词条 | 丁跃潮 |
释义 | 基本情况丁跃潮,男,教授职称,硕研学历。1975年3月参加工作,上大学前曾任赤脚医生、翻砂工、木模工、新疆日报通讯员、中学教师。1979-1983年在新疆工学院(现新疆大学)地质专业上本科,毕业时被该校录取为当年全校唯一的一名研究生,研究方向为矿产资源 勘探和预测。毕业后,1986-2000年8月在新疆石油学院工作。其间1997年曾作为访问学者留学美国得克萨斯大学半年。1998-2000年曾任新疆石油学院计算机科学与技术系党政主要负责人。2000年8月下旬调入集美大学计算机工程学院。 Yuechao Ding, professor in Computer Engineering at Jimei University. He began to work in 1975 as a rural doctor, foundryman, wood moulder, reporter for a daily paper and middle-school teacher respectively. He graduated in 1983 with Bachelor’s degree majoring in Geology and got MS degree in 1986 majoring in mineral resources exploration and prediction at Xinjiang University. From 1986 to 2000 he worked at Xinjiang Petroleum Institute and from 1998 to 2000 he was the head of the department of Computer Science. Once studied at University of Texas at Arlington as a visiting scholar in 1997 for half a year. In August 2000, he transfered to School of Computer Engineering in Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian. 工作拼命,有“拼命三郎”之称。1995年破格晋升教授。从硕士毕业到教授仅用了9年时间。1998年被授予新疆自治区优秀教师称号,获新疆自治区杰出青年科技创业奖,为全新疆十名得主之榜首。还从新疆、福建和中国石油部获得一些其他省部级成果和荣誉奖励。 He is always hard working, and people applaud him workaholic. In 1995, He became a professor with the exceptional promotion for his outstanding work in teaching and research. In 1998 he was elected as the excellent teacher and the first place of the "Ten Outstanding Youth Scientific Pioneers" of Xinjiang province. He also got several province-level and China-ministry-level honor and achievement awards from Xinjiang, Fujian and the China National Petroleum Cooperation. 他从事计算机、资源勘查、环境化学、经济学、统计学、生物、超常教育、人才测评、管理学、大学英语、日语、中医等领域研究和学教学。完成了几十项科研。有“八五”国家重点科技攻关项目、中国石油天然气集团公司中青年创新基金课题、福建省自然科学基金课题和国家奥运科技项目等等。主编出版了5部教科书, 其中2本是国家级规划教材。他主持建设福建省网络课程项目和精品课程。课题研究中开发了大量软件,其中一些新技术软件还投放网上免费面向全世界学者。 He has been researching and teaching courses on Computer Science, Resources Exploration, Environment Chemistry, Economics, Statistics, Biology, Gifted-child Education, Talent Assessment, Management, Japanese, English, Medicine etc. Finished tens of scientific researches, such as the national level "Eighth Five-year Plan" key projects, Innovative Fund Project of China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC) for Distinguished Young Scientists, Fujian Provincial Natural Science Fund Project, National Key Project for Olympic Technology etc. He is the chief editor of five textbooks, two of which are designated as China official planned university books. He leads and constructs Fujian official university network courses and excellent university courses. Plenty of softwares were developed during his research on projects. Some software of new technology are put on websites, free to scholars all over the world. 教学方面(1)主讲多个专业的课程 (1)Lectured on multiple fields 1)计算机类:人工智能、操作系统、数据库原理(英文教材、教案,英语授课)、数据库技术(PowerBuilder)、数据结构与算法、Visual FoxPro、Visual Basic、C语言程序设计、Web编程技术(JSP,XML)、Web编程技术(ASP、VBScript/JavaScript) XML技术、Java程序设计(英文教案,中英双语教学)、JSP程序设计,还有1980年代的Quick Basic、FORTRAN语言程序设计、BASIC语言程序设计。 1)Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, Operating System, Database Principles (Text book, teaching plan and lecture are in English), Database Technology( useing Power Builder), Data Structure and Algorithm, Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic, C Programing, Web Programing(JSP, XML), Web Programing(ASP, VBScript/JavaScript), XML Technology, Java Programing(Teaching plan in English and lecture in both Chinese and English), JSP Programing. In 1980s, Quick Basic, FORTRAN, Foxbase and GW-BASIC are taught. 