

词条 张元动

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职 务: 博导

职 称: 研究员









Zhang Y.D., Chen X. 2007. Palaeobiogeographic distribution of Pseudisograptus and early biserials in South China and its implication for the origination of major graptolite faunas in the Ordovician. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(Suppl.): 530-536.

Chen X., Zhang Y.D., Yu G.H., Liu X. 2007. Latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian graptolites from northwestern Zhejiang, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(Suppl.): 577-82.

Zhang Y.D., Chen X., Yu G.H., Dan Goldman, Liu X. 2007. Ordovician and Silurian Rocks of Northwest Zhejiang and Northeast Jiangxi Provinces, SE China. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press. 1-189.

Zhang Y.D., Chen X., D. Goldman. 2007. Diversification Patterns of Early and Mid Ordovician Graptolites in South China. Geological Journal, 42(3-4): 315-337.

Zhang Y.D., Chen X. 2006. Evolutionary radiation of the Early-Mid Ordovician Graptolites in South China. In Rong Jiayu et al. (eds.). Originations, Radiations and Biodiversity Changes—Evidences from the Chinese Fossil Record. Science Press, Beijing. 285-316, 867-869. (in Chinese with English summary)

Chen, X., Zhang, Y.D., Bergström, S.M., Xu, H.G., 2006. Upper Darriwilian graptolite and conodont zonation in the global stratotype section of the Darriwilian stage (Ordovician) at Huangnitang, Changshan, Zhejiang, China. Palaeoworld, 15(2006): 150-170.

Chen, X., Zhang, Y.D., Fan, J.X., 2006. Ordovician graptolite evolutionary radiation: a review. Geological Journal, 41: 289-301.

Chen, X., Zhang, Y.D., Fan, J.X., 2006. A brief introduction to the Evolutionary Radiation of Ordovician graptolites. In Rong Jiayu et al. (eds.). Originations, Radiations and Biodiversity Changes—Evidences from the Chinese Fossil Record. Science Press, Beijing. 181-196, 856. (in Chinese with English summary)

Feng, H.Z., Erdtmann, B.-D., Zhang, Y.D., 2005. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Staurograptus Emmons from the base of the Ordovician. Palaeontology, 48(5): 1007-1019.

Fortey, R.A., Zhang, Y.D., Mellish, C., 2005. The relationships of biserial graptolites. Palaeontology, 48(6): 1241-1272.

Zhang, Y.D., Luo, T.T., Mao, Y.Q., 2005. Interpretation of the proximal development and branching divisions of some early and middle Ordovician graptolites based on BSE images. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 44(1): 125-137.

Zhang, Y.D., Wang, Z.H., Feng, H.Z., Luo, T.T., Erdtmann, B.-D., 2005. Tremadocian (Ordovician) graptolite biostratigraphy of China--a review. Journal of Stratigraphy, 29(3): 215-235.

Zhang, Y.D., Erdtmann, B.-D., 2004. Astogenetic aspects of the dendroid graptolite Airograptus (Late Cambrian--Early Ordovician) and their phylogenetic implications. Lethaia, 37(4): 357-365.

Zhang, Y.D., Erdtmann, B.-D., 2004. Late Tremadocian (Ordovician) biostratigraphy and graptolites at Dayangcha of Baishan, NE China. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 78(2): 323-354.

Zhang, Y.D., Erdtmann, B.-D., Feng, H.Z., 2004. Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) graptolite biostratigraphy of China. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 40(3): 155-182.

Chen, X., Zhang, Y.D., Xu, H.G., Yu, G.H., Wang, L.W., Qi, Y.X., 2004. The progressive study to the Ordovician Darriwilian GSSP Section (Huangnitang, Changshan, Zhejiang, China). Professional papers of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology, 28: 29-39.

