

词条 大卫·阿楚雷塔

大卫-阿楚雷塔(David James Archuleta)出生在美国佛罗里达的迈阿密,是著名选秀节目《美国偶像》第7季的亚军,90后的年轻选手。在决赛中惜败给大卫-库克,但他的艺术表现力却深深的打动着观众,赛后拥有很多粉丝的他加入了Jive唱片公司,并出版了自己的专辑。


外文名:David Archuleta

别名:David James Archuleta







全名:David James Archuleta

简称:David Archuleta










座右铭:You'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself.

偶像:Natalie Cole, Stevie Wonder, Kirk Franklin, Bryan Adams,Eva Cassidy,Michael Jackson,Natasha Bedingfield

最喜爱的男歌手:Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, Kirk Franklin

最喜爱的女歌手:Natasha Bedingfield, Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey

圈中好友:Demi Lovato,Miley Cyrus,David Cook



David Archuleta 出生于美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密,父亲是James Jeffrey Archuleta,母亲是Xiomara Guadalupe Mayorga。家中有三个比他年幼的孩子,分别是妹妹Amber、Jazzy、弟弟Daniel,他姐姐叫Claudia。David Archuleta13岁时全家搬到了Salt Lake City, Utah,目前他们居住在Murray市。David Archuleta是Murray High School的一名高中生。他曾经遭遇声带瘫痪的危险,但是由于对唱歌的热爱,他拒绝了可能存在风险的手术治疗。而现在他觉得已经几乎完全恢复了。

David Archuleta的歌唱生涯始于6岁时一盘“悲惨世界”Les Misérables录像带的激励。“那部音乐剧是一切的起点。”他说。他10岁开始在公开场合表演,那时他参加了Utah Talent Competition ,并演唱了Dolly Parton的“I Will Always Love You”。结果获得满堂喝彩并最终赢得了儿童组的比赛。


David Archuleta的妈妈是洪都拉斯人,据美国偶像American idol的采访得知,他孩童时代听得最多的是拉丁风格的音乐。David Archuleta眼中的母亲是个跳舞爱好者,她经常教导David Archuleta与姐姐一起跳传统舞蹈。他除了听福音歌曲、流行和灵魂音乐之外也听爵士音乐(他的父亲正是一位爵士音乐家),而这些主要源自他父亲的收藏。在最近的一次采访中,他说自己还喜欢百老汇音乐剧。

美国偶像的选手官方档案中提到,影响了David Archuleta的艺术家有Natalie Cole, Stevie Wonder, Kirk Franklin and Bryan Adams.。当被问及他心目中顶级的流行歌手时,他提到了Natasha Bedingfield, Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, Kirk Franklin, and Robbie Williams。他最喜爱的前American Idol选手是Tamyra Gray 和Elliott Yamin。正如Yamin和另一位受他敬仰的John Mayer一样,David Archuleta自己也尝试着在唱流行歌曲时融入灵魂乐的风格。


2003年,年仅12岁的David Archuleta出现在一档名为《明日之星》Star Search的电视节目上,并最终成为第二届《明日之星》Star Search的少年歌手组冠军。他在该节目昔日的对手Alexandréa Lushington也和David Archuleta一样曾经位列美国偶像半决赛20强。David Archuleta在Star Search节目中的表现使他得以在杰尼琼斯每日秀(The Jenny Jones Show)和CBS早间秀(CBS' The Early Show)上露面,他还主动在美国偶像第一季的决赛选手面前清唱了一曲出自音乐剧《梦幻女郎》Dreamgirls的And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going。



2007年7月30日和31日,David Archuleta在父亲和姑姑的陪同下, 参加了在圣地亚哥高球场举行的第七届美国偶像海选,凭一首John Mayer的作品"Waiting On the World To Change"拿到了好莱坞淘汰赛的入场券。好莱坞周赛一共有164名选手。16岁的David Archuleta以一曲Bryan Adams的Heaven赢得了评委和观众的一致赞誉。他自弹自唱演绎的Crazy更是技惊四座,可惜因为原作者不愿意提供版权,直到决赛结束我们都无法在电视上一睹该表演真容。和其他低于18岁的选手一样,David Archuleta必须每天学习3小时,早上先做功课、再排练、然后接着上课。在比赛的中后期,由于只剩下David Archuleta一个未成年人,他不得不每天独自上课3小时,不管日程安排多么紧张。作为未成年选手,他的父母也必须全程陪同在David Archuleta身边。本届比赛允许选手使用乐器,David Archuleta利用了这一点,在好莱坞周赛时使用了电子琴,后来又钢琴弹唱了“Another Day In Paradise”和"Angels"。David Archuleta会唱西班牙歌,但是另一选手Jason Castro唱了外语歌,为了不抢风头,他自愿放弃了表现他西班牙血统的机会。

