

词条 袁占鹏








Yuan Z, Courtenay S, Chambers RC, Wirgin I. Evidence of spatially extensive resistance to PCBs in an anadromous fish of the Hudson River. 2006. Environ Health Perspect. 144 (1): 77-84. (2005影响因子: 5.342)

Yuan Z, Courtenay S, Wirgin I. Comparison of hepatic and extra hepatic induction by graded doses of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in Atlantic tomcod from two populations. 2006. Aquatic Toxicology 76(3):306-320. (2005影响因子: 2.719)

Roy NK, Courtenay S, Maxwell G, Yuan Z, Chambers RC, Wirgin I. Cytochrome P4501A1 is induced by PCB 77 and benzo[a]pyrene treatment but not by exposure to the Hudson River environment in Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) post-yolk sac larvae, 2002. Biomarkers : Biochemical Indicators of Exposure, Response, and Susceptibility to Chemicals. 7(2): 162-173. (影响因子: 0.929)

Yuan Z, Wirgin M, Courtenay S, Ikonomou M, Wirgin I. Is hepatic cytochrome P4501A1 expression predictive of hepatic burdens of dioxins, furans, and PCBs in Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River estuary? 2001. Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 54(3-4): 217-230. (影响因子: 1.708)

Roy NK, Courtenay S, Yuan Z, Ikonomou M, Wirgin I. An evaluation of the etiology of reduced CYP1A1 messenger RNA expression in the Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River, New York, USA, using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. 2001. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Setac, 20(5), 1022-1030. (影响因子: 1.964)

Yuan Z, Warren N, Courtenay S, Wirgin I. Genetic evidence of resistance to halogenated aryl hydrocarbons (HAHs) in Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) from the Hudson River. 2001. AACR 92nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, page 606.

Yuan Z, Roy N, Sorrentino C, Wirgin I. Identification and characterization of aryl hydrocarbon receptor polymorphisms in Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) from coastal Atlantic populations. 2000. Society of Toxicology 2000 Annual Meeting, Akron, Ohio, Toxicological Sciences. 54(1) Supplement, page 78. (SCI源刊)


1987年武汉大学生物系理学学士;1997纽约大学医学院基础医学硕士(分子肿瘤发生);2003纽约大学医学院环境医学博士。现为International Network of Tropical Aquaculture Scientists of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (1992)、美国毒理学会(1999)、美国癌症研究学会 (2000) 会员,中华预防医学会武汉分会环境卫生学专业委员会委员(2006.6-现今)。

先后在水利部、中科院水工程生态研究所(1987 – 1994)从事人类活动和环境因素对鱼类遗传影响及其在资源管理中应用的研究;在纽约医学院(New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY)医疗系(2000 - 2003)作为咨询科学家从事一种具商业应用前景物质对DNA双链断裂修复与细胞周期调控的研究;作为助理研究员 (research associate)在Rutgers大学 (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ)生物化学与微生物学系(2003 – 2006)从事水生环境分子毒理学 - 高污染水体中鱼类综合生物标记物研究;2006.3加入武汉大学公共卫生学院。







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