

词条 方月娥




1. 主讲和曾主讲课程:




2. 指导学生完成毕业论文:


本科生毕业论文54 人

大学生研究计划 20 人





[1] 高分子薄膜及微加工, 合成新型Ⅹ-射线光刻胶,采用同步辐射Ⅹ-射线光刻,线幅达亚微米级(国家自然科学基金项目)

[2] 医用防粘连水凝胶材料,首次用于骨和手外科手术,临床应用150余例,疗效显著。(中科院科研成果鉴定,国家发明专利,获国家发明协会银牌奖,中国科技大学科研成果二等奖)

[3] 生物降解性骨折内固定物,强度达人体疏质骨。动物实验有效率达93%。(国家自然科学基金项目)

[4] 中西药结合抗菌性医用敷料,该敷料具有杀菌,止痛,速愈,低疤痕等特点。(安徽省科委重点科研项目,省级科研成果鉴定)

[5] 淀粉基纳米复合超强吸水剂,具有高吸水倍率,高强度和生物降解性能。(安徽省“十五”科技攻关产业化项目,项目通过验收)


[1] 通过可控大分子反应,构筑具有刺激响应两亲性大分子结构,研究其自组装胶束化行为,对生物活性物质和药物的控释功能。(国家自然科学基金项目)

[2] 合成具有完全生物降解性能的生物组织工程支架材料,研究其成分、结构和性能之间的关系及活性物质宿住功能(国家自然科学基金项目)

个人兴趣 - 开发研究医用和化工新产品:

[1] FS-无卤阻燃剂(横向课题,省级科研成果鉴定)

[2] 耐辐射特种水性防护涂料(横向课题,省级科研成果鉴定,中国石油与化工部科研成果鉴定,获科技型中小企业技术创新基金支持。)

[3] 变性淀粉土壤改良剂研究,(安徽省“九五”科技公关产业化项目,项目通过验收)

[4] 以天然植物资源直接制造超强吸水剂及其在农业上的应用,(安徽省自然科学基金项目)

[5] 种衣成膜剂及其应用研究(横向课题,产业化批量生产)


[1] Zhang WA, Zhou XC, Li H, Zhang GZ*, Fang YE* Conformational transition of tethered poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) chains in coronas of micelles and vesicles Macromolecules 38 (3): 909-914 FEB 8 2005

[2] Luo W, Zhang WA, Chen P, Fang YE* et al. Synthesis and properties of starch grafted poly[acrylamide-co-(acrylic acid)]/montmorillonite nanosuperabsorbent via gamma-ray irradiation technique Journal of Applied Polymer Science 96 (4): 1341-1346 MAY 15 2005

[3] Liu L, Li Y, Zhang WA, Fang YE* et al. Homogeneous graft copolymerization of chitosan with methyl methacrylate by gamma-irradiation via a phthaloylchitosan intermediate Polymer International 53 (10): 1491-1494 OCT 2004

[4] Liu L, Li YP, Li Y, Fang YE* et al. Rapid N-phthaloylation of chitosan by microwave irradiation

Carbohydrate Polymers 57 (1): 97-100 AUG 12 2004

[5] Li Y, Liu L, Zhang WA, Fang YE* A new hybrid nanocomposite prepared by graft copolymerization of butyl acrylate onto chitosan in the presence of organophilic montmorillonite Radiation Physics and Chemistry 69 (6): 467-471 APR 2004

[6] Liu L, Li Y, Liu H, Fang YE* Synthesis and characterization of chitosan-graft-polycaprolactone copolymers European Polymer Journal 40 (12): 2739-2744 DEC 2004

[7] Chen P, Zhang W, Luo W, Fang YE* Synthesis of superabsorbent polymers by irradiation and their applications in agriculture Journal of Applied Polymer Science 93 (4): 1748-1755 AUG 15 2004

[8] Zhang W, Zeng J, Liu L, Fang YE* A novel property of styrene-butadiene-styrene/clay nanocomposites: radiation resistance Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (2): 209-213 2004

[9] Zhang WA, Chen DZ, Xu HY, Fang YE* et al. Influence of four different types of organophilic clay on the morphology and thermal properties of polystyrene/clay nanocomposites prepared by using the gamma-ray irradiation technique European Polymer Journal 39 (12): 2323-2328 DEC 2003

[10] Zhang WA, Liang Y, Luo W, Fang YE* et al. Effects of clay-modifying agents on the morphology and properties of poly(methyl methacrylate)/clay nanocomposites synthesized via gamma-ray irradiation polymerization Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 41 (21): 3218-3226 NOV 1 2003

[11] Zhang WA, Shen XF, Liu MF, Fang YE* et al. Synthesis and thermal properties of polystyrene/montmorillonite nanocomposites by gamma-ray radiation polymerization Journal of Applied Polymer Science 90 (6): 1692-1696 NOV 7 2003

[12] Zhang W, Li Y, Wei L, Fang YE* In situ intercalative polymerization of poly(methyl methacrylate)/clay nanocomposites by gamma-ray irradiation Materials Letters 57 (22-23): 3366-3370 JUL 2003

[13] Zhang WA, Shen XF, Li Y, Fang YE* Synthesis and characterization of poly(methyl methacrylate)/OMMT nanocomposites by gamma-ray irradiation polymerization Radiation Physics and Chemistry 67 (5): 651-656 JUL 2003

[14] Li YP, Liu L, Fang YE* Plasma-induced grafting of hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) onto chitosan membranes by a swelling method Polymer International 52 (2): 285-290 FEB 2003

[15] Wang HT, Fang YE*, Yan YS Surface modification of chitosan membranes by alkane vapor plasma Journal of Materials Chemistry 11 (5): 1374-1377 2001

[16] Li YP, Fang YE*, Fan R, et al. Study of plasma-polymerization deposition of C2H2/CO2/H-2 onto ethylene-co-propylene rubber membranes Radiation Physics and Chemistry 60 (6): 637-642 MAR 2001


新型吸水剂在砂姜黑土甘蓝包菜上应用效果 何传龙1,刘 枫1,王道中1,方月娥2 (1安徽省农科院土壤肥料研究所,合肥 230031;2中国科技大学应用化学系,合肥 230031)

中西药结合抗菌性甲壳胺复合膜的制备及其体外释放 方月娥; 吕小斌; 王永明; 周涛; 冯建平; 陈柏钧; 李立生; 王永杰; 王少根



医用壳聚糖膜材料的辐射灭菌及有关性能变化的研究 方月娥[1] 张建湘[2] 核技术-1997-4

季铵盐纤维素衍生物抗静电剂的研究 方月娥[1] 包德强[2] 中国科学技术大学学报-1999-3

用正交设计法研究阻燃聚氨酯泡沫塑料配方 方月娥 火灾科学 1995 S1

沈效峰;钱钟钟;张伟安;方月娥.熔融法制备EVA/OMMT纳米复合材料及其热性能和动态力学性能[J]. 应用化学, 2004,21

“FS—骨科手术防粘连材料” 史天义、方月娥

硅橡胶水凝胶膜预防骨外科手术组织粘连的临床应用 方月娥1 史天义1 梅宝珊2 尹忠祥2 苏家庆2

巯基烷基化壳聚糖载绿色荧光蛋白质粒基因纳米粒子的制备与研究 慕卿 赵伟亮 白欣 李树宝 卢迪 方月娥 赵宇





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