

词条 龚刚



浙江杭州人,1971年生。现为澳门大学中文系博士生导师(PhD Supervisor)、副教授(Associate Professor),天津师范大学校聘客座教授,纽约大学访问研究员。清华大学哲学系博士后,北京大学比较文学博士。澳门中国比较文学学会理事长,《澳门人文学刊》主编,《南风窗》、《市民》专栏作家。




上海郊县人,1983年获上海海运学院学士学位,1986年获硕士学位,后赴美就读于美国New School University,1998年获博士学位。毕业后曾在上海海运学院、南非约翰内斯堡国家经济政策研究所(NIEP)、美国新学院大学、美国纽约大学、德国Bielefeld大学实证宏观研究中心,2002年归国在清华大学经济管理学院任教,2005年9月至2006年8月在荷兰Leiden大学任Philips客座教授。2007年加盟南开,现为南开大学经济学院经济学系教授、博士生导师。所教课程 : 宏观经济学,金融工程,微观经济学,计量经济学,数理经济学。

他还是journal of Macroeconomics、Metroeconomic等著名国际杂志评审人(referee)。研究方向为非线性动态宏观经济学,金融市场和宏观经济的相互作用,随机动态规划,经济学和金融学的可计算方法,美国、欧洲和亚洲经济的比较等,在被SSI和SCI等检索的国际学术期刊上发表论文十多篇,并合著有两本英文专著:The Force of Economic Growth(2005年3月由Princeton University Press出版)和Stochastic Dynamic Macroeconomics(2006年1月由Oxford University Press出版)。


国际学术杂志Metroeconomica顾问委员会成员(Member on Advisory Board


德国Bielefeld大学Center for Empirical Macroeconomics (CEM)兼职研究员;





2、Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2006): Stochastic Dynamic Macroeconomics: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Oxford University Press.

3、Greiner, Alfred; Semmler, Willi and Gong, Gang (2005): The Forces of Economic Growth: A Time Series Perspectives, Princeton University Press.






4、龚刚(2009):回归哈罗德—发展中国家的增长与波动,《世界经济》, 2009年第4期。


6、Chen, Pu; Gong, Gang; Rezai, Armon; Semmler, Willi (2008): Productivity Shocks in the Short and Long Run: An Intertemporal Model and Estiamtion, Investigacon Economica, Vol. LXVII, 39-61 (SSCI).

7、Gong, Gang and Lin, Justin Yifu (2008): Deflationary Expansion, an Overshooting Perspective to the Recent Business Cycles in China, China Economic Review, Vol. 19, 1-17(SSCI).

8、Gong, Gang and Gao, Jian (2008): Monetary Policy under Fixed Exchange Regime: a Study on the Future Monetary Policy in China, Frontiers of Economics in China, Vol. 3(2), 169-208.

9、Semmler, Willi; Gong, Gang (2008): Keynes and Modern Macroeconomics, METU Studies in Development, Vol. 35, 29-60.







16、Ernst, Ekkehard; Gong, Gang; Semmler, Willi and Bukeviciute, Lina (2006): Quantifying the Impact of Structural Reform, European Central Bank Working Paper Series, No. 666.

17、Gong, Gang (2006): Endogenous Technical Change: An Evolution from Process Innovation to Product Innovation, in Time and Space in Economics, edited by T. Asada and T. Ishikawa, Tokyo: Springer Verlag.

18、Flaschel, Peter; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2006) Monetary Policy, the Labor Market and the Exchange Regimes: A Study of the German Economy, in Monetary Policy and Unemployment: U. S., Euro-area and Japan: Proceedings from the Conference in Honor of James Tobin, edited by Willi Semmler, New York: Routledge


20、Gong, Gang (2005): Modeling Stabilization Policy in a Financially Unstable Economy, Metroeconomic, 2005,Vol. 56, 281 – 304.


22、Gong, Gang; Greiner, Alfred and Semmler, Willi (2004): The Uzawa-Lucas Model without Scale Effects: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2004, Vol. 15, 401 – 420.