2)资源环境类:地球科学导论、矿物学、岩石学、普通地质 、沉积岩石学、晶体化学以及各种地质实习。 2)Resources and Environment: Introduction to Geo-science, Mineralogy, petrology, General Geology, Sedimentary Petrology, Crystal Chemistry and all kind of geology practices. 3)经济与数学类:经济数学、概率统计、经济统计分析与预测及其新方法。 3)Economics and Mathematics: Economic Mathematics, Probability Statistics, Economic Statistical Analysis, Forecast and Its New Methods. 4)外语类:大学英语、科技英语、 地质专业英语、大学日语。 4)Foreign Language: College English, Scientific English, Geology English, College Japanese. 5)统计与管理类:多元信息分析与展示(多元统计)、管理信息系统、电子商务。 5)Statistics and Management: Multianalysis and demonstration, Management Information System, Electronic Commerce. 6)医学类:中医学导论。 6)Medical Science: Introduction to traditional Chinese Medicine. 其中从1997年中国互联网初步建成后,有30门投放网上,见参考资料1。以往黑板上课的地质、数学、化学课程不在其中。建有多教师、多班级、多课程、多学生的《多功能教学活动辅助平台》。知识面和授课课程之多是罕见的。 由于教案上网,引来全国各地师生的电子邮件要求答疑,经常要花很多时间解答问题。 Among above courses, over 30 courses have been gradually put on websites since 1997 when China Internet network was basically built up. Computer-aided platform for the usage of Multi-teachers, multi-classes, multi-courses and multi-students was built up. His knowledge range is wide. Because his web pages of teaching courses are put on websites, teachers and students all over the country often sent him emails, asking questions. (2)主编的教材: (2)The textbook he published: 1)《计算机导论》(ISBN 978-7-04-014768-1),高等教育出版社2004年。 1) Introduction To Computer Science(ISBN 978-7-04-014768-1), published by the Higher Education Press,2004. 2)《XML实用教程》(ISBN 978-7-11-118467-6, 专科适用),机械工业出版社2006年。 2) Practical XML Course (ISBN 978-7-11-118467-6,for professional training), published by the China Machine Press,2006. 3)《XML实用教程》(ISBN 978-7-301-10462-0, 本科适用),北京大学出版社2006年(建有配合该书的面向全国的教学平台) 3) Practical XML Course (ISBN 978-7-301-10462-0,for university students), published by the Peking University Press,2006. 4) 教育部审定立项的“十一五”国家级规划教材《Web编程技术--JSP、XML和J2EE》(ISBN 978-7-03-020735-7),科学出版社 ,2008年2月出版。 4) Web Programing -- JSP XML JavaEE(ISBN 978-7-03-020735-7), Scientific Press, 2008 5) 教育部审定立项的“十一五”国家级规划教材《计算机导论》(ISBN 978-7-04-028836-0),高等教育出版社。2010年4月 出版。 5) Introduction To Computer Science(ISBN 978-7-04-028836-0), published by the Higher Education Press,2010. The last two books are China "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" national level official textbook. 教材实例源代码下载地址见引用3。 The source code download address is in the references 3. (3)率先实行网页教学。早在中国互联网起步不久的1997年就抛出计算机和英语多门网上教案,独立完成的《网页教学新方法与实践》获部级教学成果三等奖。2006年“XML课程通用网络教学平台”获第二届全国高校计算机课件评比三等奖。 (3)He is in the leading position in teaching with web pages.Early in 1997 when China Internet network was just built, he put some courses of computer science and English on the Internet and finished the education reform project "New Teaching Way by Web pages and Its Practice" which got the award of province level. In 2006, his research group designed "Universal Network Teaching Platform for XML Course" which got the award of teaching achievement in the 2nd China Multimedia CAI Competition. (4) 负责福建省精品课程《Web编程技术》建设。 (4) He is responsible for the construction of province level excellent course "Web Programing". (5)鼓励本科生在学期课程学习期间发表论文。学生期末考试前应用所学课程知识发表论文或收到论文录用通知者,可以免除期末考试,成绩以论文评分。