

词条 Exposed

《Exposed》是歌手李玟的英语专辑,由新力博德曼音乐于2005年3月25日公开发行。这是葛来美王牌制作人Ric Wake为CoCo全力打造的2005性感新世纪。专辑曲目包括:《Step In》、《No Doubt》、《Gotta Clue》、《Hush》、《So Good》、《Touch》、《Rock It》、《All Around the World》、《Belly Dance》、《Cool》、《Music We Make》、《No Doubt》和《Magic Words》等12首歌曲。



歌手:CoCo Lee/ 李玟


唱片厂牌:Sony BMG Music

发行公司:Sony/ATV Music Publishing

制作人:Ric Wake 、CoCo Lee


发行地区/ 版本:

2005年3月14日 韩国(提前)

2005年3月25日 中国香港、中国台湾、菲律宾

2005年3月27日 新加坡、马来西亚 、泰国

2005年3月28日 中国大陆

2005年3月29日 印度

*特别一提的是:全球十大巨星被禁播的MTV唯一华人入榜:CoCo Lee/《So Good》,MV内CoCo Lee以BraTop及一条迷你三角裤的性感打扮上阵,再加上诱人舞步,更让她在MV中使出浑身解数,躺在床上扭腰摆臀,尺度相当大胆,看得人血脉沸腾。(MV只在香港播放;台湾/大陆禁播)


Do you really know Coco Lee?


经过漫长的等待,全球华人引以为傲的流行天后,李玟,终于在 3/25 全亚洲首度引爆让人目眩神迷的全新英文专辑“Expoesd”。这张专辑,李玟特地飞到纽约录制,并且再度与曾为席琳狄翁 (Celine Dion)、玛丽亚凯莉 (Mariah Carey)、安娜贾西亚 (Anastacia)等巨星创造出无数热门金曲的葛莱美奖得奖制作人Ric Wake以及他的制作团队合作。



⊙唯一站上奥斯卡舞台的华人女歌手 跨足电影的事业多元成就

 攻占全球 心留台湾 李玟承诺将带着台湾歌迷的祝福继续自我突破

1999年,CoCo首度发表英文专辑“Just No Other Way”就在亚洲销售超过五十万张,而且还让她的歌迷层扩展到美国、欧洲、澳洲以及日本等地。2001年,CoCo受邀在全球十亿五千多万观众面前于奥斯卡颁奖典礼中演唱“最佳外语片”得主“卧虎藏龙”的主题曲“A Love Before Time”,更是她进军国际歌坛过程中所跨出的一大步。她在中国内地各个地方举办过多场成功的演唱会,让她独特的东西交融式R&B唱腔及性感的嗓音对亚洲新一代的R&B歌手造成深远的影响。但音乐永远是CoCo的最爱,CoCo永远不会忘记对歌迷的承诺;因此在2005的一开始,无疑地已成为乐坛代表人物的CoCo,将要以她的新专辑“Exposed”不仅要将我们带到“另一个境界”,而且还将为她璀璨的演艺事业揭开新的一页。

⊙CoCo第二张英碟睽违三年“金”雕细琢,“No Doubt”性感覆盖全亚洲

睽违全球乐坛三年,国际天后CoCo李玟第二张英文专辑火热出炉,这张名为“Exposed”的全新英文专辑,光制作费就耗资美金100万元,堪称全亚洲制作费最高的一张唱片,由席琳狄翁、玛丽亚凯莉及安娜贾西亚的御用制作人Ric Wake & Henrik Ahlgren操刀,钻石级的打造、内里蕴含一颗CoCo的无价真心CoCo表示:“光收歌就超过200首,筛选到最后30首还不错听的也被拿掉,最后留在专辑中的,都是最好听的喔!”“金”雕细琢,算是送给久违台湾歌迷的一份大礼。

