

词条 eDrawings

eDrawings 是用于共享和存档 2D 和 3D 产品设计数据的免费查看和发布应用程序.eDrawings™ 软件是第一个支持电子邮件功能的交流工具,它大大简化了产品设计信息的共享问题。 使用这一工具,可更加有效地与参与产品开发的每个人进行协作。 利用快速、可靠且方便的 eDrawings 文件,可以准确展现借助市场上使用最广的 CAD 系统所创建的 3D 模型和 2D 工程图。

eDrawings 简介

eDrawings 可提供点击式动画等独特功能,使得任何拥有计算机的用户均可以轻松解释和理解 2D 和 3D 设计数据.


eDrawings的版权是属于Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corp (美国专利7,184,044)。其在1999年推出了最早的版本,之后不久推出的eDrawings 2.0 在2001年时就荣获了"Best New CAD Product"(最佳新CAD产品)奖、2001年度创新奖,其基于电子邮件的3D CAD技术得到了电脑绘图世界(Computer Graphics World)计算机图形设计杂志的认可,并在当年10月赢得CADALYST杂志CAD相关产品的全明星大奖,eDrawings在短暂的时间内获得这些全球知名、权威的机构和杂志的青睐是非常不简单事情。

当前金融危机使不少企业面临生存压力,很多企业都认识到,从OEM(原始设备制造商)升级到ODM(原始设计制造商),再到OBM(原始品牌制造商),是中国制造业发展的必由 之路。为了生存,企业必须进行创新设计、自主研发产品,而现在企业的设计、研发都必须有数字模型,而数字模型的建立是通过CAD(Computer Aided Design即计算机辅助设计)软件完成的。现在较为流行的软件有AutoCAD、UG、PROE、SolidWorks等。由于各个企业间使用的软件平台不一致,导致了企业内部、企业与企业或者上下游的企业、企业与客户间,沟通上存在着不可逾越的鸿沟。通常这些CAD软件建立出来的文件是互相不兼容的,就算是相同的一个软件,如果版本不一致也是不能相互打开的,比如用SolidWorks2008是打不开SolidWorks2009的数据的,其原则是高版本软件可以打开低版本的文件数据,但低版本的软件是无法打开高版本的文件数据的。




eDrawings Viewer

Download free eDrawings Viewer software to view, print, and review all types of eDrawings files. In addition, eDrawings Viewer allows convenient viewing of supported AutoCAD® DWG and DXF files and native SolidWorks® parts, assemblies, and drawings. The eDrawings Viewer is intended primarily for people who do not use CAD software and thus do not need to publish eDrawings files themselves.

eDrawings Publisher

Download free eDrawings Publisher software to publish eDrawings files directly from SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Inventor®, Pro/ENGINEER®,CATIA® V5, Unigraphics/NX®, Solid Edge®, CoCreate® OneSpace software, Google SketchUp® and eDrawings RapidFire Lite (View IGES, STEP & STL files). You can reduce bandwidth requirements more than 95% by publishing and emailing eDrawings files instead of CAD files. Each of the four free eDrawings Publisher products also includes the free eDrawings Viewer. eDrawings Publisher products are intended for CAD users who need to share products designs more effectively

eDrawings Professional

Purchase or try out eDrawings Professional software free for 15 days. eDrawings Professional lets you create review-enabled eDrawings files that allow an unlimited number of recipients to mark up and provide feedback on product designs. eDrawings Professional is intended primarily for CAD users who need to both share product designs and coordinate design reviews.

eDrawings API

Download instructions to take advantage of the free eDrawings API (Application Programming Interface), which allow customization of the software to meet the specific requirements of your organization. As an email-enabled application, eDrawings software offers capabilities that can support a variety of engineering and business processes, including product data management, and automated manufacturing. The eDrawings API and instructions are intended for application programmers and CAD users and administrators with programming skills.

eDrawings Viewer(免费)和eDrawings Professional(收费)的对比





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更新时间:2025/3/28 12:50:56