David Archuleta被安排在男生20强比赛时压轴演唱Imagine,把一首简单的歌唱得感动全场。他唱抒情歌时清澈的声音和充沛的感情让人难以相信他还只有17 岁。当评委Randy Jackson问他为什么没唱第一段时,他回答说比赛时间不够唱整首,而他最喜欢第三段,因为这一段的歌词里传递出很美好信息。而他也的确表达出纯真、理想化的愿望,并因为此曲引起大众共鸣,一下子从众选手中脱颖而出。洛杉矶泰晤士报质疑他之所以故意跳过imagine的第一段,是因为摩门教徒的信仰背景使他不可能同意曲中不可知论的大同理想,以及“没有宗教”这样的言论。其实早在13岁时,他就在“美好的犹他”电视节目中唱过整首歌。

9强比赛中,David Archuleta演唱了Dolly Parton的Smoky Mountain Memories,不仅在技巧上出类拔萃,更值得称赞的是感情浓郁。他小小年纪,就很好的表现了对于人生的艰辛的感悟,尤其是对故乡的思念,因而吸引了大量成年人的注意。该曲的录音室版本更是在短时间完成,成为很多粉丝的最爱之一。

6强比赛中,David Archuleta表演了Andrew Lloyd Webber韦伯音乐剧“歌剧魅影”的插曲"Think Of Me",清新流行曲风的重新编排,加上他流畅深情的表达,使人完全听不出本周的主题是传统英国音乐剧。(插句话,之后另一位18岁的少年Sonic Ether全新编曲的俱乐部舞曲版Think Of Me更是抓住了歌曲中扣人心弦的爱的宣言,让人相当期待这两位少年将来的合作)

4强比赛中,David Archuleta拿出的是Ben E. King的Standy By Me。他的演绎给一首1960年的老歌灌注了青春活力,无论是现场还是电视机前的粉丝都为之痴狂。第二首Elvis Presley的Love Me Tender,更是深情款款,不由得让人痴痴心醉。赛后周五David Archuleta回到家乡,看到从各地赶来的数千名歌迷前来迎接,他激动得落下眼泪。他在母校Murray高中演唱了3首歌,并于当晚在NBA季后赛的主场清唱了美国国歌,体育馆全场几度鼓掌欢呼。

决赛当晚,David Archuleta演唱了Eton John的"Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me",无论气势、技巧、感情,都震撼了诺基亚剧院7000名观众的心,被评委、粉丝和大量媒体誉为他最成熟的魅力之作。第二首"In This Moment"是歌曲征集比赛选出的新歌,他不仅唱出了年轻气盛的冠军单曲应有的感觉,还投注了强烈的感情,小小年纪,就能在很短时间的排练后,把一首新歌演绎出自己的味道了。在自选新歌纷纷落马之后,David Archuleta还是决定在最后演唱个人最爱的Imagine。这次的演唱更加流畅,甚至弥漫着淡淡的出尘之气。最后一曲唱罢,全场观众起立鼓掌,评委认为他三首歌都完胜对手,是本届比赛最棒的选手。紧接着全美各大媒体都争相报道了决赛,纷纷盛赞17岁的David Archuleta在巨大压力之下依然表现出色,为观众呈献了最精彩的一场终极对决。在第二天的结果揭晓中,David Archuleta以9750万选票中的44%得票率,败给了本季的冠军David Cook。

David Archuleta是自Clay Aiken以来第二个投票结果中从未成为倒数两名或三名的亚军。他同时也是继Clay Aiken之后唯一一位总决赛排在第二个出场却成为亚军的选手。

在美国偶像第七季大结局的节目间隙,电视台播放了David Archuleta为电视游戏《吉他英雄》Guitar Hero拍摄的广告,广告中的他似乎是在模仿电影《危险交易》(Risky Business)里的汤姆克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)。