这种激励机制,有时可以在一个班多名本科学生发表论文,甚至用英文在国际学术会议上发表ISTP检索的论文(这通常是博士所做的事情)。2008年主讲《多元信息分析与展示》课程(内容主要为经济统计分析与预测),有5位学生发表论文,其中1位“本三批”学生用英文写作在国际学术会议上发表论文。2009年,这个数据被扩大了十倍,有50篇学生论文在国内外发表或收到期刊社录用通知(有些待刊出 ,有些学生嫌版面费贵放弃发表)。其中3篇发表在国际会议论文集(ISTP检索),3篇中文核心期刊论文,一篇发表在加拿大期刊。这个数据,创造了高等教育的新纪录。本科生发表论文如此之多,在国内高校尚未见报道,特别是一门课程的学习中就发表如此多的论文更未见到。 (5) He encourages undergraduates to publish papers during the course study.Under the teacher's diligent guidance, many undergraduates published their papers and some papers are presented in English journal or put in international conferences, which may normally be done by PhD students. In 2008, when he taught "Multianalysis and demonstration", 5 undergraduates published their papers. In 2009, 50 undergraduates had their papers published or got acceptance notices from journals. These work set a new world record to higher education. It has not been reported that so many undergraduates in one class published their papers, especially during the study of one course. (6)组织了多个课外科技活动小组。每届学生从2年级开始,每个班抽10名左右学生组成进入团队。 (6) Organized a lot of out-of-class scientific activity groups.Each year from the sophomore, he chooses 10 students to join in his research group for scientific work. (7)得到很高奖励。2009年评为集美大学教学名师。此前,在1998年,曾被评为新疆自治区优秀教师和十大科技创业杰出青年之一。 (7)He is highly praised. In 2009, he was elected as the "Outstanding Teacher" in Jimei university. He, once in 1998, elected as both the "Outstanding Teacher" and one of the "Ten Outstanding Youth Scientific Pioneers" in Xinjiang Autonomous Regions(a administrative region like state in USA). 科研方面科研领域涉及矿产资源、地球化学、生物、计算机、统计学、数量经济学、人才测评、优生学、中医学、超常儿童教育,都有科研项目、论文或实践成果支撑。研究领域之广,很少见。 His scientific research fields include Mineral Resources, Geochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Statistics, Quantitative Economics, Talent Assessment, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Eugenics and Gifted-child Education. All these are supported by projects, papers/books and practical achievements. He had taught some 30 courses including many fields/majors. His ken is extraordinarily wide. (1)计算机和数学领域 (1)Computer Science and Mathematics 2005年主持完成了福建省教委科技项目“多元数据分析若干新方法、软件及其对各类信息的接口研究”。2006年主持省网络课程项目“XML网络教学平台”,编制了面向全国的XML课程网上教学平台。2007年主持福建省自然科学基金“多元数据分析与预测新方法及应用”。此外在新疆和厦门完成了若干横向项目。多年来为省科技厅 和厦门市各类项目电子信息领域的评审专家,并评审矿产资源领域项目。 由于专业背景多,可以在多个边缘学科开展研究。 Lead and finished Fujian province's research project "Research on Multianalysis and some of the new method, software and its interface to all kinds of information" in 2005. Lead and finished Fujian provincial network course project "XML Network Teaching platform" in 2006, and programed the teaching platform opened to the country. He was the Leader of Fujian Provincial Natural Science Fund Project "New Methods and Their Application of Multivariable Data analysis and forecast". Moreover, some engineering projects are carried out both in Xinjiang and Fujian. He has been the technology project evaluation expert in electronic information field in Fujian province and Xiamen city. And so does Mineral Resources field. Because of his mulitiple major bcakground, interdisciplinary science researches could be carried out. (2)数量经济学领域 (2)Quantitative Economics 这是11年前开始研究的领域,当时主讲“经济统计分析与预测”,后来停止了6年。近5年又重新才开始的,目前已经造成声势,推出了多种经济信息的图示、分析、预测新方法,批量发表文章,有的文章被全文转载。统计公报和年鉴还没有公布,头一年就已经公开发表了预测值,后来证实效果很好,如:2005年湖北省第一产业增加值1009.5(1069.81,括号外为预测值,括号内为实际值,下同)亿元、第三产业增加值2632(2628)亿元、货物周转量149139(141570)亿吨公里、消费品零售总额3040(2965)亿元、人均GDP 12087(11431)元。