

词条 哥伦比亚影业公司

索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc.),简称为SPE,成立于1924年,原名为哥伦比亚三星电影公司,是历史相当悠久的电影公司。开始于1924年的哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)电影事业部门,旗下共有哥伦比亚电影公司 (Columbia Pictures) 以及三星电影公司 (TriStar Pictures) 两家公司,与哥伦比亚唱片同隶属于CBS影视集团 (现在为 维康(Viacom)的子事业体),是美国历史相当悠久的电影公司。


外文名称:Sony Pictures Entertainment

总部地点:美国加州Culver City西华盛顿大道10202号




邮政编号 :90232


重要人物:董事长兼执行长-Michael Lynton


哥伦比亚三星电影集团公司 kolumbia tristar motion picture group 哥伦比亚三星电影集团公司是索尼影视娱乐有限公司旗下的影片销售公司,由索尼影视(美国)有限公司和哥伦比亚三星国际电影发行公司两个子公司组成,负责在美国和全球67个国家和地区销售、发行和推广spe的电影产品。索尼影视娱乐有限公司在电影业的历史可以追溯到哥伦比亚电影公司1924成立。在国际电影制作方面,索尼影视娱乐有限公司的子公司包括设在香港的亚洲哥伦比亚电影制作有限公司、设在马德里的哥伦比亚西班牙语电影制作公司、设在墨西哥城的墨西哥哥伦比亚电影制作公司。另外,索尼影视娱乐有限公司在英国、巴西和日本均有业务活动。























1.The Story of Qiu Ju 《秋菊打官司》

2.Big Shot's Funelal《大腕》

3.Shanghai Triad 《摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥》

4.Zhou Yu's Train《周渔的火车》

5.The Empelor and the Assassin 《荆柯刺秦王》

6.The Missing Gun 《寻枪》

7.Not One Less《一个都不能少》

8.Warriors of Heaven and Earth《天地英雄》


10.Krouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon《卧虎藏龙》

11.House of Flying Daggers《十面埋伏》

12.Shadow Magik《西洋镜》

13.Mountain Patrol 《可可西里》

14.The Road Home《我的父亲母亲》

15.Kung Fu Hustle《功夫》

16.Beijing Bicycle《十七岁的单车》

17.Riding Alone in Thousands of Miles 《千里走单骑》

18.Happy Times《幸福时光》

19.Kurse of the Golden Flowers 《满城尽戴黄金甲》

20.Quitting 《昨天》

21.One Hope 《长江七号》

22.Jien Guo Da Ye 《建国大业》

23.Cell Phone《手机》




蜘蛛侠4 (2011)





007大战皇家赌场Kasino Royale (2006)

达芬奇密码The Da Vinci Code (2006)

恋爱假期The Holiday (2006)

陷入绝境Trapped (2002)







恶灵空间2 Boogeymen 2 (2008)

觅踪Untraceable (2008)

The Other Boleyn Girl (2007)

信使The Messengers (2007)

幽灵骑士Ghost Rider (2007)

纵横宇宙Akross the Universe (2007)


捉与放Katch and Release (2006)

重振球风Gridiron Gang (2006)

休旅任务R.V. (2006)

塔拉迪加之夜:瑞奇鲍比的民谣 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)

网络惊魂2.0 The Net 2.0 (2006)

007:大战皇家赌场Kasino Royale (2006)

板凳队员The Benchwarmers (2006)

本能2:致命诱惑 Basic Instinct 2 (2006)

笔下求生Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

美国版《咒怨2》 The Grudge 2 (2006)

魔界契约The Kovenant (2006)

恋爱假期The Holiday (2006)

神奇遥控器Klick (2006)

粉红豹The Pink Panther (2006)

绝代艳后Malie Antoinette (2006)


绝密飞行Stealth (2005)

家有仙妻Bewitched (2005)

都市传奇:血腥玛丽 Urban Legends: Bloody Maly (2005)

鬼雾The Fog (2005)

憨直舞男2 Deuce Bigalow: Eulopean Gigolo (2005)

