词条 | EXIST |
释义 | 基本词义:exist: [ ig'zist ] vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在 词形变化:动词过去式:existed 过去分词:existed 现在分词:existing 第三人称单数:exists 详细释义· 21世纪大英汉词典exist [iɡ'zist] vi. 1. 存在;实有,实际上有: The world exists, whether you like it or not. 不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。 2. 持续存在,继续存在,继续生存: Belief in magic still exists. 对魔法的迷信仍存在着。 3. (尤指在特殊的条件下或在特定的场所)发现,发生,出现;现存;具有;找得到: the qualities that exist in a person 人所具有的品质 Hunger exists in many parts of the world. 世界许多地方都发生饥荒。 4. 生存;生活,活着: We cannot exist without air, food and water. 我们没有空气、食物和水就不能生存。 5. (人)苦度日子,(尤指在逆境中)生活;得到基本的生活必需品(如食物和住所): She's not living, she's merely existing. 她不是在过活,只不过是在挨日子。 He exists on bread and water. 他靠面包和水度日。 6. 【哲学】(存在主义哲学)存在 · 网络释义1.存在 2.检查变量或函数是否已定义 3.现存 · 英英释义exist [iɡ'zist] v. 1. have an existence, be extant 2. support oneself he could barely exist on such a low wage ·英语字典exist 1 ·Have objective reality or being ·Be found, esp. in a particular place or situation ·Live, esp. under adverse conditions exist 2 ·verb ·to be real; to be present in a place or situation 存在;实际上有。 Does life exist on other planets? 其他行星上有生命吗? The problem only exists in your head, Jane. 这个问题不过是你的想像,简。 Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild. 这些野生的猴子已为数不多了。 A temple existed here hundreds of years ago. 几百年前这儿有座 庙宇。 ·to live, especially in a difficult situation or with very little money (尤指在困境或贫困中)生活,生存 ~ (on sth) 。 相关短语·基本词组短语exist invt. 存在于 exist as以…形式(或形态)存在,作为…而存在, exist on靠…生存;靠…生活 ·网络短语alien exist发现外星人 nature exist自然存在 exist as在 really exist确实存在 exist in存在于 NOT exist不存在 I EXIST我存在 if exist先判断 to exist存在 pre-exist 早先存在;在先出现 例句与用法1. To live, you have to exist. 要生活,你首先必须存在。 2.They are things that already exist. 它们是已经存在的事实。 3.Problems still exist. I have no expectation. 问题依然存在,我没有指望。 4.The trouble is that as yet such sensors do not exist. 问题是到目前为止这些传感器并不存在。 5.Experiments are easy because virtual worlds exist inparallel. 实验是容易的,因为虚拟世界并行存在。 6.But theological differences certainly exist, and have to be managed. 但理念上的差异的确存在,并需要得到管控。 7.Even lone atoms of antimatter, or antiatoms, are not known to existin nature. 自然界里连反物质的单个原子(也就是反原子)都不存在。 8. So perhaps the money did exist, but has since been spirited out of the company. 所以说这笔钱是有可能存在的,但这恰恰与公司的“真实”相违背。 9. No reliable figures existfor total costs, but a tally of billions of dollars is likely. 总的花费没有可靠的数据存在,但几十亿美元的记账还是有可能的。 10.The Chinese government has set aside11nature preserves where pandas are known to exist. 中国政府已经设立了11处已知有熊猫出没的自然保护区。 11.Finally, if institutions are too complex to supervise, they are also too complex to exist. 最后,如果机构太过复杂,以至于无法监管,那么它们也没有资格存在。 12.The committee's conclusions rely on technology and infrastructure that does not yet exist. 委员会的结论依赖于现在还不存在的技术和结构的基础上。 13.Further work will be required to see if indeed two non-emitting triplet states exist in this region. 进一步的工作将是需要了解两种不发射的三重性态是否确实存在在这一范围。 14.Life exista lot of unfairness. you must learn to envisage, believe in your eyes and people around you. 上了大学才知道,生活是有很多不公平的,你一定要正视,相信实力和群众的眼睛。 15.True sexual freedom, like all freedom, can existonly when the dignity of the human person is recognized. 真正的性自由,就像所有的自由一样,只能存在于当人的高贵被承认的时候。 16. In study after study over the past decade, they've show nabilities previously thought to exist only in humans. 过去十年间,一项又一项研究表明,动物表现出过去认为只有人类才具有的能力。 17.On some shelf in some hexagon there must exist a book which is the formula and perfect compendium of all the rest. 在某处六边形回廊的某个书架上,肯定有一本书堪为其余所有书籍的范本和完美总目。 18. It is alarming when the very outfits that exist to supply the economy with credit start to hoard it from each other. 这可是一个危险的信号,这些公司的存在就是为经济发展提供贷款,而现在他们却捂紧口袋。 19.Systems exist to check when people are awake, whether they have taken their medication, and what their vital signs are. 系统可以用来检验当人醒来时,他们是否已经吃药以及他们的生命特征是什么。 20. In bacteria, strong correlations existbetween the ability to carry out repair replication and resistance to UV-irradiation. 在细菌中进行修复性复制的能力和对紫外线的耐抗性之间存在着显著的相关性。 21.Partnerships can end at any time. But partnerships and individual proprietorships exist only as long as the owners are alive. 合伙关系可以在任何时候中断,但合资公司和独资企业只要其所有人活着就是一直存在。 22.Wolpert proves that in any such system of universes, quantities existthat cannot be ascertained by any inference device inside the system. 沃伯特证明,在宇宙的任何这类系统中,系统内的推论装置都不能用来确定系统内的量。 23. To challenge these ideas is to invite blank stares of incomprehension – you might as well be telling a physicist that gravitydoes not exist. 