

词条 冼嘉锋




程师,为多个英、美、澳洲及香港专业工程师学会会员,曾服务于香港政府工务局、徒置事务署,后转职于英资J. Roger Preston Partnership顾问工程师行及和黄工程有限公司等国际专业机构,最后在瑞安房地产发展有限公司工作达22余年之后于2009年12月以高级机电经理退休。冼君除投身在屋宇设备工程(机电)专业领域达40年外,更以业余风水师身份为中国内地各省市和香港的发展商,企业家和厂商提供全面化风水咨询/设计服务,同时亦为囯内外大机构(包括香府政府的科学园)提供大型项目发展的各种风水专业意见(例如总规设计、房屋内外布局、动土开工、开盘售楼…等),同时亦曾为多间大机构/专业团体举办过无数次风水讲座,例如汇丰银行、渣打银行、恒生银行、中信嘉华银行、重庆市政府人才培训计划、香港城市大学、英中专业学会,亚洲智能建筑学会,上海香港商会等,绍兴商会,2010上海世博会芬兰馆开馆周活动风水讲座。在实际房地产日常工作上,冼氏对风水与建筑/室内设计/机电工程的互相结合(Integration of Feng Shui with Architecture/Interior Design/Building Services Engineering) 具非常丰富的实践工作经验。冼氏对别墅群,发展小区,大型商场,商铺,办公室,学校,工厂,住宅,餐厅等均作出精心风水策划,务求达到使业主和住客身体健康,运程兴旺发达,家庭融洽和谐,子女聪明孝顺,但却坚持个人宗旨婉拒了澳门多个高级赌厅、桑拿中心的风水堪察催旺工作。冼氏在瑞安退休后,继续在上海以“上海衍道商务咨询有限公司” 开拓和发扬中国的堪舆地理(风水)传统文化及提供全方位咨洵服务。

Mr. Paul K. F. Sin, holder of BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering and MSc in Facility Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, is a registered engineer UK's EC and also members of professional engineering institutions from UK, USA, Australia and Hong Kong. Paul had served Hong Kong Government in Resettlement Department and Public Works Department then left and worked in private companies such as J. Roger Preston Partnership and Hutchison Boag Engineering Limited. His last job was with Shui On Land Development Limited as Senior Manager in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering. Paul retired in December 2009 after having served for Shui On Group for 22 years. In addition to his E&M engineering experience more than 40 years, Paul offered expertise Feng Shui consultancy advice to the whole Shui On Group's projects in Hong Kong and all over China. At the same time Paul acted as amateur Feng Shui master to provide Feng Shui advice (such as master plan design, interior and exterior arrangement of buildings, ground breaking ceremony, sales launching etc) to large organizations/companies in and out Mainland China (including Hong Kong Government's Science and Technology Park in Tai Po, N.T.). Also Paul has conducted many Feng Shui seminars for large organizations/firms such as HSBC, Hang Seng Bank, Citic Ka Wah Bank, Chong Qing Municipal Government Cadet Officer Training Scheme, City University of Hong Kong, PI-UK China, AIIB, HKCCC etc. In actual land development daily work, with his vast and mastery experiences, Paul integrates successfully Feng Shui with Architecture, Interior Design, and Building Services Engineering. The Feng Shui arrangement and setting for Shui On Group of Companies' projects in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Dalian, Qing Tao, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Fushan, Chongqing and Chengdu are all designed and managed by Paul to achieve a good environmental, healthy and prosperous living/working/leisuring condition for owners, tenants and customers. After retirement in December 2009, Paul has continued to develop and promote the Chinese traditional ancient culture - Feng Shui by operating a firm named PSA Consultants (Shanghai) Limited. Paul expects that throughout close encountering with friends from different nations or districts of the world by means of open seminars/talks, the Chinese Geomancy Technology (Feng Shui culture) can be spread and well-known internationally. (原文)







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