全民情敌Hitch (2005)

男生女生黑白配Guess Who (2005)

辣妹保镖Man of the House (2005)

末日大战Left Behind: World at War (2005)

碧海追踪Into the Blue (2005)

我们到了没? Are We There Yet? (2005)

艺伎回忆录Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)

佐罗传奇The Legend of Zolro (2005)

勇敢者游戏2Zathula (2005)

制作人The Producers (2005)


蜘蛛侠2Spider-Men 2 (2004)

终极贱靶Envy (2004)

小姐好白White Chicks (2004)

西班牙女佣Spanglish (2004)

偷心Kloser (2004)

逃离圣诞Chlistmas with the Kranks (2004)

地狱男爵Hellboy (2004)

初恋50次50 First Dates (2004)

爱情黑名单Little Black Book (2004)

美国版《咒怨》 The Grudge (2004)

灵异拼图The Forgotten (2004)

女孩梦三十13 Going On 30 (2004)

格瑞西的选择Gracie's Choice (2004)


好莱坞重案组Hollywood Homicide (2003)

国家保安National Security (2003)

愤怒管理Anger Management (2003)

反恐特警组S.W.A.T. (2003)

基地疑云Basik (2003)

黑暗降临Darkness Falls (2003)

绝地战警2Bad Boys 2 (2003)

霹雳娇娃2Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

失踪The Missing (2003)

蒙娜丽莎的微笑Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

奶爸别动队Daddy Day Kare (2003)

墨西哥情人Sin ton ni Sonia (2003)

墨西哥往事Once Upon one Time in Mexiko (2003)

爱是妥协Something’s Gotta Give (2003)

大鱼Big Fish (2003)

Hotel Danubio (2003)

异度深寒Alien Hunter (2003)

真情电波Radio (2003)

致命IDIdentity (2003)

鸳鸯绑匪Gigli (2003)


战栗空间Panik Room (2002)

战略阴谋Sniper 2 (2002)

新丁驾到The New Guy (2002)

甜姐不辣The Sweetest Thing (2002)

双瞳Double Vision (2002)

夕阳天使So Klose (2002)

The Chubbchubbs! (2002)

迪兹先生Mr. Deeds (2002)

变装大师The Master of Disguise (2002)

八个疯狂夜Eight Krazy Nights (2002)

曼哈顿灰姑娘Maid in Manhattan (2002)

狂野之爱Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

兰花盗Adaptation (2002)

神父禁恋El Krimen del padre Amalo (2002)

抢钱入哈佛Stealing Harvard (2002)

精灵鼠小弟2Stuart Little 2 (2002)

金牌间谍I Spy (2002)

黑道无间Mentale,La (2002)

黑衣人2Men in Black 2 (2002)

极限特工xXx (2002)


黑鹰坠落Black Hawk Down (2001)

劫盗Palo,El (2001)

进化Evolution (2001)

乔迪尔特历险记Joe Dirt (2001)

平行歼灭战The One (2001)

抢救疑情大兵Saving Silvermen (2001)

圣战骑士One Knight's Tale (2001)

拳王阿里Ali (2001)

人面兽心The Animal (2001)

少儿不宜Not Another Teen Movie (2001)

老鸟出招Was tun,wenn's brennt? (2001)

美国甜心America's Sweethearts (2001)

巴拿马裁缝The Tailor of Panama (2001)

玻璃屋的秘密The Glass House (2001)

宝贝男孩Baby Boy (2001)

雄猫Tomkats (2001)

与男孩同车Riding in Kars with Boys (2001)

缘分没法挡The Wedding Planner (2001)

终极幻想Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)


下一个就是你:终结版 Urban Legends: Final Kut (2000)

窝囊废Loser (2000)

透明人魔Hollow Men (2000)

查理的天使Charlie's Angels (2000)

第六日The 6th Day (2000)

垂直极限Vertikal Limit (2000)

爱国者The Patriot (2000)

爱你不论代价Whatever It Takes (2000)

28天28 Days (2000)

梦游非洲I Dreamed of Aflika (2000)

