词条 | 虔修六神丸 |
释义 | 虔修六神丸 Wintex Tong Lu Shen Wan 清热解毒、止痛消炎、适用于肩桃线炎、咽炎、咽喉肿痛、热疖及疔疮、一切无名肿毒等 服法﹕ 每日三次。 2岁﹕每次2粒; 3岁﹕每次3-4粒; 4-8岁﹕每次8-9粒; 成人每次10粒。 外敷﹕ 取丸十余粒,少许开水化开,敷搽皮肤患处四周,每日数次,保持潮润,直至肿退为止,如肿将溃烂或出浓,切勿敷用。孕妇忌服。 成份﹕ 天花粉、人工牛黄、青黛、蟾酥、冰片、大黄、珍珠粉 包装﹕10粒、100粒装 保存方法﹕ 本品应避光,置于阴凉储存。 注意﹕孕妇或哺乳期妇女应暂停服用。 Indications: Tonsillitis, Sore throat, Furuncle and Telephium. Dosage: 3 times daily. For Children: 2 years old 2 pills each. 3 years old 3-4 pills each. 4-8 years old 8-9pills each. For Adults: 10 pills each. For External: Take 10 or more pills to be disintegrated in cold water or vinegar, apply around the affected area, several times daily and keep it damp until relieved. Avoid using for corruption or pus formation. Caution: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Package: 10 pills and 100 pills packed in different tubes. Storage: Store in a dry and cool place 产品编号﹕WT010 (100粒装) 售价﹕150元 港币/人民币 (网上订购) 产品编号﹕WT011 (10粒装) 售价﹕ 30元 港币/人民币 (网上订购) 永达堂「虔修六神丸」产品已通过香港标准及检定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 测试报告(Testing Report)为合格产品。 |
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