

词条 github

Git是一个分布式的版本控制系统,最初由Linus Torvalds编写,用作Linux内核代码的管理。在推出後,Git在其它项目中也取得了很大成功,尤其是在Ruby社区中。目前,包括Rubinius和Merb在内的很多知名项目都使用了Git。Git同样可以被诸如Capistrano和Vlad the Deployer这样的部署工具所使用。



GitHub可以托管各种git库,并提供一个web界面,但与其它像 SourceForge或Google Code这样的服务不同,GitHub的独特卖点在于从另外一个项目进行分支的简易性。为一个项目贡献代码非常简单︰首先点击项目站点的“fork”的按 钮,然后将代码检出并将修改加入到刚才分出的代码库中,最后通过内建的“pull request”机制向项目负责人申请代码合并。已经有人将GitHub称为代码玩家的MySpace︰

在GitHub进行分支就像在Myspace(或Facebook [...])进行交友一样,在社会关系图的节点中不断的连线。

GitHub项目本身自然而然的也在GitHub上就像托管,只不过在一个私有的,公共视图不可见的库中。开源项目可以免费托管,但私有库则并不如此。Chris Wanstrath,GitHub的开发者之一,肯定了通过付费的私有库来在财务上支持免费库的托管这一计划。



Chris Wanstrath还向记者分享了关于GitHub的一些内幕信息︰

GitHub主要用Rails实现。我们目前在进行的post-commit集成小应用完全使用Merb编写。我们使用了Python的Pygments来做格式高亮显示,另外,还用了Ara T. Howard's Bj加上一些Ruby脚本来做我们的排队系统。当然,我们用了Ruby Grit库来和Git进行交互。

GitHub已经有了一组引人注目的特性,除了命令式的库浏览器和一个项目Wik,GitHub甚至还包括了一个GitHub gem,以使通过shell方式使用GitHub更为方便。更多的未来特性已经在计划中︰






GitHub is a web-based hosting service for projects that use the Git revision control system. It is written using Ruby on Rails by Logical Awesome developers Chris Wanstrath, PJ Hyett, and Tom Preston-Werner. GitHub offers both commercial plans and free accounts for open source projects. According to the Git User's Survey in 2009, GitHub is the most popular Git hosting site.

The site provides social networking functionality like feeds, followers and the network graph to display how developers work on their versions of a repository.

GitHub also operates a pastebin-style site, wikis for the individual repositories and web pages that can be edited through a git repository.

As of January 2010, GitHub is operated under the name GitHub, Inc.

吉祥物 Octocat

下面是Github的共同创建人PJ Hyett关于Octocat的回答:The truth is there isn't a good story behind it. Tom Preston-Werner was looking for a fun image for our 404 page, found the Octocat on iStockPhoto, and purchased a limited-use license for something like $50 (we own exclusive rights to it now).

That said, if you happen to catch me out drinking, there's a good possibility you'll hear a much more creative story to explain its relevance: Git has an octopus merge, Tom likes cats and so on, but you'd have to ask him how much of that stuff actually played a role in its purchase.

I think the most interesting part of the Octocat story is how it transcends the GitHub community. Everybody seems to love the little guy. I'd be lying if I told you the thought of hiring someone to just do Octocat merchandising had never crossed my mind.





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