David Archuleta是美国偶像史上众多两强选手中第二年轻的一位,仅次于第三季的亚军,年仅16岁的Diana DeGarmo,而最年轻美国偶像冠军的记录依然把持在第六季冠军,当时17岁的Jordin Sparks手中。

David Achuleta在美国偶像中演唱的所有曲目以及排名情况

Week Theme Song(s) Original artist

AuditionsN/A "Waiting on the World to Change" John Mayer

HollywoodN/A "Crazy" Gnarls Barkley

Top 50N/A "Crazy" Gnarls Barkley

Top 24 1960s "Shop Around" The Miracles

Top 20 1970s "Imagine" John Lennon

Top 16 1980s "Another Day in Paradise" Phil Collins

Top 12 Lennon/McCartney "We Can Work It Out" The Beatles

Top 11 The Beatles "The Long and Winding Road" The Beatles

Top 10 Songs from birth year of contestants (1990) "You're the Voice" John Farnham

Top 9 Songs of Dolly Parton
(mentor: Dolly Parton) "Smoky Mountain Memories" Dolly Parton

Top 8 Inspirational Songs "Angels" Robbie Williams

Top 7 Songs of Mariah Carey
(mentor: Mariah Carey) "When You Believe" Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston

Top 6 Songs of Andrew Lloyd Webber
(mentor: Andrew Lloyd Webber) "Think of Me"The Phantom of the Opera

Top 5 Songs of Neil Diamond
(mentor: Neil Diamond) "Sweet Caroline"
"America" Neil Diamond

Top 4 Music of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Stand by Me"
"Love Me Tender" Ben E. King
Elvis Presley

Top 3 Judge's Choice (Paula Abdul)
Contestant's Choice
Producers' Choice "And So It Goes"
"With You"
"Longer" Billy Joel
Chris Brown
Dan Fogelberg

Finale Clive Davis's Choice
New Song
Contestant's Choice "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me"
"In This Moment"
"Imagine" Elton John
Written by Ryan Gillmor
John Lennon


2008年5月22日,有消息称David Archuleta将加入Jive唱片公司,并计划于暑假推出自己的首张专辑,而与惯常不同的是,身为亚军的他这次在专辑未制作完成前是不会先行发行单曲的。

2008年8月,David Archuleta发行了自己的第一支单曲-- Crush 。



专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

The Other Side of Down Asian Tour Edition 2011-07-19 英语

唱片公司:SONY Music Asia
专辑简介:为了回馈亚洲歌迷,在亚洲巡演之际,大卫特别准备了热门专辑The Other Side of Down的亚洲巡演特别版,专辑收录了5首新作品和一个卡拉OK DVD。专辑曲目(21)01 The Other Side of Down 02 Something 'Bout Love 03 Elevator 04 Stoming The Roses 05 Who I Am 06 Falling Stars 07 Parachutes And Airlanes 08 Look Around 09 Good Place 10 Complain 11 Things Are Gonna Get Better 12 My Kind of Perfect 13 Zero Gravity (Bouns Track) 14 Love Don't Hate (Bouns Track) 15 Everything & More (Bouns Track) 16 Notice Me (Bouns Track) 17 Wait (Bouns Track) 18 Crush (Bouns Karaoke Video) 19 A Little Too Not Over You (Bouns Karaoke Video) 20 Touch My Hand (Bouns Karaoke Video) 21 Something 'Bout Love (Bouns Karaoke Video)

The Other Side of Down 2010-10 英语

唱片公司:JIVE Records
2010:Daivd Archuleta
专辑简介:第三张录音室大碟《The Other Side Of Down》,秀上David的创作长才,与乐迷们分享内心私密世界。正如david自己所说“Most of the songs on the album represent thoughts and experiences that I've personally gone through. I hope this album helps people understand more of where I'm coming from as an artist and as a person. It's about moving forward in life, making progress in accomplishing your goals and dreams while appreciating what life has given you”(这张专辑大部分的歌曲代表了我自己的思想和经历,我希望这张专辑能够帮助人们了解更多的我,不论是作为歌手还是普通人,——在生活中勇往直前,不断提高,从而达成你的目标和梦想)专辑曲目(12)01 The Other Side of Down 02 Something 'Bout Love 03 Elevator 04 Stomping The Roses 05 Who I Am 06 Falling Stars 07 Parachutes And Airplanes 08 Look Around 09 Good Place 10 Complain 11 Things Are Gonna Get Better 12 My Kind of Perfect

