词条 | 樱桃酱淮山 |
释义 | 中文介绍原料:淮山药1根、樱桃酱适量。做法: 1、淮山洗净,樱桃酱备用。 2、淮山用刮皮刀刮去外皮。淮山外皮的毛以及粘液容易让人过敏发痒,所以去皮时最好带手套。 3、去皮后的山药彻底洗净,放入盘中,入蒸屉蒸20分钟左右至熟。用筷子轻易扎透即可。取出过凉,然后切小段,或者薄片都可。 4、拌上樱桃酱,入冰箱冷藏半小时即可食用。冰凉绵软,酸甜可口,制作简单且非常好吃。 若没有樱桃酱,用任何果酱都可以。最好是自制果酱哦~ 夏至过后,开始数伏。我们终于进入最炎热的时候了。虽然炎热,但千万别一门心思的吃冷饮与生冷之物,有句话说:春夏养阳。此时,也正是冬病夏治的好时候。冬病夏治是传统中医按照大自然对于人体的影响,推算出气血运行在每个节气的变化,并依此制定出传统的治疗方法。根据“春夏养阳”的原则,由于夏季阳气旺盛,人体阳气也达到四季高峰,尤其是三伏天,肌肤腠理开泄,选取穴位敷贴,药物最容易由皮肤渗入穴位经络,能通过经络气血直达病处,所以在夏季治疗冬病,往往可以达到最好的效果。当然,也并非一定要有何大病才在此时治疗。人养生比医病更加重要。若平日很注意养生,何来大病。尤其对于身体积寒的人来讲,此时是去除积寒的好时候。 英文解说Material: Medicine a yam, cherry sauce taste. Practices: 1, yam wash, cherry sauce aside. 2, yam with Guapi Daogua to skin. Skin hair and mucous yam easy to allergy itching, so best to wear gloves when peeling. 3, peeled yam thoroughly washed into the dish, steamed into the steaming tray for about 20 minutes until cooked. Can easily spike with chopsticks. Too cold out, and then cut into small pieces or thin slices can be. 4, mix with cherry sauce, into the refrigerator for half an hour you can eat. Cold soft, sweet and sour, making simple and very delicious. If there is no cherry sauce, can use any jam. Best homemade jam oh After the summer solstice, the beginning number of volts. We finally entered the hottest time. While hot, but do not obsessed with eating cold things cold, there is a saying: Yang Yang spring and summer. At this point, it is also Winter Disease a good time. Winter Disease is a traditional Chinese medicine in accordance with the nature of the human body, blood is running in each projected changes in solar terms, and so develop the traditional method of treatment. According to "keep the spring and summer sun" principle, as strong Xiaji Yang Qi, the body yang has reached the peak seasons, especially in the dog days, and the skin Cou vent open, select the point application, drugs most likely to penetrate the skin, acupuncture meridians, through the meridians directly at the blood disease, so in the summer and winter treatment of disease, can often achieve the best results. Of course, not necessarily only at this time how ill treatment. Human health is more important than medical treatment. Normally very careful if health, how serious illness. Especially for people in terms of physical product cold, cold this time is a good time to remove the product. |
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