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释义 | 品牌档案外文名:DuWop; 中文名:是我系列; 中文品牌故事DuWop是美国知名的一个专注于唇部护理彩妆品牌。 DUWOP「是我系列」的创始人为Cristina Bartolucci和Laura Deluisa。Cristina造型过的艺人有布鲁斯威利、班史提勒和提姆罗宾斯等人,自柏克莱大学拿到美术学位后,便进入演艺圈从事彩妆师的工作。她对人体彩绘极度着迷,并透过印度电影来钻研自己的彩妆技术,很快的成为演艺圈中名声响亮的专业彩妆师。<BR>而Laura,从小便梦想着能有一间属于自己的发艺造型公司,并且以15岁的稚龄展开了她圆梦的长期计划,她开始拍摄许多的发型纪录,并作成功的自我推销,她开始在百货公司销售她的发型录像带,并在电视台开辟专属节目,包括了「疯狂乔杨」、「幸福」等,Laura的发型事业开始声名大噪并且远播致欧、亚洲。<BR>由于长期钻研发艺造型,常使双手变得干涩龟裂,为此,Laura特别创造研发出造型、护手双效合一的二用霜,造成全美的美发师争相抢购的盛况。在1998年,NBC电视影集特别邀请Laura上节目在那儿她遇上Cristina,经过长达6小时的录像时间,发现彼此志趣相投,且各自在专业领域中成就非凡,于是,在之后多次的集思广益及热烈讨论,她们特别针对上班族的保养需求,创立了DUWOP「是我系列」品牌。 Cristina Bartolucci 是视觉和激情为秀丽发明继续她经常努力打破新基地自然的创造性的力量。在赢得艺术程度以后从加州大学伯克利分校, Cristina 成为了迷住以想法从事一块人的帆布和发现构成艺术性是完善的适合。她开始了她的事业在特技效果但在几岁月以后花费了盖在假血液上。她发现她的适当位置工作与女演员在主要影片和电视节目。Cristina 现在聚焦她的天分并且视觉在DuWop, 监督每个公司的创造性的方面, 创造跑道寻找NY 和LA 时尚星期, 和是在照相机DuWop 发言人为QVC 。Cristina 在家高兴在她的家庭, 包括二小女孩、红宝石和Eva, 并且她的丈夫、汤姆、画家和令人惊讶的逗留爸爸。Laura DeLuisa 是出生企业家以无缺点的天性、一个创造性的天才和它采取从新建立公司的这驱动。当其它女孩演奏与Barbies, Laura 是在图书馆读书在股市上。她知道那她想要她自己的公司的一天并且由年龄15 开发长期企业目标。第一步是移动到她委任自己作为一位高级发式专家在娱乐业的洛杉矶。她开始了大厦收支和等正确的商机提出自己。1995 年, Laura 体验了一次生活改变的事件当她遭受了总肾脏失败。由捐赠的她自己的肾脏的当中一个, Laura 的母亲给了她生活礼物... 第二次。这个挑战只使了她的决心更加加强和给了她勇气稳步前进以DuWop 的创作。今天, Laura 监督所有公司的事务和财政战略的方面, 驾驶公司的成长和扩展。她愉快地与结婚对她的丈夫乔, 商业主管和热中船民。 官方英文简介WHAT IS NOT OUT THER?That is the question we ask ourselves every day at DuWop. It all started ten years ago when we were running the hair and makeup departments on film and television sets, deep in the Hollywood beauty trenches. Even with the finest cosmetics at our fingertips, we started to get ideas for products that just weren't on the market. Eventually we took the leap and started creating them in Laura's kitchen. Many "I Love Lucy" moments followed, but in the process, we found a passion for invention. Now we are like the beauty world's mad scientists, working in the lab to bring you products with an edge, a twist that sets them apart... MEET CRISTINACristina Bartolucci is a creative force of nature whose vision and passion for beauty invention keeps her constantly striving to break new ground. After earning a fine arts degree from UC Berkeley, Cristina became fascinated with the idea of working on a human canvas and found that makeup artistry was a perfect fit. She began her career in special effects but after a few years spent covered in fake blood and gore...beauty called. She found her niche working with actresses on major films and television shows. Cristina now focuses her talents and vision on DuWop, overseeing every creative aspect of the company, creating runway looks for NY and LA Fashion Week, and is the on-camera DuWop spokesperson for QVC. Cristina delights in her family, which includes two little girls, Ruby and Eva, and her husband, Tom, a painter and amazing stay at home dad. MEET LAURALaura DeLuisa is a born entrepreneur with impeccable instincts, a creative flair and the kind of drive it takes to build a company from the ground up. While other girls were playing with Barbies, Laura was at the library reading up on the stock market. She knew that one day she wanted a company of her own and by age 15 was developing long-term business goals. The first step was a move to Los Angeles where she established herself as a top hairstylist in the entertainment industry. She began building revenue and waiting for the right business opportunity to present itself. In 1995, Laura experienced a life-changing event when she suffered total kidney failure. By donating one of her own kidneys, Laura's mother gave her the gift of life...a second time. This challenge only made her resolve stronger and gave her the courage to forge ahead with the creation of DuWop. Today, Laura oversees all aspects of the company's business and financial strategies, driving the company's growth and expansion. She is happily married to her husband Joe, a business executive and avid boater. 彩妆产品DuWop Blush booster腮红(苹果); DuWop Blush booster腮红(芒果); DuWop gray eyes烟熏盘; Duwop Smoke双色烟熏眼影; DuWop Crush眼影; DuWop控油亮采粉饼-浅; DuWop控油亮采粉饼-深; DuWop腮红焕颜; DuWop双色眼影(清新怡人); DuWop眼部彩妆眼影(蓝色); DuWop指甲油(闪粉色); DuWop眼部彩妆眼影(绿色); 彩妆资讯迪士尼 (Disney) 携手彩妆品牌Duwop,推出《加勒比海盗4》电影主题彩妆系列“Isla sirena”! 整个“Isla sirena”彩妆系列包含5款单品,从眼影、唇膏到喷雾,所有产品的包装和色彩都带有浓浓的海洋以及海盗的气息。 彩妆盘The Treasure Map包装上印着超酷的航海图图案,眼影和唇膏组合则是贝壳包装,让人一下就联想到加勒比的深海,有着寻宝一般的乐趣。The Treasure Map彩妆盘 包装上有超酷的航海图图案,里面包括9色眼影、3色唇膏、3色眼线膏以及3色腮红。 Antique Golden Shells彩妆盘 贝壳造型让你有探寻深海奥秘的冲动了吗?为眼睛和嘴唇而准备的套装,一半是眼影,另一半则是唇膏,两种颜色可选。 Iced Teas唇膏 受到加勒比风情启发的唇膏,3种颜色,像啫喱一般可爱的质感。 Mermaid Mist美人鱼喷雾 含有荷荷芭油、芦荟和维他命,可以用来润泽脸部提升光泽,还可当打底霜使用。有香槟色和深色两种颜色可选,有美黑效果。 |
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