词条 | 珍爱多 |
释义 | 概述珍爱多品牌是由天津金康宝动物医药保健品有限公司研发并生产的。此产品是通过公司十余年的技术沉淀,通过对宠物生活习性和饮食习惯的长期了解,研发的适合宠物高端狗粮品牌。 产品介绍1犬粮系列美食犬: 满足挑剔的口味。 Satisfy fussy appetites. 1. 走过,错不过。 您忠实的Baby在他们所最爱、最健康、最美味的美餐面前从来不吝啬他们的尾巴。 Your faithful baby will tell you which is the most healthy and the most delicious in his tail and never miss it for he have filled love with it. 2.精选的的营养素、天然香味,特制的颗粒质地、形状和大小满足宝贝挑剔的口味。 Selected nutrients ,selected natural flavors ,special texture shape and size for kibble,satisfy fussy appetites。 3.适量赖氨酸:提高钙的吸收,加速骨骼增长,辅助免疫系统产生抗体、急速和酶,提高免疫力。 Contents oflysine: Of calcium in order to bone up to the immune system have antibodies, rapid and enzyme and improve the immunity。 香脆的颗粒具有适当的硬度可以帮助爱犬清洁口腔内的牙垢,防止牙周炎的发生,保持良好的口腔卫生。 Dry food has certain hardness ,avoid cats` teeth degeneration,prevent the occurrence of periodontitis,maintain good oral hygiene。 最佳的钙磷配比保证骨骼、牙齿的健康强化。Omega-3、omega-6等不饱和脂肪酸的适量添加保障您的爱犬有一身亮丽的皮毛。 This produce helps pets keep healthy strong bone through optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus .unsaturated fatty acid include omega-3、omega-6 etc,make sure your dog have a healthy and shiny coat. 保鲜包装: 采用新型无味的镀铝包装材料、应用拉链封口技术,保证蛋白、优质、维生素等营养的完全保存,让您的宝贝吃到最新鲜的美味食品。 Fresh pack: New aluminizing pack without stink make sure your lovely baby have the fresh food with naturally protein、Fat、Vitamin. etc. 美毛犬配方: 1 . omega-3、omega-6等不饱和脂肪酸的适量添加保障您的宝贝有一身亮丽的皮毛。 unsaturated fatty acid include omega-3、omega-6 etc,make sure your lovely baby have a healthy and shiny coat. 合理增加有机锌和维生素E含量,有益于防止被毛干枯,减少掉毛和皮屑,有益于被毛润滑舒顺、亮泽。 Reasonable increase in organic zinc and vitamin E content conducive to prevent hair dry hair and skin, reduce off, is very beneficial to the lubrication, and lustrous. 添加优质螺旋藻,增加天然的色素,长期食用可使被毛和鼻头呈现荧光亮色。 Add the high quality and increase the natural spirulinapigmentation. but the food is a nose and a fluorescent shine. 适量赖氨酸:提高钙的吸收,加速骨骼增长,辅助免疫系统产生抗体、激素和酶,提高免疫力。 Contents oflysine: Of calcium in order to bone up to the immune system have antibodies, rapid and enzyme and improve the immunity。 香脆的颗粒具有适当的硬度可以帮助爱犬清洁口腔内的牙垢,防止牙周炎的发生,保持良好的口腔卫生。 Dry food has certain hardness ,avoid cats` teeth degeneration,prevent the occurrence of periodontitis,maintain good oral hygiene。 6. 最佳的钙磷配比保证骨骼、牙齿的健康强化。 This produce helps pets keep healthy strong bone through optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus . 保鲜包装: 采用新型无味的镀铝包装材料、应用拉链封口技术,保证蛋白、优质、维生素等营养的完全保存,让您的宝贝吃到最新鲜的美味食品。 Fresh pack: New aluminizing pack without stink make sure your lovely baby have the fresh food with naturally protein、Fat、Vitamin. etc. 育犬配方 独特添加低聚糖(双歧因子)配方,维护肠道菌群平衡,抑制病原菌生长,防止便秘,治疗伪膜性肠炎。 