词条 | 恶鹰变种N |
释义 | 病毒信息: 病毒名称: Worm.Beagle.N 中文名称: 恶鹰变种N 威胁级别: 3A 病毒别名: Worm.BBeagle.P [瑞星] PE_BAGLE.P [Trend] W32/Bagle.p@MM [McAfee] W32.Beagle.M@mm [Symantec] 病毒类型: 蠕虫、后门 受影响系统:Win9x/WinMe/WinNT/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003 技术特点: · 传染条件:利用邮件高速传播; · 发作现象:病毒使用以<附图>图标,以迷惑电脑使用者点击。 · 系统修改: A、将病毒自身拷贝到 %System%\\winupd.exe: 该蠕虫的拷贝. %System%\\winupd.exeopen: 该蠕虫的拷贝 %System%\\winupd.exeopenopen: 也是该蠕虫的一个拷贝,也有可能是包含该蠕虫的加密.zip或.rar文件 %System%\\winupd.exeopenopenopen: 一个.bmp文件,包含上面.zip或.rar文件的解密密码,只有当winupd.exeopenopen为一个密码保护.zip或.rar文件时才会创建。 B、在注册表的主键: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run 中添加如下键值: "winupd.exe"="%System%\\winupd.exe" 以便该病毒在每次重启 Windows 时运行。 在注册表主键: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run 中删除如下键值: 9XHtProtect Antivirus HtProtect ICQ Net ICQNet My AV Special Firewall Service Tiny AV Zone Labs Client Ex service C、在TCP端口2556 开一个后门。 D、该病毒为变形病毒,并且会感染系统中的.exe文件 E、尝试关闭以下程序进程: AGENTSVR.EXE ANTI-TROJAN.EXE ANTIVIRUS.EXE ANTS.EXE APIMONITOR.EXE APLICA32.EXE APVXDWIN.EXE ATCON.EXE ATGUARD.EXE ATRO55EN.EXE ATUPDATER.EXE ATWATCH.EXE AUPDATE.EXE AUTODOWN.EXE AUTOTRACE.EXE AUTOUPDATE.EXE AVCONSOL.EXE AVGSERV9.EXE AVLTMAIN.EXE AVPUPD.EXE AVSYNMGR.EXE AVWUPD32.EXE AVXQUAR.EXE AVprotect9x.exe Au.exe BD_PROFESSIONAL.EXE BIDEF.EXE BIDSERVER.EXE BIPCP.EXE BIPCPEVALSETUP.EXE BISP.EXE BLACKD.EXE BLACKICE.EXE BOOTWARN.EXE BORG2.EXE BS120.EXE CDP.EXE CFGWIZ.EXE CFIADMIN.EXE CFIAUDIT.EXE CFINET.EXE CFINET32.EXE CLEAN.EXE CLEANER.EXE CLEANER3.EXE CLEANPC.EXE CMGRDIAN.EXE CMON016.EXE CPD.EXE CPF9X206.EXE CPFNT206.EXE CV.EXE CWNB181.EXE CWNTDWMO.EXE D3dupdate.exe DEFWATCH.EXE DEPUTY.EXE DPF.EXE DPFSETUP.EXE DRWATSON.EXE DRWEBUPW.EXE ENT.EXE ESCANH95.EXE ESCANHNT.EXE ESCANV95.EXE EXANTIVIRUS-CNET.EXE FAST.EXE FIREWALL.EXE FLOWPROTECTOR.EXE FP-WIN_TRIAL.EXE FRW.EXE FSAV.EXE FSAV530STBYB.EXE FSAV530WTBYB.EXE FSAV95.EXE GBMENU.EXE GBPOLL.EXE GUARD.EXE HACKTRACERSETUP.EXE HTLOG.EXE HWPE.EXE IAMAPP.EXE IAMSERV.EXE ICLOAD95.EXE ICLOADNT.EXE ICMON.EXE ICSSUPPNT.EXE ICSUPP95.EXE ICSUPPNT.EXE IFW2000.EXE IPARMOR.EXE IRIS.EXE JAMMER.EXE KAVLITE40ENG.EXE KAVPERS40ENG.EXE KERIO-PF-213-EN-WIN.EXE KERIO-WRL-421-EN-WIN.EXE KERIO-WRP-421-EN-WIN.EXE KILLPROCESSSETUP161.EXE LDPRO.EXE LOCALNET.EXE LOCKDOWN.EXE LOCKDOWN2000.EXE LSETUP.EXE LUALL.EXE LUCOMSERVER.EXE LUINIT.EXE MCAGENT.EXE MCUPDATE.EXE MFW2EN.EXE MFWENG3.02D30.EXE MGUI.EXE MINILOG.EXE MOOLIVE.EXE MRFLUX.EXE MSCONFIG.EXE MSINFO32.EXE MSSMMC32.EXE MU0311AD.EXE NAV80TRY.EXE NAVAPW32.EXE NAVDX.EXE NAVSTUB.EXE NAVW32.EXE NC2000.EXE NCINST4.EXE NDD32.EXE NEOMONITOR.EXE NETARMOR.EXE NETINFO.EXE NETMON.EXE NETSCANPRO.EXE NETSPYHUNTER-1.2.EXE NETSTAT.EXE NISSERV.EXE NISUM.EXE NMAIN.EXE NORTON_INTERNET_SECU_3.0_407.EXE NPF40_TW_98_NT_ME_2K.EXE NPFMESSENGER.EXE NPROTECT.EXE NSCHED32.EXE NTVDM.EXE NUPGRADE.EXE NVARCH16.EXE NWINST4.EXE NWTOOL16.EXE OSTRONET.EXE OUTPOST.EXE OUTPOSTINSTALL.EXE OUTPOSTPROINSTALL.EXE PADMIN.EXE PANIXK.EXE PAVPROXY.EXE PCC2002S902.EXE PCC2K_76_1436.EXE PCCIOMON.EXE PCDSETUP.EXE PCFWALLICON.EXE PCIP10117_0.EXE PDSETUP.EXE PERISCOPE.EXE