词条 | 袁启荣 |
释义 | 袁启荣男,1968年9月1日生。南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院教师。1993年毕业于北京师范大学天文系,获理学硕士学位, 随后在中国科学院紫金山天文台从事科研工作。 1994年考入北京师范大学天文系天体物理专业攻读博士学位。1997年获得理学博士后分配在南京师大物理系从事天体物理和理论物理的教学和科研工作,先后被聘为讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师。2001年赴美国国立光学天文台(NOAO)留学访问一年。主持了国家自然科学基金项目、教育部留学回国人员启动基金项目、省自然科学基金项目、省教学改革项目,参加了国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目子课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目。在国内外专业学术刊物上发表论文五十余篇。 发表论文:1. Q.R. Yuan, Y. Tong, J.L. Qu, H. Lu, Spiral pattern and its evolution of galaxy NGC 5194, Journal of Hebei Teacher's College, 1993, No.1, p65. (in Chinese) 2. Q.R. Yuan, J.L. Qu, IRAS faint sources in the Virgo Cluster Region, Journal of Hebei Teacher's College, 1994, No.2, p54. 3. Z.H. Zhu, Q.R. Yuan, X.T. He, QSO-galaxy associations from gravitational lensing, in "Theory and observations of Compact Astronomical Objects", eds. G.J. Qiao, X.T. He and J.L. Han, The 8th Guo Shoujing Summer School of Astrophysics, 1994, XingTai, China, p.285 4. X.T. He, Z.L. Yang, Q.R. Yuan, K. Liang, Z.H. Zhu, Observation of quasars and physical model BAL, in "Theory and observations of Compact Astronomical Objects", eds. G.J. Qiao, X.T. He and J.L. Han, The 8th Guo Shoujing Summer School of Astrophysics, 1994, XingTai, China, P.206 5. Q.R. Yuan, Z.H. Zhu, K.L. Huang, X.T. He, Identifications of the disk galaxies in the Virgo cluster, in "the Proceedings of the Ground-Based Astronomy in Asia", East Asian Meeting on Astronomy, July 17-21, 1995, Tokyo, Japan, p.296 6. Z.H. Zhu, Q.R. Yuan, X.T. He, ``The galaxy-quasar associations",in "the Proceedings of the Ground-Based Astronomy in Asia'', East Asian Meeting on Astronomy, July 17-21, 1995, Tokyo, Japan, p.294 7. Q.R. Yuan, Z.H. Zhu, Z.L. Yang, X.T. He, Optical identifications of the IRAS faint sources in the Virgo cluster area, 1996, Astron. & Astrophys. Suppl. Ser.115, pp267-282. 8. Q.R. Yuan, F.X. Hu, H.J. Su, G.X. Wu, X.T. He, Spatial orientation of the spin vectors of the disk galaxies in the Virgo cluster: I.A catalogue of the disk galaxies in the Virgo cluster, 1996, Astrophysics and Space Science, 239, pp71-88 9. Q.R. Yuan, F.X. Hu, H.J. Su, X.T. He, Spatial distribution of the spin vectors of the disk galaxies in the Virgo cluster, 1996, Journal of the Korean Astron. Soc., 29, S55 10. K.L. Huang, Q.R. Yuan,The absorption line spectrum of B1225+317, 1996, Journal of the Korean Astron. Soc., 29, S105 11. F.X. Hu, H.J. Su, G.X. Wu, Y.Z. Liu, Q.R. Yuan, Common feature in the orientation of disk galaxies in the Virgo and Coma cluster, 1996, Journal of the Korean Astron. Soc., 29, S53 12. K.L. Huang, Q.R. Yuan, The Absorption Line Spectrum of QSO 1225+317, in Proceedings of ``The 21st Century Chinese Astronomy Conference'', eds. K.S. Cheng and K.L. Chan, 1-4 August, 1996, Hong Kong, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 13. W.D. Li, Y.L. Qiu, Q.Y. Qiao, J.Y. Hu, Q.R. Yuan, W. Liu, Supernova 1997aa in IC 2102, IAU Circ., 6572, 2 (1997)(Edited by Green, D. W. E.) 14. Q.R. Yuan,F.X. Hu, H.J. Su, Orientation of the field galaxies in the Local Supercluster, 1997, Astron. J., Vol 114, Number 4, pp1308-1312 15. Z.H. Zhu, Q.R. Yuan, X.T. He, Gravitational lensing and the galaxy-quasar associations, 1997, Progress in Astronomy, Vol.15, No.2, 156 (in Chinese) 16. Q.R. Yuan, K.L. Huang, Chulhee Kim, Emission-line galaxies towards the Hydro void: I. Objective-prism survey in two fields, 1997, Jounal of Nanjing Normal University, Vol. 20, No. 4, p28. 17. Q.R. Yuan, Z.H. Zhu, F.X. Hu, Post-formation Effects on the Galactic Orientation within the Local Supercluster, IAU S y m p. No. 186,"Galaxy Interaction at Low and High Redshift", Tyoto, Japan, Aug. 17-30,1997, pp170. 