词条 | 高福 |
释义 | 1 中国科学院微生物研究所所长高福(George Fu Gao),英国牛津大学博士(DPhil (Oxon))。中国科学院微生物研究所所长,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院“百人计划”入选者。同名人物有内蒙古和林县大红城乡小缸房行政村党支部书记高福。 ◎ 主要履历及经历1979-1983 年 山西农业大学 学士 1983-1986 年 北京农业大学 硕士 1986-1991 年 北京农业大学 助教 / 讲师 1991-1994 年 英国牛津大学 博士 ( DPhil-Oxon )(师从 David H L Bishop, Ernest A Gould ) 1994 年(3个月) 加拿大 Calgary University 博士后(师从 Robert Bell ) 1995-1998 年 英国牛津大学 博士后(师从 John I bell, Andrew J McMichael, Bent K Jakobsen ) 1999-2001 年 美国哈佛大学 / 哈佛医学院 博士后(师从 Don C Wiley, Stephen C Harrison )(工作期间资助:英国 Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellow ) 2001-2004 年 英国牛津大学 讲师、博士生导师、 Group leader 2004 年 - 现在 中国科学院微生物研究所 所长、研究员、博士生导师 ◎ 主要承担课题1.科技部十五科技攻关项目 2.科学院百人计划项目 3.科学院院长基金 4.科学院知识创新方向性项目 5.科技部 973 项目首席科学家 6.北京市自然科学基金 ◎ 主要研究内容1. T 细胞受体( TCR )及其共受体 CD8 在细胞免疫识别过程中与其配体 peptide-MHC (peptide-HLA) 之间的相互作用机制。 2. 囊膜病毒侵入机体细胞过程中,病毒囊膜蛋白与细胞受体之间的相互作用。 3. 流感病毒、 SARS 病毒、 HIV 病毒、各类肝炎病毒等编码之蛋白质与宿主细胞之间的相互作用。 4. 多糖(尤其是中药多糖组分)参与天然免疫的分子机制 5. 其它蛋白质与蛋白质之间的相互作用 主要研究蛋白质 - 蛋白质之间的相互作用,尤其是有关分子免疫学与分子病毒学方面的蛋白质相互作用。 继人类基因组计划( HGP )完成之后,科学家们把注意力逐渐转移到蛋白质组学的研究上。解析蛋白质之间的相互作用对于阐明细胞乃至整个生命活动的分子机制具有举足轻重的意义。 在蛋白质相互作用过程中,蛋白质的不同构像变化起着十分重要的作用,这种不同构像的转换赋予了相同(指一级序列相同)的蛋白质以多种功能,这也就部分地解释了人类基因组完成后发现的基因数目( Open reading frame )远远的少于人们此前的预测。本实验室主要借助于多种蛋白质化学技术,生物物理技术(如 BIAcore SPR 分析,园二色等), X 射线衍射和 NMR 技术,酵母双杂交技术,体外大量制备蛋白质的技术以及各种细胞生物学技术等,开展相关研究。 在分子水平上, T 细胞的免疫识别包括了多种蛋白质与蛋白质之间的相互作用,其中包括 T 细胞与抗原递呈细胞之间表面受体与其配体之间的作用,以及其后参与细胞胞浆内信号传导的蛋白质之间的相互作用。近些年来发现, Toll-like 受体识别的是多糖,多糖与受体蛋白质之间的相互作用在机体天然免疫过程中也越来越显得重要。搞清楚这种相互作用,人们可以有意识地去干预免疫系统,从而增强(在免疫力低下的情况下)或降低(在免疫力病理性的过强时,如自身免疫病)免疫力,达到防病治病的目的。 病毒感染始于病毒侵入被感染的细胞中,在这一过程中,同样有多种蛋白质 - 蛋白质之间的相互作用,尤其是带囊膜的病毒, 囊膜蛋白与细胞表面的受体(蛋白质或其它物质)的相互作用改变了细胞脂质双层膜的稳定态,导致了病毒遗传物质的进入。在病毒致病过程中,病毒编码的蛋白质与宿主细胞内蛋白质之间的相互作用起着重要的作用,寻找病毒蛋白质相互作用的宿主蛋白将有助于阐明不同病毒引发的疾病的分子致病机制。研究这些蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用,有利于进一步研发阻断这一过程的活性物质,从而达到防病治病的目的。 ◎ 主要兼职中国农业大学兼职教授 武汉大学客座教授 军事医学科学院“病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室”学术委员会委员 亚洲生物资源中心联盟 副主席 《药物生物技术》杂志编委 中国生物工程学会常务副理事长 中华预防医学会理事 《中国病毒学》编委 首都医科大学传染病系学术委员会副主任 ◎ 获得荣誉中国科学技术协会首届“青年科技奖”获得者( 1988 年) 北京市科学技术协会“青年优秀论文奖”获得者( 1988 年) 中国微生物学会“青年优秀论文奖” 获得者( 1989 年) 英国文化委员会与中国国家教育委员会“中英友好奖学金” 获得者( 1991 年) 英国 Wellcome Trust “International Travelling Fellow” (1998 年 ) 国家自然科学基金委员会“海外青年学者合作研究基金”(杰出青年 B 类)获得者( 2002 年) 教育部“春晖计划”学术休假基金获得者( 2003 年) 中国科学院“百人计划”获得者( 2004 年) 973首席科学家( 2005年 ) 国家自然科学基金委员会“杰出青年科学基金”(A类)( 2005年 ) ◎ 专利1.system CD8 as an inhibitor of the cellular immune system, PCT/GB 98/03235 (1997) (with Gerth, U.C., Sewell, A.K., Bell , J.I. and Jakobsen, B.K.). 2.Soluble T cell receptor , PCT/GB 9810759.2 (1998) (with Willcox B.E., Boulter, J.M., Bell , J.I and Jakobsen, B.K.). 3.Heat-shock protein gp96 and HBV peptide complex used for HBV-induced hepatic carcinoma, PCT/CN01/00295 (2000) (with Meng, S.-D. and Tien, P.). 