

词条 英语叙事语篇中第三人称前指的阐释


出版社: 中国科学技术大学出版社; 第1版 (2005年11月1日)

平装: 265页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 32

ISBN: 9787312018589

条形码: 9787312018589

尺寸: 20 x 14 x 1.2 cm

重量: 240 g


《英语叙事语篇中第三人称前指的阐释(英文)》是由我的博士论文修改而成的,也是对我在上海外国语大学三年学习时光的一个交代。我是1999年9月从厦门大学考入上海外国语大学的。在厦门大学攻读硕士学位时,我师从傅思逸教授,专业方向是应用语言学,主要研究特殊用途英语(EngliSh for Special Purposes);到了上海外国语大学之后,我有幸投在著名学者许余龙教授的门下,专业方向也改成了对比语言学。幸则幸矣,但难度可想而知;加上本人天资愚钝,生性懒惰,难度于无形之中更是增加了许多。


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The notion of anaphora

1.2 A brief survey of literature

1.2.1 The formal syntactic approach

1.2.2 Discourse functional approach

1.2.3 "Pure" cognitive approach

1.2.4 Basic assumptions and methodology

1.3 Organization of the thesis

Chapter 2 The Functional-pragmatic Model

2.1 Preliminaries

2.2 Accessibility

2.2.1 The notion of accessibility

2.2.2 Theoretical foundations of the accessibility theory

2.2.3 Referring expressions and their accessibility

2.3 Topicality

2.3.1 The notion of topicality

2.3.2 Two pragmatic properties of topic

2.4 Principles of the FP model

2.4.1 The mental nature of anaphora resolution

2.4.2 The process of anaphora resolution

2.4.3 Basic notions and principles of the FP model

2.5 Summary

Chapter 3 Anaphora in English Discourse

3.1 Preliminaries

3.2 Topic management in English discourse

3.2.1 Topic introduction

3.2.2 Topic management and shift

3.2.3 Topic combination and topic separation

3.3 High accessibility markers

3.3.1 Pronouns

3.3.2 Zeros

3.3.3 Reflexives

3.4 Intermediate accessibility markers

3.5 Low accessibility markers

3.5 1 LAMs referring to an entity in the same sentence

3.5.2 LAMs referring to an entity in the previous sentence

3.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4 Anaphora in English Sentences

4.1 Preliminaries

4.2 Anaphora in English sentences

4.2.1 Anaphora in simple sentences

4.2.2 Anaphora in compound sentences

4.2.3 Anaphora in complex sentences

4.2.4 Anaphora in pregnant sentences

4.3 Summary

Chapter 5 Conclusion

English Folktales







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