PERSFW.EXE PF2.EXE PFWADMIN.EXE PINGSCAN.EXE PLATIN.EXE POPROXY.EXE POPSCAN.EXE PORTDETECTIVE.EXE PPINUPDT.EXE PPTBC.EXE PPVSTOP.EXE PROCEXPLORERV1.0.EXE PROPORT.EXE PROTECTX.EXE PSPF.EXE PURGE.EXE PVIEW95.EXE QCONSOLE.EXE QSERVER.EXE RAV8WIN32ENG.EXE REGEDIT.EXE REGEDT32.EXE RESCUE.EXE RESCUE32.EXE RRGUARD.EXE RSHELL.EXE RTVSCN95.EXE RULAUNCH.EXE SAFEWEB.EXE SBSERV.EXE SD.EXE SETUPVAMEEVAL.EXE SETUP_FLOWPROTECTOR_US.EXE SFC.EXE SGSSFW32.EXE SH.EXE SHELLSPYINSTALL.EXE SHN.EXE SMC.EXE SOFI.EXE SPF.EXE SPHINX.EXE SPYXX.EXE SS3EDIT.EXE ST2.EXE SUPFTRL.EXE SUPPORTER5.EXE SYMPROXYSVC.EXE SYSEDIT.EXE TASKMON.EXE TAUMON.EXE TAUSCAN.EXE TC.EXE TCA.EXE TCM.EXE TDS-3.EXE TDS2-98.EXE TDS2-NT.EXE TFAK5.EXE TGBOB.EXE TITANIN.EXE TITANINXP.EXE TRACERT.EXE TRJSCAN.EXE TRJSETUP.EXE TROJANTRAP3.EXE UNDOBOOT.EXE UPDATE.EXE VBCMSERV.EXE VBCONS.EXE VBUST.EXE VBWIN9X.EXE VBWINNTW.EXE VCSETUP.EXE VFSETUP.EXE VIRUSMDPERSONALFIREWALL.EXE VNLAN300.EXE VNPC3000.EXE VPC42.EXE VPFW30S.EXE VPTRAY.EXE VSCENU6.02D30.EXE VSECOMR.EXE VSHWIN32.EXE VSISETUP.EXE VSMAIN.EXE VSMON.EXE VSSTAT.EXE VSWIN9XE.EXE VSWINNTSE.EXE VSWINPERSE.EXE W32DSM89.EXE W9X.EXE WATCHDOG.EXE WEBSCANX.EXE WGFE95.EXE WHOSWATCHINGME.EXE WINRECON.EXE WNT.EXE WRADMIN.EXE WRCTRL.EXE WSBGATE.EXE WYVERNWORKSFIREWALL.EXE XPF202EN.EXE ZAPRO.EXE ZAPSETUP3001.EXE ZATUTOR.EXE ZAUINST.EXE ZONALM2601.EXE ZONEALARM.EXE F、在本地磁盘扫描具有以下扩展名的文件,以收集邮件地址。 adb asp cfg cgi dbx dhtm eml htm jsp mbx mdx mht mmf msg nch ods oft php pl sht shtm stm tbb txt uin wab wsh xls xml G、用自带的smtp引擎发送邮件。 发件人从以下字符串中选择一个: management@<接收者的Email地址的域> administration@<接收者的Email地址的域> staff@<接收者的Email地址的域> antivirus@<接收者的Email地址的域> antispam@<接收者的Email地址的域> noreply@<接收者的Email地址的域> support@<接收者的Email地址的域> 邮件主题从以下段落中选择一个: Account notify E-mail account disabling warning. E-mail account security warning. E-mail technical support message. E-mail technical support warning. E-mail warning Email account utilization warning. Email report Encrypted document Fax Message Received Forum notify Hidden message Important notify Important notify about your e-mail account. Incoming message Notify about using the e-mail account. Notify about your e-mail account utilization. Notify from e-mail technical support. Protected message RE: Protected message RE: Text message Re: Document Re: Hello Re: Hi Re: Incoming Fax Re: Incoming Message Re: Msg reply Re: Thank you! Re: Thanks :) Re: Yahoo! Request response Site changes 邮件内容从以下段落中选择一个: Dear user of , Dear user of "" mailing server, Dear user of "" mailing domain, Dear user of gateway e-mail server gateway, Dear user of e-mail server "", Hello user of e-mail server, Dear user of "" mailing system, Dear user, the management of mailing system wants to let you know that, 下文为以下段落中选择一个: Your e-mail account has been temporary disabled because of unauthorized access. Our main mailing server will be temporary unavaible for next two days, to continue receiving mail in these days you have to configure our free auto-forwarding service. Your e-mail account will be disabled because of improper using in next three days, if you are still wishing to use it, please, resign your account information. We warn you about some attacks on your e-mail account. Your computer may contain viruses, in order to keep your computer and e-mail account safe, please, follow the instructions. Our antivirus software has detected a large ammount of viruses outgoing from your email account, you may use our free anti-virus tool to clean up your computer software. Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content) outgoing from your e-mail account. Probably, you have been infected by a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe, follow the instructions. 下文为以下段落中选择一个: For more information see the attached file. Further details can be obtained from attached file. Advanced details can be found in attached file. For details see the attach. For details see the attached file. For further details see the attach. Please, read the attach for further details. Pay attention on attached file.Read the attach. Your file is attached. More info in attach See attach. Follow the wabbit. Find the white rabbit. Please, have a look at the attached file. See the attached file for details. Message is in attach Here is the file. 下文为: The team http:/ / target=_blank>www. 下文为以下字符串中的一个: The Management, Sincerely, Best wishes, Have a good day, Cheers, Kind regards, 邮件附件名从以下字符串中选择一个: Attach Details Document Encrypted Gift Info Information Message MoreInfo Readme Text TextDocument details first_part pub_document text_document 如果附件为.zip或.rar文件,则还将从以下字符串中选择一个填入下文: For security reasons attached file is password protected. The password is <含有密码的图片> For security purposes the attached file is password protected. Password -- <含有密码的图片> Note: Use password <含有密码的图片> to open archive. Attached file is protected with the password for security reasons. Password is <含有密码的图片> In order to read the attach you have to use the following password: <含有密码的图片> Archive password: <含有密码的图片> Password - <含有密码的图片> Password: <含有密码的图片> H、该蠕虫将不会往含以下字段的邮件地址发送邮件: @avp. @foo @hotmail.com @iana @messagelab @microsoft @msn abuse admin anyone@ bsd bugs@ cafee certific contract@ f-secur feste free-av gold-certs@ help@ icrosoft info@ kasp linux listserv local nobody@ noone@ noreply ntivi panda pgp postmaster@ rating@ root@ samples sopho spam support unix winrar winzip I、该病毒为了可以在文件共享网络传播,如:KaZaA 和 iMesh, 它查找含有字符串"shar"的共享文件夹将其自己拷贝进去,文件名在以下字符串中选择一个: ACDSee 9.exe Adobe Photoshop 9 full.exe Ahead Nero 7.exe Matrix 3 Revolution English Subtitles.exe Microsoft Office 2003 Crack, Working!.exe Microsoft Office XP working Crack, Keygen.exe Microsoft Windows XP, WinXP Crack, working Keygen.exe Opera 8 New!.exe Porno Screensaver.scr Porno pics arhive, xxx.exe Porno, sex, oral, anal cool, awesome!!.exe Serials.txt.exe WinAmp 5 Pro Keygen Crack Update.exe WinAmp 6 New!.exe Windown Longhorn Beta Leak.exe Windows Sourcecode update.doc.exe XXX hardcore images.exe 解决方案: · 金山毒霸已经于3月18日对该病毒进行了应急处理,请升级最新版可完全查该病毒; · 请一定留意收到的邮件,如果有附件,请不要打开附件,更不要执行附件中的可执行程序,注 意病毒程序伪装的图标,不要轻信图标为“电子表格、文本文件、文件夹”的附件; |
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