

词条 杜希德


杜希德Denis C. Twitchett,又译“崔瑞德”,1925年9月23日-2006年2月24日)生于英国, 是英国汉学家、历史学家,主要研究中国隋唐史,与美国哈佛大学学者费正清共同主编《剑桥中国史》。于剑桥大学获得博士学位。



1980年-1994年 任美国普林斯顿大学胡应湘汉学教授。

1967年2月选为英国学术院(the British Academy)院士。




Financial Administration under the T’ang Dynasty. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Rev. ed. 1970.


The Writing of Official History under the T’ang. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 黄宝华译:《唐代官修史籍考》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2010年11月。



Land Tenure and the Social Order in T’ang and Sung China. London:School of Oriental and African Studies,University of London.(出任伦敦大学汉学讲座的就职演讲Inaugural Lecture)


The Birth of the Chinese Meritocracy:Bureaucrats and Examinations in T’ang China. China Society Occasional Papers no.18,London:China Society.


Printing and Publishing in Medieval China. London:The Wynkyn de Worde Society;New York: Frederic C. Beil.


The Historian,His Readers,and the Passage of Time. The Fu Ssu-nien Memorial Lectures 1996. Taipei:Institute of History and Philology,Academia Sinica.(此演讲集中的第一篇有王贞平的中译本〈关于《剑桥中国史》的编撰〉,《海外中国学评论》,第2辑,上海:上海古籍出版社,2007,页23-46。)



With Arthur F. Wright,eds. Confucian Personalities. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


With Arthur F. Wright,eds. Perspectives on the T’ang. New Haven: Yale University Press.


With P. J. M. Geelan,eds. The Times Atlas of China. London: Times Books.


The Cambridge History of China,Vol. 3:Sui and T’ang China,586-906. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.(此书有台湾和中国大陆两种中译本。杜公也是《剑桥中国史》从上古到民国时期各册的主编或共同编辑,此不尽列。)



The Salt Commissioners after the Rebellion of An Lu-shan. Asia Major New Series 4.1: 60-89.


The Derivation of the Text of the‘Shih-huo chih’of the Chiu T’ang shu. Journal of Oriental Studies 3: 48-62.


The Government of T’ang in the Early Eighth Century. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 18.2: 322-330.

Monastic Estates in T’ang China. Asia Major New Series 5.2: 123-146.


The Fragment of the T’ang Ordinances of the Department of Waterways Discovered at Tun-huang. Asia Major New Series 6: 23-79.

The Monasteries and China’s Economy in Medieval Times. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 19: 526-549.


With Anthony Christie.“A Medieval Burmese Orchestra.”Asia Major New Series 7.1-2: 176-195.

The Fan Clan’s Charitable Estate,1050-1760. Confucianism in Action. Eds. David S. Nivison and

Wright Arthur F. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Lands under State Cultivation under the T’ang Dynasty. Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient 2: 162-203; 353-336.


Documents on Clan Administration I: The Rules of Administration of the Charitable Estate of the Fan Clan. Asia Major New Series 8: 1-35.

Some Remarks on Irrigation under the T’ang. T’oung Pao 48: 175-194.


Chinese Biographical Writing. Historians of China and Japan,eds. W. G. Beasley and E. G. Pulleyblank. London: Oxford University Press. pp. 95-114.


Problems of Chinese Biography. Confucian Personalities,eds. A. F. Wright and D. C. Twitchett. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 24-39.

Lu Chih(754-805):Imperial Adviser and Court Official. Confucian Personalities,eds. A. F. Wright and D. C. Twitchett. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 84-122.


A Lone Cheer for Sinology. Journal of Asian Studies 24.1:109-112.(有高勇等人中译本,载《海外中国学评论》,第2辑,上海:上海古籍出版社,2007,页314-317。)


Provincial Autonomy and Central Finance in Late T’ang. Asia Major New Series 11.2: 211-232.