23、Gong, Gang; Greiner, Alfred and Semmler, Willi (2004): Endogenous Growth: Estimating the Romer Model for the U.S. and Germany, OxfordBulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2004, Vol.66, 147 – 164(SSCI).

24、Greiner, Alfred; Semmler, Willi and Gong, Gang (2004): Estimating an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital and Government Borrowing, Computational Economics, Vol.23, 21 – 44 (SSCI)

25、龚刚(2004): 实际商业周期:理论,检验与争议,《经济学季刊》,2004年, 第3卷,786-802。

26、龚刚(2004): 国有企业改革的根本出路在于干部体制的改革,《经济体制改革》,2004年增刊,80-81。

27、Chiarella, Carl; Flaschel, Peter; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2003): Nonlinear Phillips Curve, Complex Dynamics and Monetary Policy in a Keynesian Macro Model, Chaos, Solutions and Fractals, Vol. 18, 613 – 634 (SSCI)。

28、Asada, Toichiro; Flaschel, Peter; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2003): Monetary Policy, Currency Unions and Open Economy Macrodynamics, Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society, 2003, Vol. 10, 1 – 38.

29、龚刚,Willi Semmler (2003): 非均衡劳动力市场的真实经济周期,《经济学季刊》,第2卷,591-604。

30、龚刚,聂晶(2003): 资源约束下的投资优化模型,《数理统计与管理》,2003年增刊,56-61。



33、Flaschel, Peter; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2003): A Keynesian based Econometric Framework for Studying Monetary Policy Rules, in Modelling and Control of Economic Systems: Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control of Economic Systems, edited by Reinhard Neck, Elsevier.

34、Flaschel, Peter; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2002): A Macroeconometric Study on Monetary Policy Rule, Geman and EMU, Jahrbuch fur Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Vol.53, 1 – 31.

35、Gong, Gang; Greiner, Alfred and Semmler, Willi (2001): Growth Effects of Fiscal Policy and Debt Sustainability in the EU,Empirica, Vol.28, 3 – 19

36、Gong, Gang (2001): Irregular Growth with Excess Capacity,” Metroeconomic, Vol.52, 428 – 448

37、Flaschel, Peter; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2001): A Keynesian Econometric Framework for Studying Monetary Policy Rules,” co-authored with Peter Flaschel and 38、Willi Semmler, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.46, 101 – 136 (SSCI).

39、Lettau, Martin; Gong, Gang and Semmler, Willi (2001): Statistical Estimation and Moment Evaluation of a Stochastic Growth Model with Asset Market, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.44, 85 – 103 (SSCI)

40、Gong, Gang; Greiner, Alfred; Semmler, Willi and Rubert, Jens (2001): Economic Growth in the U.S. and European: the Role of Knowledge, Human Capital and Inventions, in Essays on Growth, Labor Markets, and European Integation in Honor of Michael Bolle, edited by Jurgen Gabriel and Michael Nuegart, Leske+Budrich, Opladen, 27–59.

41、Gong, Gang; Greiner, Alfred and Semmler, Willi (2000): Tragfahigkeit und Wachstumseffekte der Fiskalpolitik in der EU, in Staatsschulden am Ende?, edited by Reinhard Neck and Robert Halzmann, Manzsche Verlags, 95–111.

42、Semmler, Willi and Gong, Gang (1997): A Numerical Procedure to Estimate Real Business Cycle Models Using Simulated Annealing, in Computational Approaches to Economic Problems, edited by Hans Amman, Berc Rustem and Andy Whinston, Kluwer Inc.

43、Semmler, Willi and Gong, Gang (1996): Estimating Parameters in Real Business Cycle Models, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 30, 301 – 325 (SSCI)

44、邓永恒,庄巨忠,曲林迟,龚刚,宋炳良 (1989):港口投资社会效益的定量分析,《上海海运学院学报》,第1期。

45、龚刚 (1986):投资风险分析,《上海管理科学》,第1期。





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