首张英文专辑“Just No Other Way”,全球大卖200万张,让李玟登上世界舞台,也让她扬威奥斯卡殿堂,在全球数十亿人面前展露歌艺,实为华人之光,而一洲又一洲疲于奔命的宣传,让CoCo笑称“好像在选美国总统”,绕着地球跑宣传则让她觉得“好像世界小姐到各国访问喔!”,妙语如珠的CoCo,歌甜人美,不管是天南地北的韩国和印度都有大量的歌迷,因此主打歌CoCo,CoCo特别制作了两个版本,分别与两地顶尖的艺人合作,担任rapper的角色,“印度版”请来印度相当受欢迎的饶舌歌手Blazee,“韩国版”更了不起,请到韩国天团G.O.D.的Joon Park合作,一反无远弗届的韩流和打进国际的印度“宝莱坞”电影,CoCo也要用她带有华人血统的音乐,再度攻下这两地市场,而两种不同的表达方式也各自和CoCo产生骇翻天的化学反应;首波主打歌“No Doubt”是由美国今年才满18岁的音乐金童Eric Sanicola、Henrik Ahlgren和CoCo共同创作词曲,由Henrik Ahlgren制作,CoCo可谓一手网罗了美国乐坛的“老干新枝”,有王牌、也有新血,可听度极高!

CoCo表示为制作本专辑,往返纽约次数已数不清,加起来她在纽约住了整整有一年,简直像住在Ric Wake的录音室里,每天一张眼她就直接进录音室工作,半夜才黑着眼圈一路睡回饭店,说到录音,最令CoCo感到难忘又特别的是,一天半夜12点,她从录音室打外线要拨到别国问制作的事,可能国码没拨好,没拨到国外,却意外拨到了纽约的警察局,虽然一再道歉,但警察觉得“事有蹊翘”,备妥警力循线追到录音室来,当一组警察出现,双方都吓一大跳,CoCo和Ric Wake等工作人员讶异于警察的认真和敏感,警察则讶异这里是录制出无数超级巨星的录音间,最后CoCo请警察坐下来听她这首“No Doubt”,其中一位女警还认出她就是在奥斯卡演唱“卧虎藏龙”的中国天后CoCo Lee,另外一位男警员则赶忙掏出本子请他签名,还说等她发片要去唱片行买来听,让CoCo笑得嘴都合不拢了,一通误拨的电话,造成一段奇遇,也成为CoCo录制本专辑最难以忘怀的一件趣事,她特别要跟歌迷们一起分享。

这首充满欢乐气氛的party指定歌曲“No Doubt”,俏皮中带着性感,一听就上瘾、再听朗朗上口,让人全身通电、闻之起舞,势必成为全球舞厅最爱,明 (3/15)起,由台湾HitFM带头,全亚洲共48个电台将同时首播这首“No Doubt”,东由台湾、西到新疆,南到大马、北至黑龙江、蒙古,都将同时笼罩在CoCo Lee“No Doubt”的性感歌声中。




而在拍摄部分,请到了素有香港广告界天王的资深摄影师Sam Wong为CoCo掌镜,曾拍摄许多天王天后广告作品的Sam,其实与CoCo也配合过多次,如之前OMAGA手表广告便是由Sam拍摄,对于CoCo的神韵及表情,Sam拿捏的非常准确,让CoCo慑服不已;CoCo说,跟Sam合作拍照不用花费太多力气,非常愉快流畅!这次新专辑封面照抢先让全亚洲歌迷一睹为快,让CoCo非常开心,也期待歌迷能够喜欢“Sexy、Spicy、naughty”的CoCo!

歌甜人美的CoCo,创作能力也不输人,这张“EXPOSED”共13首歌,其中就有8首词曲,就是CoCo自己创作!自2002年盛夏发行完“爱琴海”新歌加电音精选专辑后,CoCo便专心地投入这张英文专辑的制作,而这两年多来,CoCo自己也从生活上去找寻灵感试着创作,并与制作人Ric Wake不断地讨论集思,产生很多high翻天的化学火花及创作来源;也因此CoCo在这张全新英文大碟自己就包办八首词曲,首波主打歌“No Doubt”就是CoCo与美国今年才满18岁的音乐金童Eric Sanicola呕心沥血的创作结晶;CoCo的创作加上王牌制作人的加持,相信这张“EXPOSED”即将占领歌迷的新视线!

