词条 | 隔离区2:死亡航班 |
释义 | 基本信息中文片名:隔离区2:死亡航班/死亡直播2外文片名:Quarantine 2: Terminal 影片类型:惊悚/ 恐怖/ 悬疑/ 科幻 国家/地区:美国 对白语言:英语 制作成本:$6,000,000/estimated 上映时间:2011年 演职员表导演 John Pogue约翰伯格 编剧 John Pogue约翰伯格 主演: Josh Cooke....Henry Bre Blair....Paula Ignacio Serricchio....Ed Mercedes Masöhn....Jenny Sandra Ellis Lafferty....Louise Keith Allen Hayes....Airline Passenger Erin Smith....Nicca Tyler Kunkle....Hvorst Andrew Benator....Co-Pilot Willsy Phillip DeVona....Nial Noree Victoria....Shilah Michael L. Covington....Passenger Lamar Stewart....Preston Mattie Liptak....George George Back....Ralph Roger Herrera....Detective Julie Gribble....Susan Tom Thon....Doc Judd Lormand....Sylvester Lynn Cole....Bev John Curran....Captain Forrest Ken Melde....Detective (uncredited) 制作人: Sergio Aguero....producer Marc Bienstock....producer 道格·戴维森Doug Davison....producer Richard Goldberg....executive producer 罗伊·李Roy Lee....producer William B. Steakley....line producer 摄影 Matthew Irving 剪辑 William Yeh 选角导演 Jackie Burch Dominika Posserén Kelly Wagner 艺术指导 Hannah Beachler 美术设计 John Gorman 布景师 Daphne Hayes 服装设计 Sekinah Brown 视觉特效 Michael D. Leone 副导演/助理导演 Matti Klutz....second assistant director Brian Moon....first assistant director 制作/发行制作公司: Third Street Pictures[美国] 特技制作公司: Almost Human Inc.[美国] (makeup effects) 其他公司: Post Haste Soundsound post-production 影片介绍just learned that Lightning Entertainment has wrapped principal photography last week on Quarantine 2: Terminal. While Quarantinewas a pretty faithful remake of Rec, the sequel takes the survivors in a new direction from Rec 2- namely, up in the air. The official synopsis: 据刚刚收到的消息,闪电娱乐公司已经在上周已经完成了《隔离区2:死亡航班》的主要外景拍摄。虽然《隔离区》是一部纯粹翻拍《死亡录像(REC)》的影片,但是在续集中,电影将不再延续《死亡录像2》而转向一个新的发展方向——一个发生在飞机上的惊悚故事情节,下面是官方公布的简介: "In QUARANTINE, an apartment building in Los Angeles was quarantined by the CDC (Center for Disease Control), trapping the frightened residents inside as a deadly mutant virus turned the residents into rabid killers. QUARANTINE 2: TERMINAL picks up later that night at LAX, as passengers board a flight to Nashville. 在《隔离区》第一部中,一个在洛杉矶的公寓被CDC(疾病控制中心)所隔离。楼中受惊吓的被困居民因致命变异病毒而变成一个个疯狂的杀人者(丧尸)。而在续集《隔离区2:死亡航班》中,一架飞往纳什维尔,搭载着乘客的出境航班 将在那天晚些时候从洛杉矶起飞。 When a passenger becomes violently ill with a mysterious rabies-like virus, the plane makes an emergency landing at a large metropolitan airport. Jenny (Mercedes Masohn, CBS’s "Three Rivers"), a heroic yet inexperienced flight attendant, takes charge of the safety of her passengers. 突然一个乘客因神秘的狂犬病得了突发疾病,像一种未知的病毒。为此航班紧急迫降在一个大城市的机场。珍妮(Mercedes Masohn饰,CBS电视台 “生命之河”)一个初出茅庐,经验不足的英勇飞机乘务员,很快地意识到要保证机上每一个旅客的安全是她应尽的责任和义务。 Relieved when a swarm of heavily equipped emergency vehicles, ****** units and the CDC arrive, Jenny and the passengers soon discover that they have been quarantined and are now trapped. Desperate to escape, Jenny enlists the help of one of the surviving passengers, a kindergarten teacher, Henry (Josh Cooke, A Fork In The Road, I Love you Man), to devise a plan to survive." 令珍妮放心的是,一大批武装队伍和紧急救援车辆前来解围,**部队和CDC(疾病控制中心)人员也相继到达。但乘客和珍妮很快发现他们已经被隔离,被困在飞机上。珍妮想尽快脱离险境,于是四处求助,找寻还幸存下来的乘客——一个叫亨利(Josh Cooke饰,代表作品:《岔路口》《寻找伴郎》)的幼儿园教师。于是珍妮和亨利着手计划着一份缜密的逃跑计划。 John Pogue, writer of such films as the Rollerballremake, Ghost Ship, and The Skulls 1-3 will write and direct. 约翰伯格,作为影片《Rollerballremake》《幽灵船》《骷髅党1-3 季》的编剧将自编自导《隔离区:死亡航班》 "I was a big admirer of REC and the work that [John] Dowdles did on QUARANTINE, so I was thrilled when given the opportunity to write and direct the sequel", says Director John Pogue. "QUARANTINE 2: TERMINAL will expand the mythology behind the first film for fans and ramp up the twisted thrills, building on that universal fear of being trapped on an airplane." “我是《死亡录像》非常重视的崇拜者并很赞许约翰·埃里克·道达尔 (《隔离区》第一部导演)在《隔离区》中的精彩指导。所以,当我接到通知要指导、编写续集拍摄时,感到很激动”导演约翰伯格对记者说,“《隔离区2:死亡航班》将为影迷们 扩大第一部所取得的神话,使影片更具恐怖和惊悚,使每一个人害怕并感受到被困在飞机上的那种感觉。 Rob Hall (The Crazies, Quarantine) will provide special effects. More on the film as we hear it, but don't forget that Rec 2is in theaters right now! Quarantine is available on Netflix Instant as well, but it's definitely recommended that you watch the original first. 罗伯霍尔(《杀出狂人镇》,《隔离区》演职人员)将负责提供特效方面的处理。虽然我们了解了很多关于《隔离区2:死亡航班》的影片信息,但是也不要忘了抓紧到电影院看《死亡录像2》。《隔离区2:死亡航班》同时在 Netflix( 世界上最大的在线影片租赁提供商 )及时上映。但是我还是非常明确地向大家建议先看《隔离区》第一部,然后再来观看本片。 With REC2 fully moving away from viral zombies and going the demonic route, the news that the Americanized sequel would be departing from the Spanish version’s storywas welcome news. Bloody Disgustingreports that Quarantine 2 has now finished it’s principal photography and that it will be set in an airport where the passengers suffer ‘rabies like’ symptoms. 最新情况在最新上映的《死亡录像2》中,影片完全摒弃前一部的病毒僵尸题材,在第二部反而转型从而变成一部恶魔题材影片。有消息称,美国版的《隔离区2》将背离西班牙版的《死亡录像2》的发展路线,这将是一个非常受欢迎的消息 |
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