A Critique of Some Recent Studies of Modern Chinese Social-Economic History. Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan 10:28-41.(有李弘祺中译本〈评论近代中国社会经济史的几本近着〉,《思与言》13卷2期,1975年7月,页63-67。)


The T’ang Market System. Asia Major New Series 12.2: 202-248.

Chinese Social History form the Seventh to the Tenth Centuries:The Tun-huang Documents and

Their Implications. Past and Present 35: 28-53.


A Note on the Tun-huang Fragments of the T’ang Regulations, ko. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 30.2: 369-381.

Niida Noboru and Chinese Legal History. Asia Major New Series 13.1-2: 218-228.


Merchants,Trade and Government in Late T’ang. Asia Major New Series 14.1: 63-95.


Local Financial Administration in Early T’ang Times. Asia Major New Series 15.1: 82-114.


The Composition of the T’ang Ruling Class: New Evidence from Tun-huang. Perspectives on the T’ang. eds. Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 47-85.(有何冠环中译本〈从敦煌文书看唐代统治阶层的成分〉,国立编译馆主编《唐史论文选集》,台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1990,页80-130。)

A Confucian’s View of the Taxation of Commerce:Ts’ui Jung’s Memorial of 703. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 26.2: 429-445.


Varied Patterns of Provincial Autonomy in the T’ang Dynasty. Essays on T’ang Society. eds. John Curtis Perry and Bardwell L. Smith. Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 90-109.


Hsuan-tsung(reign 712-56). The Cambridge History of China,Vol. 3, ed. Denis Twitchett. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. pp. 333-463.

With Howard J. Wechsler. “Kao-tsung(Reign 649-83)and the Empress Wu:the Inheritor and the Usurper.”The Cambridge History of China,Vol. 3,ed. Denis Twitchett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 242-289.

Population and Pestilence in T’ang China. Studia Sino-Mongolica: Festschrift für Herbert Franke, ed. Wolfgang Bauer. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. pp. 35-68.


The Inner Palace Diary(Nei ch’i-chü chu). T’ang Studies 4:1-9.


The Seamy Side of Late T’ang Political Life: Yu Ti and His Family. Asia Major 3rd. Series. 1.2: 29-63.

With Tilemann Grimm.“The Cheng-T’ung, Ching-t’ai,and T’ien-Shun Reigns,1436-1464.” The Cambridge History of China,Vol. 7: The Ming Dynasty 1368-1644,Part 1,eds. Frederick W. Mote and Denis Twitchett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 305-342.


Po Chü-I’s Government Ox. T’ang Studies 7:23-38.


A Note on the‘Monograph on Music’in Chiu T’ang shu. Asia Major 3rd. Series 3.1: 51-62.


With Wallace Johnson.“Criminal Procedure in T’ang China.”Asia Major 3rd. Series 6.2: 113-146.


The T’ang Imperial Family. Asia Major 3rd. Series 7.2:1-61.

With Klaus-Peter Tietze.“The Liao.”The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 6: Alien Regimes and Border States,907-1368,eds. Herbert Franke and Denis Twitchett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 43-153.


With Donald Holzman.“The Life and Work of Robert des Rotours.”T’ang Studies 13: 13-31.

Chinese Studies in Britain:A Review Article. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Series 3, 5.2:245-252.


How to be an Emperor:T’ang T’ai-tsung’s Vision of His Role. Asia Major 3rd. Series 9.1-2: 1-102.


Tibet in Tang’s Grand Strategy. Warfare in Chinese History, ed. Hans van de Ven. Leiden: Brill. pp. 106-179.


With Janice Stargardt.“Chinese Silver Bullion in a Tenth-Century Indonesian Wreck.”Asia Major 3rd. Series 15.1: 23-72.(有朱隽琪中译本〈沉船遗宝:一艘十世纪沉船上的中国银锭〉,《唐研究》,第10卷,荣新江主编。北京:北京大学出版社,2004,页383-432。Asia Major在这几年脱期,这一期的实际出版时间为2005年初。)


Chen gui and Other Works Attributed to Empress Wu Zetian. Asia Major 3rd. Series 16.1: 33-109.(这一期实际出版时间约为2005年。)





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