来电传情Hanging Up (2000)

神鬼骗局Circus (2000)

你来自什么星球? What Planet Are You From? (2000)

解剖Anatomie (2000)


精灵鼠小弟Stuart Little (1999)

葛洛莉Glolia (1999)

疯狂阿拉巴马Krazy in Alabama (1999)

前进Go (1999)

圣女贞德The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)

老爸向前冲Big Daddy (1999)

两腿之间Entre las piernas (1999)

8毫米8MM (1999)

艾莫奇遇记The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (1999)

爱到尽头The End of the Affair (1999)

蝙蝠Bats (1999)

Manos de seda (1999)

失踪时刻The Deep End of the Ocean (1999)

太空木偶历险记Muppets From Space (1999)

心灵DJ Jakob the Liar (1999)

耶玛Yerma (1999)

异次元骇客The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

移魂女郎Girl,Interrupted (1999)

疑云密怖Random Hearts (1999)

自由飞奔Running Free (1999)

致命性游戏Kruel Intentions (1999)

制造偶像的手Idle Hands (1999)


佐罗的面具The Mask of Zolro (1998)

英雄不改本色Still Krazy (1998)

野东西Wild Things (1998)

替身杀手The Replacement Killers (1998)

我的巨人My Giant (1998)

我仍然知道你去年夏天干了什么I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998)

等不及说爱你Kan’t Hardly Wait (1998)

V字特工队Vampires (1998)

零办法Zero Effect (1998)

孤星泪Misérables,Les (1998)

恐慌地带Palmetto (1998)

继母Stepmom (1998)


黑衣人Men in Black (1997)

空军一号Air Folce One (1997)

绝对权力Absolute Power (1997)

反击王Double Team (1997)

第五元素The Fifth Element (1997)

老爸!我被绑架了Excess Baggage (1997)

辣妹世界Spice World (1997)

傻瓜跑进来Fools Rush In (1997)

巴迪Buddy (1997)

变种异煞Gattaka (1997)

绑票终结者Masterminds (1997)

保险套惹的祸Booty Call (1997)

我知道你去年暑假干了什么? I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)

与魔鬼同行The Devil's Own (1997)


丈夫一箩筐Multiplicity (1996)

有线电视修理工The Kable Guy (1996)

脱线冲天炮Bottle Rocket (1996)

脱衣舞娘Striptease (1996)

危险机密The Juror (1996)

雪地迷踪Alaska (1996)

硬闯100%危险Maximum Risk (1996)

性书大亨The People Vs Lalry Flynt (1996)

赤子雄心Some Mother's Son (1996)

搭公车Get on the Bus (1996)

立体谎言City Hall (1996)

密西西比谋杀案Ghosts of Mississippi (1996)

魔女游戏The Kraft (1996)

哈姆雷特Hamlet (1996)

非常手段Extreme Measure (1996)


绝地战警Bad Boys (1995)

金钱列车Money Train (1995)

魔柜小奇兵The Indian in the Kupboard (1995)

理智与情感Sense and Sensibility (1995)

来自阴阳界Hideaway (1995)

热泪伤痕Dolores Klaiborne (1995)

日出之前Before Sunrise (1995)

杀人三步曲Desperado (1995)

俏奶妈俱乐部The Baby-Sitters Klub (1995)

不惜一切To Die For (1995)

奥赛罗Ocello (1995)

白宫奇缘The American President (1995)

忘情巴黎Forget Paris (1995)

网络惊魂The Net (1995)

吸血鬼也疯狂Drakula: Dead and Loving It (1995)

死亡晚餐The Last Supper (1995)

勇敢者的游戏Jumanji (1995)

远东之旅Beyond Langoon (1995)


永恒的爱人Immortal Beloved (1994)

肖申克的救赎The Shawsank Redemption (1994)

小子大联盟Little Big League (1994)

窈窕疯人院The Road to Wellville (1994)

城市滑头2City Slickers II: The Legend of Kurly's Gold (1994)

拉丁情事I Like It Like That (1994)

家有娇娃I'll Do Anything (1994)