add unique oligosaccharide(bifidobacteria), of balance, growth and prevents constipation pathogen and treatment of nature in enteritis. 低脂肪、低纤维,更易消化,适当地减少食物中的脂肪和纤维可以减缓肠道疾病症状,起到调理恢复的作用。 Low fat and low fiber, the more difficult to digest, the right to food and fibres can ease off the disease symptoms in bowel to restore the role of regulating. 选用水解蛋白质,减少肠道的负担,在消化酶活性降低的情况下仍能被消化吸收。 Withhydrolyze protein, to reduce the burden of the bowel and enzyme activity is still to reduce the digestion. 适量赖氨酸:提高钙的吸收,加速骨骼增长,辅助免疫系统产生抗体、急速和酶,提高免疫力。 Contents oflysine: Of calcium in order to bone up to the immune system have antibodies, rapid and enzyme and improve the immunity。 香脆的颗粒具有适当的硬度可以帮助爱犬清洁口腔内的牙垢,防止牙周炎的发生,保持良好的口腔卫生。 Dry food has certain hardness ,avoid cats` teeth degeneration,prevent the occurrence of periodontitis,maintain good oral hygiene。 最佳的钙磷配比保证骨骼、牙齿的健康强化。Omega-3、omega-6等不饱和脂肪酸的适量添加保障您的爱犬有一身亮丽的皮毛。 This produce helps pets keep healthy strong bone through optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus .unsaturated fatty acid include omega-3、omega-6 etc,make sure your dog have a healthy and shiny coat. 保鲜包装: 采用新型无味的镀铝包装材料、应用拉链封口技术,保证蛋白、优质、维生素等营养的完全保存,让您的宝贝吃到最新鲜的美味食品。 Fresh pack: New aluminizing pack without stink make sure your lovely baby have the fresh food with naturally protein、Fat、Vitamin. etc. 2猫粮系列育猫专用:Just for kitten & pregnant cat: 1. 本产品特别针对幼猫、怀孕猫配制而成,为宠物的成长提供健康、均衡的营养。 This product is specially formulated to the optimal nutrition for healthy and balanced maintenance to kitten & pregnant cat. 确保最佳消化 由于添加高易消化蛋白质、果寡糖、甜菜粕以及作为淀粉主要来源的谷物,确保最佳消化状态。低盐配方确保宝贝体液平衡和减轻肾脏负担。 Ensure optimal digestibility thanks to digestible protein、Fos、beet pulp and corn as the mail starch source .Low content of salt protect your kitties body fluid balance and relieve kidney`s burden. 珍宝猫粮根据猫咪嗅觉与味觉需求精选多种天然营养原料调制而成,是专业家猫食品,定会受到馋嘴猫咪的喜爱。 We select nature raw material into our professional foods.Now available in various delicious flavors to give your cats all the variety they need. 最佳的钙磷配比保证猫骨骼、牙齿的健康强化。Omega-3、omega-6等不饱和脂肪酸的适量添加保障您的猫有一身亮丽的皮毛。 This produce helps pets keep healthy strong bone through optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus .unsaturated fatty acid include omega-3、omega-6 etc,make sure your kitties have a healthy and shiny coat. 新研究添加牛磺酸配方,促进神经系统、脑组织和智力发育,提高神经传导和视觉机能. The unique formulation with taurine is used to promotion ,nervous system and intellectual development of brain tissue, improve neurological wiring and visual function. 保鲜包装: 采用新型无味的镀铝包装材料、应用拉链封口技术,保证蛋白、优质、维生素等营养的完全保存,让您的宝贝吃到最新鲜的美味食品。 Fresh pack: New aluminizing pack without stink make sure your lovely baby have the fresh food with naturally protein、Fat、Vitamin. etc. 合理调节ph值,使尿液保持弱酸性,防止尿结石的发生。 