The Other Side Of Down (Deluxe Version) 2010-10 英语

唱片公司:JIVE Reocrds
专辑简介:专辑"The Other Side Of Down"的豪华版专辑曲目(16)01 The Other Side of Down 02 Something 'Bout Love 03 Elevator 04 Stomping The Roses 05 Who I Am 06 Falling Stars 07 Parachutes And Airplanes 08 Look Around 09 Good Place 10 Complain 11 Things Are Gonna Get Better 12 My Kind of Perfect 13 Photoshot(Behind The Scenes) 14 Something Bout Love Music Video(Behind The Scenes) 15 Interview Q&A With David 16 Something Bout Love(Music Video)

Christmas From The Heart 2009-10-13 英语/西班牙语/法语

唱片公司:JIVE Records
圣诞专辑:Daivd Archuleta
专辑简介:大卫乘胜追击的在圣诞时节推出应景特典《Christmas From The Heart》,将多首耳熟能详的经典歌谣,用他独特嗓音的诠释换上新装,在那寒冷冬夜中传送阵阵暖意。开场的〈Joy To The World〉,在弦乐搭建起的传统频率里头,套入现代感的流行音阶,感受那股团圆的佳节气氛;法国传统赞美诗改译英文词的〈Angels We Have Heard On High〉,充满古典的细腻质感;以祥和的徐缓气息引出平安夜〈Silent Night〉,带来无比温馨的圣诞氛围,抚慰所有乐迷的心灵;淋上微醺爵士线条的〈Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas〉,请到网络爆红的菲律宾籍铁肺年轻女孩Charice Pempengco助唱,体验这组金童玉女精采的飙歌对戏,绝对大呼过瘾;在〈Ave Maria〉祈愿的歌中,以拉丁文演绎,散发教堂的庄严景象,刻划出极深刻的虔诚意念;曲末的〈Melodies Of Christmas〉,是戴维和父亲合写的新作品,释放顺畅讨喜的旋律,配合戴维灵魂味唱腔,无不令人陶醉其中。专辑曲目(13)01 Joy To The World 02 Angels We Have Heard On High 03 O Come All Ye Faithful 04 Silent Night 05 First Noel 06 O Holy Night 07 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Duet with Charice Pempengco) 08 I'll Be Home For Christmas 09 Pat A Pan 10 What Child Is This 11 Riu Riu Chiu 12 Ave Maria 13 Melodies Of Christmas

Fan Pack EP 2009-06-05 英语

唱片公司:JIVE Records
专辑简介:Zero Gravity和A Thousand Miles都是小David巡演中特别受欢迎的曲目,应歌迷要求发行录音室版。专辑曲目(3)01 Touch My Hand 02 Zero Gravity 03 A Thousand Miles

AOL Sessions 2008 - EP David Archuleta 2009-04 英语

唱片公司:AOL Sessions
专辑简介:在AOL Sessions的现场演唱专辑曲目(5)01 A Little Too Not Over You (AOL Session) 02 Crush (AOL Session) 03 My Hands (AOL Session) 04 Touch My Hand (AOL Session) 05 You Can (AOL Session)

David Archuleta 2008-11-11 英语

唱片公司:JIVE Records
专辑简介:《大卫·阿楚雷塔:同名专辑》从美国星光到全美排行,最强的阳光攻势,梦想的阳光,开始闪耀。 美国星光舞台上,一个年仅17岁的阳光男孩,用真挚歌声与灿烂笑容,勇敢唱出温暖人心的青春传奇。全美9700万人次直选2008年第七届American ldol超人气亚军,歌声征服玛丽亚凯莉、安德烈韦伯、桃莉芭顿、尼尔戴蒙等乐坛巨星!大破百万销售初登场单曲“Crush”直冲全美数位下载榜冠军及单曲榜亚军,写下2008年单曲榜首周最强纪录!首张专辑空降全美专辑榜亚军,压轴收录比赛时演唱罗比威廉斯经典名曲“Angels”全新录音版本。专辑曲目(12)01 Crush 02 Touch My Hand 03 Barries 04 My Hands 05 A Little Too Not Over You 06 You Can 07 Running 08 Desperate 09 To Be With You 10 Don't Let Go 11 Your Eyes Don't Lie 12 Angels

