

词条 Dignity


尊严,高贵, 端庄


He would do nothing beneath his dignity。








专辑名:《Dignity》演唱者:Hilary Duff


发行公司:Hollywood Records



1. Stranger

2. Dignity

3. With Love

4. Danger

5. Gypsy Woman

6. Never Stop

7. No Work, All Play8. Between You And Me

9. Dreamer

10. Happy

11. Burned

12. Outside Of You

13. I Wish

14. Play With Fire


虽然还不满20岁,但美国“少女偶像”希拉里·达芙(Hilary Duff)已经发行了两张录音室专辑和一张精选集。在“小甜甜“布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)之后,Hilary Duff是美国流行乐坛最受欢迎的少女歌手。这张《Dignity》是Hilary Duff的第三张个人专辑,在美国发行首周以17万张的销量成绩打入当周Billboard 200专辑榜的第三位,成为她连续第四张打进Billboard 200排行榜前五名的唱片。2005年8月,Hilary Duff的精选集《Most Wanted》曾以20万8千张的单周销量获得Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。

细心的歌迷从《Dignity》的封面应该就能够感觉到Hilary Duff的细微变化,比起两年前《Most Wanted》时期的打扮,将头发盘了起来的Hilary Duff明显看着成熟了很多。毫不夸张的说,《Dignity》封面上的造型甚至有几分像性感女星安吉丽娜·朱丽。很明显,随着年龄的增长,曾经的“少女偶像”正在蜕变。和Hilary Duff的外形一样,这张《Dignity》也是她的一张转型之作。在已经习惯了以前的“偶像”角色之后,不断成熟的Hilary Duff当然也想用音乐为自己在美国流行音乐届真正的赢得“尊严”。与专辑封面稍显不符的是,《Dignity》是一张正宗的舞曲专辑,Hilary Duff除了兼任执行制作人之外,还亲笔书写了专辑内页上的所有文字。此外,相比以前的个人专辑,Hilary Duff在这张《Dignity》中参与创作的歌曲也明显增多。

然而作为专辑首播主打单曲《Play With Fire》,其实在专辑发行前一年就提前在Hilary Duff与姐姐Haylie Duff主演的电影《拜金女郎》中出现过,当时也受到了不少的好评,不过相比接下来要发行的第二单曲《With Love》却要稍逊一些。

《With Love》可以说是Hilary Duff音乐作品中最受欢迎,也是最经典的一首“希式”舞曲了,这只单曲在Billboard Hot100上也取得了较靠前的成绩。这首歌也作为Hilary Duff发行的同名香水的广告歌曲出现在电视上,不仅如此,《With Love》也成为Hilary Duff商业成绩最好的单曲,还在Billboard Hot Dance Club Play Chart榜上夺下了冠军之位。

《Stranger》是该专辑的第三单曲,这首歌虽然没有《With Love》的动感节奏,不过却是Hilary Duff很具中古式的舞曲,MV也拍摄的很有东南亚风情,不过这首歌在Billboard Hot100上却只取得了97名的成绩。还在这首歌依然是俱乐部舞池的最爱,在Billboard Hot Dance Club Play Chart榜上,这首歌成为续《With Love》之后,Hilary Duff第二支冠军单曲。

至于第四单曲,原本决定用专辑同名单曲《Dignity》最为第四单曲发行,不过最终由于Hilary Duff与公司在决策上发生冲突,取消了发行。然而好在《Dignity》也有一首混音单曲出现在欧洲版《Dignity》的赠送曲目中,从这首混音的质量来说,《Digntiy》也是非常有可能成为Hilary Duff的另经典歌曲的。

通过这张《Dignity》,Hilary Duff开始慢慢脱离大家印象中那个可爱的少女偶像的角色,她正向着职业歌手的方向努力。


you got the hottest shoes [you got it]

you got those jimmy chose [you got it]

you never get the blues

it's always all about you

[you got it, you got it]

wake up late no time to waste

better check that phone

there's a club to close

where's your, where's your,

where's your dignity?

i think you lost it

in the hollywood hills

where's your dignity?

can't buy respect

but you can pick up the bill

pick it up, pick it up

it's all you got, it's all you got

pick it up, pick it up

cuz money makes your world go round

money makes your world go round

always with mr. right [hey now]

but then you have a fight [and he's out]

run into your friend's ex

he's happy to be your next

[she won't mind, she won't mind]

tomorrow's papers comming out

so kiss him fast

watch the camera's flash

where's your, where's your,

where's your dignity?

i think you lost it in the hollywood hills

where's your dignity?

can't buy respect

but you can pick up the bill

pick it up, pick it up

it's all you got, it's all you got

pick it up, pick it up

cuz money makes your world go round

money makes your world go round

you show up to the opening of an envelope

why, does everybody care about where you go?

it's not news when you got in the bag

it's not news when somebody slaps you

it's not news when you lookin your best

come on, come on, come on give it a rest

pick it up, pick it up

it's all you got, it's all you got

pick it up, pick it up

cuz money makes your world go round

where's your dignity?

[money makes your world go round]

where's your dignity?

[cuz money makes your world go round]

where's your dignity?

[money makes your world go round]

where's your dignity?

[cuz money makes your world go round]

cuz money makes your world go round





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