词条 | 东北大学中荷生物医学与信息工程学院 |
释义 | 东北大学中荷生物医学与信息工程学院成立于2005年9月15日,在东北大学信息科学与工程学院生物医学工程专业基础上,经国家教育部批准,由东北大学与荷兰最著名的九所国家公立大学之一的埃因霍温科技大学联合创建。 概述中荷生物医学与信息工程学院立足打造“国际化、研究型”学院,旨在充分发挥东北大学领先的信息学科优势和埃因霍温科技大学在生物医学工程领域的强大优势的基础上,依托东软和飞利浦所提供的世界一流的产业信息与平台,整合全球丰富的教育资源,培养能够适应国际前沿科学领域发展的需要,熟悉国际规则和惯例,精通生物医学与信息工程的基础理论、专业知识,具有创新精神、创造能力、较好的外语水平和较强的国际沟通能力的应用型、国际化的高端专业人才。 规模概况学院实行联合管理委员会领导下的院长负责制,教师与工作人员实行聘任制,同时设有由中外著名专家学者组成的顾问咨询委员会为学院未来发展出谋划策。学院拥有生物医学工程一级学科博士学位授权点,涵盖生物医学仪器研究、医学影像分析与处理、生物医学信息分析与处理等研究方向。学院拥有国家级数字化医学影像设备工程技术研究中心及与荷兰共建的糖尿病生物信息科研中心和计算机辅助诊断科研中心,设有脑科学研究中心等专业研究实验室4个;另外,东软集团有限公司和飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司为学院提供了医疗系统实践基地和系统集成实践基地,并为学生实习实践提供一线工程技术人员作为指导工程师。学院拥有以著名医学影像学专家、中国工程院院士刘玉清教授为学科带头人,以神经放射学领域知名专家戴建平教授、荷兰著名医学影像专家H.Romeny教授、荷兰著名生物信息专家P.Hilbers教授为学术带头人的科研与教学队伍。学院还拥有独立的多媒体教室及活动中心,并将逐步完善自己的远程教育资源共享系统、计算机房、语音室等教学设施。 国际合作学院在学生培养过程中注重与国际接轨,强调实践环节。在课程体系设置中引入埃因霍温科技大学DCL(Design Centered Learning)教学设置框架,建立“以项目为中心的学习”的全新教学模式,在各学期教学安排中既设置了基础理论课程,又安排了一线工程技术人员指导的实践环节;同时,部分专业课程由荷兰教授讲授,其余专业课程采用中英文双语授课,专业课使用英文原版教材。优秀学生可进入本硕连读班,成绩优异者可以到荷兰埃因霍温科技大学攻读硕士学位,并获得荷兰埃因霍温科技大学提供的奖学金,成绩合格者可获得荷兰埃因霍温科技大学硕士学位和东北大学硕士学位;对于优秀硕士生学院优先推荐其到荷兰埃因霍温科技大学继续攻读博士学位。此外,学院不定期组织国内外著名专家、学者来我院讲学,并为学院师生搭建全方位、国际化的交流平台;对于在校期间表现优秀的学生,学院为其提供各类外出学习交流的机会,并优先推荐其到学院的合作企业及企业合作伙伴处工作。 教育与产业的高度对接,产、学、研的高度融合,全新的教学、管理与人才培养模式,本着“依从、优化、革新”的办学思路,中荷生物医学与信息工程学院将被建设成东北大学迈向国际化的样板工程。 合作办学信息基本信息教育部予以资格认定的中外合作办学机构 东北大学中荷生物医学与信息工程学院(Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School of Northeastern University) 机构名称 东北大学中荷生物医学与信息工程学院(Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School of Northeastern University) 机构住所 沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号东北大学校园内 法定代表人 赫冀成 机构属性 不具有法人资格 校长或主要行政负责人 戴建平 中外合作办学者 中方: 东北大学 外方: Eindhoven University of Technology (荷兰埃因霍温科技大学) 办学层次和类别 本科和硕士研究生教育 开设专业或课程 本科专业:生物医学工程(专业代码为:080607H) 招生方式 纳入国家普通高等教育招生计划/国家硕士研究生招生计划 颁发证书 中方:普通高等学校本科毕业证书、学士学位证书;普通高等学校硕士研究生毕业证书、硕士学位证书 外方:荷兰埃因霍温科技大学学士学位证书、硕士学位证书 合理回报 中外合作办学者要求取得合理回报 审批机关 教育部 (教外综函〔2005〕69号) 批准日期 2005年8月26日 发证机关 教育部 发证日期 2005年8月26日 许可证编号 MOE21NLA02DFR20050004N 许可证有效期至 2025年8月26日 条文明细On September 15, 2005, the Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School BMIE was founded based on the former Information Science and Engineering School of NEU and with the approval of the PRC Ministry of Education. BMIE was jointly established by the Northeastern University (NEU) in China and the Technology University of Eindhoven (TU/e) in the Netherlands. BMIE also received great help and active support from Royal Philips Electronics and Neusoft Group. NEU is a top Chinese university in the field of Information Science and Engineering. TU/e is one of the nine public universities in the Netherlands, a top 100 university in the world and is the number 1 University of BioMedical Technology in the Netherlands. Philips is a leading international electronics company and has a top 3 world position in medical imaging technology and equipment. Neusoft is the largest and most famous public software company of PRC. Jointly Philips and Neusoft have established a Joint Venture for Medical Systems in Shenyang. BMIE will develop into an international teaching and research school, relying on the leading advantages of information science and engineering of NEU and the biomedical technology of TU/e. Practical work at the founding industries and teaching by experts from these industries as well as cooperation with these industries will help to educate and cultivate the practical and international