词条 | 东亚银行金融大厦 |
释义 | 楼盘介绍东亚银行金融大厦地处上海浦东陆家嘴环路,花园石桥路口,位于世纪大道南侧。世界500强企业集聚,金融商业街气氛成熟。世纪大道南侧在未来规划中将成为金融企业的超级据点,花旗集团、汇丰银行等众多世界级金融巨擎已抢先进驻,更多世界金融精英企业正全情关注。 东亚银行金融大厦与环球金融中心以及上海IFC联袂鼎踞陆家嘴金融中心区核心,上海的天际线和商业建筑标准由此改变。 黄浦江两岸豪景、小陆家嘴金融区及10万平米中央绿地,360度俯览环视,恢弘气概,傲视同僚。 Global Financial Tower,is located south of Century boulevard,at the corner of Lujiazui Circle and Hua Yuan Shi Qiao Road in the business hub for national headquarters of global financial institutions . Citigroup and HSBC signature office buildings are also in the southern part of Lujiazui Central Financial District,where many premier international financial players have established their presence in Shanghai. Global Financial Tower, together with premium developments like Shanghai world Financial Centre (SWFC)and Shanghai International Financial Centre(Shanghai IFC)in the core area of Lujiazui Central Financial District will change the skyline of Shanghai and set new standards for commercial developments Global Financial Tower offers stunning 360°views of the world-renowned Huangpu River, the Lujiazui Central Financial District, the beautiful 100,000 square metre Lujiazui Central Green and beyond. 东亚银行金融大厦所在地为陆家嘴X3-1地块,位于陆家嘴环路、花园石桥路口。临近新鸿基上海国金中心、中融碧玉蓝天等多个在建项目。高宝金融大厦占地8128平方米,总建筑面积7.5万平方米,包括一幢42层的写字楼和一幢5层的商业裙房。写字楼高198米,30层以下的层面积为2000平方米,30层为1100平方米。 东亚银行金融大厦于2006年3月26日开工,今年11月18日结构封顶,目前已进入装修阶段,外立面开始铺设玻璃幕墙,内部装修也在进行中,预计整个项目将于2008年10月底竣工。另外,近期还将对外公开展示两个样板层 高宝全融大厦位于浦东陆家嘴金融核心领地,楼高42层,建筑总高198米,Low-e玻璃幕墙,金属集成系统天花,外形简洁高雅,彰显企业卓越风采。 无柱式开放办公空间,匹配国际甲级写字楼高标准硬件设施,完全满足国际领袖企辈一切办公品质需求。 The 198-meter, 45-storey Global Financial Tower, with a glass facade and Low-e curtain wall, integrated metallic suspended ceiling is a prestigious business address and fills the surging demand for class A office due to the increasing presence of financial and consulting firms in Shanghai. The column free floor plate, sophisticated architecture and state-of-the-art technologies provide maximum flexibility for multinational corporations. 基本信息区 域:浦东 地 址:花园桥路66号近银城环路 物业类型:写字楼 可否注册:是 可否涉外:是 所属商圈:小陆家嘴 轨道交通:二号线陆家嘴步行五分钟 楼 高:45层 层 高:2.8米 得 房 率:73% 最小面积:350-2100平方 单层面积:2100平方米 竣工年限:2008 租 金:6.5-9.0元 物 业 费:32元/月/平方米 车 位 费:1500 空调类型:中央空调 电话资源:电信 宽带资源:电信 交房标准:白墙,架空地板,旷棉板吊顶 完美配套国际知名物业管理团队提供国际级物业、设施管理服务。尊贵商务会所更设有高档中西餐厅、SPA、商务中心、健身中心等高标准设施。 香格里拉、君悦酒店以及在建的四季酒店、丽嘉酒店等多家超五星级酒店环伺,紧邻IFC Mall(在建)、W Hotel(在建)、金茂、环球金融、正大广场以及汤臣一品等著名地标建筑,生活休闲一应俱全,办公商务惬意无限。 高宝金融大厦距离轨道交通2号和12号线五分钟步程,坐拥多条商务主干、公交枢纽、四条过江隧道等构筑起全方位立体交通网络,便捷直达城市每-处。 Comprehensive and client-oriented property and facilities management services is delivered by a world-class property manager.The Elite Club offers exquisite dining, SPA, conference and fitness facilities. Conveniently located in a cluster of super five-star hotels including the Shangri-La, the Park Hyatt, the Four Seasons, the Ritz-Carlton and next to the Super Brand and Shanghai lFC shopping malls, W Hotel, Global Financial Tower enjoys easy access to numerous businesses, accommodations and amenities Adjacent to highly efficient transportation networks including four river-crossing tunnels, major vehicle thoroughfares, bus terminals and Metro Lines 2&12 within a five minute walk, Global Financial Tower provides unparalleled accessibility |
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