

词条 Generation


DJ:Audio Bullys




时间:2005/8双人组俨然已形成一种传统,在我辈仰望的电音DJ圈里。随手可算近年英国此类出品,甫以精选辑于英国榜拿下冠军的地下室混音小子(Basement Jaxx)、风靡全球多年的化学兄弟(Chemical Brothers)、Stanton Warriors、Plumps DJ与音乐恶霸(Audio Bullys)堪称五大双人组代表。

行情愈来愈火的Audio Bullys,有人称他们的风格叫Hooligan House,源自Tom Franks与Simon Dinsdale这两个家伙身上常混著来自UK Garage / Breaks等那种混街头、啥都不屌的气氛,但也还不到真的敢逞凶耍狠,只好把百般聊赖的市郊社区、又是药又是飙车还有烂家庭的生活写成歌卖钱的气味。首张专辑《Ego War》有颇Gorillaz的调调,亦不忘取样了70年代警匪影集S.W.A.T的主题曲,证明才20来岁的这两人,完全就是那种爱现的臭男生,想在几首歌里面要告诉大家不只House、Hip Hop、Electro到Disco跟取样他们通通都懂,所以被多方形容成Basement Jaxx跟The Streets的合体,顺利于隔年在迈阿密举办的Dancestar大奖中夺下最佳新进艺人专辑(Best New Artist Album);近来他们愈发有Chemical Brothers接班人架势,第二张专辑《Generation》发表前的暖身单曲〈Shot Me Down〉,取样了Nancy Sinatra性感歌声,显然颇得此一资深女伶加持,一举杀进全英单曲榜十大热度久久不退,并入选今年House Music Awards年度重点单曲(ESSENTIAL SELECTION TRACK OF THE YEAR)与杰出单曲(Standout Track WMC), 也让这从【铁面特警队】一路用到【追杀比尔】的名曲再度发光。《Generation》一如标题,反映著这个世代的声音美学,邀来Roots Manuva.等嘻哈名人愈发显露其嘻哈化的倾向,能否就此超越其他同侪,晋升为当下新世代的代言人?拭目以待!



02-shot you down (feat nancy sinatra)

03-keep on moving

04-bring light


06-i wont let you down

07-(the world)


09-made like that

10-all sing along

11-get myself on track

12-im in love

13-struck by the sound

14-this road

15-take you there 试听

16-if you want my love

17-rock till im rollin

Simple Plan歌曲

加拿大乐队Simple Plan(简单计划)的同名专辑中的歌曲:Generation。2008年2月18日发行。


I'm sick of all this waiting

And people telling me what I should be

What if I'm not so crazy

Maybe you're the one who's wrong not me

So whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna say

When we're standing on top

And do it our way

You say we got no future

You're living in the past

So listen up

That's my generation

Hey ho, Lets go

It's going down tonight

Hey ho, Lets go,

We're gonna do it till we die

Cause I, I, I've got no reason to apologize

That's my generation

I don't need to say I'm sorry

I do what everybody wants to do

It's not so complicated

Because I know you want the same thing too

So whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna say

When we're standing on top

And do it our way

You say we got no future

You're living in the past

So listen up

That's my generation

Hey ho, Lets go

It's going down tonight

Hey ho, Lets go,

We're gonna do it till we die

Cause I, I, I've got no reason to apologize

That's my generation...

Don't need to say I'm sorry

It's not so complicated

Cause I know you want the same thing too

Hey ho, Lets go

It's going down tonight

Hey ho, Lets go,

We're gonna do it till we die

Cause I, I, I've got no reason to apologize

That's my generation

Hey ho, Lets go

That's my generation

Hey ho, Let's go

We're gonna do it till we die

Cause I, I, I've got no reason to apologize

That's my generation





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