

词条 在幻象锁链的彼岸



Beyond the Chains of Illusion— Hu Zhiying’s Paintings 1989-2009




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胡志颖是一位以文化哲学思考及体验为创作动力的艺术家。他既不关注社会现实的表层变化, 也不关心个体心理及经验的表达,在二十多年的创作中, 他唯一强调的是对终极命题的探寻, 以及对某种可能的超然精神的无限接近。在这样的驱动力下, 他的创作在各个阶段调节了水墨、大漆、油彩等各种媒介特性, 也调动了不同文化中的诸多符号、形象与象征, 通过对不同文化系统中的表征片段的错置与再造, 暗示着文化的无常属性与幻象本质,并在这表征的裂缝中闪现着对存在的诗性直观。

“在幻象锁链的彼岸” 是法兰克福学派哲学家艾里克· 弗洛姆的著作, 在这本书中, 他把弗洛伊德的无意识学说与马克思的意识形态学说联系起来, 重新反思了人类自由的可能性。在这里, 我们借用这本书的标题来概括胡志颖的绘画语言与艺术境界: 通过一系列的视觉符号、形象及象征的可见的“ 链条” 来抵达某种不可见的实体, 一种无法被文化所定义, 无法由经验所感知, 亦不可被语言所触及的存在本真。

A Brief Introduction to Beyond the Chains of Illusion—Hu Zhiying’s Paintings 1989-2009

Hu Zhiying is an artist with cultural philosophical meditation and experiences as his motivation for creation. He does not concern the changes on the surface of social reality, and also not the expression of individual psychology and experience. During his 20 years creation, the only thing he emphasized is the exploration of ultimate theme and the infinite approach to some possible transcendent spirit. Under such a driving force, he adjusted the characteristics of various mediums like ink and wash, lacquer, greasepaint and others in his different phases of creation, and he also adopted many symbols, images and indications from various cultures, to imply the transient nature and illusory essence of culture through dislocation and re-creation of representation fragments in different culture systems, his poetic intuition is also reflected out in the crack of these representations.

"Beyond the Chains of Illusion” is a work of Erich Fromm, a philosopher of Frankfurt School. In this book, the author connected the theory of Unconsciousness by Freud and the ideological theory of Marx, re-reflected the possibility of human freedom. Here, we conclude Hu Zhiying’s painting language and art realm with the title of this book: to reach some invisible substance through the visible “chains” of a series of visual symbols, images and indications, which is the authenticity of existence that cannot be defined by culture, perceived by experience or touched by language.


6 胡志颖的崇高美学——————鲍 栋

1 3 志颖和他的画——————吕品田

1 8 一个人的海市蜃楼——关于胡志颖和他的艺术——————杨 卫

2 3 摘录( 一)

2 4 八十年代水墨作品

4 6 水墨语言的先天综合性——————胡志颖

5 4 摘录( 二)

5 6 文字系列

6 8 数学系列

7 8 天文系列

8 7 内典录系列

9 8 文化权力的无常——解读胡志颖——————王璜生

1 0 5 摘录( 三)

1 0 7 零零年后作品

1 7 2 中国画家胡志颖营造他的培根架构——————埃德· 迈科马克

1 7 6 胡志颖年表

1 8 8 一位非传统的个人主义艺术家:论胡志颖——————[ 法] 迪迪埃·赫希

1 9 2 胡志颖简历


9 The Sublime Aesthetics of Hu Zhiying ————Bao Dong

15 Zhiying and His Paintings ————Lv Pintian

20 The Mirage for a Single Person – About Hu Zhiying and His Art ————Yang Wei

23 Extraction I

24 Ink and Wash Works from 1980s

49 The Congenital Comprehensiveness of Ink and Wash Language ————Hu Zhiying

54 Extraction II

56 Characters Series

68 Mathematics Series

78 Astronomy Series

87 Buddhist Scriptures Series

100 The Transiency of Cultural Power – Reading Hu Zhiying ————Wang Huangsheng

106 Extraction III

107 Works After Year 2000

174 Chinese Painter Hu Zhiying Makes His Bones with Bacon ————Ed McCormack

180 Hu Zhiying Chronology

190 An Artist as Unconventional Personality: On Hu Zhiying ————Didier Hirsch

193 Curriculum Vitae




1959年生。艺术家、博士、教授。湖南湘阴人。被西方人称为“终极的真正艺术家”。 美术作品赴德国、瑞士、比利时、意大利、美国等国展出,法国国家电视二台专题介绍,德国路德维希博物馆收藏。美术作品载《美术观察》(中国艺术研究院)、《江苏画刊》(江苏美术出版社)、《当代艺术》(湖南美术出版社)、《中国当代高等美术院校实力派教师油画教学对话》(河北美术出版社),以及“Art in America”(美国纽约)、“Gallery Guide”(美国纽约)、“China–Aktuelles aus 15 Ateliers”(德国出版)、“PLATFORM I”(荷兰出版)、“CHINA NOW”(瑞士出版)等国内外专业书籍及刊物。论文载《美术观察》(中国艺术研究院),译文(与人合作)载《世界美术》(人民美术出版社)、《外国文艺》(上海译文出版社)等专业书籍及刊物。专著有:《西方当代艺术状态》(人民美术出版社)、《文学彼岸性研究》(中国社会科学出版社),画册有:《胡志颖作品集》(海风出版社)等。







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