词条 | 英语畅谈青春文化50主题 |
释义 | 基本信息作 者: 刘佳静 出 版 社: 外文出版社 条 形 码: 9787119048284 ; 978-7-119-04828-4 I S B N : 9787119048284 出版时间: 2007-6-1 开 本: 大16开 页 数: 201 定 价: 25 元 内容简介新新人类的口语手册! 青春感悟,时尚话题,多元视角,惊奇言论,让你和美国青年同步聊! 海量语汇再现原生态的交流情景。200篇对话、100套主题词汇和句型库、18套多功能练习,让你置身于原生态的英美生活情景,掌握各种场景下的沟通方式。 深入的对话让你口语升级。本书超越“生存口语”的层次,深入到英美社会生活的细微之处,与一般的口语书比较,有更广泛的交流话题、更丰富的表达方式、更浓厚的交谈趣味,能全面提高学习者的口语水平。 生动的语言让你表达得体。本书语言秉承生动、简洁、有效的原则,便于模仿记忆,并且迅速运用到实际交流中。对话中大量汇集英美耳熟能详的固定表达法,让谈话者表达得体、谈吐幽默。 灵活的方式让你自主学习。无论用于课堂教学还是自学,本书都具有相当大的伸展度和灵活性。全部对话都配有MP3。读者可以根据自身的学习目的和喜好,有选择地进行口语、听力、语音、听写、口笔译、词汇等各种练习。 本书选取当今青年热衷于讨论的时尚话题,由中美三位青年创作而成。都市青年对生活、工作、情感的感悟尽在其中;超女、美男、猎夫等时髦话题也侃侃而谈。作者Jessica Robertson和Liz Carter出自美国常青藤高校,并在中国学习过中文。对话特别关注中美青年对一个问题的不同看法,处处闪现着观念碰撞的火花,因而生动活泼、引人入胜。本书同时汇集了大量最新的美式口语表达法。 英文介柖Introduction The purpose of this book is to provide young students of English with a text that addresses not only grammatical concerns but also practical ones. The topics of this book are designed to address the needs and interests of the younger generation. Some of the topics include blogs, Google, and infomania, for the technology-inclined. Those who are thinking about starting their careers might find the topics on interviews or headhunting interesting. There are also topics on social life, such as dating and nightlife. The lessons in this book are intended to give readers practice with the English vocabulary and grammar needed to discuss topics that have direct applications in their daily lives. Dialogue: Every chapter contains 5 dialogues, often between a Chinese person and a foreigner, about the chapter's topic. The style of speech is colloquial and idiomatic – appropriate for everyday conversation. By reading these dialogues out loud, the reader may develop a sense for the flow of English conversation and how spoken English may differ from written English. Background Reading: Each chapter also contains background reading. This section provides useful information about the chapter's topic that both elaborates on the discussion in the dialogue and enables the reader to have a firmer grasp of the situation. While the dialogue will provide the reader with the linguistic tools to better express his or her opinions, the background reading will provide the reader with more detailed information or a broader contextual perspective on the topic. Exercises: The exercises will enable the reader to learn grammatical points, idioms, and conventions of speech more effectively and thoroughly. Through these exercises, readers will be encouraged to express their own opinions on the topic in English as well as to demonstrate their understanding of other prevalent opinions. Overall, the diversity of the exercises encourages a well-rounded approach to studying the language and understanding the topic. 随书附赠MP3录音光盘。 本书目录Work 工作 1 Career Planning 职业规划 2 Career Success and the Pursuit of Happiness 成功事业与快乐生活 3 Headhunting 猎头 4 Interviews 面试 5 Gender Discrimination 性别歧视 Love 爱情 6 How to Meet Your Mate 认识方式 7 Dating Woes 交友的困难 8 Thinking About Your Future Spouse 未来伴侣的标准 9 Being Proactive 主动出击 10 Long-distance Relationships 异地恋情 Fashion 时尚 11 Metrosexual 都市美男 12 Tomboys 中性美女 13 Enjoy Being Single 享受单身 14 Slow Food 慢餐 15 Intemet Exchange 网络易物 Education 教育 16 College Tuition 大学学费 17 Student Evaluation 学生测评教师 18 Household Education 家庭教育 19 EQ Is More Important than IQ 情商比智商更重要 20 Different Styles ofEducation 不同的教育方式 New Generation 新新人类 21 Lightning Marriage 闪婚 22 Moonlight Group 月光族 23 Astrology 占星术 24 Singles'Day 光棍节 25 Surfing a Family 结婚生子 Cyberworld 网络 26 Blogging 博客 27 Telecommuting 远程办公 28 Google 谷歌 29 Infomania 资讯癖 30 Apartment Hunting Online 网上找房 Health 健康 31 The White Collar Workers'Health Crisis 白领们的健康危机 32 Pubfic Recreation 大众健身 33 Dealing with Stress 解压 34 Dieting and Healthy Eating 节食与健康饮食 35 Swing Dancing 摇摆舞 College Life 大学生活 36 Having Fun 玩乐篇 37 Working 工作篇 38 Dormitories 宿舍篇 39 Dating 爱情篇 40 Studying Abroad 留学篇 CuItural Differences 文化差异 41 Dimng Out 外出就餐 42 Table Manners and Diet Customs 餐桌礼仪和饮食习俗 43 To Tip or not to Tip? 小费,给还是不给? 44 Friendship and Family 友情和家庭 45 Getting Around 出行 Public Charities 公益慈善 46 Volunteering 志愿活动 47 Free Huggers 抱抱团 48 Philanthropy 慈善事业 49 Protecting the Environment 保护环境 50 Lei Feng Spirit 雷锋精神 作者介绍刘佳静,毕业于北京语言大学,做过汉语教师,也当过自由职业者;喜欢拿黑天当白天过和逛街买衣服;在跟美国人的跨文化交流中发现了很多有意思的话题,于是就有了这本书。 Jessica Robertson,来自纽约伊萨卡,为了在布朗大学得到发展学和东亚学的双学位,she is taking the very long way around。她也许就是某一天你在胡同里看到的骑着自行车的老外。 Liz Carter,美国北卡罗来纳大学学生,曾在中国游学7个月,以北京为第二故乡;爱中国、爱中文、爱中国人、爱中国文化、爱中国菜、爱中国啤酒。 |
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