词条 | 福建师范大学外国语学院 |
释义 | 福建师范大学外国语学院外语系科的前身可追溯到1907年创立的福建优级师范学堂英文和日文科目、1908年创立的华南女子文理学院的英语系和1915年创立的私立福建协和大学的外语系。学院现有英语语言文学博士学位授权点1个,英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学和比较文学与世界文学(与文学院联办)4个硕士学位授权点和1个教育硕士(学科教学·英语)学位授权点,在读研究生200多人。历届培养的硕士生中有60多人考取了北大、北外、上外、广外、南大、北师大和英、美、澳等国内外的著名大学博士研究生 发展历史从20世纪初至1953年,由多所院校合并、改名、迁址、最终定址于福州的福建师范学院的外国语言学系(分英语、俄语)成为1972年更名为福建师范大学外语系的基础。近百年的历史和丰富的人文环境铸就了今日外国语学院深厚的文化积淀。 1981年,英语语言文学学科被教育部确认为全国高师院校首批4个英语硕士点之一,在1995年国务院学位委员会组织的评估中被评为A级。1995年与中文系联办比较文学与世界文学硕士点,成为省“211工程”重点学科的一部分。2005年申报英语语言文学博士点获得成功。 专业设置学院目前设置了英语、日语、对外汉语(与海外教育学院联办)3个本科专业。英、日语专业均是1972年恢复招生;对外汉语专业2004年开始招生。在读全日制本科生1088人。数十年来,英语(教师教育)专业的人才培养质量在八闽大地享有盛誉,本科毕业生已连续两年保持近1/3的研究生考取率。该专业在2004年全校专业建设评比中荣获第一名,被评为福建师范大学首批重点品牌专业。自1992年以来学院学生参加全国英语专业四、八级统考的成绩和及格率均以一定幅度超过全国各类院校同类专业的平均水平,以较大幅度超过师范院校同类专业的平均水平。 教学资源挂靠学院的校级单位有“外国语言与文学研究中心”、“日本语学研究所”、“国际语言培训中心”和《外国语言文学》编辑部。《外国语言文学》是全省唯一公开发行的外语类学术刊物,经中国外语期刊检测中心评估,被评为优秀期刊。 学院在仓山和旗山两个校区共拥有12个外语专业多媒体数字化语言实验室,软硬件系统居国内一流水平。学院网站集科研、教学和实用资源于一体,年访问量达500万人次,成为推动学院与国内外学术界广泛交流的多元平台。经过多年的建设,我院目前拥有22个中小学英语教学实习基地以及多个英语、日语涉外、贸易实习基地。我院资料室成立于1972年。至2007年,资料室已藏有中外文图书近13000册左右,中外文期刊125种,中外文报纸18种。 师资力量学院现有教职员工220人,其中专任教师182人,教授16人,教授、副教授占40%以上,硕士、博士占70%。学院师资队伍结构合理,符合我校及我院的目标定位,符合岗位资格的主讲教师比例达到97%。学院科研硕果累累,近5年出版学术著作18部,译著41部,发表论文557篇,同时还编写和出版了大量教材。在历届省社科优秀成果评奖中获奖级别和数量均居全省同类学科第一,所承担的国家和省部级的科研项目的数量居全省同类学科第一,具有教授职称的学科骨干人数亦居全省同类学科第一。 学院的党建和思想政治工作以人为本。1名干部被评为省优秀党务工作者,1名教师被评为省优秀共产党员,1名党务工作者被评为省高校优秀共产党员,1名政工干部荣获省新长征突击手称号及省优秀共青团干部等称号,3位教师获评校“师德之星”,2位教师获校“十佳青年”,学生中有2人荣获“全国三好学生”称号,4人荣获“省十佳大学生”称号。党政领导与全院教职员工坚持以高水平的科研支撑高水平的教学,以高素质的教师培养高素质的学生,团结一心,努力拼搏,奠定了新世纪可持续发展的坚实基础。 英文版本Overview College of Foreign Languages (CFL) of Fujian Normal University (FNU) came into being as a result of the merger of three preeminent foreign languages departments of the province: that of Fukian Christian University, of Hwa Nan Women’s College and of Fujian College. Dating back to the dawn of the 20th century and affiliated with distinguished schools of arts and humanities, the trio of its predecessors have endowed CFL with a humanistic tradition and a cultural legacy few other foreign languages departments in China could boast. In part because of this very special pedigree, FNU in 1981 became one of just four normal universities throughout China to receive the official authorization for setting up China’s first master’s programs in English language and literature, and in a 1995 nationwide appraisal, its graduate program was ranked A by the State Council’s Academic Degrees Commission. During the same period when it had been receiving recognitions on the national level, CFL also established itself as a center for foreign language teaching and research in the province. In 1985, its English program was designated by the Provincial Department of Education as one of Fujian’s first nine “key academic specialties,” a much coveted honor with which it was again awarded after a 1992 re-appraisal. In 1995, the master’s program in comparative literature and world literature jointly run by CFL and the Chinese Department of FNU won a fiercely competed spot in the provincial “211 Project.” The growth of its graduate programs has never slowed down since the 1980s. Nowadays, with a total enrolment of over 200 full time graduate students, CFL offers master’s degree in four areas: English language & literature, comparative literature & world literature, Japanese language & literature, foreign linguistics & applied linguistics, as well as a mid-career master's program for high school teachers of foreign languages. More than 60 of those who had received an MA from CFL went on to pursue their Ph.D. degree in prestigious Chinese universities such as Peking University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Guangdong Foreign Studies University, Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University, and in internationally renowned institutions of higher learning in UK, USA and Australia as well. Among this group over 50 have already received their doctorates and have taken on important professional or academic