18. F.X. Hu, Q.R. Yuan, H.J. Su, Y.Z. Liu, The orientation of the spin vectors of bright field galaxies in the Local Supercluster and its implications, 1998, Astrophys. J., Vol. 495, 179 19. Q.R. Yuan, J.H. Wu, W.M. Yuan, F.X. Hu, Properties of the ROSAT selected radio sources: I. The sample, 1998, Publ. of Purple Mountain Obs., Vol. 17, No.1, p1 20. J.H. Wu, Q.R. Yuan, Z.H. Zhu, X.T. He, Radio properties of the optically selected quasars: I.radio-loud quasars, 1998, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol. 39, 430 (in Chinese) 21. J.H. Wu, Q.R. Yuan, Z.H. Zhu, X.T. He, The Radio properties of a sample of optically selected quasars, 1999, Chinese A&A, Vol. 23, pp143-151 22. Q.R. Yuan, J.H. Wu, K.L. Huang, Luminosity correlation of the X-ray selected radio-loud AGNs'', 1999, IAU Symp. No. 194, "Activity in Galaxies and Related Phenomena",Eds. Yervant Terzian, Daniel Weedman, and Edward Khachikian, Publisher of Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp306-310. 23. Q.R. Yuan, Physics of the equivalent mass in two-boby Question, 1999, Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science), Vol. 22, 93 24. Q.R. Yuan, L. Wang, C.X. Chen, Statistical Tests of the Spin Vectors of Field Galaxies in the Local Supercluster, 2000, Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), 2000, Vol. 23, No. 2, 44 25. Q.R. Yuan, J.H. Wu, K.L. Huang, Properties of the ROSAT selected radio sources, 2000, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol. 41, No.4, 400 26. X.T. He, J.H. Wu, Q.R. Yuan, Z.H. Zhu, Q.K. Li, Y. Chen, W. Voges, R.F. Green, The multiwavelength quasar survey: I. Initial results, 2001, AJ, 121, 1863 27. J.H. Wu, Q.R. Yuan, X.T. He, W. Voges, R.D. Nan, R.F. Green, X.Z. Zhang, A pair of Seyferts identified from a ROSAT bright source, 2001, A&A, 379, 860 28. Q.R. Yuan, X. Zhou, J.S. Chen, Z.J. Jiang, J. Ma, H. Wu, S.J. Xue, J. Zhu, Multicolor photometry of the galaxies in the central region of Abell 2634, 2001, AJ, 122, 1718 29. Q.R. Yuan, The Hubble constant resulted from the dynamics of the spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster, 2001, Journal of Natural Science Nanjing Normal University, Vol. 3, No.2, p91-98 30. Q.R. Yuan, R.F. Green, M. Brotherton, G.A. Kriss, T.M. Tripp, M.E. Kaiser, Associated absorption lines in the STIS spectrum of the radio-loud quasar 3C351, 2002, Jan. 6 – 10, Washington D.C., the AAS 199Meeting, #99.06; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 33, p.1457 31. Q.R. Yuan, R.F. Green, M. Brotherton, T.M. Tripp, M.E. Kaiser, G.A. Kriss, Associated absorption lines in the radio-loud quasar 3C351: Far-ultraviolet echelle spectrum from the Hubble Space Telescope, 2002, ApJ, 575, p687-696 32. Q.R. Yuan, R.F. Green, M. Brotherton, Associated absorption lines in the HST Far-UV intrinsic absorbers of the radio-loud quasar 3C351, the 8IAU Regional Meeting, 2002, July 2-6, Tokyo, Eds. S. Ikeuchi, J. Hearnshaw, and T. Hanawa, published by the Astronomical Society of Japan. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 289, 2003, p409-410 33. P.F. Yan, Q.R. Yuan, Luminosity Function of the member galaxies in Abell 2634, 2003, Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), Vol. 26, No.2, 43. (in Chinese) 34. Q.R.Yuan, R.F. Green, M. Brotherton, G. Kriss, Associated far-ultraviolet absorption lines in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 478, Proceedings for China-Germany workshop on “the multiwavelength view on active galactic nuclei”, July 30 – August 4, 