⊙印度Blazee VS韩国Joon Park(G.O.D)RAP双雄各显神通

 肢体解放听觉暴动 Party第一主打“No Doubt”2种版本能量Double!

首波主打单曲是充满欢乐气氛的party指定歌曲“No Doubt”,这首歌曲是和现年只有18岁的音乐神童Eric Sanicola所共同创作的作品。这首俏皮中带着性感、一听就上瘾的舞曲描写出CoCo夜生活的多彩多姿:“我在玩的时候,就会尽情跳舞、放电,很像这首歌所描写的。”这首歌有两种版本,分别邀请了在印度地下乐坛相当受欢迎的饶舌歌手Blazee,和韩国天团G.O.D. 的Joon Par在两个版本中担任rapper的角色,两种不同的表达方式各自和CoCo产生让人骇翻天的化学反应。


 Coco第二张英文大碟《Exposed(自我表达)》全亚洲记者会3月24日在香港盛大举行, 包括中港台新马泰韩国印尼印度菲律宾美国加拿大等在内的各国媒体齐聚一堂,现场犹如联合国般热闹,SONY BMG在亚洲的所有分公司总裁也不辞辛劳飞来香港为SONY BMG结盟后第一位发片的重量级华人歌手助阵,足见Coco魅力十足!

SONY BMG斥资10多万美元配合Coco这张英文专辑神秘性感曲风,在记者会现场精心搭制埃及古老王式金字塔双场景,场面壮观, 气势磅礴,而Coco则专程到纽约买回Gucci今年流行春装,穿上一席纯白色礼服,再加上Coco迷人的身段、甜美的笑容和性感美丽的气质,在SONY BMG全亚洲区总裁RICHARD用“所罗门钥匙”开启金字塔,让Coco一出场就如希腊女神维纳斯降临,当场谋杀全场摄影记者底片。



 目前,Coco令人惊叹的音乐生涯总共包括16张专辑和全球超过1千万张唱片的骄人销量,中西合璧的新潮R&B曲风已经使她成为亚洲唱片销量最高的女艺人,并且深刻影响了亚洲一大批极富才华的新生代音乐人。过去5年中,Coco从诸如CHANNEL V和MTV等电视台以及FHM(男人帮)、Esquire(君子)、Maxim等杂志获得不计其数的奖项,并一直被评选为“亚洲最性感的女性”。

出生在香港随后移民美国旧金山的Coco于1993回到香港,并因为获得新人歌手大赛亚军而下定决心留在亚洲开始音乐生涯。签约当时国际五大音乐公司之一的索尼音乐(Sony Music)之后,Coco推出了她的首张中文专辑《爱就要趁现在》,并因此蹿升至流行歌曲榜的榜首位置。1999年Coco推出首张英文专辑《Just No Other Way》,除了在亚洲取得50万张的销售佳绩之外,还把她的影响力推进到美国、欧洲、澳洲和日本等西方各国。2001年Coco的事业攀上了又一个高峰。她在奥斯卡电影颁奖仪式上现场表演获得当年度最佳影片《卧虎藏龙》的主题曲《月光爱人(A Love Before Time)》,为全球15亿观众所瞩目。近年来,Coco的演艺足迹遍布全中国,除了在各地举办多场成功演唱会之外,去年还首次与奥斯卡最佳影片《末代皇帝》男主角、著名华人影星尊龙先生共同出演热门影片《自娱自乐》。

毋庸质疑,作为一名音乐偶像和乐坛代表人物,Coco的最新英文专辑 《Exposed》不仅会让我们耳目一新,更会为她自己的音乐事业翻开崭新的篇章!