Daivd Archuleta (Deluxe Version) 2008-11-11 英语

唱片公司:JIVE Records
专辑简介:专辑"Daivd Archuleta"的iTunes豪华版.专辑曲目(17)01 Crush 02 Touch My Hand 03 Barries 04 My Hands 05 A Little Too Not Over You 06 You Can 07 Running 08 Desperate 09 To Be With You 10 Don't Let Go 11 Your Eyes Don't Lie 12 Angels 13 Wait For Yesterday (Bouns Track) 14 Falling (Bouns Track) 15 Let Me Go (Bouns Track) 16 Crush (Music Video) 17 Somebody Out There

Fear vs. Faith (feat. David Archuleta) - Single 2008-05-11 英语

专辑简介:美国偶像时期的合作作品.专辑曲目(2)01 Angels In The Alleyway 02 The Most Beautiful Part About This Is


歌曲名称(歌曲说明) 发行时间 在线试听

Don't Tell Me(小时候的录音室歌曲)

Dream Sky High(小时候的录音室歌曲)

And I Am Telling You I Am Not Going(小时候的录音室歌曲)

God Bless America(小时候的录音室歌曲)

I Wanna Know You (Miley Cyrus)(Hanna Montana 插曲)

A Thousand Miles(翻唱Vanessa Carlton的歌曲)


歌曲名称(歌曲说明) 演唱者 所属专辑 发行时间 在线试听

Wait David Archuleta Wait(Single) 2012-01-09


“Singing sensation and American Idol favorite David Archuletatells his inspiring personal story…

In Chords of Strength David shares his unexpected and inspiring journey,including how he overcame vocal cord paralysis to achieve his dream of being a singer.He reveals his insecurties about his voice---before realizing that he loved the way singing made him feel more than hedisliked the way he sounded. In this personal memoir,David opens up about the strength he draws from his unshakable faith and unyielding family.He pays tribute to those who continue to inspire him and through their example help him believe in himself,his talant,and his abilities.

Intimate and uplifting,Chords of Strength allows a unique glimpse ofthe man behind the music and offers hope to anyone with a passion and a dream.”





标题:Crush 风格:主流音乐 时间:2008年 专辑:David Archuleta

I hang up the phone tonight * something happened for the first timedeep inside

It was a rush, what a rush

Cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me

It's just too much, just too much * Why do I keep running from the truth

All I ever think about is you * You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized

And I just got to know * Do you ever think, when you're all alone

All that we can be * Where this thing can go

Am I crazy or falling in love

Is it really just another crush

Do you catch a breath * when I look at you * Are you holding back * like the way I do

Cause I'm tryin-tryin to walk away * But I know this crush ain't going away awayHas it ever crossed your mind * when we were hanging

Spending time girl, are we just friends * Is there more, is there more

See it's a chance we've gotta take

Cause I believe we can make this into

something that will last-last forever-forever

Do you ever think * when you're all alone All that we can be

where this thing can go

Am I crazy or falling in love * Is it really just another crush

Do you catch a breath * when I look at you

Are you holding back * like the way I do

Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away

But I know this crush ain't going away away

Why do I keep running from the truth * All I ever think about is you

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized * And I just got to know * Do you ever think * when you're all alone

All that we can be * Where this thing can go * Am I crazy or falling in love

Is it really just another crush * Do you catch a breath * when I look at you

Are you holding back, like the way I do * Cause I'm tryin, tryin to walk away

But I know this crush ain't going away away

going away

标题:A Little Too Not Over You 风格:主流音乐 时间:2008年 专辑:David Archuleta

It never crossed my mind at all * That's what I tell myself * What we had has come and gone

You're better off with someone elseIt's for the best, I know it is

But I see you sometimes * I try to hide what I feel inside

And I turn around * You're with him now

I just can't figure it out

Tell me why * It's so hard to forget

Don't remind me * I'm not over it

Tell me why *I can't seem to face the truth *I'm just a little too not over you

Not over you you-ooh-ooh

Memories, supposed to fade * What's wrong with my heart

Shake it off * let it go * didn't think be this hard

Ship is down * Moving on * But I see you sometimes

I try to hide* what I feel inside * And I turn around * You're with him now

I just can't figure it out

Tell me why * It's so hard to forget

Don't remind me * I'm not over it

Tell me why *I can't seem to face the truth *I'm just a little too not over you

Maybe I regret * Everything I said * No way to take it all back yeah

Now I'm on my own * How I let you go

I'll never understand * I'll never understand


whoo-ooh ooh-ooh

whoo-ooh-ohh * ooh-ooh

Tell me why * It's so hard to forget

Don't remind me * I'm not over it

Tell me why * I can't seem to face the truth * I'm just a little too not over you