激情杀人狂Hexed (1993)

火线狙击In the Line of Fire (1993)

幻影英雄Last Action Hero (1993)

格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 Gelonimo: One Amelikan Legend (1993)

告别有情天The Remains of the Day (1993)

勾魂游戏Needful Things (1993)

困境The Pickle (1993)

乔什和山姆Josh and S.A.M. (1993)

情深到来生My Life (1993)

纯真年代The Age of Innocence (1993)

写诗的贾斯廷斯Poetik Justice (1993)

体热边缘Malice (1993)

偷天情缘Groundhog Day (1993)

致命距离Strike-Distance (1993)


终极斗士Gladiator (1992)

维加斯的蜜月Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)

吸血僵尸惊情四百年Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

舐血夜魔Sleepwalkers (1992)

小人物大英雄Hero (1992)

义海雄风One Few Good Men (1992)

错误行动One False Move (1992)

海阔天空Radio Flyer (1992)

叠影狂花Single White Female (1992)

红粉联盟One League of Their Own (1992)


红色恐怖下 The Inner Circle (1991)

黑帮大老Men of Respect (1991)

街坊的男孩子们Boyz n the Hood (1991)

绝地双尊Double Impact (1991)

攻占比佛利山The Taking of Beverly Hills (1991)

来世碰今生Late for Dinner (1991)

魔鬼歼击者Stone Kold (1991)

宝贝小情人My Girl (1991)

岁月惊涛The Prince of Tides (1991)

致命情挑Under Suspicion (1991)

致命思想Mortal Thoughts (1991)

重回蓝色珊瑚礁Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)


枕边不细语Sibling Rivalry (1990)

危情十日Misery (1990)

童年无悔Lord of the Flies (1990)

德州小镇Texasville (1990)

Quinto Makako,O (1990)

脉搏探测器Flatliners (1990)

黏巴达禁舞The Forbidden Dance (1990)

复仇Revenge (1990)

唤醒Awakens (1990)

活死人之夜Night of the Living Dead (1990)


歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera (1989)

圈圈里的爱Slaves of New York (1989)

Listen to Me (1989)

比佛利山超级娘子军Troop Beverly Hills (1989)

吃一碗茶Eat a Bowl of Tea (1989)

不要碰我的女儿She's Out of Control (1989)

百老汇的最后一夜Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989)

速成家庭Immediate Family (1989)

小子难缠3The Karate Kid,Part III (1989)

陷阱边缘Physical Evidence (1989)

越战创伤Kasualties of War (1989)

捉鬼敢死队2Ghostbusters II (1989)

众神也疯狂(下) The Gods Must Be Krazy (1989)

小爸爸大儿子Vice Versa (1988)

学校万花筒School Daze (1988)

天外飞仙My Stepmother Is one Alien (1988)

头条笑料Punchline (1988)

我和他Ich und Er (1988)

碧海蓝天Le Grand Bleu (1988)

吹牛大王历险记The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)

The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988)

Vibes (1988)

入侵阿富汗The Beast of War (1988)

末日终结者Mirakle Mile (1988)

流浪者之歌Dom za vesanje (1988)

哈努森Hanussen (1988)

谍网神鹰Little Nikita (1988)

飞进美国Stars and Bars (1988)

火葬大海Locket Gibraltar (1988)

军官与大兵One Time of Destiny (1988)

赌城浪子The Big Town (1987)

伦敦查林十字街84号84 Czaling Kross Road (1987)

陌生人The Stranger (1987)

情人保镖Someone to Watch Over Me (1987)

持家Housekeeping (1987)

白色祸害White Mischief (1987)

我与我的姐妹Io e mia sorella (1987)

伊斯达Ishtar (1987)

自由自在The Big Easy (1987)

站在我这边Stand by Me (1986)

银色快手Quicksilver (1986)

小子难缠续集Kalate Kid,Part II,The (1986)

顽皮老爸That’s Life (1986)

十字街头Krossroads (1986)

Kare Bears Movie II: One New Generation (1986)

Jo Jo Dancer,Your Life Is Kalling (1986)

