词条 | 防震动止滑车道 |
释义 | 无震动止滑车道是由一种多棱角,硬度极高的矿物骨料及特种改性树脂组合而成,采用专业的施工工艺,其产品具有防滑无震动,经久耐磨,消音降燥,色彩鲜艳,耐候性优异,并具有较强的标识功能。无震动止滑车道是现代高档物业的首选。 无震动止滑车道是有特种功效聚合物、改性树脂、多角性硬度矿物骨料、其他掺和物和外加剂组成,采用特种现场工艺施工而成,其成品具有防滑耐磨、保护轮胎、降低胎噪、舒适无震动、遇雨水自洁等多种优异的性能,而且图案美观鲜明、导向性强,醒目安全。 Product Brief Shockproof anti-slip driveway is a multi-corners, high hardness mineral aggregate and special combination of modified resin, using a professional construction technology, its products have non-slip vibration-free, durable wear, noise reduction dry, color bright, excellent weatherability, and has a strong identity function. Shockproof anti-slip driveway is a modern high-end properties of choice. 地坪类型: 环氧树脂车道 丙烯酸车道 聚氨酯车道 Floor type: Epoxy Resin Driveway Polyurethane Driveway Acrylic Resin Driveway 产品特点: 减少了车辆轮胎与车道间摩擦的噪音,降低了普通车道对汽车和汽车轮胎的损伤,阻尼性能超强、起伏性低。采用水泥基材料所以该车道具有超长寿命;表面用进口树脂封闭,使之具有自洁性;抗重压、耐磨损、易施工。 Product Features: Reduce friction between vehicle tires and driveway noise, reducing the normal driveway on car and tire damage, superior damping performance, ups and downs of the end. Therefore, the use of cement-based materials with long life of the driveway; surface of resin imports closed, so that self-cleaning; anti-stress, anti-wear, easy construction. 适用范围: 地下、楼层停车场的上、下坡道,机场,车站候机、候车楼的上、下坡道。 材料组成: 甲基聚丙烯酸甲脂及特殊工艺彩砂 性能特点: 易施工、快速固化、高效防滑无震动、色彩牢固、持久耐用、消音降燥、色彩鲜艳、耐候性优异。 Application scope: Ground floor car park, down the ramp, airports, stations waiting, waiting on the floor, under the ramp. Material composition: Methyl acrylic acid methyl ester and special craft Color Sand. Features: Easy construction, fast curing, high-slip no vibration, color solid, durable, noise reduction dry, colorful, excellent weather resistance. 施工工艺: ·基层地面处理 ·涂刷封闭底漆 ·批刮抗压砂浆中涂 ·划线、贴美纹胶 ·批涂防滑区条 ·滚涂面漆 ·去除美纹胶 地面基层的要求: 1.混凝土地面的强度,密实度 2.混凝土地面一体性 3.混凝土地面的坡度 4.混凝土地面的龄期 养护: 1.地坪施工完毕后需养护1-3天后方可投入使用,在养护期间,应避免水或其它溶液侵润表面 2.清洁地面时请用软质吸水性好的拖把或干湿两用吸尘器,可用清水或清洁剂清洗 3.若因使用时间较长而造成磨损或刮花、小面积可进行局部修补,若面积较大则建议重新滚涂一次 |
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