Step In:


No Doubt:

当时我几乎已经是住在纽约了,我的制作人之一Eric Sanicola有天哼了这首歌的旋律,我一听就好喜欢。我们马上开始着手录制这首歌曲,我在录这首歌的时候想像着我在一间夜店里喝到微醺,然后用我的舞步来挑逗男孩们。这是一首很俏皮的歌。



-与Joon Park (G.O.D.)合作的版本-


Gotta Clue:

featuring Joon Park (G.O.D.):




So Good:

我经常说这句话。录这首歌时蛮好玩的,我第一天进录音室时就跟制作人一起想出这首歌的歌词,Damon (Sharpe)和Greg (Lawson)一直说他们不敢相信像CoCo这么可爱的女孩对性的观念竟然可以这么开放。嗯,我已经29岁了,我想我有权利表现得性感一点,我想这首歌会让很多人大吃一惊。



Rock It:


All Around The World:


Belly Dance:

我跳舞的时候很喜欢摆臀,所以我在纽约录音的时候,就请我的制作人写一首能让我热舞的歌,“Belly Dance”绝对达到了我的要求。



Music We Make:


Magic Words:

这是我第一次跟这位来自瑞典、充满才气的制作人Henrik Ahlgren合作的作品。我一听到这首歌,就马上有种这首歌是专门为我而写的感觉。我对于这首歌的歌词心有戚戚焉,我知道其他歌迷也会与这首歌产生共鸣。


01 Step In 欢迎光临

02 No Doubt (featuring Blaaze) 别怀疑

03 Gotta Clue (featuring Joon Park of G.O.D.) 抓到你了

04 Hush 嘘…

05 So Good 妙极了

06 Touch 拥抱我

07 Rock It 尽情摇摆

08 All Around the World 无论我在哪里

09 Belly Dance 肚皮舞

10 Cool (featuring Joon Park of G.O.D.) 心已冷

11 Music We Make 活在音乐里

12 No Doubt (featuring Joon Park of G.O.D.) 别怀疑

13 Magic Words 爱情密语


1.Step In

Lyrics:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola Music:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola

Step in my world (cause I know that you're ready to ride)

Now it's my turn (to give it to you just how you like)

No matter what you say

I know I can make a change

I just can't walk away, no way

I'm gonna let you love me

I'm gonna blow ya mind

I'm gonna let you get in

My soul, my mind

Step in my world

Step in my world

Step in my world


Written:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola/Henrik Ahlgren

Featuring:Eric Sanicola/Henrik Ahlgren


(Hot ya Hot ya)

Baby – no doubt –gotta show me what it's about

Baby – no doubt –gotta show me what it's about

Boy, lets make it Hot

Verse 1

What you say your name was? I'm kinda tipsy, sippin on Corona (damn,baby)

I see you try to get some, but you should know,

I don't get down with just anyone - UH UH.

But you ain't gotta worry boo, got a style, and a body that I'm feeling too.

And I might wanna take you home with me tonight.


If you're ready daddy, hit the lights let me know what you can do

cause I'm gonna show you all about

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

[Girl, you make it hot. CoCo Lee ya

CoCo Lee I'll take you home with me ya]

Verse 2

Baby now we're freakin'. We'll be crunk getting crazy on the weekend

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, let me know, in a minute we'll be leaving

The only thing that's left to do is to get you dirty dirty all up in the room

Cause you know you're gonna get it on with me tonight.


If you're ready daddy, hit the lights let me know what you can do

Cause I'm gonna show you all about

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop (girl, you make it hot)

Baby – no doubt – gotta show me what it's about (hot).

Baby – no doubt – gotta show me what it's about (hot).



No doubt – If you're ready Daddy turn the lights out.

Cause I'm gonna show you what it's about.

Girl, I love how we be getting down (girl you make it hot).


If you're ready daddy, hit the lights let me know what you can do

Cause I'm gonna show you all about

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop (girl, you make it hot)

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

Don't stop.

Don't stop.

Un...Don't stop.

Un...Take it to the top.

Don't stop.

What it's all about. (hot, hot)

3.Gotta Clue

Lyrics:Coco Lee Music:Coco Lee Vocal:Coco Lee/Joon Park From G.O.D.

Verse 1

Rewind...did hear him tell me that he lost his phone? (and it's the...)