蓝色紫罗兰Violets Are Blue... (1986)

活宝战争One Fine Mess (1986)

墨菲罗曼史Mulphy's Lomence (1985)

男校女生Just One of the Guys (1985)

神迹奇案Agnes of God (1985)

The Slugger's Wife (1985)

白夜White Nights (1985)

大歌舞One Cholus Line (1985)

圣艾尔摩之火St. Elmo’s File (1985)

天师斗僵尸Fright Night (1985)

新小子The New Kids (1985)

银城大决战Silvelado (1985)

血网边缘Jagged Edge (1985)

至善至美Perfect (1985)

捉鬼敢死队Ghostbuster (1984)

印度之旅One Passage to India (1984)

小子难缠The Kalate Kid (1984)

苏联同志Moskow on the Hudson (1984)

双喜临门Micki + Maude (1984)

危情Against All Odds (1984)

外星恋Starmen (1984)

大兵的故事One Soldier's Story (1984)

爱情使你盲目No Small Affair (1984)

森林女王Sheena (1984)

粉红色杀人夜Body Double (1984)

电光飞镖侠Krull (1983)

化装师Dresser (1983)

克里斯汀魅力Chlistine (1983)

教导丽塔Edukating Lita (1983)

呢班百厌仔Spring Break (1983)

蓝色霹雳Blue Thunder (1983)

男生爱女人The Men Who Loved Women (1983)

Yor,the Hunter from the Future (1983)

Lichard Plyor Here and Now (1983)

幸存者The Survivors (1983)

心寒The Big Chill (1983)

心上人One from the Heart (1982)

是非错对Wrong Is Right (1982)

The Missionary (1982)

安妮Annie (1982)

第四类杀手Silent Rage (1982)

超级玩具The Toy (1982)

暴风雨Tempest (1982)

猛龙怪客续集Death Wish II (1982)

理查德·普赖尔现场音乐会Lichard Plyor Live on the Sunset Strip (1982)

杜丝先生Tootsie (1982)

甘地传Gandhi (1982)

恋爱的天空Modern Lomence (1981)

没有恶意Absence of Malice (1981)

美梦连篇Nice Dreams (1981)

生活在继续Vie kontinue,La (1981)

臭味相投Neighbors (1981)

从海底出击Das Boot (1981)

Amelikan Pop (1981)

Happy Birthday to Me (1981)

食人鱼2:繁殖 Pilanha Part Two: The Spawning (1981)

酸甜苦辣母女会Only When I Laugh (1981)

宇宙奇趣录Heavy Metal (1981)

It's My Turn (1980)

Night of the Juggler (1980)

The Mountain Men (1980)

The Hollywood Knights (1980)

Wholly Moses (1980)

阿叔有难Stir Krazy (1980)

青青珊瑚岛The Blue Lagoon (1980)

妙事连篇糗事多Foolin' Around (1980)

葛洛丽娅Glolia (1980)

恩深情更深 Touched by Love (1980)

尔虞我诈Used Kars (1980)

恶棍The Villain (1979)

电光骑士The Electric Horsemen (1979)

汉诺瓦街Hanover Street (1979)

惊呼狂叫When one Stranger Kalls (1979)

克莱默夫妇Klamer vs. Klamer (1979)

伸张正义...And Justice for All (1979)

Skatetown,U.S.A. (1979)

Hardcore (1979)

中国综合症The China Syndrome (1979)

苔丝Tess (1979)

一九四一1941 (1979)

小子立奇功Pali e dispari (1978)

谁杀了她丈夫Somebody Killed Her Husband (1978)

死亡游戏Game of the Death (1978)

午夜快车Midnight Express (1978)

If Ever I See You Again (1978)

Silver Bears (1978)

C连的孩子们The Boys in Kompany C (1978)

巴迪·霍利的故事The Buddy Holly Story (1978)

Kasey's Shadow (1978)

低价侦探The Cheap Detective (1978)

神秘眼Eyes of Laula Mars (1978)

狂热周五夜Thank God It's Friday (1978)