top professionals in the field of Medical Technology. BMIE graduates, both bachelors, masters , will be creative and innovative and will meet the requirements for internationally advanced scientists as well as for industrial and hospital engineers and managers.Moreover, the graduates will be familiar with international rules and practice, be proficient in both basic science and professional medical technology knowledge and will be strong in foreign languages and communication. The school is led by an internationally respected dean and supervised by an International Joint Management Committee under the leadership of the President of NEU. Moreover, the school is helped by an international advisory board, which has gathered famous experts both domestic and abroad. Faculty of the school consists of own (BMIE) teachers and researchers, top teachers of NEU and teachers from the industry. BMIE is qualified to award the doctoral degrees in biomedical engineering, including amongst others biomedical instruments research, medical image analysis and disposal, and biomedical information analysis and disposal. The school is building a Medical Imaging Laboratory for Research, and works together with the BioMedical Technology Center of TU/e, the Netherlands. BMIE has also several teaching laboratories. Next to this Neusoft, Philips and the Philips-Neusoft JV provide strong bases for the practical work on medical systems and system integration. BMIE also has a multimedia classroom and an activity center. Education employs electronic learning and education at a distance. BMIE can count on various well-knows professors and leaders. A famous medical image expert, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Liu Yuqing serves as the academic leader of the school. Other professors like famous expert in Neuroradiology Prof. Dai Jianping, medical image expert Prof. H Romeny and biomedical information expert Prof. P Hilbers give courses in the school. With regard to talent development, the school aims to be in line with international teaching methods, emphasizing on practice. The school is introducing DCL (Design Centered Learning) as established at TU/e as a totally new and innovative teaching mode in China. That is to say, in each semester, there will be both basic science and specialty courses that focus on practical application and integration of the learned knowledge. Some of the courses are given by professors from the Netherlands. Several courses are bilingual and use English textbook material. The outstanding undergraduate students will have the opportunity to take graduate and postgraduate courses.And some of them will be recommended to take the graduate study in TU/e, and enjoy the scholarship for the masters program kindly provided by TU/e. It is also possible to obtain a joint master degree from NEU and TU/e.Of course, the school will also recommend an excellent student to take courses at TU/e.BMIE invites regularly famous experts and scholars, both domestic and abroad, to visit our university and give lectures. An all-directional and international communication platform is being set up by the school for both faculty and students. For students with good performance in the university, BMIE provides them with various opportunities for example to go abroad for exchange and study and recommendations for them to work in the enterprises that BMIE cooperates with. |
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