Same line that I thought he told me just a week ago (must be a...)

Bad sign...I can never reach him and he's never home (well...well...)

It's time to investigate it... do it on the low.


If I could be a little fly up on the wall.

Then I would have a million eyes I'd see it all.

If I could crawl inside his two way I would see

The words would spell out all the evidence I need.


Oh my god, I think he's cheating.

Where's he going on the weekend?

What's the secret that he's keeping?

I gotta clue.

There's so many missing pieces.

He says it's work I don't believe it.

And I think I know who she is.

I gotta clue.


I am no detective but I know when something's wrong (that's right)

That man...he is the one in question...but I'll tell you what.

He can't hide the other woman, cuz I'm catching on (and here's...)

My plan...get a comfirmation then I'm out the door.


If I could be a little fly up on the wall.

Then I would have a million eyes I'd see it all.

If I could crawl inside his two way I would see

The words would spell out all the evidence I need.


Oh my god, I think he's cheating.

Where's he going on the weekend?

What's the secret that he's keeping?

I gotta clue.

There's so many missing pieces.

He says it's work I don't believe it.

And I think I know who she is.

I gotta clue.

A clue, you didn't think I knew.

A clue, now I'm on to you.

A clue, I'm closer to the truth.

I got ways of finding out I'm warning you.


I've gotta clue!


Oh my god, I think he's cheating.

Where's he going on the weekend?

What's the secret that he's keeping?

I gotta clue.

There's so many missing pieces.

He says it's work I don't believe it.

And I think I know who she is.

I gotta clue.

Oh my god, I think he's cheating.

Where's he going on the weekend?

What's the secret that he's keeping?

I gotta clue.


Lyrics:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola Music:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola


Hush now keep our love quiet.

It must stay on the low.

And I know it ain't easy, but nobody else has to know.

Verse 1

You and me got a chemistry between us.

And I truly feel, that you are the one I dream of.

I wanna tell the whole world, that you're mine (but I can't)

Try to understand the situation I'm in.

Baby, I got plans and now it's not the timing.

One day I'll tell the whold world – I'm your girl.

I'm your girl.



Hush now.

Keep our love quiet – quiet (Don't say a word)

It must stay on the low.

And I know it ain't easy, but nobody else has to know.

Hush now.

Keep our love quiet – quiet (Don't say a word)

It must stay on the low.

And I know it ain't easy, but nobody else has to know.

(It ain't easy for you baby.)

Verse 2

Laying next to you with your arms around my body

Never felt so good

But I can't tell nobody.

I'm waiting so patiently, wait for me, baby.

The very thought of you alone can drive me crazy.

And I picture you the father of my baby

I'm praying desperately and I do believe.


Hush now.

Keep our love quiet – quiet (Don't say a word)

It must stay on the low.

And I know it ain't easy, but nobody else has to know.

Hush now.

Keep our love quiet – quiet (Don't say a word)

It must stay on the low.

And I know it ain't easy, but nobody else has to know.

(It ain't easy for you baby.)

Bridge (X2)

Cause we are destined to be in love.

When the time comes we'll tell everyone.

But till then don't say nothing.

Wanna wait till we got something solid.



Written:Coco Lee/Damon Sharpe/Greg Lawson

Let me get that.

Uh-uh-uh-uh –

yeah that's it.

You feel that? I know you feel that... Let's ride.

Verse 1

Big Daddy close the door.

What are you waiting for?

I'm crawling on the fours.

Come join me on the floor.

I want this rug to burn.

You're greedy it's my turn.

You've got a lot to learn.

Cause I'm on this job to work.


Hush now – whose is it

Don't talk – just hit it

I need a little more – than a minute

I wanna pass out – with you in it

Don't stop – baby take it

Deeper – till you break it

Open – cause I need it.

Harder, harder, harder, harder!


I feel your flow

The vibe is so sexual

Got me feeling like letting go

Think I'm gonna ride you all night long

Cause this feel so, so, so, good!So, so, so, good!

Oh –

I know you feel that.