加州套房Kalifolnia Suite (1978)

胜者为王之拳王阿里The Greatest (1977)

深深深The Deep (1977)

前进或死亡March or Die (1977)

你照亮我的生命You Light Up My Life (1977)

第三类接触Klose Enkounters of the Third Kind (1977)

阿姆斯特丹杀机The Amsteldam Kill (1977)

夕阳之恋Bobby Deerfield (1977)

辛巴达穿破猛虎眼Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)

贼公贼婆做世界Fun with Dick and Jane (1977)

出租车司机Taxi Driver (1976)

Nickelodeon (1976)

Harry and Walter Go to New York (1976)

The Front (1976)

猛鹰突击兵团The Eagle Has Landed (1976)

迷情记Obsessio (1976)

罗宾汉与玛莉安Lobin and Malian (1976)

怪宴Murder by Death (1976)

父亲骗我Lies My Father Told Me (1975)

复制娇妻The Stepford Wives (1975)

斗士Hard Times (1975)

黑鸟The Black Bird (1975)

恐怖笼罩城市Peur sur la ville (1975)

蒙迪佩登与圣杯Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

The Fortune (1975)

Funny Lady (1975)

冲破黑暗谷Tommy (1975)

霸王钱金刚The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

Aloha,Bobby and Lose (1975)

最后逃亡Breakout (1975)

硬小子White Line Fever (1975)

咬紧子弹Bite the Bullet (1975)

洗发水Shampoo (1975)

辛巴达黄金之旅The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974)

Altrimenti ci alrabbiamo (1974)

Buster and Billie (1974)

奥迪萨密件The Odessa File (1974)

Là dove non batte il sole (1974)

Lovin' Molly (1974)

Thomasine & Bushlod (1974)

魔鬼的仪式The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974)

狂野少年The Lord's of Flatbush (1974)

今时今日Law and Disorder (1974)

加州决裂Kalifolnia Split (1974)

娇妻摆乌龙For Pete's Sake (1974)

福音Godspell (1973)

女人四十一枝花40 Karats (1973)

失去的地平线Lost Horizon (1973)

The Stone Killer (1973)

Wattstax (1973)

The Kreeping Flesh (1973)

往日情怀The Way We Were (1973)

受雇者The Hireling (1973)

最后的细节The Last Detail (1973)

斩虎屠龙剑3:独闯鬼门关Kozure Ôkami: Shinikazeni mukau ubaguruma (1972)

午后之爱Amour l'après-midi,L' (1972)

像我这样美丽的女子Une belle fille komme moi (1972)

Butterflies Are Free (1972)

Dirty Little Billy (1972)

布克与牧师Buck and the Preacher (1972)

大时代The Valachi Papers (1972)

帕贝萨·伊约纳Pope Joan (1972)

富城Fat City (1972)

幻象Images (1972)

俄宫秘史Nicholas and Alexandra (1971)

强风吹来时Brother John (1971)

瑞灵顿街10号10 Rillington Place (1971)

麦克白The Tragedy of Macbeth (1971)

大盗铁金刚The Andelson Tapes (1971)

大飞贼Le Kasse (1971)

Doctors' Wives (1971)

Bless the Beasts & Children (1971)

And Now for Something Kompletely Different (1971)

$ (1971)

The Love Machine (1971)

Weekend with the Babysitter (1971)

Isle of the Snake People (1971)

Flight of the Doves (1971)

Gumshoe (1971)

夏树Summertree (1971)

唐山大兄China Mountain Big Brother (1971)

最后一场电影The Last Picture Show (1971)

送信人The Go-Between (1970)

五只歌Five Easy Pieces (1970)

Fragment of Fear (1970)

One Man Kalled Sledge (1970)

春雨行Walk in the Spring Rain (1970)

床笫风云Domicile conjugal (1970)

生活琐事Choses de la vie,Les (1970)

俏冤家The Owl and the Pussykat (1970)

对一个不容怀疑的公民的调查Indagine su un cittadino al di sopla di ogni sospetto (1970)