positions at home and abroad. The same impressive expansion is seen in its undergraduate section. Consisting of the Department of English Education, Department of Japanese, Department of Business English, College English Teaching & Research Division, and Asian-European Languages Teaching & Research Division, CFL currently provides five BA programs: English (for TEFL), Japanese, English (for business), International Business & Trade, and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, for over 1088 full time students. CFL’s English (for TEFL) program has won and maintained a high reputation in Fujian for decades. Attesting to the quality of the education this program has been offering, close to one third of its graduating seniors have been admitted to selective graduate programs in the past two years. Winning the first place in the 2004 university-wide assessment of program development, it has now been designated as one of FNU’s first batch of “Priority Hallmark Programs.” Keeping pace with the remarkable improvement of its teaching is the just as remarkable success CFL has managed to achieve in upgrading its research and scholarship. Scholarly organizations and research facilities are fast becoming the most prominent of its institutional components. Affiliated to CFL are FNU’s Foreign Language and Literature Research Center, Institute of Japanese Studies, International Language Training Center, and the editorial board of Foreign Language and Literature Studies, which is Fujian’s only scholarly journal devoted exclusively to foreign language studies. In recognition of the high quality of its publications, the journal has been officially named one of China’s outstanding foreign language periodicals. Heavy investment in technology in recent years has also turned CFL into a technically sophisticated institution of foreign language teaching. Not only is it equipped with six multimedia digital language labs boasting state-of-the-art software and hardware, it is also the proud owner of a well-designed website that incorporates research, teaching and practical resources and has been receiving what could amount to over 5 million visits per year. CFL’s official website has become an online multi-purpose platform for extensive exchanges between its faculty and scholars at home and abroad. At present CFL has about 200 employees, of whom 182 are full time teachers and 16 are full professors. Over 40% of its faculty members are either associate or full professors and over 70% hold a master’s or doctoral degree. Most of them are productive publishing scholars and, as a result, CFL has consistently ranked first, in both quantitative and qualitative terms, among its peer institutions in Fujian’s Social Sciences Publications Awards. It has also consistently won more State-sponsored and Province-sponsored research projects than its counterparts in Fujian’s other colleges and universities. It is little wonder that CFL also claims the greatest number of full professors among Fujian’s foreign languages colleges or departments. CFL’s people-oriented political work has played a key role in its phenomenal growth. A sense of responsibility and commitment has been informing and inspiring its employees and students alike. Of its staff and faculty, one has won the honorary title of Fujian’s Outstanding Political Worker and another the title of Model Party Member of Fujian. And among its students, four have been commended as Fujian’s Most Accomplished College Students and two have even distinguished themselves by having their names listed on the honor roll of Outstanding College Students of China. Driven by the shared conviction that there can be no quality teaching without quality scholarship in the first place, and that the students can never be expected to excel unless the faculty first distinguishes itself, CFL’s leadership, faculty and staff are redoubling their efforts to lay a solid foundation for a sustainable development of CFL in the new century. |
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