词条 | 优提普 |
释义 | “优提普”公司创建于2004年,注册于国际大都市——上海。以公司前身十几年的机械制造为基础,不断探索,努力开拓,在短短几年内,吸引了众多的有志之士和行业精英,创建了现在的“上海优提普实业有限公司”、“上海爱数软件有限公司”与“安徽优提普自控系统有限公司”,拥有大专以上研发、技术人员80多人,是集机电、电子集成、软件为一体的高新技术企业。 随着经济的发展,社会的进步,人们越来越追求高质量、高品质的工作、和生活环境。优提普公司以“创造节能、环保、舒适、智能的生活”为目标,致力于地板辐射采暖、电采暖、中央空调等多种冷暖系统的产品研发、生产和销售。现有多种款式、多种档次的温控器产品,以及与之配套的驱动器、执行器、分集水器、阀门等产品,产品种类齐全,功能覆盖面广。我们公司有专业的技术团队深入市场与客户,及时了解客户需求,为客户提供更合适更完善的产品和解决方案,更好地满足客户的需求。 公司长期与中南大学、蚌埠学院、湘潭科技大学等国内大专院校及科研机构合作,吸纳优秀人才,引进先进的技术,确保我们的产品性能和质量。包括无线温控器、无线驱动器、智能计量表、远程智能抄表系统等。开发的无线产品可以为工程施工方提供简便、快捷省时的解决方案;为客户提供智能、低成本的产品;为实现家庭、办公楼宇温控自动化、智能化作出了更大的贡献。 保证质量,诚信生产,贴心服务是公司的经营理念;为客户创造节能、环保、舒适、智能的生活是我们的宗旨;客户满意是我们的追求!相信我们——优提普科技,为您创造无限美好生活! 企业目标 ___ 优秀、提高、普及 企业宗旨___ 创造节能、环保、舒适、智能的生活环境 经营理念 — 博采众长,协同合作,睿智创新,勇于超越 团队精神 — 开放,融合,创新,灵动 Overview Utip (China) co. Pte Ltd., was founded in 2004 and registered at Shanghai, an international city. Based on our more than 10 years experiences in producing machineries, we pay efforts on electronic devices investigation and invention. Within a few years, more and more ambitious industrial elites are attracted to join us, and therefore turn out to have these companies: Shanghai Utip industrial co. Pte Ltd., Shanghai Aishu Soft co. Pte Ltd. and Anhui Utip Automatic Control System co. Pte Ltd. Utip is a high-tech co. holding mechanism technology, electromechanical integration technology and software integration. We have more than 80 high-qualified members work as a team to execute our production investigation and invention. As the development of China’s economy and society, people are looking for higher quality of working and living environment. Utip takes “Create an environment with energy-saving, environmental, satisfy and intelligent” as objective, making efforts to investigate, produce and sell floor radiation heating devices, electrical heating devices and central air-con, etc. We offer various types of temperature controller in different layer, together with their auxiliary products: driver, performer, water collector, water knockout vessel and sluice, etc. Our professional team has done plenty of investigation about customer’s demands, and doing our best to improve our production in order to satisfy customer’s requirement. We are keeping good relationship with many famous universities and investigation organizations such as Central South University, Bengbu College and Xiangtan University of Science and Technology as cooperative institution. To ensure capability and quality of our production, we are actively absorbing outstanding specialists and introducing advance technology. The wireless productions we offered provide solutions that bring convenience and timesaving to our customer, lower cost and time consuming during produce activities. Moreover, we are making contribution to office temperature control automation and intelligentize. Our management philosophy: To ensure production quality, credible manufacturing and intimate serving. Our objective: To create energy-saving, environmental, satisfy and intelligent living environment. Our team spirit: synergetic, attentive, faithful. |
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