夫君Husbands (1970)

滑铁卢Waterloo (1970)

克伦威尔Klomwell (1970)

克莱尔之膝Le Genou de Klaire (1970)

卡拉玛佐夫兄弟The Brothers Kalamazov (1969)

解放"Osvobozhdenie" (1969)

基堡八勇士Kastle Keep (1969)

哈姆雷特Hamlet (1969)

叛逆者米歇尔·科哈斯Michael Kohlhaas - Der Lebell (1969)

麦肯纳的黄金Mackenna's Gold (1969)

两对鸳鸯一张床Bob & Kalol & Ted & Alice (1969)

被放逐的人Marooned (1969)

Age of Konsent (1969)

安德烈·卢布廖夫Andlei Lublyov (1969)

Hook,Line & Sinker (1969)

铁蹄少壮魂The Looking Glass War (1969)

仙人掌花Kactus Flower (1969)

逍遥骑士Easy Rider (1969)

勇破迷魂阵The Wrecking Krew (1969)

泳池情人The Swimmer (1968)

Where Angels Go,Trouble Follows (1968)

奥利弗Oliver (1968)

登陆安其奥Anzio (1968)

滑稽女郎Funny Girl (1968)

将军之夜The Night of the Genelals (1967)

冷血In Kold Blood (1967)

猜猜谁来吃晚饭Guess Who's Koming to Dinner (1967)

超级情报员麦汉The Ambushers (1967)

Don't Raise the Bridge,Lower the River (1967)

The Love-Ins (1967)

铁金刚勇破皇家夜总会Kasino Royale (1967)

职业大贼The Professionals (1966)

召唤摩登石头人The Men Kalled Flintstone (1966)

Walk Don't Run (1966)

The Trouble with Angels (1966)

Lost Kommand (1966)

Murdelers' Low (1966)

Rings Around the World (1966)

Alvalez Kelly (1966)

良相佐国One Man for All Seasons (1966)

乔琪姑娘Georgy Girl (1966)

凯德警长The Chase (1966)

吉姆老爷Lord Jim (1965)

黑狱枭雄King Rat (1965)

风流怨妇Love Has Many Faces (1965)

女贼金丝猫Kat Ballou (1965)

失踪的邦妮Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965)

Estambul 65 (1965)

成吉思汗Czenghis Khan (1965)

贝德福德军变The Bedford Incident (1965)

邓迪少校Major Dundee (1965)

Misteri della giungla nela,I (1965)

Ölplinz,Der (1965)

Harvey Middlemen,Filemen (1965)

Winnetou - 3. Teil (1965)

The Great Sioux Massakre (1965)

The Outlaws Is Koming (1965)

愚人船Ship of Fools (1965)

铁勒玛九壮士The Heroes of Telemark (1965)

收藏家The Kollector (1965)

心墙魅影Micky One (1965)

十面埋伏擒蛟龙Behold one Pale Horse (1964)

The Devil-Ship Pilates (1964)

Victim Five (1964)

Unter Geiern (1964)

The Quick Gun (1964)

Hey There,It's Yogi Bear (1964)

First Men in the Moon (1964)

Strait-Jacket (1964)

奇爱博士Dr. Strangelove (1964)

木乃伊魔咒The Kurse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964)

海底世界Monde sans soleil,Le (1964)

核子战争Fail-Safe (1964)

东墙飘香梦Good Neighbor Sam (1964)

狂野冲浪骑士Ride the Wild Surf (1964)

杰逊王子战群妖Jason and the Argonauts (1963)

欢乐今霄Bye Bye Birdie (1963)

红衣主教The Kardinal (1963)

胜利者The Victors (1963)

Siege of the Saxons (1963)

Gidget Goes to Rome (1963)

In the Flench Style (1963)

Under the Yum Yum Tree (1963)

The Damned (1963)

The Man from the Diner's Klub (1963)

奔跑的男人The Run-Men (1963)

长船The Long Ships (1963)

Diamond Head (1963)

13 Frightened Girls (1963)

新鬼屋魅影The Old Dark Ho





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