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2011年, 当选国际比较法科学院名誉院士


海牙国际比较法科学院(IACL)名誉院士(Titular Member)、英国经济与社会研究基金委员会(ESRC)项目评审专家、中国欧洲学会欧洲法研究会副会长、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员;牛津哈特出版社“中国与国际经济法系列专著”和北京大学出版社《海外法学学子文库》主编;上海昊理文律师事务所高级顾问(中国执业律师)。曾任剑桥大学劳特派特国际法中心客座研究员、剑桥学生学者联谊会主席和全英中国法学会(UKCLA)首任理事长。






Wenhua Shan (ed), Legal Protection of Foreign Investment: A Comparative Study, Hart Publishing Oxford (2011 forthcoming).

Wenhua Shan and Norah Gallagher, Chinese Investment Treaties: Policy and Practice, Oxford University Press (602 pages, 2009)

Wenhua Shan, Penelope Simons and Dalvinder Singh (ed.), Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic Law, Hart Publishing Oxford (480 pages, 2008).

Wenhua Shan, The Legal Framework of EU-China Investment Relations: A Critical Appraisal, Hart Publishing Oxford, October 2005, 377 pages excluding preliminaries.






Wenhua Shan, Towards a Balanced Liberal Investment Regime: General Report on the Protection of Investment for the XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law 2010 Washington DC, ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal, Fall 2010.

Wenhua Shan, Sheng Zhang, The Treaty of Lisbon: Halfway toward a Common Investment Policy, European Journal of International Law, 2010 No. 4.

Wenhua Shan, Umbrella Clause and Investment Contracts under Chinese BITs: Are the Later Covered by the Former? Journal of World Investment and Trade, 2010, No. 2.

Wenhua Shan, “Redefining the Chinese Concept of Sovereignty”, in Wang Gungwu and Zheng Yongnian (eds.), China and the New International Order (Routledge, 2008).

Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Metalclad Corp v Mexico, Award, Ad hoc—ICSID Additional Facility Rules; ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/97/1; Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Reports on International Law-IIC 161 (2000); Investment Claims-IIC 161 (2000), 2008.

Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Metalclad Corp v Mexico, Review by the supreme court of British Columbia, ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/97/1; Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Reports on International Law-IIC 162 (2001); Investment Claims-IIC 162 (2001), 2008.

Wenhua Shan, Commentary on Metalclad Corp v Mexico, Supplementary reasons for judgment, 2001 BCSC 1529; Oxford University Press (OUP) Oxford Reports on International Law-IIC 163 (2001); Investment Claims-IIC 163 (2001), 2008.

Wenhua Shan, N Gallagher and S Zhang, Bilateral Investment Overview: China (including over 100 Commentaries on each BIT), Oxford University Press (OUP) Investment Claims: IC-OV 6 CN (2008), 2008.

Wenhua Shan, Is Calvo Dead? American Journal of Comparative Law, June-August Issue, 2007.

Wenhua Shan, From “North-South Divide” to “Private-Public Debate”: The Revival of Calvo and the Changing Landscape in International Investment Law, 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, No. 3 (Spring 2007).

Wenhua Shan, Law and Foreign Investment in China: Effectiveness of the Legal System, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (University of Manchester), Vol. 3, No.1, 2006, pp. 51-67.

Wenhua Shan, Law and Foreign Investment in China: General Role of Law and Substantive Issues, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2005. pp. 1-41.

Wenhua Shan, EU Enlargement and the Legal Framework of EU-China Investment Relations, 6 Journal of World Investment & Trade 2, April 2005, pp. 237-262.

Wenhua Shan, The International Law of EU Investment in China, Chinese Journal of International Law, 2002, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 555-614.

Wenhua Shan, Towards a Level Playing Field of Foreign Investment in China, 3 Journal of World Investment (Geneva) 2, April 2002, pp. 327-344.

Wenhua Shan, Towards a Common European Community Policy on Investment Issues, 2 Journal of World Investment (Geneva) 3, September 2001, pp. 603-625.

Wenhua Shan, Towards a New Legal Framework for EU-China Investment Relations, 34 Journal of World Trade 5, October 2000, pp. 137-179.











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