词条 | golden |
释义 | 简介golden ['ɡəuldən] adj. 金色的,黄金般的;金制的;珍贵的 释义:adj.1. 金的,金制的 2. 含金的;产金的 3. 金钱的,金币的 4. 金(黄)色的;黄金般的 5. 贵重的,宝贵的,珍贵的,优良的;极好的 6. 繁荣昌盛的;富裕的;茂盛的;高兴的,快乐的 7. 顺利的;吉利的;有出息的,有前途的,有指望的,有希望的 8. (声音)圆润的,洪亮的 9. 大受欢迎的 10. 第50周年的,金婚纪念日的 11. (为留住雇员或在解雇雇员时)报酬优厚的,(直接和某人工作有关的)大笔钱的 vt.使成金(黄)色 vi.成为金(黄)色 常用短语golden age n. <;希神>;黄金时代 2(文艺的)鼎盛时期 golden calf n. 金犊,金钱 golden mean n.中庸之道,[美术]黄金分割(=golden section) golden hamster 金地鼠,金黄田鼠,金色仓鼠 golden handshake 去职补偿费 golden rule n.金箴 golden section n.黄金分割 golden syrup 黄糖浆 golden ager 六十五岁以上的退休人员年长的人 golden eagle n. 鹫 golden fleece n. [希神]金羊毛 golden larch 金钱松 例句与用法1. 金色的,金黄色的;黄金般的 She has bright golden hair. 她有一头明亮的金发。 2. 金的;金制的 This is a golden crown. 这是个金制的皇冠。 3. 绝好的,珍贵的,贵重的 You have a golden opportunity to travel and learn. 你有一个旅游和学习的绝好机会。 4. 五十周年纪念日的 They are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. 他们在庆祝他们的五十年金婚纪念日。 5. 繁荣的;全盛的 the golden years in one's life 一生中的黄金年代 6. 有出息的 She is the golden girl of US tennis. 她是美国网球界最有出息的姑娘。 ============================================================================== 1. Autumn is a golden season. 秋季是个金色的季节. 2. Remember the golden eternity is yourself. 记住金色永恒是你自己。 3. Good idea,it is golden season for picnic. (好主意,现在正是野餐的黄金季节。) 4. Yes,I knew. It is a golden chance for you. 是,我知道。这对你可是黄金的发展机会呀。 5. The fields around us looked like a golden sea . 我们周围的田野看起来像金色的海洋。 6. "The lion,the right of gold of golden phoenix"! “左边有对金狮子,右边有对金凤凰”啦! 7. We believe this is a golden opportunity for investment. 我们相信这是一次投资的黄金机会。 8. The advent of the golden autumn,I do not see many gains. 金色的秋天来临,我却没有看到太多的收获。 9. Came to the sea,a golden beach that attracted my attention. 来到大海边,那一片金黄的沙滩吸引了我的注意。 10. If I die and go to heaven,I put your name on a golden star. 如果我死了,并且上了天堂,我把你的名字写在一颗金星上面。 11. Reheat oil,fry meat balls again till golden colour,set aside. 再次热油锅,把肉球倒入炸至金黄色,捞起待用。 12. This gold medallist who is a goldbeater has a piece of golden gold. 这个是金箔匠的金制的奖章获得者有一块金色的金子。 13. "Sometimes people say that football players live in a "golden world". “有时人们说足球运动员生活在金色世界里。 14. Towards four o'clock the sky in front of him began to flush pink and golden. 四点钟左右,他前面的一片天开始透露出淡红色和金黄色的光彩。 15. With this golden ball of string.Tie it to the entrance and find your way back. 带著这颗附著线的金球,将它绑在入口,你就可以找到回来的路。 16. Cross the bridge to Golden Gate Park,with its beautiful lakes,trees and gardens. 穿过大桥(可以)到达金门公园,和它美丽的湖泊、树木和花园。 17. Until people have more options,we'll need that suicide barrier across the Golden Gate. 在人们有更多选择之前,我们需要在金门大桥上设置自杀障碍。 18. "Your clothes,your pearls and your jewels,or even your golden crown,are nothing to me. 你的衣服、珍珠、珠宝,甚至于你金色的王冠对我来说,不值一文。 19. It has restraining function of Golden yellow staphylococcus,bacillus out of shape colon bacillus. 对金黄葡萄球菌,变形杆菌、大肠杆菌等有一定的抑制作用。 20. You can also offer some special "golden tickets" to a few people sothey can start using the app early. 你也可以给少数人发放一些特殊“金元券”,让他们可以提早开始使用这个应用。 21. Can you take me higher to a place where blind men see? Can you take me higher to a place with golden streets? 你能带我去一个更高境界连瞎子都能重见光明?你能带我去一个更高境界去一条繁荣的街道? 22. And Marley does more than just doggy paddle,this golden retriever loves to dive and swim right to the bottom of this seven-foot pool. 马莉会的可不只是狗刨式游泳,这只金色的寻回犬还喜欢潜水,可以直游到这个深七英尺深水池的底部。 23. Come on! Devote your lives and souls for the love and justice of the land!! Burn the golden cosmo!! Bring a ray of light to this dark world! 来吧,为了地上的爱和正义!把生命与灵魂完全投入!!现在就燃烧起来吧,黄金的小宇宙!!在这个黑暗的世界里,带来一线曙光! 24. The yellow sky represents the golden sunset,the purple represents mystery and purpose,and blue represents a new day to struggle for living. 黄色的天空代表着金黄色的夕阳,紫色代表神秘和宗旨,蓝色代表了新的一天的生活而奋斗。 25. Your best day for career will happen on or very close to July 7. On that day,unrelated to the eclipse,Mars will send a golden beam to Uranus. 您的职业生涯最好的一天会发生在7月7日,或非常接近。在那一天,无关月食,火星将送出一个黄金光束到天王星。 26. Red is your simple heart; golden yellow is your warmth and consideration; verdue is your breath of life…because of you,my life has become so colorful. 红色是你纯洁的心灵,金黄色是你的温暖和体贴,碧绿是你的呼吸,因为有你,我的人生才变得丰富多彩。 27. Sure,there will be whispers at luncheons and cocktail parties,but her son is still America's golden boy,which earns her the "My son is better than yours" award. 当然,在午餐和鸡尾酒会上这将会有耳语,但是她的儿子仍然是美国的有成就的男孩,(为她获得"我的儿子胜过你(们)的")奖品. 28. In a very real sense,each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children,family,friends and God. 在真实的感觉上,我们每一个人从我们的孩子,家庭,朋友和上帝中得到无条件的吻和爱,而这已经填满了这个看不见到黄金盒子. 29. Into the village one can see golden rice fields,as if the earth were covered with a golden carpet especially sturdy,curved around the rice a meter long,down the stem are bent back. 走进乡村便可以看到一片金灿灿的稻田,好像大地都披上了金色的地毯,禾苗显得格外壮实,弯弯的稻穗大约有一尺长,压得茎秆都弯下了腰。 30. Sough wind blown,flying all over the sky with golden leaves,the earth with gold,may in yellow over time,suddenly a group fire,in this golden world of difference,that is what is it 秋风飒飒地吹,漫天飞舞着金色的落叶,大地一片金黄,可就在遍地为黄的时候,突然窜出一团火,在这金黄的世界里与众不同,可这究竟是是什么呢? |
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