

词条 褚玉明

姓 名:褚玉明


职称及学位:教授 博士










(1)Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui, The invariance of inner and outer linearly locally connected sets under quasiconformal mappings, J.Math. Anal. Appl.,2007, 326:1328-1333.

(2)Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui,Qiu Songliang, Generalized convexity and inequalities involving special functions, J.Math. Anal. Appl.,2007,336:768-776.

(3)Huang Yuanqiu, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), A note on the computational complexity of graph vertex partition,Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2007, 155(3):405-409.

(4)Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui,Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Inequalities for the generalized elliptic integrals and modular functions, J.Math. Anal. Appl.,2007,331:1275-1283.

(5)Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wang Gendi, Quasiconformal mappings and the max property, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 2007,1(7): 313-324.

(6)Gong Weiming, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Zhang Xiaohui, Wang Gendi, The construction of a qusiconformal mapping from unit ball onto bounded convex domain in , Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 2007,1(7): 305-312.

(7)Zhang Baoyong, Xu Shengyuan, Li Yongmin, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), On global exponential stability of high-oredr neural networks with time-varying delays, Physics Letters A, 2007, 366,69-78.

(8)Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Exponent-quasiadditive properties and applications, Commu. Korean Math. Soc., 2007, 22(2):235-240.

(9)Gong Weiming, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui, A geometric criterion for homeomorphisms with quasiconformality,International Journal of Modern Mathematics, 2007,2(1):1-8.

(10)Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui, Remarks on the quasidisks and the Hardy-Littlewood property, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007,34(4):513-517.

(11)Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wang Gendi, Zhang Xiaohui, Hyperbolic geodesics in quasidisks, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007,34(4):563-568.

(12)Gong Weiming, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Wu Linli, A geometric interpretation for sphere distortion of surfaces in 3-space,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007,36(3):337-342.

(13)Gao Hongya, Chen Yanmin, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), New two-weight imbedding inequalities for A-Harmonic tensors, Kyungpook Math. J., 2007, 47:105-118.

(14)Gao Hongya, Chu Yuming (褚玉明),Sun Lanxiang,Three characteristic Beltrami system in even dimensions(I): p-Harmonic equation, Kyungpook Math. J., 2007, 48:311-322.

(15)Wang Xiantao, Huang Manzi, Ponnusamy S., Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Hyperbolic distance, apollonian metric and John disks,Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 2007, 32:371-380.

(16)Gong Weiming, Cheng Jinfa, Chu Yuming (褚玉明), Existence of nonoscillatory solution of second order neutral differential equation, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (New Series),2007,2(3):785-795.

(17)张孝惠,王根娣,褚玉明,裘松良,广义 偏差函数的单调性和不等式,数学年刊,2007,28A(2):183-190.

(18)郑敏玲,杨孝平,褚玉明,具有截断势的空间齐次Boltzmann方程的 逼近,应用数学学报,2007, 30(4):729-742.





(23)Meng Junxia,Chu Yuming(褚玉明),Interior regularity of weak solutions to nonlinear elliptic obstacle problems, Mathematical Applicata (应用数学英文版),2007,20(1):171-182.

(24)孙明锋,褚玉明, John 的可分解性质和拟圆一个充要条件,大学数学,2007,23(3):42-44.



(27)褚玉明,蒋月评,方爱农,外部边界球可达域上拟共形映射的Lipschitz连续性, 数学学报, 2007, 50(6):1207-1212.

(28)褚玉明,交比和Poincare度量在平面拟共形映射下的偏差,数学物理学报,2007, 27A(4):748-752.

(29)褚玉明,黄曼子,拟共形映射的一个充要条件,数学物理学报,2007, 27A(5):949-954.

(30)张孝惠,王根娣, 褚玉明, 广义Grotzsch 环函数的几个精确不等式,数学物理学报,2007, 27A(5).

(31)褚玉明, 拟共形映射Lp-可积指数的上确界,数学物理学报. 2007,27A(6).

(32)Zhang Xiaohui, Wang Gendi, Chu Yuming(褚玉明), Qiu Songliang, Monotoncity and inequalities for the generalized distortion function, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 2007, 28(2):1-8.

(33)Wang Gendi,Zhang Xiaohui,Chu Yuming(褚玉明),Some inequalities for generalized Grotzsch functions,Proc.Edinburgh Math. Soc.,2007,50.

(34)孙明锋,褚玉明, John 圆,拟圆及反射,纯粹数学与应用数学,2007,23(3):337-340.

(35)Xia Fangli,Chu Yuming(褚玉明), Wang Gendi, The Monotonicity of a Number Sequence Involving the Volume of the Unit Ball in , International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007,38(4):543-547.

(36)Song Yingqing, Chu Yuming(褚玉明), Wu Lingli, An Elementary Double Inequality for Gamma Function, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007,38(4):549-554.

(37)Song Yingqing, Xia Fangli, Chu Yuming(褚玉明), An Improvement of Mori’s Constant in the Theory of Space Quasiconformal Mappings, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007,39(1):75-82.





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