4.Potent peptide inhibitors for SARS coronavirus, 2003, China application No. (with Tien, P., Zhu, J., Xiao, G. & Zheng, C.). ◎ 主要论文Zheng Fan, Yue Zhuo, Xinyu Tan, Zhi Zhou, Jiangang Yuan, Boqin Qiang, Jinghua Yan, Xiaozhong Peng, George F. Gao*, 2006, SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein binds to hUbc9, a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme of the sumoylation system, Journal Medical Virology, 78:1365–1373 David K Cole*, Pierre J Rizhallah, Jonathan M Boulter, Malkit Sami, Anne-lise Vuidepot, Meir Glick, Feng Gao, John I Bell, Bent K Jakobsen*, George F Gao*, 2006, Computational design and crystal structure of an enhanced affinity mutant human CD8aa co-receptor, PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics (in press). Shibichakravarthy Kannan, Aaron Audet, Jessica Knittel, Saman Mullegama, George F.Gao and Min Wu, 2006, Src kinase Lyn is crucial for Pseudomonas aeruginosa internalization into lung cells. European journal of Immunology,36:1739-1752 Minghai Zhou, Dongping Xu, Xiaojuan Li, Hongtao Li, Ming Shan, Jiaren Tang, Min Wang, Fu-Sheng Wang, Xiaodong Zhu, Hua Tao, Wei He, Po Tien*, and George F Gao*,2006, Screening and Identification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus-Specific CTL Epitopes, Journal of Immunology, (in press) Jiaqi Tang*#, Changjun Wang#, Youjun Feng#, Weizhong Yang#, Huaidong Song#, Zhihai Chen#, Hongjie Yu#, Xiuzhen Pan, Xiaojun Zhou, Huaru Wang, Bo Wu, Haili Wang, Huamei Zhao, Ying Lin, Jianhua Yue, Zhenqiang Wu, Xiaowei He, Feng Gao, Abdul Hamid Khan, Jian Wang, Guo-Ping Zhao, Yu Wang*, Xiaoning Wang*, Zhu Chen, George F Gao*, 2006,Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome caused by Streptococcus suis serotype2. PLoS Medicine,3(5):668-676 (#shared the first author) David K. Cole, Pierre J. Rizkallah, Feng Gao , Neil I. Watson, Jonathan M. Boulter, John I. Bell, Malkit Sami, George F. Gao * & Bent K. Jakobsen*.2006.Crystal structure of HLA-A*2402 complexed with a telomerase peptide. European Journal of Immunology. 36:170-179 PDF Li X, Liu X, Sun F, Gao J, Zhou H, Gao GF , Bartlam M, Rao Z. Crystal structure of the N-terminal SH3 domain of mouse betaPIX, p21-activated kinase-interacting exchange factor. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications . 2006 Jan 6; 339(1):407-14 PDF Jinhua Liu#, Haixia Xiao#, Fumin Lei#, Qingyu Zhu, Kun Qin, Xiaowei Zhang, Xinglin Zhang, Deming Zhao, Guihua Wang, Youjun Feng, Juncai Ma, Wenjun Liu, Jian Wang, George F. Gao*. 2005. Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds. Science.309:1206 (paper, som) (#shared the first author) Ling Ni, Linqing Zhao, Yuan Qian, Jieqing Zhu, Zhibo Jin, Yu Wai Chen, Po Tien*, George F Gao*, 2005, Design and characterization of human respiratory syncytial virus entry inhibitors. Antiviral Therapy. 10:833-840 Jieqing Zhu, Xiuli Jiang, Yueyong Liu, Po Tien, George F Gao.2005. Design and characterization of viral polypeptide inhibitors targeting Newcastle disease virus fusion. Journal of Molecular Biology.354:601-613 Ling Ni a,b, Linqing Zhao c, George F. Gao a, Yuan Qian c,*, Po Tien a,* 2005.The antibodies directed against N-terminal heptad-repeat peptide of hRSV fusion protein and its analog-5-Helix inhibit virus infection in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 331:1358-1364 PDF Ling Ni a,b, George F. Gao a,*, Po Tien a,* Rational design of highly potent HIV-1 fusion inhibitory proteins: Implication for developing antiviral therapeutics. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 332:831-836 PDF Zheng Zhang, Dongping Xu, Yonggang Li, Lei Jin, Ming Shi, Min Wang, Xianzhi Zhou, Hao Wu, George F. Gao, Fu-Sheng Wanga,* 2005. Longitudinal alteration of circulating dendritic cell subsets and its correlation with steroid treatment in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Clinical Immunology 116(3):225-35. PDF Fuliang Chu ,Zhiyong Lou, Bin Gao, John I. Bell, Zihe Rao and George F. Gao*,2005,Complex assembly, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of rhesus macaque MHC Mamu-A*01 complexed with an immunodominant SIV-Gag nonapeptide. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications F61: 614-616. PDF Li,H., Zhou,M., Han,J., Zhu,X., Dong,T., Gao, G.F*, and Po Tien* , 2005, Generation of murine CTL by a hepatitis B virus-specific peptide and evaluation of the adjuvant effect of heat shock protein glycoprotein 96 and its terminal fragments. The Journal of Immunology Jan 1;174(1):195-204 PDF Gao, G.F. 2005, Filling the hole: evidence of a small molecule binding to the fusion core pocket in human respiratory syncytial virus. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 14(2): 195-197 Yuan, F., Lou, Z., Li, X., Chen, Y., John I. Bell, Rao, Z., Gao*, G.F. 2005,Refolding,crystallization and preliminary X-ray structural studies of the West Nile virus envelope(E) protein domain Ⅲ. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications F61,421-423 PDF Li, S., Zhu, J., Peng, Y., Cui, S., Wang, C., Gao*, G.F, Tien, P*. 2005, Characterization of BIV Env core: Implication for mechanism of BIV-mediated cell fusion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 329(2005) 603-609 PDF David K. Cole, Pierre J. Rizkallah, Malkit Sami, Nikolai M. Lissin, Gao, G.F., John I. Bell, Jonathan M. BBoulter, Meir Glick, Anne-Lise Vuidepot, Bent K. Jakobsen and Gao*, G.F. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray structural studies of a high-affinity CD8ααco-receptor to pMHC. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications F61 PDF Ni, L., Zhu, J., Zhang, J., Yan, M., Gao*, G.F., Po Tien*. 2005, Design of recombinant protein-based SARS-CoV entry inhibitors targeting the heptad-repeat regions of the spike protein S2 domain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 330:39-45. Wang, X., Bai, Y., Zhang, G., Zhao, J., Wang, M., Gao*, G.F. 2005, Structure and function study of paramyxovirus fusion protein heptad repeat peptides. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics(ABB) 436(2005)316-322 Xu,D.,Zhang,Z.,Jin,L.,Chu,F.,Mao,Y.,Wang,H.,Liu,M.,Wang,M.,Zhang,L., Gao, G.F. and Wang,F.S.2005,Persistent shedding of viable SARS-CoV in urine and stool of SARS patients during the convalescent phase. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 24:165-171 Xu, Y., Lou, Z., Liu, Y., Pang, H.., Tien, P., Gao, G.F. , & Rao*, Z., 2004 , Crystal structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein fusion core. Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 279(47):49414-9 PDF Xu, Y., Liu, Y., Lou, Z., Qin, L., Li, X., Bai, Z., Tien, P., Gao*, G.F. & Rao*, Z., 2004, Structural basis for coronavirus-mediated virus membrane fusion: crystal structure of MHV spike protein fusion core, Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 279 (29):30514-22. PDF Cole, D.K. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, CD8: Adhesion molecule, co-receptor and immuno-modulator (invited review), Cellular and Molecular Immunology 1 (2): 81-88. Pang, H., Bartlam, M., Zeng, Q., Miyatake, H., Hisano, T., Miki, K., Wong, L-L, Gao, G.F. & Rao, Z., 2004, Crystal structure of human pirin: an iron binding nuclear protein and transcription cofactor. Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 279 (2): 1491-1498. PDF Xu, D., Zhang, Z., Chu , F., Li, Y., Jin, L., Zhang, L., Gao, G.F. & Wang, F.-S., 2004, Genetic variation of SARS coronavirus in Beijing hospital, Emerging Infectious Diseases 10 (5): 789-794. PDF Gao, G.F. , 2004, Just folding back: Convergence of viral fusion mechanisms (Monitor), Drug Discovery Today 9: 288. PDF Xu, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, Y., Lou, Z., Yuan, F., Liu, Y., Cole, D.K., Ni, L., Su, N., Qin, L., Li, X., Bai, Z., Bell, J.I., Pang, H., Tien, P., Gao*, G.F. & Rao*, Z., 2004, Characterization of the heptad repeat regions, HR1 and HR2, and design of a fusion core structure model of the spike protein from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, Biochemistry 43(44):14064-71. PDF Zhu, X., Li, C., Lang, Z., Gao*, G.F. & Tien*, P., 2004, Significant correlation between expression level of HSP gp96 and the progression of hepatitis B virus induced diseases, World Journal of Gastroenterology 10 (8): 1141-1145. PDF Xu, Y., Cole, D.K., Lou, Z., Liu, Y., Qin, L., Li, X., Bai, Z., Yuan, F., Rao*, Z. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004 , Construct design, biophysical, and biochemical characterization of the fusion core from mouse hepatitis virus (a coronavirus) spike protein. Protein Expression and Purification 38(1):116-22. PDF Xu, Y., Gao, S., Cole, D.K., Zhu, J., Su, N., Wang, H., Gao*, G.F. & Rao*, Z., 2004, Basis for fusion inhibition by peptides: analysis of the heptad repeat regions of the fusion proteins from Nipah and Hendra viruses, newly emergent zoonotic paramyxoviruses, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 315 (3): 664-670 PDF Zhu, J., Xiao, G., Xu, Y., Yuan, F., Zheng, C., Liu, Y., Cole, D.K., Yan, H., Bell, J.I., Rao, Z., Tien*, P. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, Following the rule: formation of the 6-helix bundle of the fusion core from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike protein and identification of potent peptide inhibitors, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 319: 283-288. PDF Liu, Y., Zhu, J., Feng, M., Tien, P. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, Six-helix bundle assembly and analysis of the central core of mumps virus fusion protein. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (ABB) 421: 143-148. PDF Yan, H., Xiao, G., Zhang, J., Hu, Y., Yuan, F., Cole, D.K., Zheng*, C. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, SARS coronavirus induces apoptosis in Vero E6 cells, Journal of Medical Virology 73: 323-331. PDF Xu, Y., Lou, Z., Liu, Y., Cole, D.K., Su, N., Qin, L., Li, X., Bai, Z., Rao, Z. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the fusion core from two new zoonotic paramyxoviruses, Nipah virus and Hendra virus. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography D60: 1161-1164 . Zhou, M., Xu, Y., Lou, Z., Cole, D.K., Li, X., Liu Y.,Tien, P., Rao*, Z. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, complex assembly, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of MHC H-2 k d complexed with an HBV core nonapeptide, Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography 60(Pt 8):1473-5. PDF Wang, X., Xu, Y., Cole, D.K., Lou, Z., Liu, Y., Rao, Z., Wang*, M. & Gao*, G.F. , 2004, Biochemical, biophysical and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analyses of the fusion core of Sendai virus F protein, Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography 60(Pt 9):1632-5. PDF Xu, Y., Bai, Z., Qin, L., Li, X., Gao*, G.F. & Rao*, Z., 2004, Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the fusion core of the spike protein of the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography 60 (Pt 11):2013-5. PDF Xu, Y., Su, N., Qin, L.,Bai, Z., Gao, G.F. , & Rao*, Z., 2004, Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the heptad-repeat complex of SARS coronavirus spike protein. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography D60 (Pt 12 Pt 2):2377-9. 王晓佳,张卫红,汪明,高福, 2004 ,囊膜病毒膜融合的分子机制。 生物化学与生物物理进展 31 ( 6 ): 482-491 。 Yang, H., Yang, M., Ding, Y., Liu, Y., Lou, Z., Zhou, Z., Sun, L., Mo, L.,Ye, S., Pang, H., Gao, G.F. , Anand, K., Bartlam, M., Hilgenfeld, R. & Rao, Z., 2003, The crystal structures of severe acute respiratory syndrome virus main protease and its complex with an inhibitor. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 100 (23): 13190-13195. PDF Ding, Y., Xu, G., Yang, M., Yao , M., Gao, G.F. , Wang, L., Zhang, W. & Rao, Z., 2003, Crystal structure of the ectodomain of human FcRI. Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 278 (30): 27966-27970. (with front cover illustration). PDF Wang, E., Sun, X., Qian Y., Zhao, L., Tien, P. & Gao* , G.F. , 2003, Both heptad repeats of human respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein are potent inhibitors of viral fusion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 302: 469-475. PDF Zhu, J., Ding, Y., Gao, F., Wu, T., Zhang, C.W.-H., Tien, P., Rao, Z. & Gao* , G.F. , 2003, Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the trimer core from measles virus fusion protein. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography D59: 587-590. PDF Li, P., Zhu, J., Wu, B., Gao, F., Tien, P., Rao, Z. & Gao*, G.F. , 2003, Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of post-fusion 6-helix bundle core structure from Newcastle disease virus F protein. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography D59: 1296-1298. Zhu, J., Li, P., Wu, T., Gao, F., Ding Y., Zhang, C.W.-H., Rao, Z., Gao*, G.F. & Tien*, P., 2003, Design and analysis of post-fusion 6-helix bundle of heptad repeat regions from Newcastle disease virus F protein. Protein Engineering 16: 373-379. *Shared correspondence author PDF Zhu, J., Zhang, C.W.-H., Rao, Z., Tien, P. & Gao*, G.F. , 2003, Biochemical and biophysical analysis of heptad repeat regions from the fusion protein of Menangle virus, a newly emergent paramyxovirus. Archives of Virology 148: 1301-1316. PDF Gao,* G.F. , Rao, Z. & Bell, J.I., 2002, Molecular coordination of a b T-cell receptors and coreceptors CD8 and CD4 in their recognition of peptide-MHC ligands. Trends in Immunology 23: 408-413. *Correspondence author PDF Gao, G.F ., 2002, CD8 a a and CD8 a b : truly different? (News and comment). Trends in Immunology 23: 177. PDF Gao, G.F. & Rao, Z., 2002, Seeing