Tang, L., Han, N.R., Zhang, Y.D. 2004. Ordovician graptolite biostratigraphy of Gongcheng, Guangxi, China. Journal of Straigraphy, 28(2): 158-167, 191. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Zhang, Y.D., Erdtmann, B.-D., Feng, H.Z., 2003. Tremadocian graptolite biostratigraphy of China and its international correlation. In: G. Ortega, Acenolaza, G.F. (Editor), Proceedings of the 7th International Graptolite Conference & Field Meeting of the International Subcommissiion on Silurian Stratigraphy. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Tucuman, pp. 105-113.

Zhang, Y.D., Chen, X., 2003. The Early-Middle Ordovician graptolite sequence of the Upper Yangtze region, South China. In: G.L. Albanesi, Beresi, M.S., Peralta, S.H. (Editor), Ordovician from the Andes. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Tucuman, pp. 173-180.

Maletz, J., Zhang, Y. D., 2003. Proximal structure and development in the Ordovician graptolite Parisograptus Chen and Zhang, 1996. Palaeontology, 46(2): 295-306.

Fan, J.X., Chen, X., Zhang Y.D., 2002. Quantitative biostratigraphy of Upper Ordoivician to lowest Silurian on the Yangzte platform and the design of SinoCor 2.0, software for graphic correlation. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 27: 53-58.

Zhang, Y.D. 2002. About the Ordovician Maoping Formation of China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 26(2): 135-136.

Zhang, Y.D., Fortey, R.A., 2001. The Proximal development and thecal structure of the Ordovician graptolites Tylograptus and Sinograptus. Palaeontology, 44(3): 553-573.

Zhang, Y.D., Lenz, A.C., 2001. Correlation of the Silurian System in southern Yunnan of China and adjacent areas. Journal of Stratigraphy, 25(1): 1-7.

Zhang Y.D. and Fortey, R.A. 2001. Proximal development and thecal structures of Ordovician graptolite Tylograptus and Sinograptus. Palaeontology, 44(3): 553-573.

Chen, X., Rong, J.Y., Zhou, Z.Y., Zhang, Y.D., Zhan, R.B., Liu, J.B., Fan, J.X., 2001. The central Guizhou and Yichang uplifts, Upper Yangtze region, between Ordovician and Silurian. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(18): 1580-1584.

Chen, X., Rong, J.Y., Zhou, Z.Y., Zhang, Y.D., Zhan, R.B., Liu, J.B., Fan, J.X., 2001. Central Guizhou Arch and Yichang uplift during the Ordovician/Silurian transitional period on Upper Yangtze Platform. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(12): 1052-1056.

Chen, X., Zhang, Y.-d., Mitchell, C.E., 2001. Early Darriwilian graptolites from central and western China. Alcheringa, 25: 191-210.

Fan, J.X., Zhang, Y.D., 2000. SinoCor 1.0, a biostratigraphic program for graphic correlation. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(4): 573-583.

Chen, X., Rong, J.Y., Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D.A.T., Fan, J.X., Zhan, R.B., Zhang, Y.D., Li, R.Y., Wang, Y. 2000. Latest Ordovician to earliest Silurian graptolite and brachiopod biozonation from the Yangtze region, South China with a global correlation. Geological Magazine, 137(6): 623-650.

Chen Xu, Rong Jia-yu, Fan Jun-xuan, Zhan Ren-bin, Zhang Yuan-dong, Li Rong-yu, Wang Yi, Mitchell, C.E., and Harper, D.A.T. 2000. A Global Correlation of Biozones Across the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(1):100-114. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Chen Xu, Rong Jia-yu, Fan Jun-xuan, Zhan Ren-bin, Zhang Yuan-dong, Wang Zhi-hao, Wang Zong-zhe, Li Rong-yu, Wang Yi, Mitchell, C.E., and Harper, D.A.T. 2000. Biostratigraphy of the Hirnantian Substage in the Yangtze region. Journal of Stratigraphy, 24(3):169-175. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Chen Xu, Rong Jia-yu, Zhang Yuan-dong and Fan Jun-xuan 2000. A Commentary on Ordovician Chronostratigraphy. Journal of Stratigraphy, 24(1):18-26. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Chen Xu, Rong Jia-yu, Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D., Fan Juan-xuan, Zhang Yuan-dong, Zhan Ren-bin, Wang Zhi-hao, Wang Zong-zhe, Wang yi, 1999. Stratigraphy of the Hirnantian Substage from Wangjiawan, Yichang, W. Hubei and Hunhuayuan, Tongzi, N. Guizhou, China. Acta Universitatis Carolinae (Geologica), 43(1/2): 233-236.