Yeah- uh

Verse 2

Lay back and just relax.

Don't mind the candlewax.

With nails upon your back.

I'll do it just like that.

Lust sitting on your face

Tongue kiss my inner place

And as I start to shake

A sensual escape


Hush now – whose is it

Don't talk – just hit it

I need a little more – than a minute

I wanna pass out – with you in it

Don't stop – baby take it

Deeper – till you break it

Open – cause I need it.

Harder, harder, harder, harder!


I feel your flow

The vibe is so sexual

Got me feeling like letting go

Think I'm gonna ride you all night long

Cause this feel so, so, so, good!So, so, so, good!

I feel your flow

The vibe is so sexual

Got me feeling like letting go

Think I'm gonna ride you all night long

Cause this feel so, so, so, good!So, so, so, good!

I feel your flow.


Give me some of that.

Whose is it

Just hit it

Till you break it

Cause I need it.

Yeah - cause I need it.


I feel your flow

The vibe is so sexual

Got me feeling like letting go

Think I'm gonna ride you all night long

Cause this feel so, so, so, good!So, so, so, good!

I feel your flow

The vibe is so sexual

Got me feeling like letting go

Think I'm gonna ride you all night long

Cause this feel so, so, so, good!So, so, so, good!

6.Touch/CoCo Lee

Written:Greg Lawson/Michael Anthony Fields/Sean Porter


7 whole days

7 whole nights

I can't wait to get you by my side so you can -touch me

Oh how I need you so much

My body calls out please come and touch me

Too long since I've had some

I need to feel your touch

Verse 1

Craving your touch

Saving my love for the next time

I'm yours, you're mine

Baby, we'll be exciting when we meet up that night,two sparks ignite

It's funny how a week seems like eternity

I want to feel you near

Can you get here?


Oh how I need you so much

My body calls out please come and touch me

Too long since I've had some

I need to feel your touch

Verse 2

Can't wait 'till we're skin on skin

Face to face and heartbeats racing

Subway,taxi,airplane or limousine

Pick one oh anyone

Come see about me

It's funny how a week seems like eternity

I want to feel you near

Can you get here?


Oh how I need you so much

My body calls out please come and touch me

Too long since I've had some

I need to feel your touch

A phone call won't do...No!

I need much more than just to hear from you

Sleeping by myself, it just ain't cool.

My body's aching baby and the cure is you


Oh how I need you so much

My body calls out please come and touch me

Too long since I've had some

I need to feel your touch

Oh how I need you so much

My body calls out please come and touch me

Too long since I've had some

I need to feel your touch


It's been too long

It feels like eternity

I need to feel you baby

Come and... touch me

7.Rock It

Lyrics:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola Music:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola

Do you wanna rock it baby?

Do you wanna rock it baby?

Verse 1

The room is shaking,good vibration

This music's in my soul.

Unerdeath the strobe lights,

I'm feeling hypnotized you've got me under control.


DJ,won't you come and rock me all night long.

The way you keep spinning really turns me on.

And there's something i gots to know...


Do you wanna rock it baby?'Cause i wanna roll with you for sure.

I don't wanna stop this baby.

Do what you want with me..on the dance floor.

Do you wanna rock it baby?'Cause i wanna roll with you for sure.

I don't wanna stop this baby.

Do what you want with me..(i'm yours)..on the dance floor.

Verse 2

Now the club is getting real hot and sweaty

You're chilling in the DJ booth.

Everybody's grinding and i keep on finding

My baby caught up in your groove.


DJ,won't you come and rock me all night long.

The way you keep spinning really turns me on.

And there's something i gots to know...


Do you wanna rock it baby?'Cause i wanna roll with you for sure.

I don't wanna stop this baby.

Do what you want with me..on the dance floor.

Do you wanna rock it baby?'Cause i wanna roll with you for sure.

I don't wanna stop this baby.

Do what you want with me..(i'm yours)..on the dance floor.


DJ,won't you come and rock me all night long.

The way you keep spinning really turns me on.

And there's something i gots to know...