the change: TCR binds pMHC with an ‘induced-fit' (News and comment). Trends in Immunology 23: 281. PDF Rao, Z. & Gao, G.F. , 2002, Lipid-antigen presentation by CD1 is crystal clear (News and comment). Trends in Immunology 23: 473. PDF Jiang, S., Borthwick , N.J. , Morrison, P., Gao, G.F. & Steward, M.W., 2002, Virus-specific CTL responses induced by an H-2Kd-restricted, motif-negative 15-mer peptide from the fusion protein of respiratory syncytial virus . Journal of General Virology 83: 429-438. PDF Yu, M., Wang, E., Liu, Y., Cao, D., Jin, N., Zhang, C.W.-H, Bartlam, M., Rao, Z., Tien, P. & Gao*, G.F. , 2002, Six-helix bundle assembly and characterization of heptad repeat regions from the F protein of Newcastle disease virus . Journal of General Virology 83: 623-629. PDF Zhu, J., Zhang, C.W.-H., Qi, Y., Tien, P. & Gao*, G.F. , 2002, The fusion protein core of measles virus forms stable coiled coil trimer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 299: 897-902. PDF Meng, S.-D., Song, J., Rao, Z., Tien, P. & Gao*, G.F. , 2002, Three-step purification of gp96 from human liver tumor tissues suitable for isolation of gp96-bound peptides. Journal of Immunological Methods 264: 29-35. PDF Meng, S.-D., Gao, T., Gao*, G.F. & Tien*, P., 2001, HBV-specific peptide associated with heat-shock protein gp96. The Lancet 357: 528-529. *Shared correspondence author PDF Lin, C.-L., Sewell, A.K., Gao, G.F. , Whelan, K., Phillips, R.E. & Austyn, J.M., 2000, Macrophage-tropic HIV induces and exploits dendritic cell chemotaxis. Journal of Experimental Medicine 192: 587-593. PDF Gao, G.F. , Willcox, B.E., Wyer, J.R., Boulter, J.M., O'Callaghan, C.A., Maenaka, K., Stuart, D.I., Jones, E.Y., van der Merwe, P.A., Bell, J.I. & Jakobsen, B.K., 2000, Classical and nonclassical class I major histocompatibility complex molecules exhibit subtle conformational differences that affect binding to CD8αα Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 275: 15232-15238. PDF Gao,* G.F. & Jakobsen, B.K., 2000, Molecular interactions of coreceptor CD8 and MHC class I: the molecular basis for functional coordination with the T-cell receptor. Immunology Today 21 (12): 630-636. *Correspondence author PDF Sewell, A.K., Gerth, U.C., Price, D.A., Purbhoo, M.A., Boulter, J.M., Gao, G.F. , Bell, J.I., Phillips, R.E. & Jakobsen, B.K., 1999, Antagonism of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activation by soluble CD8. Nature Medicine 5: 399-404. PDF Wyer* J.R., Willcox*, B.E., Gao*, G.F. , Gerth, U.C., Davis, S.J., Bell, J.I., van der Merwe, P.A. & Jakobsen, B.K., 1999, T cell receptor and coreceptor CD8 a a bind peptide-MHC independently and with distinct kinetics. Immunity 10: 219-225. *Shared first author PDF McGuire, K., Holmes, E.C., Gao, G.F. , Reid, H.W. & Gould, E.A., 1998, Tracing the origins of louping ill virus by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Journal of General Virology 79: 981-988. Gao, G.F. , Gerth, U.C., Wyer, J.R., Willcox, B.E., O'Callaghan, C.A., Zhang, Z.H., Jones, E.Y., Bell, J.I. & Jakobsen, B.K., 1998, Assembly and crystallization of the complex between the human T cell coreceptor CD8 a homodimer and HLA-A2. Protein Science 7: 1245-1249. PDF Willcox*, B.E., Gao*, G.F. , Wyer, J.R., Ladbury, J.E., Bell, J.I., Jakobsen, B.K. & van