词条 | 英语睡前5分钟:美丽心灵 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社; 第1版 (2010年7月1日) 丛书名: 英语睡前5分种 平装: 249页 正文语种: 简体中文, 英语 开本: 32 ISBN: 9787512401181, 7512401183 条形码: 9787512401181 尺寸: 18.4 x 11.4 x 1.6 cm 重量: 259 g 内容简介《英语睡前5分钟:美丽心灵》是一本可以听可以读可以慢慢品味可以细细琢磨的中英文双语好书,我们精选出48篇美文和48支英文经典歌曲,在这个清爽的夏天的夜晚试图献给我们每人一个美丽的心灵。 生活在忙碌得“没有时间思考”的今天,我们难免有些许感慨:那些曾经慰藉心灵的文字,那些曾经令人缠绵缱绻的情愫,那些洗尽铅华指引灵魂方向的哲思,那些留在过去却铭刻成永恒的感动……这一切的一切,该如何穿越岁月的纷繁与红尘的嘈杂抵达我们心灵的最深处,留下片刻的浅吟低唱? 请在睡前给自己5分钟。让我们的心灵做一次温暖的小憩。伴着或昏黄或明亮的灯光,或忧伤或明快的乐曲,或黯然神伤或莫名孤独的心绪,随动情美文让心灵做一次敞亮的深呼吸。 目录真情地带 Day 1 Love is the Best Legacy Day 2 Love at First Sight Day 3 Grandpa's Bee Day 4 Saving David Day 5 One True Love Day 6 Waiting for Love Day 7 Develop Your Own Helping Rituals Day 8 In Life We are Happiest When. Day 9 The Old Man who Plant Oak Day 10 Never Wait too Long Day 11 The Basis of Love Day 12 Because of His Love 心灵思考 Day 13 Youth Day 14 Three Days to See(Excerpts) Day 15 Companionship of Books (Excerpts) Day 16 If I Rest, I Rust Day 17 Ambition Day 18 What I Have Lived for Day 19 Build Me a Son Day 20 The World as I See It Day 21 Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears Day 22 The Gettysburg Address Day 23 On Resignation Day 24 The Road not Taken 品味生活 Day 25 Weddings in the United States Day 26 Thanksgiving Day Day 27 American's Music Taste Day 28 England's Bar Customs Day 29 American's Way of Hospitality Day 30 Halloween Day 31 American Cook Day 32 Venus de Milos Day 33 Babylon Hanging Garden Day 34 The Pyramids Day 35 The Nile Day 36 Leisure Time 人生哲理 Day 37 The Warmth in Winter Day 38 Dream Will Come True Day 39 Feel the Meaning of Life Day 40 Keep Your Goals in Sight Day 41 Your Inner Passion in Your Heart Day 42 The Sense of Humor Day 43 Find the Beauty Around You Day 44 Compassion Day 45 A Lesson of Life Day 46 Thorough Understanding of Oneself Day 47 Record of Your Time Day 48 Fear of Six Inches |
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