又如福建省2006年农林牧渔总产值1535(1473)、工业增加值3471(3306)亿元、消费品零售总额2597(2704)亿元、货物周转量1927(1890)亿吨公里、旅客周转量540(524)亿人公里、农村年人均收入4869(4833)元、人均GDP 21432(21152)元等11项指标,绝对误差平均3.95%。隔年预测也受到了好的效果,如福建省2007年农林牧渔总产值1713(1749.8)亿元、工业增加值3986(3980)亿元、消费品零售总额2993(3187)亿元、货物周转量2240(2283)亿吨公里、旅客周转量621(587)亿人公里、农村年人均收入5504(5467)元、人均GDP 25346(25662)元。这些预测数据和后来出台的实际数据对比,相当接近,预测效果令人满意。自编了大量软件,性能和用法优于SPSS、SAS等全球通用统计分析软件,且有若干方法是SPSS等所没有的新方法,可以嵌入到各类应用程序和电子商务网站中。新方法和软件已在多 所大学讲学推广。越来越多的学者开始使用这些新方法和软件。 This topic started 11 years ago when he was teaching "Economic Statistic Analysis,Forcast and Decision". In recent 5 years, the research is continued, and reputation has earned because he put forward some novel methods for information demonstrating, analyzing and forecasting. Batch of papers are published, some papers are fully republished by other journal. Statistical bulletin and year book of the year having not announce yet, his paper predicting the main indicators of economy had published early in the year. In the following year after the economy data came out, the forecast was proved to be satisfactory. For example, In 2005 in Hubei, the Added Value of First Industry(AVFI) is 1009(1069, predicted value outside the bracket, actual value inside the bracket, similarly hereinafter) 100M CNY; the Added Value of Tertiary Industry(AVTI) is 2632(2628) 100M CNY; the Freight Ton-Kilometers(FTK) is 149139(141570) 100M t-km; the total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(RSCG) is 3040(2965) 100M CNY; the Per Capita GDP(PCGDP) is 12087(11431) CNY. For another example, in 2006 in Fujian, the Gross output Value of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal husbandry and Fishery (GVAFAF) is 1535(1473) 100M CNY; the Added Value of Industry(AVI) is 3471(3312) 100M CNY; the RSCG is 2597(2704) 100M CNY; the FTK is 1927(1890) 100M t-km; the Passenger-Kilometers (PK) is 540(525) 100M p-km; the per Capita Annual Income of Rural Households (CAIRH) is 4869(4835) CNY; the PCGDP is 21432(21385) CNY. The forecast two years ahead the year also got approving result. In 2007 in Fujian, the GVAFAF is 1713(1649) 100M CNY; the AVI is 3986(3980) 100M CNY; the RSCG is 2993(3187) 100M CNY; the FTK is 2240(2283) 100M t-km; the PK is 621(588) 100M p-km; the CAIRH is 5504(5467) CNY; the PCGDP is 25346(25662) CNY. These predicting data is proven to be a good approximation by the later produced practical data.Quite a few applications are developed by him and some of the functions and usage are superior to SPSS, SAS and some global-used statistic software like that. Moreover, some of the new methods, which could be embedded in MIS and EC system, are not included in SPSS and SAS. The new methods and the corresponding software have lectured in many universities, and more and more scholars begin to apply them. 目前在网上投放了三个Web型软件,供国内外学者在网上直接免费使用。 At present, three web type software(in B/S way) have been put on website. Scholars could use them directly on web pages. 完成了厦门地方政府一些经济统计分析与预测的项目及其软件研制。 He accomplished some local government projects on economic statistic analysis and forcast, and some software are programmed for the projects. (3)资源环境领域 (3)Mineral Resources and Environment 1995年完成了国家八五重点科技攻关项目“塔里木盆地西南坳陷石炭—二叠纪地层沉积相”和六个勘探攻关课题研究,获国内领先水平评价。1997年主持完成了石油部首批中青年创新基金项目“柯克亚第三系微量元素和重矿物标准剖面的建立及哑地层划分对比新方法研究”,编制了《哑地层划分对比系统》,主要采用多元数据分析方法。开创了一套计算机、地球化学和数学结合的新方法,解决了缺乏生物的地层之划分对比和预测。