Zhang, Y.D., Chen, X., 1999. Insights on the macroevolution of middle Ordovician graptolites from the border area of Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces. Geoscience, 13(4): 395-398. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Zhang, Y.D., Chen, X., 1999. Preliminary notes on the macroevolution of middle Ordovician graptolites in southeast China. Geoscience, 13(2): 250. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Zhang Yuan-dong & A.C. Lenz, 1999. Silurian biostratigraphy of Mojiang area, Southern Yunnan, China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 23(3): 161-169. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Zhang Yuan-dong, A.C. Lenz, Zhang Wan-bei,1998. Advance in the research of the early Devonian strata in southwestern Yunnan, China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 22(3):220-226. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Chen Xu, Wang Zhi-hao, Zhang Yuan-dong, 1998. The first GSSP (Golden Spike) in China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 22(1): 1-9. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Zhang, Y.-d. & Lenz, A.C., 1998. Early Devonian graptolites from Southwest Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleontology, 72(2): 353-360.

Zhang Yuan-dong & Chen Xu, 1998. Biodiversity of Early and Middle Ordovician graptolites from the JCY area, SE China. In Rong Jia-yu, Zhou Zhi-yi & Chen Xu (eds.): Abstracts and Programme for International Symposium on The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (IGCP Project No.410). Palaeoworld, No.10, p.39.

Chen Xu, Zhang Yuan-dong & Mitchell, C.E., 1998. Early Darriwilian graptolite diversity changes and depth zonation from Yangtze Platform to Zhujiang Basin, South China. In Rong Jia-yu, Zhou Zhi-yi & Chen Xu (eds.): Abstracts and Programme for International Symposium on The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (IGCP Project No.410). Palaeoworld, No.10, pp.15-16.

Fan Jun-xuan & Zhang Yuan-dong, 1998. SinoCor 1.0, a program for graphic correlation. In Rong Jia-yu, Zhou Zhi-yi & Chen Xu (eds.): Abstracts and Programme for International Symposium on The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (IGCP Project No.410). Palaeoworld, No.10, p.17.

Zhang, Y.-d. & Lenz, A.C., 1997. Uppermost Wenlock and Ludlow graptolites from Southern Yunnan, China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34: 1220-1238.

Mitchell, C.E., Chen Xu, Bergström, S.M., Zhang Yuan-dong, Wang Zhi-hao, Bebby, B.D. & Finney, S.C., 1997. Definition of a global boundary stratotype for the Darriwilian Stage of the Ordovician System. Episodes, 20(3): 158-166.

Chen Xu, Mitchell, C.E., Zhang Yuan-dong & Fan Jun-xuan, 1997. Latest Ordovician to earliest Silurian graptolite succession from the Yangtze gorges region, Southeast China. The Geological Society of America, 1997 annual meeting, Abstracts with programs, p.354.

Chen Xu, Rowley, D.B., Rong Jia-yu, Zhang Jin, Zhang Yuan-dong & Zhan Ren-bin, 1997. Late Precambrian through Early Paleozoic Stratigraphic and Tectonic Evolution of the Nanling Region, Hunan Province, South China. International Geology Review, Vol.39: 469-478.

Chen Xu, Mitchell, C.E., Zhang Yuan-dong, Wang Zhi-hao, Bergström, S.M., Winston, D., Paris, F., 1997. GSSP of Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) in China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, Vol.36, No.4, pp.423-431.





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