

词条 中国金融市场发展报告


出版社: 中国金融出版社; 第1版 (2010年7月1日)

平装: 165页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 750495571X, 9787504955715

条形码: 9787504955715

尺寸: 28.2 x 20.8 x 1.2 cm

重量: 662 g


《中国金融市场发展报告(2009)(英文版)》内容包括:Part 1 Overview:1. Macro Environment for China's Financial Market Development。2. Major Features of China's Financial Market Performance in 2009。3. Outlook for Finandal Market Development in 2010。Part II Money Market:1. lnterbank Borrowing Market。2. Bond Repo Market。3. Short-term Finandng Bill Market。4. Bill Market。Boxl Analysis of the Electronic Commercial Bill System on the Bill Market。Part III Bond Market:1. Overview of Bond Market Performance。2. Features of Bond Market Performance。3. Innovation on the Bond Market。4. Institutional and Infrastructure Building in the Bond Market。5. Bond Market Development Outlook。Box2 Collective Notes of Small and Medium-sized Non-financial Enterprises等。


Part I Overview

1. Macro Environment for China's Financial Market Development

1.1 International Economic and Financial Environment was Complicated and Volatile

1.2 Domestic Economic and Financial Environment Remained Generally Stable

2. Major Features of China's Financial Market Performance in 2009

2.1 The Financial Market Played a Significant Role in Keeping GDP Growth above 8%

2.2 The Size of the Financial Market Grew Rapidly

2.3 The Financial Market on the Whole Made an Upturn

2.4 Important Progress was Made in Product and Institution Innovations in the Financial Market

2.5 The Financial Market Structure was Optimized

2.6 Institutional and Infrastructure Building in the Financial Market Advanced Steadily

3. Outlook for Finandal Market Development in 2010

3.1 The Financial Market May be Subject to Large Fluctuations

3.2 The Size of the Financial Market is Expected to Expand Further

3.3 Greater Efforts will be Made to Optimize Product Structure and Financing Structure

3.4 Institutional Building will be Pushed Forward

3.5 Opening-up of the Financial Market will Move Ahead Steadily

Part II Money Market

I. lnterbank Borrowing Market

1.1 Interbank Borrowing Market Performance

1.2 Major Features of Interbank Borrowing Market Performance

1.3 Outlook for Interbank Borrowing Market Development: Increasing Market Participation

2. Bond Repo Market

2.1 Bond Repo Market Performance

2.2 Major Features of Bond Repo Market Performance

2.3 Noteworthy Issues in Bond Repo Market Development

3. Short-term Finandng Bill Market

3.1 Performance of Short-term Financing Bill Market

3.2 Major Features of the Performance of Short-term Financing Bill Market

3.3 Outlook for Short-term Financing Bill Market Development

4. Bill Market

4.1 Bill Market Performance

4.2 Major Features of Bill Market Performance

4.3 Bill Market Development Outlook

Boxl Analysis of the Electronic Commercial Bill System on the Bill Market

1. The Launch of Electronic CB System and Its Functions

2. The Electronic CB System and Its Main Innovations

3. Significance of the Operation of the Electronic CB System on the Development of the Bill Market

4. Implications of the Operation of the Electronic CB System on the Bill Market Participants

Part III Bond Market

1. Overview of Bond Market Performance

1.1 Bond Issuance Market

1.2 Bond Trading Market

2. Features of Bond Market Performance

2.1 The Development of the Debenture Bond Market Accelerated

2.2 Investors were More Diversified

2.3 The Bond Market Guaranteed the Supply of Funds for Tackling the Financial Crisis

3. Innovation on the Bond Market

3.1 Innovation Gained Speed

3.2 Breakthroughs in Institutional Innovation

4. Institutional and Infrastructure Building in the Bond Market

4.1 Enhance Regulations Concerning Bond Registration, Custody and Settlement

4.2 Further Regulate and Improve the Administration of the Issuance of Financial Bonds

4.3 Allow Financial Leasing Companies and Auto Finance Companies to Issue Financial Bonds

4.4 Allow Non-incorporated Institutional Investors Access the Interbank Bond Market for Investment and Trading

4.5 Remove the RMB 500 Million Threshold for the Issuance of Tradable Bonds

4.6 Take Action to Foster a Healthy and Orderly Environment to Support Proper Function of the Interbank Bond Market

5. Bond Market Development Outlook

5.1 Bond Supply will Rise Further

5.2 Supply of Funds will Remain Adequate and Funds Structure will be More Balanced

5.3 A Wider Range of Bonds is Expected to be Available

5.4 Market Monitoring and Management will be Further Improved

Box2 Collective Notes of Small and Medium-sized Non-financial Enterprises

1. The Official Introduction of Collective Notes of Small and Medium-sized Non-financial Enterprises

2. Innovations of Collective Notes of Small and Medium-sized Non-financial Enterprises

3. Significance

Part IV Stock Market

1. Stock Market Performance

1.1 Primary Market: Substantial Growth of Share Issue

1.2 Secondary Market: Rising Index Amid Brisk Transaction

2. Features of China's Stock Market Performance

2.1 Rapid Growth of Market Capitalization and Optimized Funding Structure and Industrial Distribution

2.2 Steady Increase of Free-float Shares and Relatively Fast Growth of SME Board

2.3 Great Headways in the Construction of Multi-tier Capital Market

3. Institutional Building and Infrastructure Construction in the Stock Market

3.1 The Official Launch of GEM Board

3.2 Reform of New Shares Offering System

3.3 Transferring Part of State-owned Shares to National Social Security Fund

4. Stock Market Development Outlook

4.1 Improve Price Discovery Function of Stock Market

4.2 Promote the Development of Stock Derivative Products

4.3 Steadily Promote the Opening-up of the Stock Market

4.4 Promote the Construction of Multi-tier Capital Market

4.5 Improve Corporate Governance of Listed Companies

Box3 Analysis on the Launch of Chinext on China's Innovation-oriented Economy and Economic Restructuring