以上两项均获高校科研成果一等奖。扩大上述成果应用,1998年主持完成了塔里木石油勘探重要课题“库车地区上侏罗统—第三系元素地层划分对比研究”。1998年,曾因解决了塔里木油田勘探开发中的重大难题,被评为新疆科技创业十名杰出青年之一。此外还完成了“博格达山中晚二叠世地层划分对比”等横向项目。2004-2006为厦门市科技局项目“海蛎壳无害处理及其资源化利用”的主要参加者。 In 1995, he finished the national "8th Five Years" plan's Key Science and Technology Project "Carboniferous-Permian sedimentary facies of southwest depression of Tarim basin and research on six key problems for oil prospecting", and got the evaluation of "reached the domestic leading level". in 1997, he led and finished the first batch of CNPC Young-and Mid-Aged scholar innovative projects "Standard Section Establishment of Microelements and Heavy Minerals of Tertiary in Kekeya and Research on New Methods of Barren Strata Division and Correlation". The software "System for Barren Strata Division and Correlation" had been programmed, mainly using multivariate data analysis methods. Thus, a set of new methods combining computer science, geochemistry and mathematics were inaugurated, which solved the division, correlation and prediction problem of strata lack of fossils. Both of the two achievements above got first-class award of scientific research in the university. To extend the application of the achievement, he led and finished the key project "Element Strata Division and Correlation of Upper Jurassic to Tertiary in Kuche Region" for Tarim oil exploration. Moreover, he finished some engineering projects like "Strata Division and Correlation of the Late Permian Carbonates in Bogeda Mountain". During 2004-2006, he was the core member of the project "Harmless Disposal of Ocean Oyster Shell and Its Resource-lized Utilization" for Xiamen city science and technology bureau. (4)生物领域 (4)Biology 1998年负责完成了“塔里木盆地塔中32井地层古生物评价”、1999年负责完成了“吐哈盆地朗1井地层古生物评价”。他的“生物信息学”小组开展了锯缘青蟹、小白鼠、大黄鱼的基因分析比对和软件平台研究。 In 1998, he led and finished the project "Strata and Paleobiologic Fossil Evaluation of No. 32 Oil Well in Center region of Tarim Basin". In 1999, he led and finished the project "Strata and Paleobiologic Fossil Evaluation of No. Lang-1 Oil Well in Turfan-Qomul Basin". His information biology group carried out the gene analysis and correlation of Scylla Serrata, white mice and Large Yellow Croaker and programmed the software platform. (5)人才测评领域 (5)Talent Assessment 2004年完成了国家体育总局“我国体操运动员智能选材评价系统的研究”项目;2008年完成了国家奥运科技重点项目“体操智能化选材与评价系统的研究与建立”,为第二负责人,独立编制“体操智能化选才系统”软件,对国家体操队和各省体操队队员逐个进行了全面评测,向国家体委提供了多次分析报告。对中国体操运动员逐一测评,进行了类型划分和优选类型确定,2008年奥运会夺得奖牌的10名体操运动员都在本人推举类型范围内。涉及运动员的资料,为避免媒体炒作,不便发表文章。 In 2004, he accomplished the project "Research on Intelligently Selecting and Evaluating System of Gymnast in China" of China State Physical Cultural Administration. In 2008, he finished the key project of State Olympic technology "Research and Establishment of Intelligentized System for Selecting and Evaluating Gymnast". He programmed the software "Intelligentized System for Selecting Gymnast" ,tested and evaluated all of the country-level and province-level gymnasts, giving analyzing reports to the State Physical Cultural Administration. According to the results, the type classification and optimal type determination of gymnasts in China were carried out. In Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, all the 10 Chinese gymnasts obtained the medals belong to the type and range he recommended. For national security reasons, the related papers are not openly published. (6)优生优育与超常儿童教育领域 (6)Healthy pregnancy, scientific nurture and gifted-child education 从事超常儿童教育、普通儿童后天超常教育三十余年,创立了“负1.5岁”方案,提出了“优生优育优教优学”系列方法,培养了3例全面发展的 少年大学生。