词条 | 泛银河系含漱爆破药 |
释义 | 泛银河系含漱爆破药: 出自英国著名科幻作家道格拉斯·亚当斯的名著:《银河系漫游指南》的第二章,在小说中,这是一种非常流行的饮料。 原文是: Chapter 2 Here’s what the Encyclopedia Galactica has to say about alcohol. It says that alcohol is a colourless volatile liquid formed by the fermentation of sugars and also notes its intoxicating effect on certain carbon-based life forms. The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol. It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It says that the effect of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. The Guide also tells you on which planets the best Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters are mixed, how much you can expect to pay for one and what voluntary organizations exist to help you rehabilitate afterwards. The Guide even tells you how you can mix one yourself. 翻译成中文的大意是:(翻译能力有限,有待高手支持……) 第二章 以下是《银河系百科全书》中对酒的解释。它说,酒是一种无色、易挥发的液体,由糖发酵而来,同时,它还提到了酒还具有能够使基于碳元素构成的生命形式变醉的功效。 《银河系漫游指南》中也提到了酒。它说,存在的最好的饮料就是“泛银河系含漱爆破药”了。 它说,喝下一杯泛银河系含漱爆破药,那感觉就像是被一大块包裹着柠檬的金砖拍碎了头。 《指南》还会告诉你,哪些行星上能调配出最好的泛银河系含漱爆破药,买上一份将要花掉你多少钱,以及都有哪些帮助你饮后恢复健康的志愿组织存在。 《指南》甚至会教你如何自己调配出一份泛银河系含漱爆破药来。 《银河系漫游指南》卖得可比《银河系百科全书》要好得多。 |
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