词条 | 房宿三 |
释义 | 房宿三(δ Sco / 天蝎座δ)是天蝎座的恒星,俗名Dschubba(也作Dzuba,源于阿拉伯语jabhat,意为“蝎子的前额”)或Iclarcrau,或Iclarkrav。由于靠近黄道,房宿三可能被月亮和行星(极少)遮挡。 亮度变化2000年6月,Sebastian Otero观测到房宿三比平时亮了0.1个星等。从那以后,该星的亮度一直达到1.6或1.7星等。之后通过光谱分析发现房宿三从其赤道区域抛射出明亮的气体。尽管亮度变化,它的亮度始终在先前的亮度之上。 伴星房宿三的B光谱型伴星围绕主星以20天的周期旋转,二者的距离大致等于水星离太阳的距离。Furthermore, there is a star that takes about 10 years to orbit Dschubba in a highly eccentric orbit that takes it close in to the primary once a decade. The last close encounter of these two stars happened in mid-2000 and it may have triggered the outburst of the primary star. A possible fourth companion star lies at about twice the distance again from the main star. |
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