曾编有《优生优育优教优学网站》。典型案例见参考资料5。曾在厦门人民会堂作专场报告。将超常教育的理念用于大学教学,获得学生好评。讲授每门课程只需要正常教学一半的课时数即可完成,而且还使学生的动手能力很强。 Working at gifted-child education and postnatal education of ordinary children for over 30 years, he put forward the cultivating way "-1.5 plan" and series of methods for scientific pregnancy, nurture, teaching and study. He cultured three juvenile university students。 He programmed the website for scientific pregnancy, nurture, teaching and study. The typical case could be browsed on reference 5. He gave a lecture on his education idea and achievement in the Xiamen People's Hall. He applies the idea of gifted-child education to university course and was praised by both teachers and students. To finish a teaching task of a course, he need only half of the hours compared with normal teaching and his students are also highly capable of practical work. 主要论文[1]丁跃潮.微量元素及重矿物判别分析在西昆仑山前第三系划分对比中的应用.新疆地质.1995,13(3):275-282 Yuechao Ding, “Discrimination Trace Eliments and Heavy Minirals Applied in the Classification and correlation of Tertiary System at the Piedmond of West KunLun”, Xinjiang Geology, 1995, 13(3):275-282 [2]丁跃潮.“哑地层”划分对比新方法尝试——以英吉沙背斜及其邻区为例.新疆石油学院学报,1994, 6(1):1-10 Yuechao Ding, “Trying of the New Method of Dividing and Correlating the Barren Strata -- Taking Yingjisha Anticline and Its Adjacent Area for Example”, Journal of Xinjiang Petroleum Institue, 1994, 6(1):1-10 [3]杨品,丁跃潮.塔里木盆底杜瓦剖面二叠——三叠系界线及其特征.新疆石油地质,1996, 17(3):255-259 Pin Yang, Yuechao Ding, “The Permian-Triassic boundary of Duwa Section in Tarim Basin and its Character ”, Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, 1996, 17(3):255-259 [4]丁跃潮,杨品.塔里木盆地西部石炭-二叠系划分对比.新疆石油地质,1998, 19(6):498-501 Yuechao Ding, Pin Yang, “Carboniferous-Permian Division and Correlationof West Tarim Basin”, Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, 1998, 19(6):498-501 [5]郑幸红,丁跃潮.我国体操运动员选材智能特征的研究.成都体育学院学报[J],2007,33(01):58-60,65 Xinghong Zheng, Yuechao Ding, “Research on Intelligence Characteristic during Selection of Ch inese Gymnast”, Journal of Chengdu Sport University, 2007, 33(01):498-501 [6]丁跃潮.二阶判别分析新算法及应用.计算机科学与实践[J].2004,2(12):273-276 Yuechao Ding, “On New Arithmetic Method of Second-Order Discrinant Analysis and Its Application”, Computer Science and Practice, 2004, 2(12):273-276 [7]丁跃潮,刘丽莉,曾素燕.定向判别分析新算法及其在沉积化学中的应用.计算机与应用化学[J], 2006,23(10):1003-1006 Yuechao Ding, Lili Liu, Suyan Zeng, “On New Arithmetic Method of Directional Discrinant Analysis and Its Application on Sedimentary Chemistry”, Computer and Applying Chemistry, 2006, 23(10):1003-1006 [8]丁跃潮,万春,孙扬.定向判别分析新算法及应用.计算机工程与科学[J],2006,28(9):77-79 Yuechao Ding, Chun Wan, Yang Sun “On New Arithmetic Method of Directional Discrinant Analysis and Its Application”, Computer Engineering and Science, 2006, 28(9):77-79 [9]沈军,丁跃潮,张杰敏.湖北省经济发展的若干统计特征与2005年预测[J].当代经济, 2005年卷(23):70-72 Shen Jun, Yuechao Ding, Jiemi Zhangn, “Some Statistic Characteristic of Economy Development in Hubei Province and the Forecast for 2005”, Modern Economy, 2005, 168(23):70-72. [10]沈军,丁跃潮.前移回归分析新方法及其在经济预测中的应用[J].统计与决策,2006,223(10):22-23(原题目为“前移回归分析的一种新方法”,后来杂志社刊登了更正说明).《江苏统计》全文转载。 Jun Shen, Yuechao Ding, “Forward Shifting Regression Analysis and its Application on Forecast of Economy”, Statistics and Decision, 2006, 223(10):22-23. Fully republished by the Journal “Jiangsu Statistics”. [11]沈军,丁跃潮.