.Coffey Sound[美国]voices (as Coffey Sound Services) 18.哥伦比亚影片公司[美国]footage: "Serpico" also courtesy of 19.Corbis Corporation[美国]archival footage and photographs 20.Creative Groupadditional digital services (as Creative Group Inc.) 21.Cyril Maitland Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 22.David Steen Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 23.Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, NY[美国]archival footage and photographs 24.Dick Clark Media Archives[美国]archival footage and photographs 25.Dr. Rawstock[美国]film stock 26.Du Art Film and Video[美国]tape-to-tape color correction (as Duart Film and Video) 27.Dumb Luck Lighting[美国]grip and electric equipment 28.EMI Music Publishing Ltd.[英国]music clearances 29.Endeavor Agency[美国]thanks 30.Entertainment Partners Inc.[美国]production payroll services (as Entertainment Partners Services Group) 31.Entertainment Post[美国]telecine transfers 32.Famous Music Company[美国]music clearances 33.Fox Movietone News[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Fox Movietonews, Inc.) 34.Globe Photos Inc.[美国]archival footage and photographs 35.Grinberg Film Libraries[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Grinberg Film Libraries Inc.) 36.Grubman, Indursky & Schindler[美国]music clearances (as Grubman, Indursky & Schindler Inc.) 37.Hans Custom Optik Inc.[美国]eyewear: Mr. Evans 38.Harper Collins Publishers[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Avon Books, a Division of Harpercollins Publishers) 39.High Technology Video (HTV)[美国]telecine transfers (as HTV) 40.Historic Films Archive LLC[美国]archival footage and photographs 41.Hollywood Newsreel Syndicate[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Hollywood Newsreel Syndicate Inc.) 42.Hulton Archive[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Hulton/Archive by Getty Images) 43.ITN Archive[英国]archival footage and photographs 44.J.F.A. Inc.[美国]accounting services 45.Julian Wasser Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 46.KABC Los Angeles[美国]archival footage and photographs 47.KCBS Los Angeles[美国]archival footage and photographs 48.KNBC Los Angeles[美国]archival footage and photographs 49.KTTV News for Television Stations Inc.[美国]archival footage and photographs 50.Leonetti Company[美国]grip and electric equipment 51.Little Bear Productions[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Little Bear Prods.) 52.Lori's Kitchen[美国]catering 53.Louis Wolfson II Media History Center[美国]archival footage and photographs 54.MGM Clip + Still[美国]archive footage: "The Cotton Club" courtesy of 55.MacDonald and Associates[美国]archival footage and photographs 56.Max Aguilera-Hellweg Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 57.Michael Grecco Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 58.Mizmo Enterprises[美国]music clearances 59.Motion Picture Information Services[美国]copyright research 60.NBC News Archives[美国]archival footage and photographs 61.New Millennium Audio[美国]audio: "The Kid Stays In the Picture" audio book courtesy of 62.New York Postarchival footage and photographs (as The New York Post) 63.Out Of Frame Production Rentals[美国]expendables 64.Panavision Remote Systems[美国]remote cranes and heads 65.Paramount Music[美国]music clearances 66.派拉蒙影业公司[美国]clips and stills: Paramount properties 67.Paranoid Projects Inc.[美国]sound design services 68.Pathé Archives[法国]archival footage and photographs (as Pathé Archives, France) 69.Peer Music[美国]music clearances 70.Peter C. Borsari Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 71.Peter Sorel Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 72.Photo Fest[美国]archival footage and photographs (as Photofest) 73.Primal Scream[美国]adr facility 74.Producer's Library Service[美国]archival footage and photographs 75.R&H Film Music[美国]music clearances 76.Research Video[美国]archival footage and photographs 77.Rick Spalla Video Productions[美国]archival footage and photographs 78.Ron Galella Ltd.[美国]archival footage and photographs 79.Rona Barrett's Hollywood[美国]archival footage and photographs 80.SMA Realtime[美国]telecine transfers 81.Sloss Law Office P.C.[美国]legal services provided by (as Sloss Law Office LLP) 82.Sony Music Publishingmusic clearances 83.Sound One[美国]sound mixed at (as Sound One Studios) 84.Swiss Effects[瑞士]HDTV to film recording 85.The Beverly Hills Hotel[美国]location courtesy of 86.The Boston Globe[美国]archival footage and photographs 87.The City of Beverly Hills[美国]location courtesy of 88.The Get High on Yourself Foundation[美国]archival footage and photographs 89.The Hearst Corporation[美国]archival footage and photographs: The Los Angeles Herald Examiner courtesy of 90.The Hollywood Film Registry[美国]archival footage and photographs 91.The Hollywood Foreign Press[美国]archival footage and photographs: 1975 Golden Globe Awards courtesy of (as Hollywood Foreign Press Association) 92.The Hollywood Reporter[美国]archival footage and photographs 93.The Image Book by Getty Images[美国]archival footage and photographs 94.The Los Angeles Times Syndicate[美国]archival footage and photographs: The Los Angeles Herald Examiner courtesy of 95.The New York Times[美国]archival footage and photographs (as The New York Time ©1974 Newsday Inc.) 96.The Rio Collection[美国]wardrobe: Mr. Evans 97.Timepix[美国]archival footage and photographs 98.Todd-AO Hollywood[美国]telecine transfers 99.Tom Wargacki Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 100.Turner Entertainment[美国]footage: "The Fearless Vampire Killers" also courtesy of (as Turner Entertainment Co.) 101.Twentieth Century Fox Archive[美国]footage: "The Kiss of Death", "The Sun Also Rises" and "The Fiend Who Walked the West" courtesy of (as Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation) 102.Universal Music Enterprises[美国]music clearances 103.Universal Music Publishing[美国]music clearances 104.Universal Newsreel[美国]archival footage and photographs 105.Universal Studios Licensing Inc.[美国]archival footage and photographs 106.Variety[美国]archival footage and photographs 107.WPA Film Library[美国]archival footage and photographs (as The WPA Film Library) 108.华纳兄弟公司[美国]archival footage and photographs: "Finian's Rainbow", "The Fearless Vampire Killers", "The Getaway", "The Rain People" and "You're a Big Boy Now" courtesy of 109.Warner/Chappell Music[美国]music clearances (as Warner/Chappell Music Publishing) 110.Weems Music[美国]music clearances 111.Wide World Photos Inc.[美国]archival footage and photographs (as AP/Wide World Photos) 112.William Claxton Photography[美国]archival footage and photographs 113.Williamson Music Inc.[美国]music clearances (as Williamson Music) 官方网站官方网站:http://www.kidstaysinthepicture.com/ 关于影片华纳2002的影片,2003年刚刚发行DVD,获得奥斯卡最佳记录片、美国广播影评协会奖和第45届格莱美奖,磨码一区DECSS,英语DD5.1,可变1.85:1,字幕很好。本片的主人翁罗伯特·艾文斯(Robert Evans),是好莱坞上个世纪六、七十年代的传奇人物。三十四岁全无经验,却凭一张俊脸和绝顶交际手腕,当上派拉蒙电影公司的制作部总裁。之后他监制过《爱情故事》、《教父》和《唐人街》等经典巨制,改变了上世纪七十年代整个好莱坞的电影潮流。 |
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