Do you wanna rock it baby?'Cause i wanna roll with you for sure.

I don't wanna stop this baby.

Do what you want with me..(i'm yours)..on the dance floor.

Roll with you for sure

On the dance floor.

I'm yours-on the dance floor.

I'm yours-on the dance floor.

On the dance floor.

8.All Around The World

Lyrics:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola Music:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola

I wish I had much more time to show I love you baby

But things have been so hectic ever since I'm in this game

I'm thinking of you even though you are so far away

Sometimes I really wish I could stay

But nothing comes for free, I got everybody's eyes on me

And this is where I have to be, I wish that you could be here baby

All around the world, Even though I'm always on the road

Even no matter where I go, Forever I'll be your girl

All around the world, Hear me on the radio

Catch me on a TV show, Forever I'll be your girl

I know it hurts just so badly when I go away,

And there are things you wanna tell me but no time to say

But there's a promise in the end it's gonna be okay,

The love I have for you will never fade

But nothing comes for free, I got everybody's eyes on me

And this is where I have to be, I wish that you could be here baby

All around the world, Even though I'm always on the road

Even no matter where I go, Forever I'll be your girl

All around the world, Hear me on the radio

Catch me on a TV show, Forever I'll be your girl

Even though I'm all around the world, I'll always be your girl

Don't you know I'll always be your girl, Don't you know I'll always be your


All around the world, even though I'm always on the road

Even no matter where I go, Forever I'll be your girl

All around the world, Hear me on the radio

Catch me on a TV show, Forever I'll be your girl

All around the world...

All around the world...

All around the world...

9.Belly Dance

Written:Greg Lawson/Michael Anthony Fields/Kym Cardenas


Yeah come on

Verse 1

You want me so bad that you started dreaming about me.

Even imagine me doing bad things to ya and for ya.

You believe that you can have me.



If you can, you've got one chance.

What can you do to see my belly dance?


You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.

You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.

Verse 2

Your one wish is that

I'll work it for ya like this

Be your little private dancing mistress

Anytime and anywhere

You like it.

I want it go down that way...



If you can, you've got one chance.

What can you do to see my belly dance?


You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.

You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.


Watch me.

Move a little shake a little something for you.

To see

Look at you wishing you could come and get at me.

You like the way I shake it up for ya.

You like the way I wake it up for ya.

See my belly dance

See my belly dance


You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.

You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.

You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.

You want to see my belly dance.

You kinda cute so you might be the man.

Play your cards right and you could get the chance to see my belly dance.


Written:Greg Lawson/Damon Sharpe/Michael Anthony Fields

Vocal:Coco Lee/Joon Park From G.O.D.

Verse 1

Must thing that I'm an actress 'cause you played the role.

You came with so much drama that tickets should be sold.

If my life is a movie, then can i direct?

Your performance isn't working , so please get off my set.


Sorry if i'm real with this.

But i'm no longer feeling it.

Hope that you can deal with.

I gotta keep it moving.


It was cool while it lasted.

But you's a fool so i gotta let you go.

You broke the rules,i can's have that.

You wanna get back with me...no,no,i'm cool.

Verse 2

In the beginning you were my MVP.

But now you warm the bench and you cannot play for me.

It seems your game is lacking but still want the ball.

At the buzzer took the final shot,but you still can't hit the hole.

Repeat Pre-Chorus

Repeat Chorus


You were the star in my picture show.

Gave a performance that was all so memorable.

Like most leading men,you're a basket case.

(On the floor is your face)and your best scenes have been erased.


Repeat Chorus

You wanna get back with me..no,i'm cool.

I gotta let you go.

Fun while it lasted.

But you's a fool.

You wanna get back with me.

No,i'm cool.

Repeat Chorus

I'm cool on you baby.

Cool,you wanna get back with me...no,i'm cool.

Cool,you wanna get back with me...no,i'm cool.

11.Music As We Make It

Written:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola/Matt Nyberg

Verse 1

I saw the face of a boy in a magazine.

Couldn't have been older than five.

Crying all alone 'cuz his daddy died.

