

词条 张人千








现聘任导师一级学科名称: 管理科学与工程

现聘任导师二级学科名称: 管理科学与工程















[1] Kun Fan, Ren-qian Zhang, Guoping Xia and Xiuquan Deng. Binary particle swarm optimization-based algorithm for the stochastic single-operation job shop scheduling problem [A]. ICCIE37 [C]. 2007,

[2] Kun Fan, Ren-qian Zhang, and Guoping Xia. An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Application to a Class of JSP Problem [A]. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services (IEEE GSIS 2007) [C]. 2007, 11.18-20:Nanjing, China

[3] ZHANG Ren-qian. Comparison research on agent-based production planning model: product view and resource view [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, 2007, 14 (S4) (supplement issue for LSMS2007): 14-21

[4] ZHANG Ren-qian, LI Jing. An MTO planning model considering timing association rules in orders [A]. 2007 International Symposium on Information Systems & Management (ISM 2007) [C]. 2007, 7.26-28: Shanghai, China

[5] ZHANG Ren-qian. Research on Capacity Planning under Stochastic Production and Uncertain Demand [J]. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice (Online English edition of the Chinese language journal), 2007, 27(1): 1-10

张人千. 随机需求与随机生产环境下的综合能力规划研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践,

2007, 27(1): 51-59 (EI: 071310514896)

[6] ZHANG Ren-qian, XIAO Yi-yong. A Research on Agent-Based Heuristic Production Planning of Product Mix for Build-To-Order [J]. System Engineering-Theory & Practice. (in Chinese, accepted)

张人千, 肖依永. 面向订单基于Agent的启发式产品组合生产计划研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践 (accepted)

[7] FAN Kun, ZHANG Ren-qian, XIA Guo-ping. Solving a class of Job-Shop scheduling problem based on improved BPSO algorithm [J]. System Engineering-Theory & Practice. (in Chinese, accepted)

樊 坤, 张人千, 夏国平. 基于改进BPSO算法求解一类作业车间调度问题[J]. 系统工程理论与实践 (accepted)

[8] ZHANG Ren-qian, LI Yan-yan. A Heuristic Model of Production Planning Decision and Its Application [A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering And Systems Management (IESM) 2007 [C], 2007, 5.30-6.2: Beijing, 113-123

[9] 周至忠, 张人千. 分析型CRM在保险行业的应用[J]. 计算机工程与设计, 2007, 28(5): 1169-1172

[10] ZHANG Ren-qian, LI Yan-yan. Study on Decomposition-Coordination and Agent Based Aggregate Production Planning [J]. Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2007, 37(3): 40-50

张人千, 李艳艳. 基于Agent与分解协调的综合生产计划研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2007, 37(3): 40-50

[11] ZHANG Ren-qian, LI Yan-yan. Distributed decision model for Aggregate production planning based on capacity bidding and multi-agent system [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal (in Chinese, to be published)

张人千, 李艳艳. 基于能力拍卖和多Agent的综合生产计划分布式建模. 工业工程(to be published)

[12] Ren-qian Zhang, Jun-ling Yang. Association Rules Based Research On Man-Made Mistakes in Aviation Maintenance: A Case Study [A]. Proceedings of Six International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA2006) [C]. 2006.10.18: Jinan, China: 545-550 (ISTP: BFK66, EI: 073210746296)

[13] Renqian Zhang, Jianxun Ding. Non-Linear Optimal Control of Manufacturing System Based On Modified Differential Evolution [A]. Proceedings of the IMACS Multiconference on “Computational Engineering in Systems Applications”-- The First International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Intelligent Computing (IWISIC) (CESA2006) [C]. 2006.10: Beijing, China: 1797-1803 (ISTP: BFR75)

[14] Jing Zhang, Renqian Zhang. Quality Function Deployment Based on Multi-Object Optimization [A]. 第十二届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会[C]. 2006.8: HongKong, China

[15] 魏法杰, 张人千. 面向作业过程的企业生产理论与成本理论[M]. 北京航空航天大学出版社, 2007.6

[16] Ding Jianxun, Zhang Renqian. Optimal control of multi-period, multi-product manufacturing system with dynamic productivity [A]. Proceedings of ICIM’2006 [C]. 2006.9: QingTao, China: 116-123 (ISTP: BFL03)

[17] Zhang Renqian. Research on Stochastic Demand-Based Capacity Planning [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2006, 12(9): 1359-1366 (EI: 064910289354)

张人千. 随机需求环境下的作业能力规划模型研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2006, 12(9): 1359-1366

[18] Renqian Zhang, Hongxun Jiang. A DSS based on Entropy Method in EIS in Chinese Financial Sectors [A]. Proceedings of the IFIP TC8 International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems[C]. Vienna: 2006.04.24 (ISTP: BEO89)

[19] ZHANG Renqian, WEI Fajie. Dynamic and Stochastic Production Decision model Based on Analytic-Simulation Feedback [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2005, 11 (12): 1651-1658 (in Chinese) (EI: 06109747633)

张人千, 魏法杰. 基于解析-仿真反馈的动态随机生产决策模型[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2005, 11 (12): 1651-1658

[20] ZHANG Ren-Qian, WEI Fa-Jie. Model and Algorithm Study of Activity-Based Capacity Expansion [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2004, 10 (4): 374-380 (in Chinese) (EI: 04298271682)

张人千, 魏法杰. 作业能力扩张模型与求解算法研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2004,10(4): 374-380

[21] Zhang Ren-Qian, Wei Fa-Jie. Stochastic Model Study of Product Mix Decision Based on Activity-Based Costing [J]. System Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2003, 23 (12): 63-69 (in Chinese) (EI: 04078021022 )

张人千, 魏法杰. 基于作业成本的产品组合决策随机模型与求解[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2003, 23 (12): 63-69

[22] 张人千, 魏法杰.作业成本法与作业合并的成本误差分析.北航学报(社会科学版).2002,15(2): 33-37

[23] 张人千, 魏法杰,谭甄.基于成本的作业优化模型与实证研究.中国管理科学,2002,10(5): 74-77

[24] 张人千, 孙壮志, 周志忠, 夏国平.分布式多层应用系统实证研究.计算机工程与应用, 2002,(1): 221-223

[25] 张人千,魏法杰. 动态随机作业成本控制系统框架研究. 中国管理科学, 2000,8:76-81

[26] 孙壮志,张人千, 夏国平.利用ActiveX技术实现B/S模式的电厂实时数据综合查询.计算机应用研究,2002,(5): 95-96

[27] 魏法杰,张人千,王丹. 现代飞机制造成本控制方法研究. 航空学报,2000,21(1): 38-42

[28] 张人千,魏法杰.作业成本法的实用化模型探讨.工业工程,2001,(2):18-21

[29] 张人千,魏法杰,夏国平,闪四清.企业流程再造中的作业成本分析.工业工程,2000,(4):15-19

[30] Zhang Renqian, Wei Fajie. A research about the cost control method in modern airplane manufacturing [A]. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management [C]. 2000, 11. GuangZhou, China: 26-30 (EI: 03137414054)

[31] 张人千, 魏法杰. 以作业为基础的管理(ABM)及其实施方法. 西北大学学报, 1999,(2): 296~300





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