

词条 ETI Camcorder 2


ETI Camcorder 2

用你的手机拍摄出值得保存的高品质录像。Camcorder2代延续了ETI Camcorder的神话!


我们需要直面一个问题,手机内置的手机录像程序那是一个烂(sucks :))!它会将你宝贵的记忆录成模糊不清的垃圾影像,而且它录成的3GP

文件只有傻瓜才会喜欢。如果你真的想拍摄值得保存的录像,那你需要Camcorder2--接替ETI Camcorder神话的接班人!




-高质量 清晰的画面,没有烦人模糊图像

-流畅 Camcorder2高效的编码算法可以让你用高桢数录制流畅的影像,不会像别的录像软件一样卡卡卡卡卡……

-AVI格式输出 唯一一个以压缩AVI格式输出录像软件。其他软件输出的3GP文件不可以在PC上播放,更糟糕的是,3gp很哪被编辑。但是AVI文件却可以在每台PC上播放,而且可以用大量在网上能免费找到的编辑软件轻松的编辑。

-优秀的录像管理 内置的录像软件,让你看到的是一张让人不明就里的文件名列表,Camcorder2给你的是录像的缩略图片。还可以创建文件夹来帮助你管理录像。有了Camcorder2,你就可以录制更多的录像!

-可以更换皮肤 Camcorder2是同类软件中唯一可以更换皮肤的。

-插件 Camcorder2支持强大的插件扩展,可以无限扩展你的录像功能!例如,你可以选择一个录像然后压缩、转换成其他文件格式、上传你的录像到共享论坛、或者放到你的影像博客空间里!许多插件将在我们的网站上免费提供下载

-玩家俱乐部 我们为Camcorder2准备了有一个网站和一个论坛。那里有免费的更新,有技术支持!还有很多的插件和皮肤。还可以与世界各地的玩家分享你的作品!

总之,Camcorder2延续了ETI Camcorder的神话,最友好的界面,最优秀的录像软件。甚至远远超越了ETI Camcorder-高速、优质、简单易用!

支持 S60.SymbianOS7 Nokia 6600/6620/3230/6670/7610等机型

支持 S60.SymbianOS8 Nokia 6630/6680/6681,等机型



Shoot crystal-clear videos that are worth keeping. Camcorder2 continues the legend of the original ETI Camcorder

Author's Description

Let's face it, the built-in camcorder of your phone sucks. It turns your "precious moment" into a blurry mess, and it records into 3GP files that are only loved by blood-sucking telcos. If you want to shoot videos with enough quality that are worth keeping, you need Camcorder2, the worthy successor of the original, legendary ETI Camcorder.

I'm not going to tell you Camcorder2 is the ONLY intelligent choice for the replacement of your built-in camcorder software ;-) Let me show you the features:

* Highest-quality -- crystal clear pictures with no visible compression artifacts.

* Smoothest motion -- Camcorder2's ultra efficient encoding algorithm allows it to achieve the highest frame rate which result in smooth videos without the jerkiness exhibited by all other camcorder programs.

* AVI output -- The ONLY camcorder that outputs to compressed AVI file. 3GP files created by the others cannot be played back easily on PCs. Worse, they are very difficult to edit. AVI file, on the other hand, plays on every PC. Editing is also piece of cake thanks to a large number of free/commercial video editing tools with AVI support.

* Visual movie album -- Unlike the built-in camcorder which shows you a list of cryptic file names, Camcorder2 presents your videos as thumbnail images. Folders can also be created to help you better manage your videos because with Camcorder2, you will for sure record LOTS OF videos!

* Skinnable UI -- Camcorder2 is now the only camcorder program with support for customizable skins. Have fun!

* Plug-ins -- The movie album of Camcorder2 supports a powerful plugin architecture which extends the functionalities of the album in unlimited ways. For example, you can pick a video then apply a more aggressive compression scheme, convert to another file format, upload to our video sharing forum, or even "blog" it to your video blogger. Many plugins will be made freely downloadable through our dedicated Camcorder2 web site.

* Fan club -- A web site and forum dedicated to Camcorder2 users. Get free upgrades, technical supports, and download many plugins and skins. Better yet, share your videos with other users all over the world!

* LOWEST PRICE -- Need I say more?

In all, Camcorder2 continues the legend of the original ETI Camcorder -- the most user friendly, well-designed camcorder program. It also goes beyond the original program in every aspects -- speed, quality, ease of use, and more importantly, FUN!

Do not wait to get your copy. This is one of the must-have software to equip your shinny new mobile phone.

Compatiable Devices

Nokia 3230, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6670, Nokia 7610





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更新时间:2025/3/10 21:19:17