

词条 Don Felder

老鹰乐队的成员之一,摇滚金曲《Hotel California》的作曲人,1947年9月21日出生于佛罗里达州。1968年时加入过Flow合唱团,但主要还是伴奏乐手也从事录音工程。由于Leadon的介绍,Felder从老鹰合唱团的首张专辑开始便有参与,可是当时只是乐团巡回演唱期间的临时团员,1974年才正式加入成为第五位团员。Don Felder虽然和声、吉他独奏多有贡献但在站在台前的总是Leadon与Walsh;虽然也与其他团员合写很多歌曲,不过锋芒却又都被Frey和Henley所掩盖,所以他应该是乐团中最被忽略的一位。Felder虽然也有个人专辑出版,但是最著名的作品首推为1981年动画电影《Heavy Metal》谱写、演唱的同名单曲。Felder在乐团解散期间(1982-1994,虽然Don Henley宣称他们“是休息,而非解散”)大都为一些知名艺人如比吉斯合唱团、Stevie Nicks、Bob Seger、黛安娜.罗斯…的专辑担任吉他伴奏。2001年初已经离团。

以下是Don Felder离开Eagles时候的新闻

老鹰团员遭前吉他手Don Felder怒告


资深乐团也会面临“裁员”官司?老鹰合唱团的前任吉他手Don Felder要控告该乐团2名团员Don Henley和Glenn Frey无故将他逐出老鹰合唱团。

这件诉讼案于9日正式开庭,被解雇的吉他手Don Felder指出,他于本月6日被同团团员Don Henley及Glenn Frey莫名其妙地开除。Don Felder借着这场官司发出不平之鸣,抗议2团员滥用权利及自己遭受的不公平待遇。

现年53岁的Don Felder是老鹰合唱团的元老级人物,他于1974年加入该乐团,并参与演出了知名的〈Hotel California〉一曲。据了解,Don Henley和Glenn Frey在Don Felder的加入之后,合组了老鹰股份有限公司(Eagles Ltd.),以方便处理唱片业务及巡回演唱及外围商品收益,并让公司的资金得以更顺畅运转。

这场诉讼举证出,Don Henley和Glenn Frey不顾Don Felder也是公司合伙人之一,完全将他当做一个被使唤者,罔顾Don Felder理应享有的权益。Don Henley和Glenn Frey的委任律师则表示,他的当事人有权利终结Don Felder的职权,但该律师并未交待Don Felder被解雇的原因。

老鹰合唱团是在1971年成军的资深乐团,当时在洛杉矶成立之初,原本只是女歌手Linda Ronstadt的专属乐团,Don Felder是在该乐团以《Take it Easy》、《Desperado》等歌曲奠定乐坛基础之后才加入的。

以下来自w i k i

On February 6, 2001, Don Felder was fired from the Eagles. Felder responded by filing two lawsuits against "Eagles, Ltd., a California corporation; Don Henley, an individual; Glenn Frey, an individual; and Does 1-50", alleging wrongful termination, breach of implied-in-fact contract, and breach of fiduciary duty, reportedly seeking $50 million in damages.[3][4] In his latter complaint, Felder alleged that from the 1994 Hell Freezes Over tour onward, Henley and Frey had "...insisted that they each receive a higher percentage of the band's profits...", whereas the money had previously been split in five equal portions (reduced to three after the departure of Leadon and Meisner). Felder also accused them of coercing him into signing an agreement under which Henley and Frey would receive three times as much of the Selected Works: 1972-1999 proceeds as would Felder. This box set, released in November 2000, has sold approximately 267,000 copies at about $60 apiece. Henley and Frey then counter-sued Felder for breach of contract, alleging that Felder had written and attempted to sell the rights to a "tell-all" book. The book, Heaven and Hell[1], was published in the United Kingdom on November 1, 2007, but the initial American release was originally canceled after publisher Hyperion elected to back out in September, when an entire print run of the book had to be recalled for further cuts and changes.[5] The American edition of Heaven and Hell was released for publication by John Wiley & Sons on April 28, 2008,[6] with Felder embarking on a full publicity campaign surrounding its release. On January 23, 2002, the Los Angeles County Court consolidated the two complaints and on May 8, 2007, the case was dismissed after being settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.





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