词条 | Glory Glory Man United |
释义 | 简介Glory Glory Man United为曼彻斯特联队的第二首队歌,曲调高昂,催人奋进,每次听到它都感觉义气昂扬,充满了英雄主义的斗志豪情,也充分体现了曼联作为当今世界足坛豪门俱乐部的雄伟霸气.而这首经典歌曲的来源却是出自一首不朽的且流传已久的经典歌曲:The Battle Hymn of the Republic(共和国战歌). 歌曲的来源这首歌的最初还是起源于英格兰,它来自清教信徒聚会时的赞美诗 Oh brothers, will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore, 后来清教徒大量涌入美洲大陆,衍生了许多其它版本.1861 年,为了纪念被杀害的著名废奴主义者约翰.布朗,美国人在旋律基础上为他编了一首 John Brown’s Body, 后来在联邦军队中广为传唱.这首歌,或者说是这首旋律,在美国历史上占有非常重要的地位.据后来的考证,该曲可能是由一个叫William Steffe的人收集整理的并把它加上词,变成了"Battle Hymn of the Republic”的前身—"John Brown's Body”“约翰布朗的尸体正在坟墓中腐烂,但他的灵魂却在和我们并肩前进!" 歌词如下 John Brown's Body John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave His soul goes marching on Glory, Glory! Hallelujah! Glory, Glory! Hallelujah! Glory, Glory! Hallelujah! His soul is marching on He captured Harper's Ferry with his nineteen men so true He frightened old Virginia till she trembled through and through They hung him for a traitor, themselves the traitor crew His soul is marching on John Brown died that the slave might be free, John Brown died that the slave might be free, John Brown died that the slave might be free, But his soul is marching on! The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down On the grave of old John Brown 后来,Julia Ward Howe 女士把它改编为美国历史上最著名的The Battle Hymn of the Republic (共和国战歌). 朱莉娅.沃德.豪(1819─1910)于1861年11月18日凌晨写出《共和国战歌》.她是一位著名的废奴论者、诗人、妇女参政主义者和人道主义者.那天,她和她的丈夫、著名的马萨诸塞改革家塞谢尔.格里德利.豪博士到华盛顿特区访问.而在前一天,豪夫妇看到波托马克河南面军队的调遣,并和士兵们一起唱流行的歌曲《约翰.布朗的遗体》.一个朋友建议她为这支行军歌写新歌词.据她自己说,她在黎明前起床,找到笔和纸,就写下了《共和国战歌》,而这时她的幼小的女儿还在旁边睡着.1862年2月,这支歌发表(没有署她名字)在《大西洋月刊》上,博得广泛赞扬,但更重要的是,联邦军立即把它作为自己的行军歌.这是唯一的一首最终能超越地方偏见而成为真正全国性歌曲的内战歌曲.在西─美战争、第一次和第二次世界大战期间,美军都是唱着这支战歌开赴前线,英勇奋战.它作为全国性歌曲的持久性不仅是由于它有活泼高昂的曲调,而且是由于它的歌词兼备爱国、宗教和庆贺自由的特点.朱莉娅.沃德.豪伊另一大贡献就是她提出了"母亲节".在美国最早关于母亲节的记载是1872 年由她所提出的.她建议将这一天献给"和平". 共和国战歌歌词 Battle Hymn of the Republic 共和国赞歌 Mine eyes have seen the glory Of the coming of the Lord; 我的眼睛已看到主降临的荣光, He is trampling out the vintage Where the grapes of wrath are stored; 他正要踏平存有愤怒葡萄的地方 He hath loosed the fateful lightning Of His terrible swift sword; 他可怕的快剑已发出致命的闪光: His truth is marching on. 他的真理在前进. I have seen Him in the watchfires Of a hundred circling camps 我已在上百个环形军营的篝火里看见主; They have builded Him an altar In the evening dews and damps; 他们披着夜间的露水为他建了一座神坛, I have read His righteous sentence By the dim and flaring lamps; 我能凭昏暗摇曳的灯光读出他公正的判决: His day is marching on. 他的胜利在前进. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on. I have read a fiery gospel writ In burnished rows of steel: 我已在一排排磨光的利剑里读到一篇炽热的福音书; "As ye deal with My contemners,So with you My grace shall deal": 因为你在对付轻侮我的人,所以我要为你祝福; Let the Hero born of woman Crush the serpent with His heel, 让人间的英雄用他的脚跟踩死毒蛇 Since my God is marching on. 因为上帝在前进 He has sounded forth the trumpet That shall never call retreat; 他已吹响那决不召唤退却的号角; He is sifting out the hearts of men Before His judgement seat; 他把人心摆在他的法庭面前审查: Oh, beft, my soul, to answer Him; 哦,我的灵魂快点回应主的号召! Be jubilant, my feet; 我的脚要欢快奔跑! Our God is marching on. 我们的上帝在前进. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on 而曼联的这首 Glory Glory Man United 来自什么呢,这首歌是直接根据《共和国战歌》改编而来.其实,20 世纪 60 年代,热刺球迷就用过这个旋律了,但曼联球迷在 1986 年足总杯决赛中发行了现在这首耳熟能详的 Glory Glory Man United. 1994 年,英国摇滚乐队 Status Quo 还出了一首单曲 Come on You Reds 在当时英国非常流行,曾经占据了英国单曲排行榜第一名位置两周,有意思的是,参与这首歌创作的 Francis Rossi, 是个热刺球迷.其实历史上,不只热刺,利兹球迷也用过这个旋律改编成球迷歌曲.但确实是曼联球迷把它发扬光大. 如今我们在欣赏着那激动昂扬的旋律时,可曾想到那也曾经激励着在残酷战争中前赴后继,英勇顽强的士兵们去夺取一个又一个的胜利.在战乱的历史年代,这样神圣的歌曲让人们得到精神和心灵的激发,忘却了恐惧,指引着战争前进的脚步.而作为如今和平年代里,在拼争激烈的足球场上,同样我们每个球迷也在听着这首歌曲而心潮澎湃. 歌词及中文翻译Glory, glory, Man United, 光荣属于曼联, Glory, glory, Man United, 光荣属于曼联, Glory, glory, Man United, 光荣属于曼联, And the reds go marching on on on. 红色军团勇往直前. Just like the Busby babies in days gone by, 就像曾经那些“巴斯比的孩子们”一样, We'll keep the Red Flags flying high, 我们要让红魔的旗帜高高地飞扬, You've got to see yourself from far and wide, 你将随处亲眼目睹, You've got to hear the masses sing with pride: 你将听到人们自豪的歌唱: United! Man United! 曼联!曼联! We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly! 我们是红色的少年,我们前进在通往温布利的路上! Wemberly! Wemberly! 温布利!温布利! We're the famous Man United and we're going to wembley! 我们是伟大的曼联,我们前进在通往温布利的路上! In Seventy-seven it was Docherty, 1977年多切蒂的球队成功登顶, Atkinson will make it Eighty-three, 阿特金森夺得冠军是1983年, And everyone will know just who we are, 全人类都知道我们是谁, They'll be singing "Que Sera Sera", 所有人将唱一首“世事不可强求”, United! Man united! 曼联!曼联! We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wemberly! 我们是红色的少年,我们前进在通往温布利的路上! wembley! wembley! 温布利!温布利! We're the famous Man United and we're going to wembley! 我们是伟大的曼联,我们前进在通往温布利的路上! Glory, glory, Man United, 光荣属于曼联, Glory, glory, Man United, 光荣属于曼联, Glory, glory, Man United, 光荣属于曼联, And the reds go marching on on on! 红色军团勇往直前! |
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