Tell me why * It's so hard to forget * Don't remind me * I'm not over it

Tell me why * I can't seem to face the truth * And I really don't know what to do

I'm just a little too not over you

Not over you

标题:Touch My Hand 风格:主流音乐 时间:2008年 专辑:David Archuleta

Saw you from the distance * Saw you from the stage

Something about the lookin your eyes

Something about your beautiful face

In a sea of people * There was only you

I never knew what the song was about * But suddenly now I do

Tryin' to reach out to you * touch my hands

Reach out as far as you can * only me only you and the band

Tryin' to reach out to you touch my hands

Can't let the music stop * Can't let this feeling end * Cause if I do it'll all be over

And I'll never see you again * Can't let the music stopUntil I touch your hand * Cause if I do it'll all be over

And I'll never get the chance again

I'll never get the chance again * I'll never get the chance again

I see the sparkle of a million flashlights * A wonderwall of stars

But the one that's shining out so bright * is the one right where you are

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand * Reach out as far as you can

Only me, only you, and the band * Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Can't let the music stop * Can't let this feeling end * Cause if I do it'll all be over

I'll never see you again * Can't let the music stop * Until I touch your hand * Cause if I do it'll all be over

I'll never get the chance again * I'll never get the chance again

Saw you from the distance * Saw you from the stage

Something about the look in your eyes

Something about your beautiful face

Can't let the music stop * Can't let this feeling end * Cause if I do it'll all be over

I'll never see you again * Can't let the music stop * Until I touch your hand

Cause if I do it'll all be over

I'll never get the chance again * I'll never get the chance again

I'll never get the chance again * I'll never get the chance again

Trying to reach out to you touch my hand * Reach out as far as you can

Only me, only you, and the band * Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Yeah, yeah, yeah

标题:Something 'Bout Love 风格:主流音乐 时间:2010年 专辑:The Other Side of Down

Every night it's all the same * You're frozen by the phone, you wait Something's changed

You blame yourself every day, you'd do it againEvery night

There's somethin' 'bout love that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh * It sets you free

There's somethin' 'bout love that tears you up

Woah, oh, oh, oh * You still believe

When the world falls down like rain * It'll bring you to your knees

Somethin' 'bout love that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh But don't give up

There's something 'bout love

When you were young * Scared in the night

Waiting for love to come along * And make it right

Your day will come * The past is gone So take your time

Live and let live

There's somethin' 'bout love * that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh * It sets you free

There's somethin' 'bout love * that tears you up

Woah, oh, oh, oh * You still believe

When the world falls down like rain * It'll bring you to your knees

Somethin' 'bout love that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh * But don't give up

There's something 'bout love * Don't fight Don't hide * those stars in your eyes

Let 'em shine tonight * Let 'em shine tonight

Hang on Hang in

for the ride of your life * It's gonna be alright

Hold on tight

There's somethin' 'bout love that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh

There's somethin' 'bout love that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh * It sets you free

There's somethin' 'bout love that tears you up

Woah, oh, oh, oh * You still believe

When the world falls down like rain * It'll bring you to your knees

There's somethin' 'bout love that breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh * But don't give up

There's something 'bout love

Woah, oh, oh, oh * It sets you free

There's somethin' 'bout love that tears you up

Woah, oh, oh, oh * You still believe

When the world falls down like rain * It'll bring you to your knees

There's somethin' 'bout lovethat breaks your heart

Woah, oh, oh, oh * But don't give up

There's something 'bout love


Year Presenter Award Result

2008 Teen Choice Awards 2008-Most Fanatic Fans Won

  2008-Best Smile (Post Show) Won

2009 Teen Choice Awards 2009-Breakout Artist Won

  2009-Music: Love Song (for "Crush") Won

  2009-Music Tour Won

 Alma Awards 2009-Music Rising Star Won



Daivd Archuleta 官方网站:http://daivdarchuleta.com


百度 Archuleta 吧:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=archuleta





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