词条 | 葛晓春 |
释义 | 葛晓春,1970年9月生,副教授,毕业于复旦大学,现为复旦大学生化系副教授,主要研究方向为生物化学与植物分子生物学。具体研究拟南芥及水稻抗病反应信号途径中相关蛋白质的功能,分离鉴定植物中与ADP核糖修饰作用相关的蛋白质;植物花发育过程中与育性相关的基因研究。 生平教育简历: 1987~1991 复旦大学生理与生物物理系 大学 1994~1997复旦大学生物化学系 硕士 1998~2001 复旦大学生物化学系 博士 工作简历: 1991~1994 复旦大学生理与生物物理系 助教 1994~1996 复旦大学生物化学系 助教 1996~2005 复旦大学生物化学系 讲师 2005~ 复旦大学生化系 副教授 博士生导师 2002.9~2002.12 作为校际交流学者赴比利时根特大学植物病理系进行研究工作 2003.8~2005.8 赴美国Donald Danforth Plant Science Center进行发育生物学及植物抗病的相关研究 科研简历: 1996-2000:参加国家863攀登项目"水稻基因组计划"的研究工作; 2001-2004:主持国家自然科学基金项目“非特异性脂质转移蛋白与生物膜脂质作用机理研究”; 2003-2004:主持复旦大学青年探索基金项目“拟南芥雄性不育株ask1突变体的靶向蛋白质降解研究”; 2004-2007:主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“非特异性脂质转移蛋白在细胞膜上的受体研究”; 2006-2008:主持上海市浦江人才计划项目“植物抗病反应新信号途径的探索”; 2007-2010:主持国家自然科学基金项目“ADP核糖在植物基础防卫反应中的作用探索”; 2007-2009:获教育部留学回国人员基金; 2008-2011:主持国家自然科学基金项目“发现和鉴定植物中的ADP核糖化修饰蛋白”。 代表性论文和专著代表性论文和专著: (*Corresponding author) 1. Xiaofeng Wang, Hai Wang, Yuanli Li, Kaiming Cao and Xiaochun Ge*. (2008) A rice lipid transfer protein binds to plasma proteinaceous sites. Mol. Biol. Rep. ( in press) 2. Xiaochun Ge*,Hai Wang and Kaiming Cao. (2008) Transformation by T-DNA causes highly sterile phenotype independent of transgenes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Rep. (Accepted) 3. Xiaochun Ge and Yiji Xia. (2008) The role of AtNUDT7, a Nudix hydrolase, in the plant defense response. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 3(2): 119-120 4. Xiaochun Ge, Guo-Jing Li, Sheng-Bing Wang, Huifen Zhu, Tong Zhu, Xun Wang, and Yiji Xia. (2007) AtNUDT7, a negative regulator of basal immunity in arabidopsis, modulates two distinct defense response pathways and is involved in maintaining redox homeostasis. Plant Physiol., 145: 204–215 5. Guodong Ren, Kun An, Yang Liao, Xiao Zhou, Yajun Cao, Huifang Zhao, Xiaochun Ge, and Benke Kuai. (2007) Identification of a Novel Chloroplast Protein AtNYE1 Regulating Chlorophyll Degradation during Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol., 144: 1429-1444 6. Xiaofeng Wang, Weimin Ni, Xiaochun Ge*, Jiejin Zhang, Hong Ma, Kaiming Cao. (2006) Proteomic identification of potential target proteins regulated by an ASK1-mediated proteolysis pathway. Cell Res., 16: 489~498. 7. Xiaochun Ge, Charles Dietrich, Michiyo Matsuno, Guojing Li, Howard Berg, Yiji Xia. (2005) An Arabidopsis aspartic protease functions as an anti-cell death component in reproduction and embryogenesis. EMBO Rep., 6(3):282~288 8. Xiaochun Ge*, Jichao Chen, Chongrong Sun and Kaiming Cao. (2003) Preliminary study on the structural basis of the antipathogen activity of a rice lipid transfer protein. Protein eng., 16(6): 387~390. 9. Xiaochun Ge*, Jichao Chen, Ning Li, Yi Lin, Chongrong Sun and Kaiming Cao. (2003) Resistance function of rice lipid transfer protein, LTP110. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol., 36(6):603~607 10. Xiaochun Ge*, Hui Zong, Shuxuan Zhan, Jichao Chen, Chongrong Sun, Kaiming Cao. (2002) Cloning and expression analysis of a human putative tumor supppressor gene homolog from rice. Acta Botanica Sinica,44(5):562~56 11. Xiaochun Ge*, Hui Zong, Jichao Chen, Wujian Yang, Kaiming Cao, Chongrong Sun. (2002) Isolation of a rice gene homologous to the human putative tumor suppressor gene. Chinese Rice Research Newsletter, 10(2):2~3 12. Xiaochun Ge*, Jichao Chen, Yi Lin, Chongrong Sun, Kaiming Cao. (2002) Expression, purification and function of rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein. Acta Biochemica Biophysica Sinica, 34(1):83~87. |
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