

词条 高尚行


高尚行(Stephen Shangxing Gao), 1964年生于中国山东。美国密苏里科技大学地球物理学教授。1984年毕业于山东海洋学院(今中国海洋大学)海洋地质系。1993及1995年分获洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(UCLA)地球物理与空间物理硕士及博士学位。主要研究方向为地球深部结构与地震时空分布。


1984-1989:华东石油学院(今中国石油大学) 勘探系助教

1990-1995:洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(UCLA)地球与空间科学系research assistant.

1995-1997:UCLA 地球与空间科学系博士后研究员。



1999-2004:堪萨斯州立大学 助理教授。

2004-2006: 堪萨斯州立大学(终身)副教授。




**Gao, S., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, P.D. Slack, Yu.A. Zorin, V.V. Mordvinova, V.M. Kozhevnikov, and R.P. Meyer (1994), Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow beneath the Baikal Rift Zone, Nature。

**Gao, S.S., P.G. Silver, A.T. Linde, and I.S. Sacks (2000), Annual Modulation of Triggered Seismicity Following the 1992 Landers Earthquake in California, Nature。

**Davis, P.M, J.L. Rubinstein, K.H. Liu, S.S. Gao, and L. Knopoff (2000), Northridge Earthquake Damage Caused by Geologic Focusing of Seismic Waves, Science。

**Gao, S., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, P. Slack, Y.A. Zorin, N.A. Logatchev, M. Kogan, P. Burkholder and R.P. Meyer (1994), Asymmetric upwarp of the Asthenosphere beneath the Baikal Rift zone, Siberia, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Liu, H., P.M. Davis, and S. Gao (1995), SKS Splitting Beneath Southern California, Geophysical Research Letters。

**Gao, S., H. Liu, P.M. Davis, and L. Knopoff (1996), Localized Amplification of Seismic Waves and Correlation with Damage due to the Northridge Earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America。

**Gao, S., P.M. Davis, H. Liu, P.D. Slack, A.W. Rigor, Yu.A. Zorin, V.V. Mordvinova, V.M. Kozhevnikov, and N. A. Logatchev (1997), SKS Splitting Beneath Continental Rift Zones, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Gao, S. (1997), A Bayesian Approach for the Calculation of Seismic Body-wave Attenuation Factors,Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America。

**Gao, S.S., P.G. Silver, and A.T. Linde (2000), A Comprehensive Analysis of Deformation Data at Parkfield, California: Detection of a Long-term Strain Transient, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Silver, P.G., S.S. Gao, K.H. Liu, and the Kaapvaal working group (2001), Mantle Deformation beneath Southern Africa, Geophysical Research Letters。

**Liu, K.H., and S.S. Gao (2001),Characterization of a Continuous, Very Narrowband Seismic Signal near 2.08 Hz, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America。

**Gao, S.S., P.G. Silver, and K.H. Liu (2002), Mantle Discontinuities Beneath Southern Africa, Geophysical Research Letters。

**Cao, A., and S.S. Gao (2002), Temporal variation of seismic b values beneath northeastern Japan island arc, Geophysical Research Letters。

.**Liu, K.H., S.S. Gao, P.G. Silver, and Y.K. Zhang (2003), Mantle layering across central South America,Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, P.M. Davis, P.D. Slack, Y. A. Zorin, V.V. Mordvinova, and V.M. Kozhevnikov (2003), Evidence for Small-Scale Mantle Convection in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Baikal Rift Zone, Journal of Geophysical Research。

.**Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, and C. Chen (2004), Significant crustal thinning beneath the Baikal rift zone: New constraints from receiver function analysis, Geophysical Research Letters。

**Silver, P.G., M. Fouch, S.S. Gao, M.D. Schmitz, and the Kaapvaal Seismic Group (2004), Seismic anisotropy, mantle fabric, and the magmatic evolution of Precambrian southern Africa, South Africa Journal of Geology。

**Liu, K.H, and S.S. Gao (2006), Mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Baikal rift and adjacent areas, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Zhao, D., J. Lei, T. Inoue, A. Yamada, and S. S. Gao (2006), Deep structure and origin of the Baikal rift zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 243。

**Nair, S. K., S. S. Gao, K. H. Liu, and P. G. Silver (2006), Southern African crustal evolution and composition: Constraints from receiver function studies, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Bridges, D.L., and S.S. Gao (2006), Spatial variation of seismic b-values beneath Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska, Earth and Planetary Science Letters。

**Liu, K. H., S. S. Gao, Y. Gao, and J. Wu (2008), Shear wave splitting and mantle flow associated with the deflected Pacific slab beneath northeast Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, R.J. Stern, G.R. Keller, J.P. Hogan, J. Pulliam, and E. Y. Anthony (2008), Characteristics of mantle fabrics beneath the south-central United States: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurement, Geosphere。

**Gao, S. S., and K. H. Liu (2009), Significant seismic anisotropy beneath the southern Lhasa Terrane, Tibetan Plateau, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems。

**Gao, S.S., K.H. Liu, and M.G. Abdelsalam (2010), Seismic anisotropy beneath the Afar Depression and adjacent areas: Implications for mantle flow, Journal of Geophysical Research。

**Liu, K. H., and S. S. Gao (2010), Spatial variations of crustal characteristics beneath the Hoggar swell, Algeria revealed by systematic analyses of receiver 发unctions from a single seismic station, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems。

.**Satsukawa, T., M. Michibayashi, E. Y. Anthony, R.J. Stern, S.S. Gao, and K. H. Liu (2011), Seismic anisotropy of the uppermost mantle beneath the Rio Grande rift: Evidence from Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths, New Mexico, Earth and Planetary Science Letters。

**Bridges, D., K. Mickus, S.S. Gao, M.G. Abdelsalam, and A. Alemu (2011), Magnetic stripes of a transitional continental rift in Afar, Geology。

**Wang, B.Z., S.S. Gao, and K.H. Liu (2011), High-accuracy practical spline-based 2D and 3D integral transformations in potential-field geophysics, Geophysical Prospecting。

**Liu, K.H. and S.S. Gao (2011), Estimation of the depth of anisotropy using spatial coherency of shear-wave splitting parameters, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America。

**Bashir, L., S. S. Gao, K. H. Liu, and K. Mickus (2011), Crustal structure and evolution beneath the Colorado Plateau and the southern Basin and Range Province: Results from receiver function and gravity studies G-cubed。

**Abdelsalam, M.G., S.S. Gao, and J.-P. Liegeois (2011), Upper mantle structure of the Saharan Metacraton,Journal of African Earth Sciences。





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