词条 | FI |
释义 | FI简介?FI(financial institution)金融机构的英文缩写financial institution - 一个金融机构(分公众 or 私人形式) 由投资基金 (来自公众或其他的机构)在金融财务上该机构,使该机构提供专业的金融服务。 下面是英文对金融机构(fi)的解释 financial organisation, financial organization institution, establishment - an organization founded and united for a specific purpose giro - a British financial system in which a bank or a post office transfers money from one account to another when they receive authorization to do so clearing house - a central collection place where banks exchange checks or drafts; participants maintain an account against which credits or debits are posted lending institution - a financial institution that makes loans central bank - a government monetary authority that issues currency and regulates the supply of credit and holds the reserves of other banks and sells new issues of securities for the government foundation - an institution supported by an endowment acquirer - the financial institution that dispenses cash in automated teller machines and collects a fee from the bank that issued the credit card nondepository financial institution - a financial institution that funds their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance banking company, banking concern, depository financial institution, bank - a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities; "he cashed a check at the bank"; "that bank holds the mortgage on my home" Federal Home Loan Bank System - the central credit system for thrift institutions trust company, trust corporation - an organization (usually with a commercial bank) that is engaged as a trustee or fiduciary or agent in handling trust funds or estates of custodial arrangements or stock transfers or related services FI财务会计 财务会计指通过对企业已经完成的资金运动全面系统的核算与监督,以为外部与企业有经济利害关系的投资人、债权人和政府有关部门提供企业的财务状况与盈利能力等经济信息为主要目标而进行的经济管理活动。 企业会计的一个分支,与管理会计同为企业会计的两大分支。因其沿用传统的会计模式,故称“传统会计”;因其侧重于满足企业外部有关方面的决策需要,以外提供财务报告,故也称“对外报告会计”。 FI(Fouling Index)污染指数值FI(Fouling Index)污染指数值,也叫SDI值,是水质指标的重要参数之一。它代表了水中颗粒、胶体和其他能阻塞各种水净化设备的物体含量。通过测定SDI值,可以选定相应的水净化技术或设备。根据ASTM方法4189-95,这种方法在行业内是公认的。 在反渗透水处理过程中,SDI值是测定反渗透系统进水的重要标志之一;是检验预处理系统出水是否达到反渗透进水要求的主要手段。它的大小对反渗透系统运行寿命至关重要。 SDI值是测量通过47mm直径,0.45um孔径膜的流速衰减。之所以选择0.45um孔径的膜,是因为在这个孔径下,胶体物质比硬颗粒物质(如沙子、水垢等)更容易堵塞膜。流速的衰减被转换成1到100之间的数值,即SDI值。SDI值越低,水对膜的污染阻塞趋势越小。从经济和效率综合考虑,大多数反渗透厂家推荐反渗透进水SDI值不高于5。 FI认证标志FI认证标志是由FIMKO颁发的.FIMKO1928年创建于芬兰,是欧洲闻名的测试机构,其在电子电气、机械等关于安全方面的严格检测手段受到欧洲的一致推崇.FIMKO在2003年加入SGS集团.电子电器设备要进入芬兰必须要通过FI认证,类似于中国的3C认证.FI认证的对象很广泛,从电子电器的最终产品到各种电子元器件、电源线、插头、插板等等. 我们就来说说FI认证对中国企业的意义.大家如果做过CE认证就知道,如果要做一个产品的CE认证的话,按CE认证的标准,电器的零部件必须要通过认证,而FIMKO在元器件方面的认证为全球广大销售商所接受,所以在最终产品通过CE认证之前,最好元器件部分先通过FI认证.之所以在这里推荐FI,不仅因为它在全球的广泛认同,还在于它比较公道的价格. FI:是芬兰的缩写,也代表着芬兰语。 FI有限积分 Finete Integration SAP FI模块Financial Accounting The Financial Accounting (FI) application component fulfills all the international requirements that must be met by the financial accounting department of an organization. It provides the following features: Management and representation of all accounting data All business transactions are recorded according to the document principle, which provides an unbroken audit trail from the financial statements to the individual documents. Open and integrated data flow Data flow between Financial Accounting and the other components of the SAP System is ensured by automatic updates. Data is available in real time within Financial Accounting. Postings made in the subledgers always generate a corresponding posting in the general ledger. Preparation of operational information to assist strategic decision-making within the organization |
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