词条 | 单自兴 |
释义 | 单自兴,1945年12月生,教授,武汉大学化学与分子科学院博士生导师,研究方向为不对称合成化学、元素有机化学、有机合成化学。 教学情况讲授本科生课程:"元素有机化学","精细合成技术","现代合成技术" 讲授硕士研究生课程:,"元素有机化学进展","不对称合成化学","手性化合物化学" 指导博士和硕士研究生近20多人 2000年以来主持的主要科研项目1.新型手性双官能Lewis酸催化的不对称反应研究 国家自然科学基金, 2007.1-2009.12, 项目主持人 2.新型手性催化剂的开发及在不对称合成中的应用研究 国家自然科学基金, 2004.1-2006.12, 项目主持人 3.固态超分子体系介入的不对称反应研究 国家自然科学基金, 2000.1-2002.12, 项目主持人 4.广谱抗炎手性药物(S)-(+)-布洛芬的制备方法学研究 湖北省科委重点科研项目,1998.1-2000.12, 项目主持人. 参加国家自然科学基金,国际合作项目等多项。 获奖情况有机硼化合物的制备、性质、结构表征及其在有机合成中的应用 赵德杰, 单自兴*,黄世文,湖北省自然科学二等奖(2000) (*通讯联系人) 国际学术会议邀请报告: Convenient Preparation of Enantiopure 1,1"-Bi-2-naphthols and Asymmetric Reactions Mediated by 1,1"-Bi-2-naphtholborane Derivatives Zixing Shan,The Invited Lecture on the 15th International Symposium on Chirality (Chirality 2003; ISCD-15), 2003, Shizuoka, Japan. 专著绿色精细化工导论, 贡长生,单自兴等编著,化学工业出版社, 2005年第一版 2000年后授权的发明专利(六项): 1.螯合手性硼酸酯及其制备方法和用途 单自兴,刘德军,褚运波,中国发明专利,ZL 03 1 18710.2 (2006) 2.100%ee的(R)- 或(S)-1,1¢-联-2-萘酚的制备方法 单自兴,熊 英, 中国发明专利,ZL 200410012746.0 (2005) 3.L-(+)-2-氨基-1-对硝基苯基-1,3-丙二醇的酮缩合物的制备方法 单自兴,万波勇,王国平, 中国发明专利:ZL 00114346.8 (2004) 4.(S)-布洛芬的制备方法 单自兴,万波勇,中国发明专利:ZL 01106592.3 (2003) 5.一种(S)-布洛芬的制备方法 单自兴,万波勇,中国发明专利:ZL 01114245.6 (2003) 6.高对映纯(R)-(+)-和(S)-(-)-1,1¢-联-2-萘酚制备新方法 单自兴,王国平,段 标,赵德杰,中国发明专利:ZL 93103325.x(2000) 正在审查中的发明专利五项(略) 发表论文近年代表性论文 (2003-2006, SCI): 1 Chiral Borate Esters in Asymmetric Synthesis 5: Asymmetric Reduction of Oxime Ethers Promoted by Chiral Spiroborate Esters with an O3BN Framework Yunbo Chu, Zixing Shan, Dejun Liu, Nannan Sun, J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71(10),3998 2 Chiral Diols: A New Class of Additives for Direct Aldol Reaction Catalyzed by L-proline Yan Zhou, Zixing Shan, J. Org. Chem. 2006, accepted 3 Selective Oxidation of Polyfunctional 2-Amino-1,3-propanediol Derivatives Zixing Shan and Guojian Lu, J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69(10), 3593 4 Chiral Borate Esters in Asymmetric Synthesis: 6. Hydrolytically Stable Tricoordinated Chiral Bicyclodiboronate Ester: Synthesis, Structure Characterization and Theoretical Investigation Yan Zhou, Zixing Shan, Boshan Wang, Peng Xie, Organometallics 2006, 25 (20), 4917 5 Chiral Borate Esters in Asymmetric Synthesis 4: Chiral spiroborate esters catalyzed highly enantioselective direct aldol reaction Yan Zhou, Zixing Shan, Tetrahedron, 2006, 62(10), 5692 6 Convenient Preparation of Enantiopure 1,1¢-Bi-2-anphthols via Inclusion Complexation of (1S,2S)-N-Benzyl-N,N-dimethyl- [1,3-dihydroxyl-1-(4¢- nitrophenyl)]-2-propylammonium Chloride Ha Wuzu, Shan Zixing*,Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 2006, 17, 854 7 (R)- or (S)-Bi-2-naphthol Assisted, L-Proline Catalyzed Direct Aldol Reaction Yan Zhou, Zixing Shan, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 2006, 17(11),1671 8 Synthesis of Spirobiindanes via Bis-cyclization Reaction of the 1,5-diaryl-3-pentanones Catalyzed by Heteropoly Acids Kun.Lan, Zixin.Shan and Shao Fan, Tetrahedron Lett, 2006, 47, 4343 9 Highly Chemoselective Synthesis of 1,2,3,4,5-Pentasubstituted Cyclohexanols under Solvent-free Condition Luo Xinxiang, Shan Zixing, Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, 47, 5623 10 Chiral Borate Esters in Asymmetric Synthesis 2: Asymmetric Borane Reduction of Prochiral Ketones in the Presence of a Chiral Spiroborate Ester Liu D. J., Shan Z. X., Zhou Y., Qin J. G. Helv. Chim. Acta, 2004, 87(9), 2310. 11 A new and practical method for preparing enantiopure 1,1¢-bi-2-nanphthol ¾¾ resolution of racemic 1,1¢- bi-2-nanphthol using threo-(1S,2S)-2-amino-1-(4¢-nitrophenyl)-1,3-propanediol cyclohexanone condensate Dejun Liu, Zixing Shan*, Fei Liu, Chunguang Xiao, Guojian Lu and Jingui Qin, Helv. Chim. Acta, 2003, 86(1), 157. 12 Chiral Borate Esters in Asymmetric Synthesis 1: The First Asymmetric Reaction Catalyzed by Chiral Spiroborate Esters with a O3BN Framework Liu D. J., Shan Z. X., Qin J. G., Chin. J. Chem., 2004, 22(11), 1336 13 A rapid preparation, properties and structure of diastereomeric 1,1¢-bi-2-naphtholboric acid (S)-proline anhydrides Zixing Shan*, Shimin Liu, Dejun Liu, Chin. J. Chem. 2003, 21(10), 1373 14 Preparation and Properties of Chiral Spiroborate Esters with a O3BN Framework Zixing Shan, Yan Zhou, Dejun Liu, Wuzu Ha, Synth. React. Inorg. Metal-org. Nono-Metal Chem. 2005, 35(4), 275 15 手性硼酸酯介入的不对称合成 3: 前手性亚胺在(R)-或(S)-1,1¢-联-2-萘酚硼酸-(S)-脯氨酸衍生物存在下的不对称催化还原 |
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