福建经济若干统计特征及发展趋势[J].集美大学学报(哲社版),2006,9(4):38-43.人大报刊复印资料《统计与精算》2007年第2期 全文转载。 Jun Shen, Yuechao Ding, “Some Statistic Characteristic of Economy in Fujian Province and its Developing Trend”, Journal of Jimei University(Social Science), 2006, 9(4):38-43. Fully republish by the Renmin University's copied paper and journal material “Statistics and Actuary” which is an authoritative periodical in China. [12]沈军,丁跃潮.前移回归分析新方法及其在福建人均GDP预测中的应用[J].集美大学学报(自然版),2006,11(4):375-380 Jun Shen, Yuechao Ding, “A New Method of Forward Regression Analysis and Its Application in Prediction of Per Capita GDP in Fujian Province”, Journal of Jimei University(Natural Science), 2006, 11(4):375-380. [13]丁跃潮,沈军,罗方芳.湖南省经济发展的若干统计特征及未来两年预测.中国数量经济学会2007年年会论文 Jun Shen, Yuechao Ding,Fangfang Luo “Some Statistic Characteristic of Economy Development in Hunan Province and the Forecast of the Following Two Years”, Paper for 2007 Chinese Annual Conference on Quantitative Economics. [14]丁跃潮,浦云明,林颖贤.有序判别新算法及其应用.数理统计与管理[J],2007, 27(2):256-262.CSSCI检索 Yuechao Ding, Yunming Pu, Yingxian Lin, “On New Arithmetic Method of Sequent Discrinant Analysis and its Application”, Computer and Applying Chemistry, 2007, 27(2):256-262 [15]丁跃潮,曾素燕.一种新的经济信息图示方法.中国数量经济学会2007年年会论文 Yuechao Ding, Yunming Pu, Yingxian Lin, “On New Arithmetic Method of Sequent Discrinant Analysis and its Application”, Application of Statistics and Management, 2007, 27(2):256-262 [16]丁跃潮,陈黎震,孙扬.中国经济发展阶段划分与人均GDP的预测.统计与决策[J],2008,274(22):100-102。CSSCI检索 Yuechao Ding, Lizhen Chen, Yang Sun, “Economy Development Stages Division and Per Captia GDP Prediction in China”, Statistics and Decision, 2008, 274(22):100-102 [17]Ding Yuechao,ZENG Suyan.A New Way for Data Graph.ADVANCED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, NEW EDUCATION, PROCEEDINGS : 617-622, 2007 [18]Ding Yuechao, Shen Jun, Zeng Suyan.A New Method -- Forward Shifting Regression Analysis and its Application in Economy Forecast in Hunan Province.2007 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS : 337-341, 2007 [19]Ding Yuechao.A New Method -- Multi-factor Trend Regression and Its Application to Economy Forecast in Jiangxi.Advancing Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PROCEEDINGS:63-67,2008.ISBN-10:0769530907 ISBN-1-9780769530901 [20]Ding Yuechao.Research on Intelligence - Psychology Test and Analysis System for Selecting Gymnasts.2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, PROCEEDINGS,v1:618-621. ISBN-1-9780769533360 [21]Ding Yuechao, Lizhen Chen.Research on Multi-functional Teaching Activities Platform.2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Education, PROCEEDINGS v5:836-839,2008. ISBN-1-9780769533360 [22] DING Yuechao,SUN Yang.Regression Applying on Forecast of Time Series and Its Solution on Web Pages.2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling. PROCEEDINGS v7:260-263,2010 [23] DING Yuechao,SHEN Jun.Intuitive Information Table Graph and Its Solution on Web.2010 International Conference on Multimedia Technology. PROCEEDINGS v7:26-30,2010 2008-2009年期间,指导本科生在国内外发表论文数十篇,其中 ,国际会议和期刊英文论文5篇。 During 2008-2009, under his guidance, the undergraduates published dozens of papers both home and abroad, among which, 5 papers are published on international conferences or journal. |
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