der Merwe, P.A., 1999, TCR binding to peptide-MHC stabilizes a flexible recognition interface. Immunity 10: 357-365. *Shared first author PDF Maenaka, K., Juji, T., Nakayama, T., Wyer, J.R., Gao, G.F. , Maenaka, T., Zaccai, N.R., Kikuchi, A., Yabe, T., Tokunaga, K., Tadokoro, K., Stuart, D.I., Jones, E.Y. & van der Merwe, P.A., 1999, Killer cell immunoglobulin receptors and T cell receptors bind peptide-Major Histocompatibility Complex class I with distinct thermodynamic and kinetic properties. Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 274: 28329-28334. PDF Willcox*, B.E., Gao*, G.F. , Wyer, J.R., O'Callaghan, C.A., Jones, E.Y., van der Merwe, P.A., Bell, J.I. & Jakobsen, B.K., 1999, Production of soluble a b T-cell receptor heterodimers suitable for biophysical analysis of ligand binding. Protein Science 8: 2418-2423. *Shared first author PDF Gao, G.F. , Tormo, J., Gerth, U.C., Wyer, J.R., McMichael, A.J., Stuart, D.I., Bell, J.I., Jones, E.Y. & Jakobsen, B.K., 1997, Crystal structure of the complex between human CD8 a a and HLA-A2. Nature 387: 630-634. (with front cover illustration and short title in the front cover page: CD8 comes to grips with MHC). PDF Gao, G.F. , Zanotto, P.M.A., Holmes, E.C., Reid, H.W. & Gould, E.A., 1997, Molecular variation, evolution and geographical distribution of louping ill virus. Acta Virologica 41: 259-268. Zanotto, P.M.A., Gould, E.A., Gao, G.F. , Harvey, P.H. &. Holmes, E.C., 1996, Population dynamics of flaviviruses revealed by molecular phylogenies. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 93: 548-553. PDF Zanotto, P.M.A., Gao, G.F. , Gritsun, T.S., Marin, S., Jiang, W.R., Venugopal, K., Reid, H.W. & Gould, E.A., 1995, An arbovirus cline across the Northern Hemisphere. Virology 210: 152-159. Marin, M.S., McKenzie, J., Gao, G.F. , Reid, H.W., Antoniadis, A. & Gould, E.A., 1995, The virus causing encephalomyelitis in sheep in Spain : a new member of the tick-borne encephalitis group. Research in Veterinary Science 58: 11-13. Gao, G.F. , Hussain, M.H., Reid, H.W. & Gould, E.A., 1994, Identification of naturally occurring monoclonal antibody escape variants of louping ill virus. Journal of General Virology 75: 609-614. Gao, G.F. , Hussain, M.H, Reid, H.W. & Gould, E.A., 1993, Classification of a new member of the TBE flavivirus subgroup by its immunological, pathogenetic and molecular characteristics: identification of subgroup-specific pentapeptides. Virus Research 30: 129-144. Gao, G.F. , Jiang, W.R., Hussain, M.H., Venugopal, K., Gritsun, T.S., Reid, H.W. & Gould, E.A., 1993, Sequencing and antigenic studies of a Norwegian virus isolated from encephalomyelitic sheep confirm the existence of louping ill virus outside Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of General Virology 74: 109-114. 2 内蒙古自治区和林县第十一届人大代表◎ 简介高福,1955年10月生,内蒙古和林格尔人,初中文化,中共党员,内蒙古和林县大红城乡小缸房行政村党支部书记,内蒙古和林县第十一届人大代表。 ◎ 人物生平自担任小阿房行政村党支部书记以来,带领8个自然村129户831口人早日致富,解决200口人450头(只)家畜饮水,兴建扬水站工程3处,新增水浇地面积300亩,新打导并70眼,实施了“112”工程,牧业上狠抓牲畜“四良四改”及畜禽疫病防治工作,牲畜总头数由1995年的1530头(只)增加到现在3100头(只);生态方面采取大会战集中搞与专业队常年搞的形式共修等高田5000亩,水平为10000延长米,鱼鳞坑3万个,栽植果树150亩,否树700亩,解决831口人的照明问题。在党性原则上,与党中央保持高度一致,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,认真贯彻执行党的各项路线、方针、政策,积极主动完成上级交办的各项任务。 |
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