词条 | 中日经济统计评论 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名:中日经济统计评论 作 者:纪宏,(日)大西広 主编 出 版 社:首都经济贸易大学出版社 出版时间:2011-6-1 版 次:1 页 数:409 字 数:457000 印刷时间:2011-6-1 开 本:16开 纸 张:胶版纸 印 次:1 I S B N:9787563818839 包 装:平装 22541737 内容简介本书包括了:Aims of the Conference,Measuring and Modeling Povertyand Income Inequality in Rural China: .An Empirical Study UsingRural HouseholdSurvey Data等内容。 目录Aims of the Conference Measuring and Modeling Poverty and Income Inequality in Rural China: .An Empirical Study Using Rural HouseholdSurvey Data Research on monetary Policy's effects on inflation cure and national economic growth-Analysis based on VAR model Research on Competitiveness Measurement of China with Unit Labor Cost A Comparative Study of the Economic and Social Development in Eastern, Central and Western China:An Empirical Analysis Based on Factor Analysis of the Economic and Social Development of 29Provinces Efficiency of Production Organization in the Planned Economy ofChina: Empirical Analysis Using Historical Statistical Data The Infiuences of Stakeholders' Behavior Decisions on CapitalManagement Performance in China's Joint-stock Commercial Banks:An Empirical Study Based on Panel Data The Selection on Model and Positive Analysis in the Stock Marketin China Net Capital Stock and Capital Productivity for China with OCM:1960 - 2005 Evaluation on Efficiency of Environmental Pollution Governance in |
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