词条 | 格氏解剖学教学版 |
释义 | 作为特别为全球医学生打造的权威教科书,该书最鲜明的特色是注重解剖学知识的临床应用,将表面解剖学、诊断影像学、临床病例的学习融入解剖学基础知识的讲述中,充分体现了立足临床的编写理念。全书包含1000余幅原创高清示意图,并且同一结构在不同图片中使用相同颜色,使人体解剖结构的定位更加简明、清晰。与前一版相比,第2版更新并调整了“概论”、“腹部”等章节内容.既涵盖本领域最新进展。也使知识架构更加科学。超过100名全球知名学者组成了该书的国际顾问委员会,有效地保证了全书内容的准确性、先进性、易读性。 图书信息书 名: 格氏解剖学教学版 作 者:杜雷克(RichardL.Drake) 出版社: 北京大学医学出版社 出版时间: 2010年6月1日 ISBN: 9787811169218 开本: 16开 定价: 248.00元 作者简介编者:(美国)杜雷克(Richard L.Drake) (美国)A.Wayne Vogl (美国)Adam W.M.Mitchell 图书目录1 The body What is anatomy? How can gross anatomy be studied? Important anatomica,terms Imaging Diagnostic imaging techniqrues Nuclear medicine imaging Image interpretation Plain radiography Computed tomography Magnetic resonance imaging Nuclear medicine imaging Safety in imaging Body systems Skeletal system Cartilage Bone J0ints Skin and fascias Skin Fascia MUSCUlar sysfem Cardiovascular system Lymphatic system Lymphatic vessels Lymph nodes Lymphatic trunks and ducts Nervoussystem CentraI nervous system Functional subdivisions of the CNS Somatic part of the nervous systerm Viscer of part of the nervous systerm 0ther systems LnlCaI CaSeS 2 Back Conceptual overview General description Functions Support Movement Protection of the nervous system Component parts Bones Muscles Vertebral canal Spinal nerves Relationship to other regions Head Thorax,abdomen,and pelvis Limbs Key features Long vertebral column and short spinal cord Intervertebral foramina and spinal nerves Innervation of the back Regional anatomy Skeleta,framework Vertebrae Intervertebral foramina Posterior spaces between vertebral arches Joints Joints between vertebrae in the back Ligaments Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments Ligamenta flava Supraspinous ligament and ligamentum nuchae Interspinous ligaments Back musculature Superficial group of back muscles Intermediate group of back muscles Deep group of back muscles Suboccipital muscles Spinal cord Vasculature Meninges Arrangement of structures in the vertebral Canal Spinal nerves 5urtace anatomy Back surface anatomy Absence of lateral curvatures Primary and secondary curvatures in the sagittal plane Useful nonvertebraI skeletaIlandmarks How to identify specific vertebral spinous processes Visualizing the inferior ends of the spinal cord and subarachnoid space Identilying major muscles ClinicaI cases 3 Thorox Conceptual overview General description Functions Breathing Protection of vital organs Conduit Component parts Thoracic wall Superior thoracic aperture Inferior thoracic aperture Diaphragm Mediastinum PleuraI cavities Relationship to other regions Neck Upper limb Abdomen Breast Keyfeatures VertebralleveI TIV/V Venous shunts from left to right Segmental neurovascular supply of thoracic wall Sympathetic system Flexible wall and inferior thoracic aperture Innervation of the diaphragm Regional anatomy Pectoral region Breast Muscles of the pectoral region THoracic wall SkeletaI framework Intercostal spaces Diaphragm Venous drainage Innervation Movements of thethoracic wall and diaphragm during breathing Pleural cavities Pleura Lungs Mediastinum Middle mediastinum Superior mediastinum Posterior mediastinum Anterior mediastinum Surface anatomy Thorax surface anatomy How to count ribs Surface anatomy of the breast in women Visualizing structures at the TIV/V vertebral Ievel Visualizing structures in the superior mediastinum Visualizing the margins of the heart Where to Iisten for heart sounds Visualizing the pleural cavities and lungs,pleural recesses,and lunq Iobes and fissures Where to listen for lung sounds ClinicaI cases 4 Abdomen Conceptual overview General description Functions Houses and protects major viscera Breathing Changes in intra-abdominal pressure Component parts Wall Abdominal cavity Inferior thoracic aperture Diaphragm Pelvic inlet Relationship to other regions Thorax Pelvis Lower limb Keyfeatures Arrangement of abdominal viscera in the Adult Viscera Defining surface regions to which pain from the gut is referred Where to find the kidneys Where to find the spleen Clinical cases 5 Pelvis and perineum Conceptual overview General description Functions Contain and support bladderf rectum,anal canal,and reproductive tracts Anchors the roots of the externaI genitalia 408 Component parts Pelvic inlet Pelvic walls Pelvic outlet Pelvic floor Pelvic cavity Perineum Relationship to other regions Abdomen Lower limb Keyfeotures The pelvic cavity projects posteriorly Important structures cross the ureters in the pelvic cavity The prostate is anterior to rectum The perineum is innervated by sacral spinal cord segments Nerves are related to bone Parasympathetic innervation frOm spinal cord levels S2 to S4 controls erection Muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor and perineum intersect at the perineal body Gender determines the cou rse of the urethra Regional anatomy Pelvis Bones Joints 0rientation Gender difierences True pelvis Viscera Fascia Peritoneum Nerves Blood vessels Lymphatics Perineum Borders and ceiling Ischio-anal fossae and their anterior recesses Anal triangle Urogenital triangle Somatic nerves Visceral nerves Blood vessels Veins Lymphatics Surface anatomy Su rface anatomy of the pelvis and perineum Orientation of the pelvis and perineum in the anatomical position How to define the margins of the perineum Identification of structu res in the anal triangle Identification of structures in the u rogenital triangle of women Identification of structures in the urogenital triangle ofmen ClinicaI Cases 6 Lower limb Conceptual overview General introduction Function Support the body weight Locomotion Component parts Bones and joints Muscles Relationship to other regions Abdomen Pelvis Perineum Keypoints Innervation is by lumbar and sacral spinal Nerves Nerves related to bone Superficial veins Regional anatomy Bony pelvis ProximaI femur Hip joint Gateways to the lower Iimb Nerves Arteries Veins Lymphatics Deep fascia and the saphenous opening FemoraI triangle Gluteal region Muscles Nerves Arteries Veins Lymphatics Thigh Bones Muscles Arteries Veins Nerves Knee ioint Tibiofibular joint Popliteal fossa Leg Bones Joints Posterior compa rtment of leg Lateral compartment of leg Anterior compa rtment of leg _0at Bones Joints Tarsal tunnel,retinacula,and arrangement of major structu res at the ankle Arches of the foat Plantar aponeurosis Fibrous sheaths of toes Extensor hoods Intrinsic muscles Arteries Veins Nerves Surface anatomy Lower limb surface anatomy Avoiding the sciatic nerve Finding the femoral artery in the femoral triangle Identifying structu res around the knee Visualizing the contents of the popliteal fossa Finding the tarsal tunnel——the gateway to thefoot Identifying tendons around the ankle and in the foot …… 7 Upper limb 8 Head and neck |
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