

词条 英汉对照护理英语会话


出版社: 人民卫生出版社; 第1版 (2011年5月1日)

平装: 360页

正文语种: 英语, 简体中文

开本: 16

ISBN: 9787117142359, 7117142359

条形码: 9787117142359

尺寸: 25.6 x 18.6 x 2 cm

重量: 599 g







Part One Basic Nursing Care


1. Meeting Patients in Hospital医院会面

2. Registration挂号

3. Admission into Hospital住院

4. Discharging a Patient出院

5. Inquiring Symptoms询问病情

6. Examination and Test检查和检测

7. Description of Pain描述疼痛

8. DailyNursing Care日常护理

9. Injection注射

10. Preoperative Preparation术前准备

11. Postoperative Care术后护理

12. Operation Nursing Procedures手术护理过程

13. Collecting Medical History采集病史

14. Comforting安慰

Part Two Nursing Cases


1. BronchialAsthma支气管哮喘

2. Coughing Up Sputum Instructions排痰指导

3. Oxygen Safety Instructions安全用氧

4. Tuberculosis肺结核

5. Hemoptysis H各血

6. Spontaneous Pneumothorax 自发性气胸

7. Mechanical Ventilation机械通气

8. Peptic Ulcer消化性溃疡

9. Gastroscopy Examination胃镜检查

10. Acute Pancreatitis急性胰腺炎

11. Diarrhea腹泻

12. Diabetes糖尿病

13. Hyperthyroidism甲状腺功能亢进

14. Gout痛风

15. Acute Hepatitis急性肝炎

16. Cardiac Murmurs心脏杂音

17. Chronic Heart Failure慢性心力衰竭

18. Quit Smoking戒烟

19. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术

20. Angiography血管造影术

21. Trans-esophageal Echocardiography经食管超声心动图检查

22. Transfusion输液

23. Nursing Support护理援助

24. Migraine偏头痛

25. VertebrobasilarArtery Insufficiency椎基底动脉供血不足

26. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage蛛网膜下腔出血

27. Severe Stenosis in Extracranial Carotid Artery颈动脉颅外段严重狭窄

28. Transient Cerebral Ischemia短暂性脑缺血

29. Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis大脑中动脉狭窄

30. Leukemia白血病

31. Chemotherapy化疗

32. PituitaryAdenoma垂体瘤

33. Preoperative Education(Cholelithiasis)术前指导(胆石症)

34. Postoperative Education(Cholelithiasis)术后指导(胆石症)

35. Facial Paralysis面瘫

36. Postoperative Rehabilitation(Fractured Cervical Spine)术后康复(颈椎骨折)

37. Holistic Nursing Care(High Level Paraplegia)整体护理(高位截瘫)

38. Multiple Periosteoma多发性骨膜瘤

39. Care at the Operation Room术中照顾

40. Enema灌肠

41. Appendicitis阑尾炎

42. Comforting Care舒适护理

43. Peri-operative Nursing Care(Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)围术期护理(良性前列腺增生)

44. Cystectomy膀胱切除术

45. Peritoneal Dialysis腹膜透析

46. Gastric Cancer胃癌

47. Rectal Cancer直肠癌

48. Counseling(Breast Surgery)担忧疏导(乳房术)

49. Mastocarcinoma乳房癌

50. Metrectomy子宫切除术

51. Ovarian Carcinoma卵巢癌

52. Sterility不孕症

53. Instructions for a Woman in Labor产妇指导

54. BreastFeeding母乳喂养

55. AChildwithPneumonia肺炎患儿

56. AChildwithAsthmatic Pneumonia喘息性肺炎患儿

57. AChildwithDiarrhea腹泻患儿

58. AChild with Febrile Convulsion高热惊厥患儿

59. AChildwith an Acute Asthma Attack哮喘急性发作患儿

60. A Child with Congenital Heart Disease and Infection先天性心脏病合并感染患儿

61. A Child with Allergic Rhinitis过敏性鼻炎患儿

62. AChildwith a Bone Marrow Transplant骨髓移植患儿

63. Care for a Child’S Fear患儿恐惧心理护理

64. Dietary Instruction for an Elder老年人饮食指导

65. Preventing an Elder from Choking老年人呛噎的预防

66. Preventing an Eider from Falling老年人跌倒的预防

67. Nursing Care for an Elder with Osteoporosis老年人骨质疏松的护理

68. Senile Dementia老年性痴呆

69. Nursing Intervention for Abuse of Medication by the Elderly老年人滥用药物的护理

70. Anxious Syndrome焦虑综合征

71. Sleep Pattern Disturbance睡眠形态紊乱

72. AnorexiaNervosa神经性厌食

73. Impaired Social Interaction社交障碍

74. Counseling an Agitated Patient急躁病人的疏导

75. Re-establishing Self-confidence(Traffic Accident)信心重建(车祸)

76. Rehabilitation(Traffic Accident)康复(车祸)

77. Epistaxis鼻出血

78. Glaucoma青光眼

79. Retinal Detachment视网膜脱离

80. Foreign Body in Trachea气管异物

81. Laryngocarcinoma喉癌

82. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus系统性红斑狼疮

83. Thumb Reconstruction拇指再造术

84. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting冠状动脉旁路移植术

85. Heart Valve Replacement换瓣术

86. Kidney Transplantation肾移植

87. Lung Transplantation肺移植

88. Earning Patients Trust获得病人信任

Appendix l Vocabulary Commonly Used in Hospital医院常用词汇

Appendix II Commonly Used Nursing Terms常用护理术语





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