Reasonable ph value adjustments, urine remain weak are to prevent the occurrence of urine. 美食猫: 满足挑剔的口味。 Satisfy fussy appetites. 走过,错不过。 您忠实的Baby在他们所最爱、最健康、最美味的美餐面前从来不吝啬他们的尾巴。 Your faithful baby will tell you which is the most healthy and the most delicious in his tail and never miss it for he have filled love with it. 珍宝猫粮根据猫咪嗅觉与味觉需求精选多种天然营养原料调制而成,是专业家猫食品,定会受到馋嘴猫咪的喜爱。 We select nature raw material into our professional foods.Now available in various delicious flavors to give your cats all the variety they need. 精选的的营养素、天然香味,特制的颗粒质地、形状和大小满足猫咪挑剔的口味。 Selected nutrients ,selected natural flavors ,special texture shape and size for kibble,satisfy fussy appetites. 确保最佳消化 由于添加高易消化蛋白质、果寡糖、甜菜粕以及作为淀粉主要来源的谷物,确保最佳消化状态。低盐配方确保猫咪体液平衡和减轻肾脏负担。 Ensure optimal digestibility thanks to digestible protein、Fos、beet pulp and corn as the mail starch source .Low content of salt protect your cat body fluid balance and relieve kidney`s burden. 添加牛磺酸:保持猫咪锐利的视觉,防止因缺少牛磺酸而导致视网膜变性。 Contents oftaurine:Keep cats sharp visual toprevent taurineresulting from lack of the retina. 保鲜包装: 采用新型无味的镀铝包装材料、应用拉链封口技术,保证蛋白、优质、维生素等营养的完全保存,让您的宝贝吃到最新鲜的美味食品。 Fresh pack: New aluminizing pack without stink make sure your lovely baby have the fresh food with naturally protein、Fat、Vitamin. etc. 合理调节ph值,使尿液保持弱酸性,防止尿结石的发生。 Reasonable ph value adjustments, urine remain weak are to prevent the occurrence of urine. 控制毛球配方: 专为猫咪脱毛期清理肠道内积存毛发而设计。 猫咪是最爱保持自己毛发干净的可爱宠物,由于用舌头清理毛发会让细小的毛发进入肠胃,并积存。本产品能有效的清理猫咪肠道内积存的毛发,保证猫咪的消化功能。 The cat is like to keep a clean love pets,the hair will lay in cat`s inwards for cleaning with the tongue. This product can be effectively cleared in the bowel's hair, and keep the cat's digestive function. 添加适量的膳食纤维,清理肠胃中的毛发和多余脂肪,保持健康肠胃,防止便秘。 Add regular meals fibers, intestines of hair and surplus fat stomach, maintain good health and prevent constipation. 易消化高蛋白肉块,绿色膳食纤维颗粒,天然谷物颗粒均匀、合理搭配,营养更均衡。 Digestive meat, the green food grains of corn in the natural and reasonable, even with more balanced. 珍宝猫粮根据猫咪嗅觉与味觉需求精选多种天然营养原料调制而成,是专业家猫食品,定会受到馋嘴猫咪的喜爱。 We select nature raw material into our professional foods.Now available in various delicious flavors to give your cats all the variety they need. 添加牛磺酸:保持猫咪锐利的视觉,防止因缺少牛磺酸而导致视网膜变性。 Contents oftaurine:Keep cats sharp visual toprevent taurineresulting from lack of the retina. 保鲜包装: 采用新型无味的镀铝包装材料、应用拉链封口技术,保证蛋白、优质、维生素等营养的完全保存,让您的宝贝吃到最新鲜的美味食品。 Fresh pack: New aluminizing pack without stink make sure your lovely baby have the fresh food with naturally protein、Fat、Vitamin. etc. 合理调节ph值,使尿液保持弱酸性,防止尿结石的发生。 Reasonable ph value adjustments, urine remain weak are to prevent the occurrence of urine. |
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