要想挑战这些想法,就会招致不理解的白眼——就像你是在告诉一位物理学家,地心引力并不存在似的。 24. In another conversation with MrGoldberg, MrCastro surprised his interviewer by embarking on a passionate defence of Israel's right to exist. 在另一篇和戈德堡先生的谈话中,卡斯特罗先生令人吃惊的开始热情的为以色列的生存权辩护。 25.Safeguard and realization of Equal Rights of Peasants in Chinatoday is restricted to some extent by old system , and some exist blind area of law. 当代中国农民平等权利的保障和实现不同程度地受到了旧体制的制约,有的甚至还存在法律的盲区。 26.For instance, sometimesit only makes sense to use data encryption when no other alternatives exist; sometimes you don't need to use data encryption at all. 例如,有时只有在不存在其它可供选择的办法时使用数据加密才有意义;有时你完全不需要使用数据加密。 27. At the moment, standing forest is of little commercialvalue, and much of it continues to existonly because of laws intended to prevent total clearance of the land. 目前,现存的森林没有多少商业价值,而其中大多数继续存在的原因仅仅是由于法律意图阻止对土地的全部开垦行为。 28. In fact, perfect clocks do not exist, so GPS receivers must also solve for a fourth unknown: the offset between the receiver's internal inexpensive clock and GPS network time. 但事实上,完美的时钟并不存在,所以GPS接收器还必须解出第四个未知数,也就是接收器内部的廉价时钟与GPS网络之间的时间差。 29.What makes this example disturbing is that it should be a simplecase: not only does the institution exist, but it has clear functionson which reasonable people broadly agree. 而这个例子让人烦恼的原因是,它本应是件简单的事情:这家机构不仅存在,而且有着明确的作用,头脑清醒的人对此普遍认同。 30.And instead of allowing uncertainty to be an excuse for inaction, regulators should return to first principles: use the best science available but do not demand certainty where it does not exist. 科学不确定性不能做为怠惰的藉口,管理者应该回到基本原理:利用能取得的最佳科学,无需要求不可能存在的确定性。 词义搜索exist 1、存在:数量特征等客观标准不统一就《公约》而言第27条中存在exist一词含有稳定长期 2、生存:诺贝尔布鲁内Norbert Brunner的作品《袋》Bag Objects每只袋上有不同英文标识如EXIST 3、存在感:exist ... 数据库语言EXISTSEXISTS 指定一个子查询,检测行的存在。 语法 EXISTS subquery 参数 subquery 是一个受限的 SELECT 语句 (不允许有 COMPUTE 子句和 INTO 关键字)。 结果类型 Boolean 结果值 如果子查询包含行,则返回 TRUE。 示例 A. 在子查询中使用 NULL 仍然返回结果集 这个例子在子查询中指定 NULL,并返回结果集,通过使用 EXISTS 仍取值为 TRUE。 USE Northwind GO SELECT CategoryName FROM Categories WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL) ORDER BY CategoryName ASC GO B. 比较使用 EXISTS 和 IN 的查询 这个例子比较了两个语义类似的查询。第一个查询使用 EXISTS 而第二个查询使用 IN。注意两个查询返回相同的信息。 USE pubs GO SELECT DISTINCT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM titles WHERE pub_id = publishers.pub_id AND type = 'business') GO -- Or, using the IN clause: USE pubs GO SELECT distinct pub_name FROM publishers WHERE pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM titles WHERE type = 'business') GO 下面是任一查询的结果集: pub_name ---------------------------------------- Algodata Infosystems New Moon Books (2 row(s) affected) C.比较使用 EXISTS 和 = ANY 的查询 本示例显示查找与出版商住在同一城市中的作者的两种查询方法:第一种方法使用 = ANY,第二种方法使用 EXISTS。注意这两种方法返回相同的信息。 USE pubs GO SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE exists (SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE authors.city = publishers.city) GO -- Or, using = ANY USE pubs GO SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE city = ANY (SELECT city FROM publishers) GO 下面是任一查询的结果集: au_lname au_fname ---------------------------------------- -------------------- Carson Cheryl Bennet Abraham (2 row(s) affected) D.比较使用 EXISTS 和 IN 的查询 本示例所示查询查找由位于以字母 B 开头的城市中的任一出版商出版的书名: USE pubs GO SELECT title FROM titles WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE pub_id = titles.pub_id AND city LIKE 'B%') GO -- Or, using IN: USE pubs GO SELECT title FROM titles WHERE pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM publishers WHERE city LIKE 'B%') GO 下面是任一查询的结果集: title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Busy Executive's Database Guide Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets You Can Combat Computer Stress! Straight Talk About Computers But Is It User Friendly? Secrets of Silicon Valley Net Etiquette Is Anger the Enemy? Life Without Fear Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies Emotional Security: A New Algorithm (11 row(s) affected) E. 使用 NOT EXISTS NOT EXISTS 的作用与 EXISTS 正相反。如果子查询没有返回行,则满足 NOT EXISTS 中的 WHERE 子句。本示例查找不出版商业书籍的出版商的名称: USE pubs GO SELECT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM titles WHERE pub_id = publishers.pub_id AND type = 'business') ORDER BY pub_name GO 下面是结果集: pub_name ---------------------------------------- Binnet & Hardley Five Lakes Publishing GGG&G Lucerne Publishing Ramona Publishers Scootney Books (6 row(s) affected) |
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