2002, Lijiang, China; Eds. J. Wei, F. Chen, G. Hasinger, Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 2003 Supplement, p46-50 35. Q.R.Yuan, X. Zhou, Z.J. Jiang, Multicolor photometry of the galaxies in the Abell 2255 by the BATC and SDSS surveys, 2003, ApJS, 149, p53-66 36. Q.R. Yuan,C.X. Zhu, On the intrinsic flatness of disk galaxies, 2003, Acta Astronomica Sinica, 44, No. 4, 342 (in Chinese) 37. C.X., Zhu, Q.R. Yuan, Orientation of dist galaxies in the LSC and the intrinsic flatness, 2003, Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), 2003, Vol. 26,No.3, 26(in Chinese) 38. Q.R. Yuan,M. S. Brotherton, R. F. Green, Outflowing Components in the Prototype NLS1 MRK 478, 2004, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 217: Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, ed. P. Duc, J. Braine, and E. Brinks, held 14-17 July, 2003 inSydney, Australia, p364 39. Y.B. Yang, X. Zhou, Q.R. Yuan,et al., Large field study of Abell 168: Subclusters and luminosity functions, 2004, ApJ, 600, 141 40. Q.R. Yuan, C.X. Zhu, A study of the intrinsic flatness of disk galaxies, 2004, Ch.A&A, 28, 127 41. P.F. Yan, R. Ding, Q.R. Yuan, Application of the KMM algorithm on the studies of galaxy clusters, 2004, Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), Vol. 27, No.4, 39. (in Chinese) 42. Q.R. Yuan,P.F. Yan, Y.B. Yang, X. Zhou, 2004, CHJAA, Merger history of the cluster pair --- A401 and A399 , 2005, ChJAA, 5, No.2, 126 43. Q.R. Yuan, L.F.Zhao, Y.B. Yang, Z.L. Wen, X. Zhou, Morphological dependence of star formation properties of galaxies in the merging cluster A2255,2005,AJ,130,255 44. Bian, Weihao; Yuan, Qirong; Zhao, Yongheng, “The blueshift of the [OIII] emission line in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies”, 2005, MNRAS, 364, 187 45. Bian, Weihao; Yuan, Qirong; Zhao, Yongheng, “[OIII] emission line in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies”, 2006, MNRAS 46. F.X. Hu, G.X. Wu, G.X. Song, Q.R. Yuan, S. Okamura, “Orientation of Galaxies in the Local Supercluster: A Review”, 2006, ApSS, 302, 43 47. 赵丽芳,袁启荣,星系团A2255的恒星形成性质,2005, 南京师范大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 28, No.4, 32 49. 何莹莹,袁启荣,团星系和场星系的恒星形成性质,2007,南京师大学报(自然科学版),Vol.30, No.2, 37 50. Yuan,Q., Brotherton,M.S., Green, R.F.,A decelerating wind observed in Mrk 478,2007, IAU Symp. No.217, 364 51. 袁启荣,何莹莹,李峰,张立,赵丽芳,星系团A2199的恒星形成性质,2008,天文学报,Vol.49, No.3, 260-266 52. Zhang, L., Yuan, Q.R., He, Y.Y.,Star-formation properties of cluster galaxies and field galaxies,Journal of Natural Science Nanjing Normal University, 200 53. Xu, Y., Bian, W., Yuan,Q., Huang, K,The origin and evolution of CIV Baldwineffect of QSOs from the SDSS,2008, MNRAS, 389, 1703-1708 54. Yuan,Q., He, Y., Li, F., Zhang, L., Zhao, L.,Star Formation Properties of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 2199,2009, ChA&A, No.33, 1-8 55. 李峰,袁启荣,星系团Abell 1795的形态和动力学研究,2009,南京师大学报(自然科学版),Vol.32,No.2, 46-50 56. 万吉莉,袁启荣,星系团Abell 85的动力学子结构,2010,天文学报,第51卷,第3期,245-252 57. Zhang,L., Yuan, Q., Zhou, X., Jiang, Z., Yang, Y, Multicolor photometry of the galaxy cluster A98: substructures and star formation properties, 2010, RAA, Vol.10, No. 1, 1-21 58. Bian, Wei-Hao; Huang, Kai; Hu, Chen; Zhang, Li; Yuan, Qi-Rong; Huang, Ke-Liang; Wang, Jian-Min, "The Variability of Optical Fe II Emission in PG QSO 1700+518", 2010, Astrophysical Journal, 718, 460-466 1998年获得“南京师范大学优秀中青年骨干教师”称号;1999年荣获“校青年教师工作学习双优奖”二等奖;论文《本超星系团中的星系指向研究》(第一作者)获得南京市政府颁发“南京市第三届自然科学优秀论文奖”一等奖。2000年,与紫金山天文台合作的关于“星系形态结构和活动性研究”荣获“蔡冠深行星科学奖”三等奖(排名第二)。2002年与何香涛教授合作的“多波段类星体巡天观测”荣获北京师范大学优秀科学研究成果奖。2002年入选为江苏省青蓝工程“省级高等院校优秀中青年骨干教师”。2006年入选为江苏省青蓝工程“省级中青年学术带头人”。 |
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