1. GEM Board Contributes to the Development of Innovation-oriented Economy

2. GEM Board Contributes to the Development of Private Economy

3. GEM Board Contributes to Economic Restructuring

Part V Foreign Exchange Market

1. FX Market Performance in 2009

1.1 The Central Parity of CNY/USD Remained Broadly Stable

1.2 Non-USD Foreign Currencies Appreciated against the RMB after Depreciation

1.3 The Trading Volume of the RMB/FX Spot Market Grew Steadily

1.4 The FX Pairs Spot Market Witnessed Lower Turnover and Improved Structure

2. Features of FX Market Development in 2009

2.1 The Structure of Market Participants in the Interbank FX Market was Further Improved

2.2 The Dominant Role of Market Makers was Enhanced while Performances were Wide apart

2.3 The RMB Maintained a Two-way Fluctuation against the USD with Narrowed Fluctuation Range

3. Institutional Building in Interbank FX Market in 2009

3.1 The New FX Trading System CFETS FX 2009 was Put into Operation

3.2 The Netting Services for OTCRMB/FXSpot Transactions were Launched

4. FX Market Development Outlook

4.1 Further Improve the Netting Services for OTC RMB/FX Spot Transactions

4.2 Develop More Diversified Products in the FX Market

Part VI Gold Market

1. Domestic Gold Market Performance

1.1 The SGE Gold Spot Market Enjoyed Good Development

1.2 The Gold Futures Business at Shanghai Futures Exchange Performed Stably

1.3 The OTC Business of Commercial Banks Maintained Innovative Development

2. Gold Price Movement in 2009 and Contributing Factors

3. Features of Gold Market Performance

3.1 Gold Price Fluctuated Sharply, and Price Gap between Domestic and International Gold Narrowed Significantly

3.2 Supply and Demand of Gold Grew Continuously and Domestic Market was More Active than International Market

3.3 The Gold Business of Commercial Banks Saw Innovative Development and Specialized Business Departments were Established

3.4 Individual Investors Took an Active Part in Gold Market, and the Rank of Investors Grew Rapidly

4. Institutional and Infrastructure Building in the Gold Market

4.1 Systemic Functions were Improved Continuously to Guarantee Stable Operation

4.2 Storage Network was Optimized and the Construction of Delivery Vaults Enhanced

4.3 The Agent Business of Member Institutions was Regulated to Guarantee Sustainable Development of Gold Market

5. Gold Market Development Outlook

5.1 Step up Gold Market Regulatory Effort

5.2 Vigorously Promote Gold Market Product Innovation

5.3 Make Solid Improvements to Gold Market Support Systems

Part VII Futures Market

1. Futures Market Performance

2. Major Features of Futures Market Performance

2.1 Market Size Reached Historical High

2.2 Futures Products Further Diversified

2.3 Market Structure Continued to Improve

3. Institutional Building in the Futures Market

3.1 Classified Supervision over Futures Companies was Launched

3.2 Unified Account-opening System was Introduced in the Futures Market

3.3 The Administration of Information Technology of Futures Companies was Further Strengthened

3.4 The Administration of Securities and Futures Market Statistics was Regulated

4. Futures Market Development Outlook

4.1 Market Size will Continue to Expand

4.2 Market Innovation will be Steadily Promoted

4.3 The Quality of Market Operation will be Enhanced

4.4 Opening-up of the Market will Speed up

Part VIII Financial Derivatives Market

1. Features of RMB Interest Rate Derivatives Market Performance

1.1 Market Performance

1.2 Features of the Performance of RMB Interest Rate Derivatives Market

2. Performance and Features of RMB Exchange Rate Derivatives Market

2.1 RMB Interest Rate Derivatives Market Performance

2.2 Features of the Performance of RMB Exchange Rate Derivatives Market

3. Performance and Features of FX Pairs Derivatives Market

3.1 FX Pairs Derivatives Traded More Actively

3.2 Features of FX Pairs Derivatives Market Performance

4. Institutional Building in the Financial Derivatives Market

4.1 Consolidation of Master Agreements for Financial Derivatives Trading Concluded Successfully

4.2 Risk Management on Financial Derivative Product Transactions was Further Improved

4.3 Pricing Benchmark for RMB Interest Rate Derivatives was Further Optimized

5. Outlook for the Development of Financial Derivatives Market

5.1 Press Ahead with Institutional and Product Innovation in the Financial Derivatives Market in an Active and Prudent Manner

5.2 Speed up the Formulation of the Administrative Rules on Interbank Derivatives

5.3 Promote the Diversification of Market Participants in the Financial Derivatives Market

Box4 Price Relationship between Domestic RMB Derivatives and Overseas RMB Derivatives

1. Price Difference between Domestic and Overseas Derivatives was Noticeable, but Tended to Narrow


Part Ⅸ Fund Market

Part Ⅹ Wealth Management Product Market

Appendix1 Highlights of Financial Market Development in 2009

Appendix2 China Financial Market Statistics





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