Caught in a place on the verge of a world war 3.

He don't ever understand why.

I wonder to myself how he's gonna survive.


There's so many ways to handle it.

Can we try to find love and peace in our head

I think that we can deal with it.

If we all get lost in the music we make.

Verse 2

Here comes the rain,the tears from heaven.

I know we're in for brighter days.

But it starts in you just keep the faith.

Let's not erase the world we are given.

You gotta get rid of the hate.

So sit back and let the rhythm take you away.


There's so many ways to handle it.

Can we try to find love and peace in our head

I think that we can deal with it.

If we all get lost in the music we make.


Written:Coco Lee/Eric Sanicola/Henrik Ahlgren

Vocal:Coco Lee/Joon Park From G.O.D.


(Hot Hot)

Baby – no doubt –gotta show me what it's about

Baby – no doubt –gotta show me what it's about

Boy, lets make it Hot

Verse 1

What you say your name was? I'm kinda tipsy, sippin on Corona (damn,baby)

I see you try to get some, but you should know,

I don't get down with just anyone - UH UH.

But you ain't gotta worry boo, got a style, and a body that I'm feeling too.

And I might wanna take you home with me tonight.


If you're ready daddy, hit the lights let me know what you can do

cause I'm gonna show you all about

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

[Girl, you make it hot. CoCo Lee ya

CoCo Lee I'll take you home with me ya]

Verse 2

Baby now we're freakin'. We'll be crunk getting crazy on the weekend

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, let me know, in a minute we'll be leaving

The only thing that's left to do is to get you dirty dirty all up in the room

Cause you know you're gonna get it on with me tonight.


If you're ready daddy, hit the lights let me know what you can do

Cause I'm gonna show you all about

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop (girl, you make it hot)

Baby – no doubt – gotta show me what it's about (hot).

Baby – no doubt – gotta show me what it's about (hot).



No doubt – If you're ready Daddy turn the lights out.

Cause I'm gonna show you what it's about.

Girl, I love how we be getting down (girl you make it hot).


If you're ready daddy, hit the lights let me know what you can do

Cause I'm gonna show you all about

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop (girl, you make it hot)

If you're ready daddy come tonight - let me see your body shine

Cause you're hot enough to do me right

Baby, ain't no doubt - take me to the top- don't stop

Don't stop.

Don't stop.

Un...Don't stop.

Un...Take it to the top.

Don't stop.

What it's all about. (hot, hot)

13.Magic Words

Lyrics:Henrik Ahlgren Music:Henrik Ahlgren

Verse 1

I want you to come to me when you're feeling down.

Knowing I can count on you during hard times.

We will find a way but it won't come easy.

When the yearning fades away, do we wanna stay?

Verse 2

Trying to be strong for you like you're strong for me.

Looking at you holding up so easily.

When I'm having doubts about what I'm feeling

And future worries are darkening my mind.

That's when you come around.


And you just say that magic words and everything is fine again baby.

You just touch me like I love and loving you feels new again...mmm yeah.

Sometimes I can get kinda low and I just wanna walk away (from you).

Then you just say the magic words –oh baby- and I feel the sun shinning down on me again.

Verse 3

I know I can be a pain to you at times.

I just wanna find a way to compromise.

I gotta learn to deal with you going your way.

And though you can't be here with me sometimes.

I can't wait till you come around.


And you will say that magic words and everything is fine again baby.

You will touch me like I love and loving you feels new again...mmm yeah.

Sometimes I can get kinda low and I just wanna walk away (from you).

Then you just say the magic words –oh baby- and I feel the sun shinning down on me again.


You belong to me.

I belong to you.

And the feeling true.

A sense of security.

I love you baby.

And I know you love me too.

When you say the words, the special words, the magic words...

When you say you love me.


Say that magic words and everything is fine again baby.

And you just touch me like I love and loving you feels new again...Oh yeah.

Sometimes I can get kinda low and I just wanna walk away.

Then you just say the magic words –oh babe- and I feel the sun shinning down on me again.

* written by Coco Lee

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